I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 66 Are they playing too exciting?

Chapter 66 Are they playing too exciting?

The night is like water.

The moonlight is quietly falling in the forest, which is extraordinarily quiet.

After hearing this poem, Xu Xinying, who was standing outside the cave, suddenly felt struck by lightning.

What is an aura?This is the aura, the sharpness contained in it, and the short four lines of the poem show an ancient mythical poem, in which the cause and effect of Master's goal of "preaching the world" are clearly stated.

The first two sentences are undoubtedly the life of the demon sage, what about the last two sentences?

【Cheer to the warriors today, only because the mountain fog has returned. 】

The meaning contained in it seemed to be enveloped by an indescribable suffocation in an instant, and even she couldn't help whispering:
This is to return to this era and fulfill the last wish of that friend of the demon king?
Or is it to find some terrible existences and fight another world-shattering?
Is it for the mortals of this land, to usher in an era of peace, and to avoid the disaster of the mountain spirit?

"Could it be that there are all these reasons?" She was turbulent in her heart, thinking back to the young man in white clothes, with a fairy-like appearance.

As expected of a master! !

Her heart was beating wildly.

I just feel a strong mission, the heavy burden of carrying the burden of the common people, rushing to my face.

And in the old days of Immortal Dao, what kind of existential interests did they touch?Can't tolerate this family, would rather do such a vicious thing?Even if they are forced to continue harming the human race, their wisdom must be cut off and they will continue to be reduced to beasts?
She thought a lot of horrible truths and ancient secrets.

She never thought that she, who was a mortal a few months ago, would be drawn into this seemingly huge vortex of the times! !

But she didn't regret and regret it.

Before, she was angry at herself for not daring, for not being bloody, how could she repeat the same mistakes now?
What she cultivates is madness, anger, and indomitableness, not cowardice.

She has broken the rules and built an invincible road.

What's more, this road can completely cut off the disaster of the mountain spirit, so that thousands of mortals will no longer bear the tragedy that they have suffered.

"But what virtue and ability do I have to bear this heavy responsibility, let me educate those mountain spirits?"

She kept sighing in her heart.

Although she also felt that her task today was completed beautifully, with a wave of brilliant slogans, and then let them drink soup to anesthetize and cut directly.

"Could it be that the master saw my own destiny and reminded him of the God of War who roared at the sky, and that's why he let me set foot on this road?"

"That's right! How do other people have the courage? So, you can only accept me and help Master!" Her eyes gradually brightened, as if she had realized the truth,

"Aren't everyone else's legs weak from fright besides me?"

"Master is looking for me, I really found the right one!!"

She ignited her fighting spirit, and even couldn't help but ran down the mountain again, to the mountain spirit tribe next door, shouting a few slogans as if it were daytime, to show her enthusiasm!

But no matter what, she didn't intend to back down.

He even planned to help Master against this ancient existence that filled the sky.

She is not someone who hides and hides, her mind is clear again, her clear and firm eyes are restored, and she shouts out her determination outside the cave:
"Master, even if the whole world is against you, I will stand by your side!"


Under the night, the roaring sound shook the mountains and forests, and flocks of birds flew.


Wu Lang, who was cultivating cross-legged again in the cave, suddenly looked puzzled: Why should I be an enemy of the world?
Haven't waited for him to react.

Xu Xinying shook her voice again, and said with enthusiasm: "Master is fine, I will help you!!"


Wu Lang was still at a loss.

Didn't I just copy a poem?
He thought for a while and found no answer, and he didn't bother to think about it anymore. After all, isn't this disciple's brain circuit trickery operation still rare today?

As expected, the IQ of the apprentice has changed somewhat.

Xu Xinying favorability +3
Xu Xinying favorability +3
"Could it be, is this a normal side effect of a berserker?" Wu Lang wasn't too sure. After all, he was just a casual gamer back then. , the kind of salty fish party that looks at the scenery, fishes, and travels everywhere.

I really don't understand the specific characteristics of this exercise.

However, regarding Tuer's question just now, Wu Lang remembered something about how the demon king died.

