I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 42 I have a showdown

Chapter 42 I have a showdown

A few more days later, a confinement in Wu Lang's body was released. When he opened his eyes, strength surged out of his exhausted and sweating body.

"Second level of Qi training."

With the power flowing all over his body, he felt hearty, as refreshing as drinking an iced drink early in the morning after staying up all night exhausted.

One week.

From a mortal to the second level of Qi training, the speed is already extremely fast.

His speed is not faster than Liu Ping before, because Liu Ping has a foundation in martial arts.


Wu Lang opened the small life wheel.

A picture scroll slowly appeared in front of my eyes.

At this time, Liu Ping was being beaten and running away, his bones were all coming out, and his heart was filled with horror.

"Kill him, the devil!"

"He is a cultivator, if you kill him, you can get the cultivation method!"

Some mortal warriors, people from the rivers and lakes, are also chasing and killing him.

After all, the monks in the Qi refining stage are more flashy, and they really can't compare with some martial arts masters who have cultivated internal strength for more than ten years.


Liu Ping is too miserable!

Wu Lang looked at Liu Ping's log feedback for the past few days. He had only been down the mountain for a few days and was on his way back to his "home". This is the most wanted list of Wulin in Fan Kingdom.
Suddenly Wu Lang had an urge to think about life.

"Is this prehistoric world of cultivating immortals so convoluted? It's already reached the Qi refining stage? They are all playing so hard at this level?" Wu Lang felt a little bit pain in the head.

You won't be so miserable, will you?
The world of cultivating immortals is really scary!
Fortunately, one of the apprentices went down the mountain first.

I have to find someone to get Green Fate, start improving my cultivation, and make some preparations.

Wu Lang silently labeled the danger, and while he was still muttering, another voice came from down the mountain.

"Hahahaha! Junior brother, I'm here to pay my respects again."

Xing Hanhan's expression was high-spirited, and she came again with her cheap apprentice.

Wu Lang was also used to the communication between the two peaks, so he put aside his daily life of practicing and observing Liu Ping, and invited him to the mountain as a guest.

"Junior brother, come to get some Bianhua seeds and nutrient cultivation bricks again."

Xing Hanhan explained the purpose of coming, and said with a smile: "This is so easy to use, as expected of a junior, he has such talent in cultivating this Bianhua, it matures quickly, and it consumes quite quickly. This time, I will take a batch. A large number!"

In the past few days, she can be said to be proud of the spring breeze!
In her fifth peak, she joined nearly a hundred shady disciples in one go, and her power grew rapidly, and she was no longer alone.

And these candidates were prepared by her long ago.

Her identity on the surface is not low, but she also hides it deeply.

No one even knew that she was a member of the Demon Sect.

He had also secretly cultivated some confidantes, who just happened to be brought into the Netherworld Sect at this time, to help her seduce her soul everywhere and increase the strength of the fifth peak.

On the contrary, Wu Lang was shocked when he heard her words.

The mature flowering period of Bianhua?

He is not stupid.

All of a sudden, he knew that he had exposed some telltale feet.

If the development of Liu Ping's skills can be explained by genius, but adding a Bianhua is outrageous, because it is not the development of a field, one is the ability to develop skills, and the other is the ability to develop spiritual things.

Moreover, he also opened up two completely different paths together, and everyone knew there was a problem.

"and many more!"

At this time, Xing Hanhan seemed to have discovered something, and said in surprise: "Junior brother, you have started to practice without delay, and you have already practiced the second level of Qi so quickly!"

Xing Hanhan's heart shook again.

How can the junior and younger brothers go hand in hand?

This is the simultaneous development of three heads!
There are still three directions that don't touch the edge!

Rao Xing Hanhan's mind was deep, and he had deliberately not asked before, but now he was not only shocked, but horrified, and couldn't help blurting out: "You are like this... What kind of orange fate!! Why are you so outrageous? ?”

She came here very happily, but now she is still stuttering, as if she saw a monster, even the elder brother is not that exaggerated.

