I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 389 Destiny Lady, Houtu Empress

Chapter 389 Destiny Lady, Houtu Empress
Wu Lang decided to seal up all their messy thoughts.

tell you later.

Now obediently taking risks, working part-time and practicing, what are you thinking about so much?
Not doing business.

However, the turmoil in Jingzhou finally subsided.

However, some monks discussed afterwards:
"Hey, during the past few days, the Taoist companions on my side also had abnormalities."

"You too?? The woman I was dating at the time suddenly turned around and ran away, saying that she wanted to pursue her own love. It seems terrifying!"

"Hiss! I am Jingzhou, or is there some damn devil born to seduce our Taoist companion?"

"I have already reported to the emperor of the current dynasty, requesting to investigate this strange incident!"

"Maybe there is a magic sect of cultivation born in Jingzhou!"

Countless male monks were terrified.

These pure love fighters seem to have seen a nightmare.

My wife was robbed, who can stand it?

After all, the world of comprehension is now full of flowers, there are hundreds of occupations in the market, there are all kinds of "painted skins", and it is not surprising that there are any ghosts and monsters.

In the future, it is very possible that these "painted skin", "shadow puppetry", and "Madame Bone" magic cultivators will become enough to influence and charm a continent.

In the era of comprehension, billions of spiritual roots, infinite possibilities, great terror and great strangeness!
During this period of time, Wu Lang secretly mobilized Jingzhou newspapers to control public opinion, gradually changed the topic, and then gradually subsided.

in vivo.

In a hundred prisons.

First of all, Wu Lang tried to enlighten [Fate Refund].

Reverses the level of fate.

This is the true father of the current comprehension version.

Not only can it be used for yourself, but also for apprentices and Taoist companions.

After all, most of their cultivation bases have already reached that level, and they are ready to start evolving their fates. The last insurance is always right.


A phantom is being conceived.

A little girl with a peaceful appearance and a dragon's horn on her head is showing wisdom.

It seems that these destiny mothers bred by in-body confinement all have some of their own physical characteristics, such as dragon horns, Buddha, demon, and human breath.

It seems that a new race has formed.

Created by himself, given life, like God the Father.

"No matter what, my first god of heaven and earth is about to be born."

Wu Lang pondered, thinking to himself, "The gods who belong to my Jingzhou dynasty, maybe they can still accept the position of ministers worshiped by incense."

This is his true background, the only chance to find Li Goudan and the Emperor of Heaven to wrestle with him.

And proceed like this.
Don't those mortal ministers have to be eliminated?

In the future, the court halls of my Jingzhou Dynasty will be these gods of heaven and earth, innate gods, who will be responsible for working in the court and ruling the world?
This is a dynasty!
The innate gods hold the rules in their hands, and above the gods, they serve the ancestor of cultivation, the great emperor, and overlook the whole world.

After thinking about it, I can only say that the future is promising.

However, having said that, it took more than 20 years in the time dojo before one hundred green fates became all purple, and now another hundred purples are all turned into Hui Niang.

I don't know how long it will take?

It's hard work.

Fortunately, he was originally a social animal who worked overtime, and he was not afraid of overtime. People with ordinary fate, even if the Emperor of Heaven saw this kind of workload, he would not be able to do it.

Time flies, and another three years have passed.

Wu Lang retreated and cultivated quietly, without asking about foreign things, and without looking at the brilliant development of the cultivation world, and finally completely degraded [Fate Return].

"Master, master."

In a hundred prisons, a girl with dragon horns leaned on the railing and asked curiously, "Other sisters, why haven't you woken up yet?"

"They will be born again after a while."

Wu Lang was already very proficient in communicating with the other party gently, and said with a smile: "You are the eldest sister, and you will take care of them in the future. From now on, your Taoist name will be 'Danggui'."

The name of Purple Fate Girl is destined to be many, and he doesn't have any art of naming, so he tentatively chooses to name it with the name of the medicinal material.

Also in line with her abilities.

Returning to fate, I hope that all monks who have done wrong, walked on the wrong path, and become enchanted will be able to return from their mistakes.

"I will." The Spirit of Law said happily, very cute.

[Angelica Favorability +4]

Wu Lang felt emotional in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, raising one daughter is not enough, it is like raising hundreds of daughters, I hope their filial piety will not deteriorate again.

I can't stand the jealousy, which affects the efficiency of overtime work too much.

At the same time, Wu Lang also had a sense of accomplishment.

It's like a gourd baby with a hundred gourds hanging on the vine, screaming "Grandpa" and "Grandpa", asking when his other brothers and sisters were born.

"You can go out now." Wu Lang suddenly smiled.

After being kept in captivity for so long, it's time to try stocking.

After all, the favorability has reached 80, so she is not afraid of running away.

"Huh?" Angelica was very happy.


Angelica was kicked out of her one hundred fate position.

This natal supernatural power, like a conscious ribbon, floats around, constantly protecting the whole body.

"Master? Master?"

This elf is constantly flying, and its posture is beautiful.

"The master is here, don't run away, or you may not be found." Wu Lang agreed with a smile, and felt it. There are two main functions.

1. Help to detect the outside world, surround the body, and automatically protect the Lord.

2. It can be ingested into the body at any time to become Bai Xiaosheng's [-] fate position, and use her fate supernatural power.

