I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 483 Emperor of Heaven: Where did the beast come from?

Chapter 483 Emperor of Heaven: Where did the beast come from?
Time is relatively fluid.

For the Emperor of Heaven, it took him more than 70 years to reach the present world
But for the present world.

For the underworld.

The Emperor of Heaven spent 700,000 long years, only leaving the underworld for a second.

"This break is really long enough."

The consciousness of the emperor of heaven slowly returned, "When I came to the present world, I immediately returned to the underworld, and saw the Empress Houtu who was besieged by three thousand Taoist monarchs last second, and my fairy world again."

There is no time paradox here.

"When I withdraw the stored fairy world from the underworld, what about the empress Houtu who was besieged and procrastinated? In the heyday, I will—"

While he was thinking, he was suddenly stunned.

It's the smell of grilled chicken.

"Burning chicken wings, I'll cook them for you!"

"It smells so good."

"Grilled big bones, this is how it tastes."

Countless tens of thousands of years later, in the ruins of the Immortal Market, in this dilapidated Palace of the High Heaven, a few strangers were sitting on the spot having a barbecue, laughing and laughing.

The sacred bone on the throne of Lingxiao Palace has been taken down.

His own skeleton was used as a barbecue grill.

His own bones were used as roasting sticks.

Seeing the scene where his body was destroyed, the Heavenly Emperor only had a flash of fury.

Next, is caution.

"So that's the case, it's a show of power."

The emperor was silent.

He didn't think it was such a coincidence that he had just traveled to this era, and people happened to be doing such blasphemy.

This is obviously waiting for him to come.

Hit his Dao heart, disgust him, make him furious, and uneasy.

Then it means that someone has long been waiting for him in this world.

He even knew what he was going to do, knew his plan, and would use this method to ambush Empress Dowager, the twin gods, and come to the world in this way.

How smart is the Emperor of Heaven?

In an instant, he knew that this person's rules must not be space or life, and he has the same power to peek into the past and future like himself.

"It's the fourth seat. Sure enough, this is the real enemy."

His heart moved, and the dismembered corpses on the ground quickly reorganized, and flesh and blood grew, and they recovered instantly.

He slapped backhand.

Several alien disciples were killed.

He strode out of the Lingxiao Palace, his brain spinning rapidly:
"Trouble! I've been tricked. The real black hand didn't even tell Empress Empress Dowager and the twin gods. He tricked me by keeping them from them. That's why I was tricked by him."

it looks.

He was victorious, came to the present world, and dominated.

But how could he not know?

It seems to be an advantage, but in fact there is a big problem.

In the simplest and most straightforward words: his save point has been refreshed.

For the empress of the underworld, one second has passed, but how long will it take him to go back to the previous second?
I have to travel through 700,000 years.

How is his mana enough?
Even if he can travel more than 700 million times, it still takes a few hours at a time.

Adding it all up, it was still very difficult, and he couldn't bear the exhaustion of continuous travel.

In the last second, crucifixion has become an established destiny, and it is impossible for him to travel back to more than 70 years ago and modify it.

This is the most original new save point.

Because going forward, there is a gap of more than 70 years, which I cannot cross.

"He wants to kill me."

The more the Immortal Emperor thought about it, the more cautious he became, his expression was gloomy, and a thought appeared in an instant.

Complete time, space, and life, the three heavenly emperors are basically unkillable.

Life is hard resistance.

Space is dodge.

Time is time travel.

The only way to kill them is to exhaust their mana and grind them to death slowly.

You know, his Heavenly Emperor turned into a fish swimming in time, and has been running away on the timeline, how do you kill him?

in front of you.

People cut off their backs.

My own fish, which has been swimming on the river for a long time, was driven into a fish pond, and the back road was blocked.

"He knew I would use this method."

The Emperor of Heaven showed a bit of vigilance, "Even, he knows my behavior style very well, as if he is a close friend of mine."

But in the next second, he discovered something even more irritating.

A sharp pain spread all over his body.

His bones were actually poisoned.

And it is the most violent tens of thousands of toxins in the era of cultivation, none of the poisons fell, and piled up all over the body.

The toxin had soaked his bones for an unknown number of years before it could be so violent.

"who is it."

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly turned pale, his eyes were bright red, his skin turned purple, and there was a hint of anger in his plain expression, "Even my corpse has been desecrated like this."


"Time returns to life." This is a special healing technique, and the Emperor of Heaven breathed a sigh of relief when it returned to its heyday.

At this time, he only has 10% strength, and he has to go to the underworld to retrieve his fairy world and jade plate of good fortune to be complete.

He was going back to the underworld.

But suddenly found that he was in the Lingxiao Palace and couldn't get out.

It turned into a huge prison.

All kinds of methods, seals, craftsman bricks, traps, and toxins are laid one after another, sealed, and cover the entire surrounding.

Once he was resurrected, he appeared in the cage.

All the crafts in the era of comprehension are piled up here without any money.

The Heavenly Emperor glanced around the Lingxiao Palace.

