
"When he knew of my existence, I was almost in a dead end."

Wu Lang's expression was serious, "So, I can't reveal the slightest bit of my heel, even if it is the time for him to restart the fairy world, he can't find any clues about me in the fairy world."

and so.

The best way to stay undetected is to:

I don't interfere at all in Immortal Realm and don't show my face.

Let the Emperor of Life, Houtu, and the Goddess of Disabled Space, the twin goddesses, act as the masterminds to set off the change of the times, and encircle and suppress him, the Emperor of Time. This is also the future era that his Heavenly Emperor can see, two kills one.

"Next, it's up to you two."

Wu Lang looked at Empress Houtu and the Twin Goddesses:
"As my spokesperson, from today onwards, Empress Houtu is the ancestor of Taoism. You once rose up in the old days of Jingzhou, spread the cultivation method of the human world, and opened up an era. Then, with two major rules of life, you took over the first The second leader of the Underworld!"

All of Wu Lang's achievements will be replaced by Houtu.

Wu Lang said again: "I will spy on time and escort you, but don't try to let me tell you about the future. But unless there is a fatal situation, I will not save you, lest he finds abnormal changes, and someone can perceive and deduce His actions have a fourth seat similar to his own."

"no problem!"

Hou Tu nodded and said seriously:
"I will become the emperor of Jingzhou, the empress of the first realm of the Huangquan Dynasty, and bear the fate of the lord of the underworld to launch war diplomacy and send diplomats to the heavens to teach and preach."

"The spread of my cultivation method in Huangquan Jifu is the general trend of the world!"

Empress Houtu has already brought in the role, "This Taoist ancestor is here, going to the heavens for diplomacy and teaching the Dharma. If the emperor of heaven stops him, he will be an enemy of the entire common people! He will be an enemy of the way of heaven! He is like a chariot with his arms, trying to block the torrent of the future by himself. , the common people in the world will stand by our side! Overthrow him together!"


Wu Lang smiled slightly.

The back soil looks decent.

As expected of Qi Ling, who followed him to conquer the world from the very beginning, he can now stand alone and become the protagonist of the new era.


Wu Lang waved his hand, "For this attack, I will not leave the human world, but the underworld."

Back soil nodded.

After all, in the eyes of the heavens, the human world really has no background.

He returned directly to the underworld, began to coordinate the six reincarnations, and began to prepare how to calculate the heavens and develop a new system of civilization.

No. 20 for three days.

Daleiyin Temple.

The three great masters in charge of the heavens, these three brothers are a little bit numb.

"Hateful! Tianyue, you are secretly colluding with mortals, and you won't tell us! Are you secretly harboring ulterior motives against us?" Daoist Tianyang scolded.

In just a few decades or hundreds of years.

For the two of them, it was just retreat, and now it was Tianyue Daoist's turn to take care of the heavens, so they were isolated from the world.

But he never thought that the other party would do such a big thing in a retreat.

"This is the great opportunity of the times!" Daoist Tianyue bit the bullet and argued.

He secretly scolded those sand players for cheating him!
Taoist Tianyue bit the bullet and said: "Two brothers, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. There are thousands of Taoist monarchs who are about to be born. The great calamity is coming. Who can avoid the catastrophe? Our first contact is There is a big opportunity!"  …

"Damn big chance!"

Daoist Tianxing scolded: "The world is watching, maybe we will be arrested by the Emperor of Heaven for trial, denounced, and convicted of colluding with foreign enemies!"

"Isn't this the Heavenly Emperor's lack of management?"

Daoist Tianyue couldn't help being lucky, "The Heavenly Emperor has been more than 300 billion years old, and he has not managed the human world. Some people say that he is asleep. Even now, didn't the Heavenly Emperor let the storm break out and didn't catch us? "


Daoist Tianyang scolded, "How do you know that the Emperor of Heaven didn't issue an order to call us to the heavens? How do you know that we haven't been tortured?"

The other two Taoist monarchs were startled, maybe it was on another timeline.

Daoist Tianyang sighed.

He is the oldest and knows the horror of the Emperor of Heaven better than anyone else.

Do you really think that the Emperor of Heaven has delegated power for 30 billion years, and there has been no decree for 30 billion years?Don't ask about world affairs, just sit and watch the grievances and hatreds of the Taoist monarchs of the heavens?
Simply ridiculous!
Domination has never been overlooked.

People may have issued many imperial decrees, but they have all been restarted.

"We may have been tortured already."

Daoist Tianyang sighed, and said: "So, the Emperor of Heaven should know that you are really innocent, Tianyue, so he just ignores us and let the prehistoric ferment. Let's wait a while and invite other Daoist monarchs to be guests."

They had just finished speaking.

Outside the cave, there is a respectful Taoist monarch.

"Three Lords of the Sun, Moon and Stars, we have been gone for [-] million years."

"That's right, the years are long, and it's rare for the heavens on your side to be guests."

A respectful Taoist monarch descended, complimenting him loudly.

Soon, the banquet began.

All kinds of beautiful fairies sang and danced, and the table was filled with delicacies made of fairy wine.

The various Taoist monarchs began to chat and laugh happily, counting the past in detail, not talking about certain things, just chatting.

After drinking happily, a Taoist monarch asked: "I don't know, how did your new system come about?"

"I don't know the details!" Tianyue Daojun said: "In the beginning, a mysterious visitor came to teach me to teach me the Dharma."

"Where is the mysterious visitor now?" the Taoist Lords asked.

"I am here."

At this time, Huang Mingshan appeared on stage at the right time, bowed and bowed, "My respects to all Taoist monarchs."

Seeing that he was only the ninth floor of the Golden Immortal, all the Da Luo Bi'an did not dare to neglect, and introduced themselves with smiles. The overlord who rules all the heavens is very amiable.

"Fellow daoists, have all the 33 days come?" Huang Mingshan sat down and drank tea with them.

A Taoist gentleman explained gently: "This place is in Zhongtian, and the journey is relatively far away. Except for the farther first, second, and third heavens, and No. 30, 32, and [-] heavens, the other heavens have basically come."

No one is talking about No.30 Three Supremes.

That is the Heavenly Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, and the supreme being lives in the Lingxiao Palace.

"The rulers of our major heavens are almost here, dare to ask your Excellency" a Taoist monarch couldn't help asking.

"Well, we are from the underworld." Huang Mingshan had a meaningful expression on his face.

"Hell? The world of life, called Huangquan Jifu?" A Taoist monarch pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, we are from the future." Huang Mingshan said simply.

"My underworld is here to cooperate with the heavenly realm."

"Our rules are self-contained. When we complete the order of heaven and earth, one is above and the other is below. It coincides with the way of heaven and earth. It can be said to be the queen of heaven and earth!"

Empress Dowager?

Everyone became vigilant.

The other party compares his own realm with the heaven realm.

Is it to put myself and the emperor in the same position, to show that everyone manages their own order and does not invade each other?

That Emperor Houtu is really brave, thinking that he is equal to the Emperor of Heaven?
Don't you know how cruel the Emperor of Heaven is?

"To the Heaven Realm, we are foreign countries. We come here with a friendly attitude. The Emperor of Heaven won't do anything to us, right?" Huang Mingshan said with a smile.

Everyone dare not say more.

Thinking about the information in it, I suddenly felt an undercurrent surging.

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