"Although I was reciting poems about the apprentice's question, I temporarily fooled it, but the cause of this big boss' death back then, did he offend someone? What did he do, and why was he paraded in the street? I don't know much about it. Understand his experience!"

He frowned slightly.

In short, all I know is that I was paraded through the streets by the Zhengdao League in the end.

But I am not stupid, and now I also see that this mountain spirit's fate skill is by no means ordinary.
Needless to say, many things were involved.

But my [memory] is to recall all my memories, with a photographic memory, but it is not the real "Huangquan Ghost Escort" forum.

If he hadn't seen it, he wouldn't know it.

At that time, this [PUBG Mobile: Those Years When I Was a Goblin] had been serialized for a period of time, and the cute sand sculpture who frantically asked for help and posted posts became a new boss, and he was promoted to the group circle of top players, so he stopped serializing.

Wu Lang couldn't help but asked [Houtu] to retrieve all the information in his mind again. He had gathered all kinds of bits and pieces of information from visiting forums over the years, but he still had no answer.

"I should have known, I would have read more forums before time travel."

He has a headache.

"But there will be no top-secret information on the forum."

"It's like a stock posting forum. It's full of people chatting. How can a boss who really has inside information about the stock market disclose internal intelligence and information to you in the forum?"

It’s just a summary of the scattered information from the side. At that time, the top players seemed to be plotting something big, seemed to be fighting against something, and then failed
The mountain spirit clan was wiped out, and that man was arrested and paraded through the streets.

"Could it be that we encountered some hidden boss?" Wu Lang pondered, the water seemed to be very deep.

He kept thinking, speculating.

At the beginning, those "Jedi Knights" were regarded as a joke by everyone. It seems that the group of top players at that time knew more than us.

"This exercise is very problematic. It is much stronger than imagined. It is not an ordinary sand sculpture exercise that is normally circulated in the forum to make fun of it."

"Their group of fourth natural disasters are definitely doing things in secret!"

"Those animals worked together to deduce and preach to the world—Sunflower Book. Is it possible that they want to open up the common people, become the sages to educate the lineage, and subvert the racial pattern? In the end, they failed and were arrested by the Zhengdao League and paraded through the streets."

This group of Xiu'er is a real punishment.

Well think about it this way.

There is definitely the instruction and secret help of the No.1 player, Emperor Tiangou.

His goal was originally to seek equality for all the common people in the world, so he opened up the second ancestral scripture, so that the common people in the world can be freed from suffering and everyone can open the door of immortality and cultivate longevity
And this allowed the mountain spirit clan to open the fairy gate and take this clan into their pocket. It can also kill two birds with one stone, and at the same time avoid the ten thousand years of continuous mountain forest animal disasters for their own human race Jingzhou!

"This kind of precise calculation and grand layout, and the terrifying thinking of unconstrained style, is too similar to that man's style of doing things!"

The more Wu Lang thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was indistinguishable.

They want to control the power of the clan, teach enlightenment, preach and dispel doubts, not only to cut off a source of disaster for the common people in the world, but also for the saint teachers of these ascetic monks!
In the end, after constant thinking, Wu Lang completely guessed their plan goal:
They are a group of people who want to open up the Little Leiyin Temple, enlighten the whole family, become the mountain spirit Buddha, and themselves become the Tathagata! ?
I'm afraid it's not a new way to seduce souls?

He instantly conjured up a tantalizing picture:
One by one, the Buddhas, acting as errands, shouted: You have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, quickly follow me, to be reborn in bliss, to the pure land of the Western Paradise?
Wu Lang's face turned dark immediately!
He has a deep sense of substitution, and feels that nine out of ten of them have such outrageous ideas, and there is nothing wrong with them.

I have been in the forum for so many years, and I know their brain circuits very well.

At this time, in the dark cave, Wu Lang's heart was clear, but his heart was completely numb. Finally, he couldn't help but sighed quietly:

"Back then, they were a group of show boys, and they played too excitingly."

(End of this chapter)

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