Chapter 443
But the instigator returned to the cave again.

After eliminating his heels back and forth, he felt relaxed again, and he was not so tired, so he started to work overtime crazily and practice again.

Do not ask.

Asking is overtime.

Under such favorable conditions of time and place, a bunch of female golden fairies took risks in the fairy world and died several times. They crazily earned resources to feed themselves soft food.

If possible, he is willing to work overtime forever.

Go out for a ride?

If you don't reach Daluo, you don't leave the mountain.

He didn't catch himself parading around again, he felt that his life was not too comfortable, even Shame Yu'er and Liang Yunmeng had been led by him so that their cultivation bases soared a lot.

A year has passed.

There are seven layers of immortals.

Still no breakthrough, obviously slowed down.

"It is estimated that it will take two years to break through a realm, and it has slowed down again." He breathed a sigh of regret, and glanced at the outside world again.

[Your god, the leader of Taoism, began to connect the three continents in the east, break through the barriers, build bridges, and level the restricted areas! 】

[Your god, the leader of Buddhism, began to connect the three continents in the south, moved mountains and filled the sea, built roads, and opened up the barriers between the three continents. 】

[Your god, the leader of the gods, began to build mechanization, the industrial revolution, gunners, mechanics, built airships, formed flights, and opened up the gap between the three continents. 】

Wu Lang took a look.

All three clearly know how to develop.

This move is good for the present and beneficial for the future.

In ancient times, Kyushu was originally a continent. When the meteorite in the fairy world fell, it split into Kyushu, and the continental plate drifted.

It's not that the great emperors who once crossed the catastrophe in the world of cultivating immortals in Kyushu didn't want to restore prehistoric times, but unfortunately they were all mortals and could do nothing.

Now these immortal gods have the great power to move mountains and fill seas, but they can also complete this great cause.

Wu Lang glanced at it a few times, then at Immortal World.

There was also a fight over there, and the upper and lower heavens were fought in 23 days, forming a small-scale team battle.

This kind of small-scale fighting often happens in the 33 Immortals. Dao Lords of Da Luo fight each other every tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years.

But he still didn't care.

That guy attracts the target, and it's normal to be beaten, so he can buy time for himself to develop.

He took out his novels and books to pass the time, read the forums, watched dramas on Earth, and lived a leisurely life.

After resting for a year, he retreated again.

A year has passed.

Eight layers of immortals!

Feeling that his realm has been steadily and rapidly improving, he has no doubt that he can quickly catch up with the first echelon's combat power and kill Jinxian.

Wu Lang also felt that everything was going well.

Somewhat disturbed.

"It's only natural for me to develop so fast, with abundant resources and enough time."

Wu Lang pondered, "But it went so smoothly, it made me a little unsuitable. No one caught me parading me? Trouble me, really let me develop silently, and catch up with the speed of the world to the heaven?"

This is probably persecution paranoia.

Think about it too, how could he catch me?
The Emperor of Heaven doesn't know his own time axis position, and without the old man inside, he can't locate the specific time period in the future.

How did he do himself?
"I think too much." Wu Lang stretched.

[You gods, the leaders of the three religions, are here to mobilize the ocean currents of the Seasonless Sea of ​​​​Bitter Sea—the restricted area of ​​Xianxu, not to bombard the springs again to cause a flood, but to use the power of the gods to organize the ocean currents and lead them into one after another The river flows into the land and a small time cave is built. 】

[Your leader of the Three Religions has greatly increased his luck, and turned the chaotic time ocean into his own use. Although it is far inferior to the "time cave" in the infrastructure of the fairy world, it is still enough for the people at the bottom to enter the development period. 】

[Your three religions plan the heaven and the earth together, and add the world plus the restricted area of ​​Xianxu in the north of the Wuji Kuhai to the four continents, Nanming Fozhou, Dongsheng Daozhou, Xishan Shenzhou, and Beiju Xianzhou. 】

Ah this?

It's not an exaggeration to say that things are changing with each passing day.

Wu Lang couldn't help but laugh.

Every day changes, the leaders of the three religions jointly plan the rules and order of the mortal world, and it may take a while before the pattern is completely stabilized.

After Wu Lang took a few glances, he started chasing after him again.

He spent a year cultivating his body and mind, and even as a dignified Taoist ancestor, he went to fight landlords and play mahjong with people from the earth on the Internet.

Suddenly, he had a new idea.


After this earth, there are still enough entertainment facilities, it is my leisure amusement park, and it is also good for relaxing.

the other side.


Beiju Xianzhou.

As the former restricted area of ​​Xianxu, this place has become a neutral continent.

The figures of the seven stalwarts suddenly fell into the ground, and the terrifying aura in their bodies instantly subsided, and they looked around.

"We survived? Have we successfully descended?"

The seven figures showed unbelievable joy, "This is the distant future, the present world we have come to."

They hugged each other and wept with joy.

No one knows what they've been through, how lucky they are.

They recalled the previous scene of despair in the fairy world.

No.30 Three Supreme Heavens.

Time, go back to a certain stage before.

The Emperor of Heaven sensed the emergence of the ultimate fate in an instant, "The hell has been built, and the battle should begin."

But when the rule artifact is built, all past and future timelines will sense the changes in the avenue.

