Chapter 376
Wu Lang sat where he was, drinking tea leisurely, watching them discuss in private.

My own secret technique has been blown out before, and it appears dozens of times all over Jingzhou at the same time, beheading the emperor of the fusion period!
If they don't believe it now, they have to believe it.

Anyway, who would know that I, the emperor of Jingzhou, secretly collude with the six reincarnations and pretend that I have the emperor's teleportation secret technique?
In the distance, several human emperors went to the other side and discussed with each other.

"What do you think is good about this?"

Some people shouted coldly: "What can I do? Isn't the goal of the emperor of Jingzhou obvious?? To overthrow the high-ranking immortal faction. Right now, he has gone through all kinds of difficulties and has reached the final step!"

Some people hesitated: "The last step? This is just a name, right? We obviously regard him as the emperor, but our states are still the same as before, with at most 30% more offerings. In fact, we are making money. Our alliance is monolithic. There is all kinds of support.”

"Do you think that he is following our Human Emperor Sect? His goal is not on us at all!"

"Now the holy lands of the other eight continents are secretly practicing his cultivation method! It is not passed on to the people, and it is not popularized to the people! But now, he asked each of us, the emperor, to help him spread it to the people. What is the meaning of this? "Youhuang's voice is like a torrent of thunder, resounding everywhere.

"This is to let us, the Emperor of the Nine Provinces, be his private school! Be his window in the states! Help him pass on the method of cultivation to mortals, to the mountains, cities, and villages!"

Everyone was shocked.

This is using their Human Emperor Sect as minions to help him promote the cultivation method in various states, and mobilize the cheese of various immortal sects!

He is going to force this spring breeze of reform to blow all over the land of Kyushu!

He wants to directly set up regional agents for the cultivation of truth!
His meaning is already obvious:

You states have great sects of immortals who stole the cultivation method developed by the emperor of Jingzhou and didn’t pass it on to the common people, right?Secretly accept apprentices, let others learn by themselves?

Want to continue monopoly?
I just found someone to act as a dissemination window, and spread it to the people in all states for me.

Let everyone have a book to read!
Let the people have the law to learn!
Let everyone in the world practice longevity!

Immortals all said: The law should not be passed on lightly!But he wants to be widely known and regarded as basic education.

Such continuous development, after spreading all over the place, the high-ranking immortal clan will not be able to stop these methods.

And the insensitive local people in Kyushu were also awakened. They began to resist, their thoughts would be enlightened, they began to think about the cruelty of the immortal gate, and they would yearn for power and longevity.

Spread the Dharma to Kyushu, a single spark will be ignited all over Kyushu!
"He's so bold!"

The Emperor of Qingzhou was surprised.

The Emperor of Yuzhou sighed, with admiration in his eyes, "Since he was born, it has been less than 70 years since he declared to open the fairy gate for the world! Just 70 years!! I never dreamed that he, a lunatic, is almost done Achieved the goal, completely fulfilled the dream, and pushed the era of mortal cultivation to the final step."

As he said.

Turning Renhuangzong into his window to get through Kyushu is the last step, and he doesn't need to do anything next.

"This is the general trend."

A human emperor sighed, with a hint of oldness and loneliness in his voice:

"He just needs to light the fire, he doesn't need to do anything, the people will do it by themselves! A hundred years? A thousand years? Ten thousand years? Cultivators are constantly awakening, practicing, and launching a bloody revolution. Sooner or later, the high-ranking fairy gate system will collapse. , a new sect of cultivation will appear."

"As for the sect of comprehension, it is an incense in the market. When it enters the mortal world, it is also the mortal world. Chefs, medical clinics, Confucian scholars, and official servants all cultivate their own lives."

Everyone has already imagined a terrifying picture.

——When this general trend is swept away, mortals will overthrow the bullies on their own, and all the fairy gates and holy places in Kyushu will be defeated and perish.

The realm of cultivating immortals has become the realm of comprehension.

Dozens of traditional spiritual roots of immortal cultivators are summarized into one of hundreds of thousands of spiritual roots of cultivators, forming a small category.

"He is very smart. He knows that our emperor's method of spreading the world is the easiest way to spread it. After that, every fairy sect in the world will arrest us for revenge. We will be able to bear it if we get on his thief ship?"

"It depends on his princess, who is close to one-tenth of the three-second combat power of the leader of Huangquan. If he can really deter the fairy gates of the entire Kyushu, then a great deal will be accomplished!"

"He won't lie to us, will he? How can anyone teleport to Kyushu? Even ordinary ancient gods in the sky can't be this fast."

"It shouldn't be cheating. We are in the same breath. If we fail, he won't be much better."

"We can do this matter. Crisis and benefits coexist."

"Indeed, I agree with this matter! We are the preachers, and we are one of the rulers of the Kyushu Cultivation Dynasty. If we succeed, we will directly reap the fruits of the new era!"

"I agree."


The emperor quickly decided to give it a go.

It has to be said that the opponent is indeed good at attacking the mind.

The heart of the rise of the Human Sovereign lineage was also ignited. If this fight is successful, our Human Sovereign lineage will really regain its former glory and create new glories.

This is the greatest dream of all states and emperors throughout history.

Kyushu became the world of the emperor again, ruling all the immortal sects.

"Wait, what if he still attacks our feudal lords after this is done?"

"It's impossible to attack, he is really just a mascot in name, with a weak foundation, a cultivator in the transformation stage, how can he attack us with the thigh of a princess of the heavens alone?"

"At the same time, as the saying goes, there must be a ruler in all parts of Kyushu. If he strikes at us, he must support others to rise up again. He won't kill a donkey! He was originally a sage. It is aimed at the enemy, and killing a hero will also ruin his reputation."

"However, he may find a way to marry."

"Marriage? If it was useful, we would have sent our princess there long ago, but he has no idea about it."

"When I say marriage, I mean his descendants. After tens of thousands of years in the future, the world will be stable and his descendants will be full. He will definitely find a way to make our descendants politically marry, so that the blood of our emperors from all over the world will be renewed. His physique of Emperor Baixiao."

"This is a seizure of power, but we don't reject it either. After all, our Emperor's bloodline is indeed behind."

They nodded.

The bloodline of the Emperor's lineage is going to be renewed. If it is a marriage, the people of the new bloodline will inherit their land for generations, and they will welcome it very much.

It is human nature to absorb the blood of the strong and strengthen oneself.

And after discussing various things, and various possible variables, they completely settled down and agreed to this agreement.

"This matter, we agreed."

They said in unison.

Wu Lang nodded in relief, looked at the emperors, and smiled brightly: "It has been 70 years since the cultivation method appeared, and now the era of cultivation in Kyushu should officially start, and it will be opened by us."

(End of this chapter)

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