I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 439 Western Religion, Western Land

Chapter 439 Western Religion, Western Land
He still sneaked out to relax.

And no one stipulated that the Taoist ancestor entered the death pass, ignored the catastrophe of the world, and could not come out for a walk.

As for?

【Your mount, Evil Buddha Emperor, kneels three times and knocks nine times outside the door, begging to open the door. 】

Of course it doesn't matter.

It was only when he set foot in the mortal world of Kyushu that he realized how terrifying this battle of the gods was.

Clap la la la.

The water is rolling.

Mountains become land, basins become sea abysses.

The entire Kyushu used to cover six floors of the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness, but now it covers a full nine floors.

The world has become an ocean world, entering the doomsday era of Abyssal Ocean.

In this era, there are big ships everywhere, and the land of Kyushu almost sank to the bottom of the sea, becoming a ruined city of the old civilization.

Human beings began to live on the ocean currents, lived in the ocean of time and got different degrees of acceleration, and avoided the unbearable higher ocean.

The entire land of Kyushu has entered a weakened version of the Immortal Flow Cave.

There are earth monks who build floating islands and float in the ocean currents.

There are wind monks who build empty islands, use the clouds as the ocean, and sail the sky.

There are monks of the water system who build underwater cities, using square bricks to build them, lurking in deep water and crawling.

And more ordinary monks, in the era when the whole people practiced, cultivated king squid, carrying lands on their backs, stretching their teeth and claws, and living on them in small sects and villages.

In Wu Lang's era, the role of the king squid was not obvious.

But with the rapid rise of the times, it became the mainstream of the times, and gradually began to bear the destiny, and became the main transportation of this era, known as the "savior of life".

"A new era of ocean currents, a new civilization, has begun."

Standing tall in the sky, Wu Lang was just about to ponder, "The era of the cultivation system is completely sprouting, heading towards an unknown brilliance."

What about current coverage?
It's a real shuffle!

When the era of ocean currents fades away, people will completely step into a new era of civilization under the rapid development of time.

Do not break or stand.

You don't need to take care of yourself.

As long as you look down at each era, you will be like the emperor of heaven, traveling through tens of billions of years.

But now, there is no doubt that the Emperor of Heaven is standing at the end of the civilization of cultivating immortals. There are as many golden immortals as dogs, and the development of civilization has reached its limit.

At this moment, his mortal world, the underworld, has just germinated, and he has to go through a series of catastrophes and version changes before he has a chance to catch up with the ultimate civilization level of his heaven!

In the distance, I saw Empress Houtu coming in person.

"Master." Hou Tu had a gentle expression on his face.

"You came?"

Wu Lang nodded, "You walk with me."

The magic weapon of the natal puppet back then, along with being in charge of the six realms of reincarnation, is now in charge of the underworld, and gets along well with Granny Meng.

And Houtu wasn't too busy, so he came to take a walk with him.

As the lord of the underworld, she basically didn't care about anything with Wu Lang, the lord of the human world, and let the gods of heaven and earth continue to fight for hegemony in the era.

It can be said that Wu Lang is the father who conceived them, and Houtu is the mother who raised them.

The human era at this time was created by the two of them.

Whoa! !

Wu Lang and Hou Tu landed on a large ocean current ship together.

Here lives a small settlement of sea nomads.

With a population of more than 30,000, the hull is pyramid-shaped.

Insignificant poor people live on the bottom floor, full of clothes racks, broken thatched huts, and messy architectural structures, like Indian slums, while the upper floors of the pyramid are rich areas with luxurious buildings and powerful monks.

"This is a disciple of the Dao Court. Everyone has the attribute aura in the air. They condense supernatural powers. They call themselves 'Qi Refiners'. They are a branch of the cultivation system and practice various spells." At this time, Houtu said slowly, "So, here Class is the clearest."


Wu Lang looked around curiously.

The slums are the most normal, no different from the old Kyushu.

Houtu smiled and said:

"The people next door, the Pope's Court, practice karma, which is different from here. In a disaster, everyone does good deeds and works together to tide over the difficulties!"

"Cultivating good fruits, accumulating good virtues, helping each other, for the sake of a better life for oneself in the next life, very united and selfless, and even risking their lives to protect others, calling themselves 'ascetic monks'."

Wu Lang raised his eyebrows.

Taoism cultivates this life, and Buddha cultivates the afterlife.

With the Underworld of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there is a sudden difference between the branches of the two cultivation systems!

Hou Tu said again: "As for the last God's Court, it's probably the cultivation of the belief that under the gods, all living beings are equal, everyone worships the gods, and the gods give their godhead fragments to the believers, and the believers help temper their own rules and order, and the gods protect you. Safety!"

This is a pure incense system.

There are three religions in the world, each with its own strengths!
In fact, there is a fourth religion, the modern religion.

A certain player develops in the sky, engages in some dubious things, hundreds of occupations are in the industrial revolution, mechanization, building business circles, increasing productivity, and starting to roll money everywhere.

But at present, in the short-term development, the most powerful is the belief system, and the weakest is the modern religion.

All sentient beings help these "gods" start to practice, which is countless times the speed of practice.

The leader of the Jujiao leader and others have already reached the consummation of the heavenly immortals. If it is not for the lack of enlightenment, they have already stepped into the realm of golden immortals.

After thousands of years of time, the practice has been accelerated, which is simply against the sky.

It's no wonder that the other two religions are going to launch a big flood to submerge Kyushu, destroy the bottom-level believers like Shenting, and curb their development.

"Master, you didn't watch the battle of destroying the world." Houtu suddenly smiled and said, "They fought much more fiercely than you did with King Pan back then. The overwhelming battle of gods even caused a great flood .”

Wu Lang shook his head.

What catches your eyes?

He drew the curtains by himself.

affect my practice.

"The other two religions are currently lingering in the face of the cut-off religion."

Houtu smiled and said: "Even recently, Jiejiao called itself Western religion, divided the domains of the three continents, called itself the Western Continent, planned occupations for believers, distributed godheads, knights, mages, wizards, and each believed in their own gods. Will give them the core of professional godhead."

Wu Lang was surprised.

This is definitely the player's plan to set up the mortal world.

Wu Lang took a closer look, and sure enough.

It is the new foreign players who have recently joined, and they are vigorously supporting-Jiejiao, Western religion, making the belief system into their belief style.

What the goddess of war, the goddess of knights, the goddess of light, the god of wizards.

And the Eastern players are also tit-for-tat, scolding them for foreign server players.

People teach Huang Ting, the unity and harmony of Buddhism.

Taoism Taoist court, the killing and hegemony of Qi refiners.

In the Divine Court, which joined forces to resist Western religion and believed in the godhead, the two sides have formed a battle of camps.

In the previous life, "Huangquan Ghost Escort" originated in China, but players who spread all over the earth in the later period are eligible to call it the second world.

And every game has wars between foreign servers and national servers, which is obviously also affected at this time.

"It's interesting."

Wu Lang smiled in his heart.

His vision has been very far-reaching.

Only with competition can there be motivation. Are foreign alien players not leeks?
Treating all people equally, all beings are equal, is what he should have.

(End of this chapter)

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