I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 480 My enemy is not you

Chapter 480 My enemy is not you

This is a matter of choice.

Is it a trap to take three thousand Taoist monarchs to the fairy world?
Then if he didn't take the three thousand Taoist monarchs to the fairy world, did he do it deliberately and curl up in the underworld?

To go, not to go, may be a trap.

For the immortal emperor who is proficient in time travel, almost no one can guess his layout and ideas.

No matter how weird his methods are, they may appear. After all, even 0.00001% ultra-low probability events that no one will implement can become inevitable in his hands.

Since entering may be wrong.It could also be wrong to withdraw.

Then Houtu chooses from the heart.

"You came."

The Immortal Emperor looked calm.

"I am coming."

Empress Houtu said lightly:

"If I don't even dare to use the knife in my hand, the Emperor of Heaven will surely die. I can only hide in the underworld with the three thousand Taoist monarchs and continue to hide and develop. Then I have already lost, and the Taoist heart appeared Crack, if you don’t dare to kill like this, won’t you be afraid of the next opportunity??”

"Now, it's your turn to be alone."

Empress Houtu paused, and behind her were more than 3000 young Taoists, looking at him angrily, "So, tell me, did I choose the route you wanted to enter the fairy world, did I fall into your trap? "

"Entering the fairy world is indeed the choice I want."

Lingxiao Palace, above the throne, the Heavenly Emperor looked at the geniuses of these eras, and said coldly:

"As for not entering the fairy world, how can I win you? You think too highly of me, and my combat power is not as strong as you imagined."

Houtu can't deny it, just listen to it.

No one knows which sentence of the Emperor of Heaven is true and which sentence is false.

The Emperor of Heaven frowned, looked over the three thousand and one heroes of these eras, sighed and looked at something in the sky, as if his enemy was in a higher place: "During the long years, I have already reached the peak, and You are the Supreme God Throne of the same level, you should be confident, you are very strong, already very strong."

When Houtu heard the words, he immediately smiled again: "Then if I take these three thousand Taoist monarchs, will I not enter the fairy world?"

"If you don't enter the fairy world, I will wait for you to enter the fairy world." The emperor looked extremely confident.

"You can bring three thousand Taoist monarchs to develop in the underworld, because I found that you have reached the peak. Although I don't know what life rules are used, you who have reached the end now can't make progress like me. No matter how you develop, your strength is still as it is now."

Houtu was thoughtful.


The Emperor of Heaven estimated that he originally wanted three thousand Taoist monarchs to encircle and suppress him, because he hadn't developed yet, but he found out as soon as he entered the underworld.

Houtu Niangniang has also reached her peak state, and the two are already at the same level.

In the eyes of the Immortal Emperor, he has reached the end and cannot develop anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about time, since he has this combat power at any time, then he just waits for himself to enter the fairy world
"Actually, I want to let you develop for a while before entering."

The Emperor of Heaven suddenly showed some emotion, "Tens of billions of years ago, in only 33 days, the system of cultivating immortals reached the end."

"Ten billions of years from today, it will take another 33 days. Although three thousand Taoist monarchs are born, there are still gaps in this cultivation method. No matter how it develops, the era will not be complete."

"There are some general fogs of cultivation that I can't see through, can't see through, and contain contradictions and violations that I can't see through."

The Emperor of Heaven looked stern, showing a trace of curiosity:
"So, I suspect that these three thousand Taoist monarchs have only experienced the baptism of the fairy world, and have to go through the baptism of the underworld?"

"So, I will return the three thousand dao lords to you, use your wheel of the six realms to turn around, and let them try the cultivation system, whether it is so, can they be completely consummated."

All the Taoist monarchs suddenly looked strange.

How smart is the Emperor of Heaven?

In front of him, is he crazy?
How could he return the stolen era to the pioneers of the era because of such a simple idea, thinking that the world of cultivation lacked a territory?
Simply neurotic.

Only Empress Houtu, with a slightly stiff expression, knew how terrifying the madness of the Emperor of Heaven was, and how sharp his wisdom was.

Obviously a certain person has been completely invisible, but even this has been noticed to be abnormal. There is still a fog in this world of cultivation, and it cannot be consummated.

The Immortal Emperor of Heaven is already smart enough.

But after all, he was entrapped by the Dao of Heaven. It is just a guess that the highest probability may be: this cultivation system has to go to the underworld.

Soak in the rules of the two worlds and get another blessing to achieve consummation.

"So, you are crazy, just give me back this cultivation system that you have worked so hard to steal?" Hou Tu's expression was full of surprise.

