I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 33 The Dragon King's Disciple Wants to Be Awkward

Chapter 33 The Dragon King's Disciple Wants to Be Awkward
Sitting on Baoshan but not using it.

With this qualification, I will be developed!

The more Xing Hanhan thought about it, the angrier he became.

But maybe, he can easily give up what he is jealous of, and his broad-mindedness, his detached aloofness, this is also the charm of his junior brother.

Frankly speaking, in Xing Hanhan's life, she has met many people who are not afraid of death, even when she first entered the Netherworld Sect, she had a few fellow students. It's not like she surrendered to reality like this, but she just insisted on herself and died standing up. up.

This new junior brother is just one of the people I have met in my life who are not afraid of death.

But his fear of death gave him a different feeling from others, like a spotless guru standing on a cliff and cliff.

There is a firm belief in going forward.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help being greatly moved, and she turned her head to look at Li Goudan, who had the same aloof and elegant temperament, "Apprentice, your desolate temperament of a scholar is fake, look at my senior brother's strong character , the same type, but once you debate, you will know the authenticity of the two of you!"

Li Qingrou nodded, "Master said so."

Xing Hanhan was deeply moved, looking at this angry and envious new junior, he said: "Even the keen-minded senior Meng Po has praised you a lot, junior, and praised your strength of character."

At this time, behind him, Liu Ping and Li Qingrou, as disciples, could only stand quietly and listen to the conversation between the two masters.

Li Qingrou was still taciturn. After all, if she hadn't known that she was a peerless ruthless person in the future, Wu Lang would have been deceived by her.

Dogs that bite don't bark.

Wu Lang took a calm look at Li Qingrou, thinking why someone died so quickly.

He sat on the second seat of the elders and looked at the sect competition below. He had already passed the stage of the cultivation base test, and it was time for the next stage, the ring battle.

This is a classic sect competition, where disciples compete with each other for ranking.

Wu Lang looked at the battle below, and then at Liu Ping, "Tell me, can you entrust the future of Seventh Peak to you as a teacher?"

Liu Ping's body trembled slightly. He naturally heard the conversation between the master and the two just now, which kept haunting him, and even had a dispute with the seniors of Seventh Peak because of him.

He looked at the disciple below, stood up and said, "Master, you have saved my life and changed my life. This disciple is willing to prove himself."


Wu Lang nodded, "Go down and participate in the competition with other disciples."

Xing Hanhan next to him frowned, hesitated for a while, and said nothing. In her eyes, Liu Ping was not worthy of being a peak master's disciple. His aptitude was not enough, and he might not even be able to beat anyone below. They were all Wu Lang's bosses. It was only by showing mercy that he was allowed to enter.

"Alright, since the younger brother wants to prove it, I'll see how the younger brother has given up his own cultivation and wants to pave the way for this disciple's cultivation." She opened her mouth and looked at the younger brother's disciple.

At this time, Liu Ping looked dull and honest, and walked down step by step, but no one noticed that the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted up.

The arena below.

It is the mechanism of defending the ring, which is divided into three types.

There are three kinds of arenas for Qi training, from the first to the fourth floor, from the fourth to the seventh floor, and from the seventh to the ninth floor.

Liu Ping has only practiced for a short time, and he is on the fourth level of Qi training. At this time, he walked around among the main players in each arena, and the people around him looked at him, but they pointed at him in various ways.

Obviously, someone was curious about him.

After all, seeing him at the elders' table, he looked dull and honest, and when he came down, he was only at the fourth level of Qi training.

But they didn't dare to say more, after all, his master couldn't afford to offend him.

However, Wu Lang sat on the elders' seat, looked down and said loudly: "Whoever kills this person can enter my seventh peak, replace him, and become my disciple."


As soon as these words fell, the entire trial field was in an uproar, and instantly boiled up.

Countless people's faces were bright red, and they were eager to try.

All the disciples looked at Liu Ping like wolves and tigers instantly, with bloody and murderous intent.

The peak master of the seventh peak, a direct disciple.

This is a disciple who struggled from the bottom of life and death and jumped into a dragon. There is a peak master with one vein.

The entire dojo was in an uproar, looking at Liu Ping walking around the various arenas.

