Chapter 64

"You are so rude."

Sitting in the cave, Wu Lang couldn't help scratching the corner of the monster above his head as if watching a drama, and his eyes were a little strange:

"My apprentice, I just asked her to go to the next mountain to perform the task of conquering the 'Tribe of the Mountain Spirit'. How could she suddenly become so good!?"

"This speech is quite touching. In fact, she is the legendary rebooting bro, right?"

He was powerless to complain.

This is really not what I taught myself!
I let her preach normally, who knows
"But why did she learn like this without a teacher and let herself go?" Wu Lang fell into deep thought.

After all, things happen for a reason.

After thinking about it, I finally came to a conclusion:
Xu Xinying, probably it was her half-month practice mad battle slogan, reciting the "text" aloud every day, which completely brainwashed her!
Her thinking is now quite direct.

I didn't even bother to think about it, so I followed the "asking" test of my master, followed the same pattern, and used the same "asking" test against these mountain spirits!

He even changed the slogan he was so proud of, and shouted it so loudly, full of energy
But you must know that you are not a martial arts system, but a Jedi warrior system, which belongs to the high-cold abstinence system. You forcefully apply the passionate style of a berserker and teach others slogans?

Cultivate a Sunflower Book, can you roar so hotly? ? ?

Furious for the teacher!
"No brains."

Wu Lang covered his head, couldn't bear to look straight at it, couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed: "Jokes are not nonsense, and adaptations are not random compilations."

An apprentice like you should apologize in front of the teacher!

But considering the xinxing concept she needs to practice this technique: a pure heart of glass, pure in thinking, untainted by the common world, an invincible heart, let you plot traps and schemes, and break them all with one punch.
He chose to forgive her.

After all, what else could he do if he didn't forgive her?
"At the same time, judging from the results, her rote method seems to be quite effective in dealing with these mentally handicapped mountain spirits."

Wu Lang regained his composure, carefully observed the pictures in my picture for a while, and came to a new conclusion: "It seems that even if she doesn't like to use her brain, her IQ is still ahead of these wild tribes of mountain spirits in the barren mountains." level."

Anyway, despite some minor mishaps, it turned out pretty well.

Seeing her like this, a big stone in my heart also fell. It is not a problem to take down this already mentally handicapped mountain spirit tribe!

Let's start from a very realistic point of view.

She doesn't have much IQ, she is very easy to deceive, and she has used this level of benefits to seduce, coupled with her violence of "if you are not obedient, I will kill you", under such a simple method of carrots and sticks, The fall of that mountain spirit tribe was inevitable.

It's just that this method made Wu Lang feel a little uneasy, "If she always preaches like this"

I won't be caught parading the streets, will I?
Holy shit! !
He suddenly felt dizzy.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt bad.

If the immortal monks who were killed by those evil disasters found such a strange scene and she gave a loud speech everywhere, the consequences would be disastrous.

Mountain spirit tribe.

In a messy land attacked by wild bears, there are broken wooden houses and corpses with green blood flowing everywhere.

Facts speak louder than words.

After witnessing with his own eyes that this "big brother" who practiced as a Jedi Knight punched down that strong mountain elf, and used his power to persuade several mountain elves who refused to submit.

They are completely convinced!

Even if their general wisdom is less than ten years old than that of human beings, they have begun to understand that this is a mysterious and powerful fairy gate.

This is their opportunity to become stronger.

At the same time, it is their instinct to bully the weak and fear the strong. At this time, the mountain spirits knelt down on the ground with trembling faces, shouting that the boxer is mighty.


These mountain spirits knelt down and begged their elder brother to spare their lives.

But for Xu Xinying at this time, she was not satisfied.

The surrender of these mountain spirits is only the first step.

She remembered it well.

Master once said, "Cultivate one's life to know one's life." At that time, the master pointed out the obstacles in his heart and realized his original heart, so he succeeded in "breaking the rules".

And how do they understand their original intentions and succeed in breaking the rules?

What kind of process is it to understand their original mind and see through their true self?

It's suicide!
Let them cut off the mortal relationship willingly, have this kind of determination and will, it is their extraordinary test.

"But in this way, it will be a test!" The simple she continued to think, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the master's expectation of herself.

But she wanted to do it more and more perfectly, to live up to Master's expectations, and to complete the task satisfactorily.


"Desire is the source of disaster that hinders longevity and cultivation!"

She raised her hand high, and seeing that the time was almost ripe, she took out a pile of medicinal materials, threw them on the ground, and said coldly: "This is my test for you, you collect these medicinal materials, and I will teach you how to live long." Law!"

These mountain spirits succumbed to their power and began to collect medicinal materials everywhere.

They are very familiar with the environment.

These medicinal materials are also very common. In less than half a day, they searched everywhere on the mountain, and collected a large pile, which piled up into a hill.

Xu Xinying took the stone pot and began to throw in the medicinal materials to boil the medicine.

This medicinal material is not the Jedi warrior's body training prescription taught by Master, but a decoction called "Juezi Decoction".

She came prepared.

After the master gave her this test, she pondered a lot, and it took half a month before she came up with this mature plan.

The decoction in front of her was specially prescribed by a pharmacist in the city she went down the mountain to find.

dong dong~~
White bubbles boiled.

When the soup and medicine in the cauldron were almost boiled and the liquid turned gray, Xu Xinying stood in front of the cauldron and said in a loud voice:
"This is the trial of getting started!"

"From now on, you will be reborn from the ashes!"

"You line up one by one, take a sip from each of you, and you can practice longevity, and you will be sisters everywhere!"

"Jedi Knight, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Reaching Heaven and Jedi!"


A famous mountain spirit was so excited that he couldn't help queuing up and began to form a team to drink soup.

But I saw hundreds of long dragons, one by one, began to pile up, like the scene of Huangquan Road, waiting for baptism and rebirth in the next life.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xinying was very satisfied, and said in her heart: "Master, do you see? My enlightenment is very high! I have successfully completed the test you gave me, and I am sorry for those who have returned their unique knowledge to them. An ancient demon king."

If the slogan of enlightenment in the previous move was borrowed from Master, then this trick of drinking soup was borrowed from Senior Meng Po.

After all, it is very similar.

Senior Meng Po's Huangquan Road is to be a new man, drink soup, anesthetize and cut his waist.

On my own side, I have also rehabilitated, drank the soup, anesthetized and cut
"I'm really a great genius!!" She was very proud of herself, and she thought it was perfect when she pieced together the skills of her master and Senior Meng Po.

Sure enough, Master's lineage is worthy of being an immortal sect, and he can learn a lot.

She looked at the mighty long dragon, as if she saw Huangquan Road under the gloomy sky again, and Meng Po who was feeding the soup, she couldn't help feeling and said:
"Senior Meng Po's road, which guides people to new life, is called Huangquan Road. My road, which guides people to do good, is called sterilization road."

(End of this chapter)

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