He just felt that this person was so vicious.

If you are reborn in this kind of place every time, you have to detoxify, break cages, and break traps to get out of here, then every time you come back, you will need to consume a huge amount of mana.

In this way, he still has 80 million rebirths, and he estimates that there are only 70 million rebirths left.

Consumption is starting to increase.

Things get dangerous.

After all, he is already weak, with a 0.00001% chance of winning, and he needs a huge amount of traversal times to win. This huge amount of traversal mana is precious.

Most importantly, he was disgusting himself.

Every rebirth is a humiliation of oneself.

"Forget it, let's decipher these true methods first, and then go out and talk about it. There are only a lot of gadgets at the level of Daojun, and they are forced to delay me with the number."

The Heavenly Emperor calmed down and rearranged his mentality.

But the next second.

Zi la la.

In this Lingxiao Palace Prison, an old TV appeared in front of him.

Among them is a weird doll riding a bicycle, stepping on the bicycle with a click, making a sinister laugh:

"My name is Billy, and you are now trapped in a secret room."

"Only by remembering the mistakes and sins you have committed, and redeeming your own sins, can you—"

The emperor was silent for a moment.

He couldn't help thinking, what the hell is this?
Has the descendant of the era of comprehension become so weird? My daughter is also a little perverted.

And the next second, he didn't bother to pay attention.

What secret room decryption, bloody horror, how could he follow the steps, with his strength, these unknowingly constructed labyrinths of organs that have been prepared for countless years, so what if hundreds of thousands of layers?

He can go out in tens of seconds.

the other side.

The moment God disappeared.

Wu Lang immediately entered the underworld, and said to Empress Houtu in the distance: "Go, and wipe out the three thousand Taoists who delayed you."

"What about you??" Empress Houtu was surprised.

The twin gods were surprised and said: "Time is flowing. The Emperor of Heaven will return to the underworld from the entrance of reality very quickly. It will only take a second. How dare you come here?"

"Don't worry, he's already trapped by me."

Wu Lang quickly sent a voice transmission: "This is my only chance to prove the Tao. The possibility of my proof is only 0.0001% successful."

"Because it would be very difficult for me to snatch these three thousand Taoist monarchs from the Heavenly Emperor."

"Even if the three thousand Dao fruits are snatched and I succeed in proving the emperor, the Heavenly Emperor will immediately go back to the past when he finds out that something is wrong, and restart the history of my successful proving of the Dao. He will not give me immortality and deliberately target me."

To be honest, a stand-alone game player, loading files, loading files, loading files, is invincible, how do you beat him?

Simply desperate.

I hide behind the scenes, not to be discovered by him, and it is difficult to prove the truth.

Once he exposed himself as a black hand, even if it was a surprise attack, or a sudden successful demonstration, the Emperor of Heaven would immediately restart the past and not allow himself to succeed.

Empress Houtu immediately realized: "So, you specifically choose a time period that he can't stop even if he returns to the past."


Wu Lang nodded and said solemnly:
"He came in the present world, which is already a new rebirth crossing point. He can't go back to the previous second, because the last second was more than 70 years ago and he was reborn in the trap of the present world. It was transformed into a trap, spent all the resources, and can stop him for ten seconds!"

The two were startled.

It's no wonder that before, they took their two supreme emperors to the human world to build various projects and strange things.

They thought, what's the use of building these things?

After so much hard work, even they themselves couldn't resist the trap of a few seconds.

It turns out that it only takes ten seconds to block.

Wu Lang said: "You only have five seconds, you must clear all the Taoists, let the Dao return to nature, I will let my three thousand gods prove the Dao, and gather the list of gods! I have made a breakthrough!"

Even if he, the Emperor of Heaven, wants to travel back and change the past time and time again, it still takes ten seconds to come out each time, and he still cannot change this period of history.

Wu Lang wants this period of history of his own enlightenment to become an absolutely unchangeable determinant.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The few people spoke very quickly, and the sound transmission of the spiritual consciousness was completed in less than a few microseconds.

"I'll teach you how to kill them!"

Wu Lang immediately said: "Without the Heavenly Emperor as their commander-in-chief, it's just a piece of shit. But with me as the commander-in-chief, killing them is a piece of cake!"

All of a sudden, the two started fighting.

"This is??"

And Sanqian Daojun was slightly startled, his face full of disbelief.

In front of him, how could the two supreme emperors of the three supreme laws listen to the command of a mere weak man who is only a Golden Immortal Dzogchen?
"Something's wrong!"

"Wait until His Majesty returns!"

"The times are changing, and the general situation is foggy!"

Countless Taoists communicated immediately.

It's a pity that Wu Lang grasped the only extremely low possibility in his destiny.

The emperor of heaven can read the past and travel through, and only after he breaks through can he know everything. The three emperors kill one, and this is the only chance to win.

"Kill them all!"

Wu Lang looked at the three thousand goddesses behind him, "You are all ready, ready to prove the Dao at any time and meet the Emperor of Heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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