"This man, who has been standing behind the elder who spoke, is his disciple? But how can he practice Qi at the fourth level?"

"Impossible. A direct disciple must have at least one purple cultivation qualification. Early cultivation is like drinking water. It is impossible to reach this level."

Discuss with some disciples.

And several top disciples looked at each other.

They have ambitions and abilities, they have not even died once, and they know more than ordinary outer disciples.

They exchanged secretly: "This group of idiots!! This person, I'm afraid he is not a disciple, but he wants us to kill him! Even if reincarnation can be resurrected, but there is still a lot of damage, people will be destroyed directly, and there is no great potential anymore! "

"He can't be a disciple. Maybe he offended this senior, so he tossed him like this. If we succeed in killing him, we will..."

Listening to the discussions around him, Liu Ping's honest and honest face showed a kind of fear and timidity. Even before he sold cooking cakes, he was just a mortal escort, and he knew a little bit of rough punching and kicking.

"I'm here to challenge you."

A strong man at the fourth level of Qi training stepped onto the stage.

Liu Ping's lips were chapped and he hesitated, but he gritted his teeth and nodded, "Please advise."

Two people fight.

During the qi refining period, most of them are fist fights, and they have not yet reached the level of controlling spells.

The two sides exchanged fists and kicks, and Liu Ping was beaten back after only a few encounters. His body was bruised and swollen, and he could only be beaten passively.

"kill him!"

"It really is a piece of trash!"

"Such a person, at first glance, is a waste that cannot practice!"

"Know that I'm on!"

"You hold on! At least hold on to me, I'll be next!"

Seeing this scene, countless people in the audience became more excited and ridiculed.

Sitting on a high place, Xing Hanhan frowned slightly as he watched Liu Ping fall among a group of wolves and tigers.

Somewhat strange.

Although, the younger brother deliberately stated that he had nothing to do with him, so that everyone would no longer be afraid of his background.

But why is this Liu Ping so annoying?
How long has it been since countless people hated him, ridiculed him, and all kinds of ridicule and evil thoughts came from all directions?
"I can see through Liu Ping's cultivation at a glance. Among the four levels of Qi training, his combat power is average."

"But he seems to be a mortal warrior. With his fists and feet combined with the cultivation in front of him, he can still beat this weak fourth-level Qi training person who was sent to test, but he is being beaten on purpose. At this time, he is surrounded and beaten. Amidst the sarcasm, it seems that something is changing."

Xing Hanhan, who was sitting on a high place, turned his head and whispered in Wu Lang's ear: "Junior brother, what is this?"

She was curious.

This group of white and green fates with ordinary aptitudes, their qi training levels are all trash, and few of them can fight. In the past, she didn't even look at them.

Even a genius at the first level of qi training may kill them who are at the fourth level of qi training with one blow.

Although both sides are weak people fighting each other, and even their combat power is lower than the level of the same level, but why doesn't Liu Ping resist?
"Senior sister, you said it depends on the style of play, so I'll ask him to show you."

Wu Lang was very calm, knowing that it was normal for Liu Ping to provoke public outrage.

Main fate: rotten peach blossom.

Sub-fate: Low eyebrows are unlucky.

The combination of these two fates makes him look like a poor man who is disliked by others, constantly unlucky, and whose wife cheats on him, making him the most suitable candidate for this imperial scripture.

Liu Ping was already absorbing evil thoughts, jealousy, and various emotions.

Although, this is a book that uses licking and abuse as the main method of practice.

The continuous stream of evil thoughts in the entire dojo, hundreds of people in the same realm slander you, bully you, insult you, and laugh at you. It is enough for him to carry out a small exercise, and take the first step in the real sense of magic.

"Could it be that his style of play can only be beaten?" Xing Hanhan thought it was funny, "This is the lowest level of qi training, the fourth level, anyway, as long as he can practice."

Still laughing around.


The man on the stage was beating Liu Ping violently.

However, no matter how hard he beats, Liu Ping couldn't die. He held his head to protect his vitals, but he was always able to bear it.

And the fourth level of Qi training on the ring, hitting and hitting, actually beat himself to exhaustion and exhausted himself.


"I'll be the next one." Another person jumped onto the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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