Even, Wu Lang's hundred fates could only be squeezed into the green fate, but after the opponent's purple fate is wise, he can control himself to shrink and squeeze into the narrow entrance of the master.

Wu Lang stretched out her hand again, and she automatically wrapped it around Wu Lang's wrist, "Master, is this where you live? How interesting?"

"Hey, what is this thing? It's called clothes? Why are you wearing clothes?"

"What about this? It's called water?"

"This is the Bana Flower??"

Twittering, feeling strange to the world.

After all, a creature that has just fully acquired consciousness has not learned common sense, just like a blank baby.

"Houtu, you can teach her."

Cute is cute, but Wu Lang has a big head, does this make people practice?
This one is so exaggerated. From now on, on the seventh peak, there will be hundreds of twittering, Yingying Yanyan, surrounded by fateful mothers. Who can bear it?
I hope that the fate girl in the future will have a calmer personality.

Soon, the Houtu puppet had a new mission: to be responsible for raising children on the Seventh Peak.

Wu Lang also felt that he had the foresight.

The seventh peak is sparsely populated, only a few disciples often come here, and the many people have rushed to the Xiaoleiyin Temple on the tenth peak, and now it is just enough to stock these fate mothers.

Several days passed.

"Sister Houtu, you know a lot of things, you can teach me everything."

Little girl Danggui ran all over the mountain, and then came to chat with Wu Lang, "Sister Houtu, is she our kind?"

"It's not the same kind. She is a natal magic weapon composed of six fates. A puppet with a soul mud entity, but no real wisdom, so it's not a life." Wu Lang said frankly.

This is a supercomputer that simulates a computer.

Nor is it the natal magic weapon of the main battle.

When I was very poor, I took it out to save my life, but when I rose up, I basically put it on the seventh peak, responsible for planting flowers, taking care of the seventh peak, and deriving skills.

She is the nanny logistics housekeeper of Seventh Peak.

Much more practical than fighting.

Sister Danggui was surprised, "Then why don't you open up the six fates in my sister's body? Isn't this life?"

Wu Lang was startled, as if his whole body had been awakened in an instant.

This seems to work?

"Little cutie Danggui is really smart, sister Houtu, maybe she might really have a life." Wu Lang suddenly smiled.

"That's right, Sister Houtu is alive. She is made of soul mud, but we don't have a physical body. Our sisters can also attach to her." Angelica smiled happily.

Wu Lang's eyes lit up: "Danggui is right. From now on, you will play with Sister Houtu."

In this way, Houtu might really become his natal magic weapon.

To rule these countless destiny mothers under her command, she is possessed by her entity, and the "houtu mother" is used as a spare weapon rack.

The fate that I usually don't use can exert a lot of power on her.

In this way, might he really be cultivated by himself as a future "Houtu" god, gathering the origin of the rules of all things?

The natal weapon also stood up all of a sudden, the main function of the natal magic weapon Houtu: spare weapon rack, take care of children!
Wu Lang is in a good mood:

"It seems that I'm not in a hurry to improve other fates. I have to point out Empress Houtu, the child's babysitter. Her six fates may not have anything else, but they are combined to form a complete super intelligent life with unlimited computing power. Can take care of children's paper."

After thinking about the next step of the cultivation route, this good thing came one after another. He was not in a bad mood, and began to look at the recent developments at the foot of the mountain.

[Your Taoist companion, Meng Po, traveled through the void and opened up the next road to the underworld, and the Hornet appeared. 】

[Your Taoist companions Li Qingrou and Li Hairou fought, and they were so jealous. In order to compete for their Taoist companions, they fought endlessly in the endless sea of ​​bitterness. They fought for seven months, and each broke through the fourth level of tribulation. 】

[Your Taoist companion Xing Hanhan, led Yu Kingdom, broke through the second floor of Transcendence Tribulation, and in the name of Huangquan Sacred Sect, joined forces with the three major demon sects to declare war on the righteous way of Kyushu! 】

[Your feudal lord, the Eight Great Emperors, swears an oath to Kyushu: encircle and suppress the Three Great Demon Sects and Dragon Island! 】

[Your daughter, Xiaodieer, broke through the sixth level of the God Transformation Stage and became the second person under Emperor Tiangou to fight against the encirclement and suppression of the Zhengdao League. 】

No wonder my seventh peak has been very deserted recently, and no one has even noticed that there is an extra elf on my mountain
It turned out that there was a fight outside.

They fought fiercely.

This is the major sects of Kyushu, do you want to catch the rhythm of the Huangquan sect parading the streets?
Obviously, the era of alien disciples who encircle and suppress Huangquan Demon Sect is coming.

Encirclement and suppression, this is also a sign of the rise of players.

If it doesn't threaten the rule of the Holy Land, how can you rush to arrest the No. [-] demon sect, Huang Quanzong, and parade it in the streets?

However, things didn't stop. Wu Lang, who was about to watch the excitement, soon received a subpoena and was involved.

[Kyushu Righteous Dao League meeting. 】

Invite yourself, the titular Kyushu Righteous Path giant, to participate.

"Come on, let's go encircle and suppress the fourth natural disaster." Wu Lang was also happy to relax.

(End of this chapter)

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