It's only been over a month, and you've done something like this?

In a few more years, Junior Brother won't go to heaven anymore?

Even if it's an orange fate, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary orange. In her opinion, it must be a deduction-type pioneering talent fate, and it's probably stronger than [Tao Yan Qiankun].

At the same time, this is definitely an unknown, powerful and mysterious fate that has not been recorded in the Huangquan sect.

And when he heard the words "Orange Fate" that Xing Hanhan couldn't hold back, Wu Lang was stunned. He didn't know how much he weighed?
There is no orange.

Some have only one copyist.

It is also impossible to develop, it is impossible to develop in this life, and it is impossible to do originality. It is only by stealing the wisdom of future generations of players that we can maintain our life like this.

"But right now, it doesn't make sense, since she thinks she is an orange fate." Wu Lang's thoughts changed sharply.

Then I will show my cards, I will not pretend.

As expected of you, you finally found out about me.

I am the legendary orange fate:
Bai Xiaosheng!
It is normal to be able to steal other people's talents and be proficient in hundreds of fields. It is normal to study several different fields.

Although now, I have even downgraded a bit. To some extent, I have changed from a person with a purple destiny to a person with a green destiny, which is not just a little bit of green.

But if you don't say it yourself, who knows?
His own knowledge and background are enough to let him pretend, and even this Bai Xiaosheng's strength can be used as a kind of cover.

In the Netherworld Sect, it is beneficial to become an outstanding genius and evildoer, and it can cover up secrets that one cannot explain.

What's more, if you tell her about your destiny, you can ask this little sister Xing Hanhan to come over with some green destiny.

"After all, Grandma Meng's soft rice has been eaten for so long, it's time for me to change the taste of soft rice."

Wu Lang understands the ways of the world very well, so he can't keep eating alone.

For such things as soft rice, the rain and dew are all covered.

Besides, he knows better.

Although Granny Meng has a lot of fates in her hands, as long as she speaks, she will definitely make a fuss if she likes to be biased, but if she asks for benefits for no reason, her personality will collapse instead.

But eating Xing Hanhan's mouth does not have this concern.

Now she asks herself if she wants Bianhua and plant nutrition bricks, and she wants the green life in her hand, both of which are fair trade.

Thinking of this, Wu Lang had a plan in mind, and he pretended to hesitate, "Senior sister, I believe in your character. Since the senior sister has discovered some clues, then I will tell you about my natal talent. You're fine, too."

Want to tell me?

Xing Hanhan was stunned, both excited and moved.

This matter has been scratching her heart for a long time. As a qualified woman, she naturally has incomparable curiosity.

But a person's fate, especially their high-level fate, is their hole card, and it is impossible for people to know.

But the younger brother retains such a heart and believes in himself unconditionally.

Immediately, Xing Hanhan was moved in his heart and said: "Junior brother really has a good eye, and he can tell at a glance that I am a trustworthy good person. If he reveals his deepest secret to himself, I will definitely live up to your sustenance."

Although she, Xing Hanhan, practiced magic skills, murdered people, set fire to houses, robbed homes and destroyed people, but she knew that she was a good girl who had never really killed a life, not even a little rabbit.

Now finally someone can understand my pure goodness.

This is probably a bosom friend?
be honest and open.

It is enough to have this person in life.

At this moment, Xing Hanhan also wanted to be honest with the other party and tell him his fate, which is only fair.

But she hesitated for a few seconds, and with her guarded heart, she found an excuse for herself: as a girl, you have to be reserved, so I'd better not say it, lest he think that she is a very casual girl.

"Hey! Junior brother, you are so kind to me, you don't like me, do you?"

Her lively eyes looked up and down at the handsome face of her junior brother, and she felt more pleasing, so she said in a reserved voice, "I also have a crush on you. If it is my junior brother, although I am older than you, we will It’s not that we can’t try to get along with each other.”

Wu Lang: "."

Damn, this rich woman is really greedy for her body!

(End of this chapter)

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