"It's all about returning to its original owner."

The Emperor of Heaven didn't care about it: "This is the era you stole from your hands, I will give it back to you, let you continue to lead their three thousand heroes, so what if they encircle and suppress me?"

Return the stolen three thousand Daojun to you, let you follow the times and lead them to encircle and suppress me, so what?

It was obviously quite arrogant and wild words, but in front of this stalwart and tall figure, following his statement and his flat tone, the strong man contained invincible confidence, but it was so unexpected that people felt it should be taken for granted.

Empress Houtu frowned suddenly, approached step by step, stepped onto the edge of the throne, and said:
"I don't understand! I can't understand at all! You are just trying to understand the general trend of the cultivation system, and you are supporting the enemy??"

"Heavenly Emperor! Have you ever thought that if you really undergo a second transformation in my hands, you can make the cultivation civilization complete."

"Three thousand cultivators must be stronger. I lead the three thousand heroes of the new era to encircle and suppress you. How can you stop it alone? You are committing suicide!"

As soon as these words came out, even everyone fell silent.

No one can understand what the Emperor of Heaven is doing, it seems like crazy suicide.

The next sentence of the Emperor of Heaven is even more incomprehensible, and he said with a smile:
"Yeah, I'm crazy, even I think I'm crazy. I can't stop it, but if I can't stop it, I have to stop it. This is the general trend of the world."

His voice sounded like a faint sigh eternity ago, overlooking the heroes of the Lingxiao Palace in front of him.

"Since the opening of the times, after accidents occurred in the layout of my princess, the general trend has never been on me. All kinds of accidents, bad luck, no matter what method I use, there will be accidents. I have never been able to find the world, and my strength has always been only ten. one-third."

"Zhen, maybe I'm old." The Heavenly Emperor sighed faintly, as if lamenting his old age.

"Even in the current era of comprehension, if you mobilize three thousand Taoist monarchs in your hands to encircle and suppress a reincarnated Emperor of Houtu in his heyday, and attack your Huangquan Difu, with three thousand Taoist monarchs and a disabled person, my chances of winning are less than 8%."

He told a cruel truth.

"But now that I'm giving three thousand Taoist monarchs to you who are in full bloom, my odds of winning are probably less than 0.01%."

His figure is tall and straight, but he doesn't know why he looks like an old man who has seen the end of time, aged and old, on the cliff, lamenting the vicissitudes and passage of time.

The Emperor of Heaven continued:
"I give you three thousand Taoist monarchs. This is not my enemy, and it has never been you. You are not worthy of being my enemy."

He glanced at Houtu Niangniang and Sanqian Daojun, with neither joy nor sorrow, "You are just the knife he handed over."

"My enemy has always been in the sky, and I can't see through him."

The Emperor of Heaven seemed to be a vicissitudes of life and a helpless old man. He said hoarsely, "What is the greatest fear in this world? It is the unknown, the unbelievable power of God and nature."

"The general trend that cannot be seen through is the greatest unknown fear, and that is the point that really kills me."

"To fight with the enemy, so the information must be ascertained."

"Even if you are helping you, you have to find out what the final territory is." The Heavenly Emperor looked at Empress Houtu, and suddenly his expression flashed with brilliance, "You really understand what I mean. You know the truth about the mist."

Empress Houtu suddenly choked.

The Emperor of Heaven is playing tricks on himself.

He was testing himself to see if he knew a certain truth.

Most people just listen to him like he is crazy, and only those who know the truth know what he is talking about.

His enemies are never in sight.

"Tell me, what is that? What is it that overthrows me?" The old eyes of the Heavenly Emperor revealed a meaningful emotion.

The land is silent.

The Emperor of Heaven stood up slowly, and said slowly: "You guys, have you reversed the strength and weakness?"

"I am the weak side."

"Zhen, now is the time to overthrow the high-ranking immortal clan."

"Reverse this destiny." There was a loud bang, and the terrifying pressure swept through the Lingxiao Temple, and this tall and tall figure walked down step by step, "I was the greatest hero in the history of the human race 40 billion years ago. The brightest mythical epic."

He suddenly laughed, and the huge golden cloud gradually gathered around him, like a big bonfire burning,
"I want to use the weak to attack the strong just like before, with all my will on my back. What fate belongs to me? What kind of luck, what kind of protagonist? Everything is a joke! I want to open up a new era that belongs to my great world of human race .”

"Now, who is the hero who overthrows the fairy clan?"

(End of this chapter)

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