A god general next to him immediately said: "Your Majesty, the Phoenix God General, as your strongest backing agent left in the mortal world, will solve all this."

Fengshen General is the old man who returned to the past.

As long as the chance of winning is not zero, he must have a chance to win. They can't think of anyone in the future who can escape the calculations of this terrifying existence.

No matter how strong the arrogance of the era is, the opponent can find a way to win after reloading the file again and again.

"No, the Phoenix God General has already failed."

On the throne, the majestic and majestic figure of the Emperor of Heaven spoke slowly:
"Don't you know yet? If he wins, he will go back to prehistory in the next second and come to see me. No matter how long he has gone through in the future, it is just a moment for us."

"He lost, he actually lost." The Heavenly Emperor said with a calm expression, which was quite unbelievable among other generals.

People were surprised.

No one could have imagined that he would lose, and how he would lose.

"Let's implement the second plan." The Emperor turned and left, "Sure enough, the plan has been calculated for thousands of years, and the layout is full of backhands. Is there still a deviation?"


Several gods behind him quickly replied.

They came to the caves of ice and snow.

The time here is sealed with a powerful figure.

Each of them is the strongest existence in the era, with the capital of Da Luo, there are more than [-] people, frozen in the ice of time.


Over a long period of time, even the most powerful people with the highest aptitude will be able to make money. Immortal Realm has already reached the end of its own civilization in 33 days, and the number of strong people has even reached its limit.

Every statue here is the stalwart existence of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

The Ninth Level of the Golden Immortal and the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal are completely two realms.

Just like the ninth level of crossing the catastrophe and the same two realms as the great perfection of crossing the catastrophe, the combat power is very different, corresponding to the earth immortal and the mysterious immortal respectively. The reason why both are stuck in the tribulation crossing stage is because they cannot become immortals.

The reason why the Ninth Level of the Golden Immortal and the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal are stuck in the same Golden Immortal Realm is for a similar reason, because they do not have a Dao fruit seat.

They are Da Luo's backup.

This kind of realm is called in the heavenly world: half-step Taoist.

As long as a Da Luo who practiced his own rules falls, they can condense their own rules into Dao Fruit in an instant, master their own Dao rules and order, and directly enter the realm of Da Luo.

There are more than [-] big Luos to make up!

They can urgently replace Da Luo at any time after Da Luo's fall, and testify to Da Luo, so you can imagine how terrifying the fairy world is today.

A Golden Immortal has an extremely long lifespan. Over time, it is inevitable that there will be as many Golden Immortals as Dogs.

And these numbers are still the number cultivated by the Heavenly Emperor's official heaven. If you add the various folk sects in the 33 days, there will be even more.

The emperor of heaven is too lazy to save so much, and spends resources to maintain it, most of which are left to die of old age. If tens of billions of years are really counted, the number of half-step Taoist seals sleeping here will increase countless times.

But now, out of the [-] figures, a full [-] have been directly awakened.

"Meet the god general!"

Seventy thousand figures lined up in an army, extremely neat.

The god general said: "You 70,000 people, His Majesty will put you in groups of seven and put them into each future era according to the time axis, looking for the existence of [this world]."

The figures were silent.

"You should know that once you don't come to the [present world], but come to the past or future of the [present world] era, even if it's only a few tens of thousands of years away, you will be immediately destroyed by time because of your vain attempt to greatly distort the long river of time. The terrifying correction power of Changhe is overwhelming in the past and the future."

"Of the 70,000 people you are present, only seven of them can survive and enter [this world], little ones, your survival rate is one in ten thousand." God General smiled contemptuously.

"But you have no choice."

"It's the seal given to you by the Emperor of Heaven to live up to now. The group of you who arrived in the present world, looking for the princess of the heavens of that era, as well as the existence of opening up the era, communicating with the fairy world, you will become the Taoist monarch of that era."

"Even if you have the opportunity to become the husband of the female heavenly emperor, the son-in-law of your majesty, the opportunity of the times is there, go and fight for it."

Every word fell on everyone's mind.


They whisper.

The Emperor of Heaven is a cautious person, this is the strongest combat power he can show, even if the half-step Taoist sacrifices a lot, most people will not be able to reach their destination, in his eyes, it is nothing more than a trivial matter.

As for the real Dao Lord, who has already proved the Dao and condensed the Dao Fruit Status, he can naturally be teleported back to the past, but Dao Lord is rare, to fight for a [-]/[-] survival rate?

Going back to the past in this world, being overwhelmed by the time correction force, what should I do if I die?
The probability is too low.

Time goes back to the present.

The seven half-step Taoists glanced around, revealing a complex look, and said softly:
"I'm finally in the lower realm. If we live, it means that the other [-] strong people have fallen and been squeezed by the long river of time."

They stared at this continent, "Here, even if it is the mortal land tens of billions of years later? The human world area that is only recorded in ancient books?"

"Masters, someone is coming, hide first." A half-step Taoist spoke slowly.

Everyone can't deny it.

What they want is absolute victory.

It is true that half-step Taoists, any one of them should be able to crush this era. They are completely suppressive-level combat forces, crushing all new generations in the world.

But even so, they don't intend to expose themselves, first find out the information, and be cautious and cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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