Chapter 45

This! ?

This is simply ??
As soon as these words fell, Xing Hanhan couldn't help but suddenly opened his eyes wide!
The meaning of these words had a huge impact on her, and the ambition and ambition in them made it hard for her to imagine that they came from the mouth of a mortal.

This is really
Be bold! !

That's all she could describe.

She was in charge of many arrests on Huangquan Road, and she had seen many mortals of all kinds, including ascetic monks with lofty ideals, but the younger brother was obviously different from them.

The younger brother is not the kind of sour Confucian who knows how to practice painstakingly. He is an unrivaled talent that is hard to find in the world through the ages. He has the unity of knowledge and action, has a plan, and has a strong execution ability. Hundreds of people.

The qualifications are against the sky, but at the same time they are stable enough, ruthless enough, hard enough, and hardworking enough!

Add these qualities together, and look at his various achievements in the Seventh Peak these days, as well as the experiments on Liu Ping's exercises that cannot practice Liu Ping, maybe it might really be successful!
Thinking of this, Xing Hanhan looked at his junior brother with a somewhat inexplicably complicated expression, as if he saw an incredible mortal scholar who was rising. If he didn't die young, there might be an unimaginable era of immortals!

Her eyes flickered, she quickly suppressed the shock in her heart, put away her expression, and said frankly:
"I wish my junior brother success and recruit more disciples in the Seventh Peak! Continue to help Liu Ping, those poor people who can't practice and are trapped in the misery of the world, and open the fairy gate for the common people in the world."

Although she still doesn't think she can succeed, the dream of changing the whole world is still almost impossible, but it doesn't prevent her from making friends.

"Thank you, sister, for your blessing."

Wu Lang responded, but felt a little helpless in his heart, this person is crazy!I'm afraid it's not listening addiction.

Are you satisfied now?

Should you let me go?

For Wu Lang, although this was a bit exaggerated, it finally came together.

After all, he can't say that he is a social animal of the ninth generation, and the obsession of the ninth generation who penetrates hundreds of fields is actually for part-time work!
So humiliating.

He can only say: The exploration of these hundreds of fields is to travel the earth and find a way out for the common people in the world, which is logical and reasonable.

After all, it also fits well with what he is doing at Seventh Peak now.

But at this moment, since everything has been said to this extent, Wu Lang also had a thought:
How about I take this opportunity to win over Xing Hanhan?

Induce her to accompany me to change this Huangquan sect and become an "upright" person?
Although, she seemed to be a big devil who would destroy people everywhere, and seemed to be plotting against her own body, but she was not hopeless.

It seems that there is still a conscience in my heart.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been trying to remind myself, help myself, and warn Po Meng of her insidiousness.

You must know that although I am not a good person, I am not a scumbag either. This Demon Sect is too scumbag. If I continue like this, I will definitely be assimilated by them, and I will be forced to do bad things. Come on, sooner or later I will be implicated to death by them!
If you can't escape, you can only try to improve your living environment.

It’s not about reinventing them all at once, it has to be done step by step, but at least when they go around stealing people and cutting their waists, they first put on a layer of justice, right?To avoid being besieged and beaten to death again?

This is very realistic!
And pulling a teammate is the most important thing.

Pulling her and her apprentices, I don't care about them killing each other, as long as I stand on my side.

Wu Lang thought of this, and said again: "Senior sister, you are a good person, I hope you can understand me, and I hope you can make some changes. At the same time, you may have misunderstood the high-level leaders of our Huangquan sect, and they have some problems like me. Great ambitions, bear the burden of humiliation."


Xing Hanhan was stunned, and suddenly his head froze: what is the younger brother talking about?The senior management of our Netherworld Sect is a good person!Have big ambitions like you?

What is their virtue I do not know?
Raiding houses and robbing houses, everyone is so bad, sneak attack everywhere, don't pay attention to martial arts, how can our number one demon sect be cleansed! ?

Her thoughts changed sharply, and she said angrily: Junior brother is too kind, maybe she was cheated by Granny Meng!
"Cough cough cough! Junior brother, your ambition is really good" Xing Hanhan was about to comment, and at the same time told him that Po Meng's menopause was not a good bird, and his expression changed suddenly, because he noticed something.

Now, they have come to the foot of the mountain to say goodbye. They are not in the seventh peak, and if they are at the foot of the mountain, Po Meng is probably eavesdropping again.

At this time, Meng Po heard what the younger brother said, and wanted to remember a few more words of hatred for you!

Her heart skipped a beat.

We are the Demon Sect, so we can't say this!
You joined our Demon Sect because you wanted to learn strength, and then, to act chivalrously?

Even now, you still teach me to be an upright and good person, and spread your kindness and open thoughts in the magic gate?Want to reform me?

See if Po Meng doesn't beat you to death!
I am the true successor of Miao Honggen of the Demon Sect!

I am the heir to the spiritual and cultural orthodoxy of the Demon Sect, and you actually want to persuade me to be kind, and to spread your famous and upright thought of helping the common people in the world in the first Demon Sect sect of cultivating immortals?

You are really talented!
It's like the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death!
Thinking of this, Xing Hanhan's spine felt chills, she was terrified, she felt that Po Meng would kill someone soon.

But after waiting for a long time, it didn't show up.

She couldn't help being silent for a few seconds.

Could it be that Po Meng, an old hag, happened to be busy and wasn't eavesdropping on them?

"Great opportunity!" So, with a thought in her mind, she couldn't help but take the opportunity to persuade her junior brother and tell him the truth about the Underworld Sect: "Junior brother, you misunderstood, Granny Meng is not a good person, she must be upset."

There was a thunder in the sky.

Xing Hanhan's scalp went numb in an instant, and he suddenly dared not speak.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Wu Lang was startled, seeing that she was half-spoken.

"No, it's nothing, let's leave it alone." Xing Hanhan looked serious.

"Oh, then today, then I will wait for the good news from my senior sister." Wu Lang was a little puzzled, but the senior sister who talked too much finally let him go. Naturally, he was happy to have a leisurely time, so he hurried back to the seventh peak middle.

But at this time, she was a little scared to pee on the spot.

The old hag has been eavesdropping all the time, but you don't care about this junior brother teaching the bad guys openly. Whenever I say bad things about you, you will thunder and warn me right away?

Suddenly, there were countless depressions and anger in her heart, and she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood in the end: You crazy!You double standard old woman!Obviously I am the one who is your own!

But at this time, after combining what her junior brother said just now and the warnings of various Meng Po, she suddenly woke up: "Mother, it turns out that Meng Po has been lying to Junior Brother that we are a good sect and a group of good people, no wonder She told me not to talk nonsense!"

Have pity on my junior brother, who was poisoned by this old witch!We are clearly the number one demon sect!The younger brother is a mortal, so he has suffered the loss of not knowing the common sense in the world of cultivating immortals!
She looked at the majestic back of her junior brother, felt a little pity in her heart, and couldn't help whispering: "But I am indeed the only good person left in this evil and vicious No. Sex, we are congenial and share great ideals. But Meng Po is not!"

(End of this chapter)

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