I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 69 The Mountain

Chapter 69
Ah? ?

Wu Lang's face was black.

But the surrounding wind has stopped.

This evil cultivator fell into some kind of magic barrier, completely stopped his attack, and muttered to himself: "My dear!! If I met you at that time instead of that woman, then I would not have ended up like this ! We will definitely become a fairy couple!"

Here? ? ?

Wu Lang touched his handsome face:

Even though I was disguised as a man, this puppet girl still confuses the man?

As expected of a legendary humanoid monster!
The [soul mud] used to construct the clay puppets is soul poison, the distracting thoughts and dirt of the soul excreted by a famous cultivator of the Netherworld Sect during their daily practice.

This contains their evil thoughts, demons, desires, and all kinds of filth.
And Fu Jiang's [Soul Mud] is composed.

It is a kind of soul mud gathered by "the first love, love, ignorant youth, and the deep desire of teenagers' dreams of male monks". It is produced in a certain proportion.

It can even be understood as .
She is a heart-like monster gathered by the men in the world, their desire for first love, fanaticism, admiration, and other demons!

Therefore, when other women see the natural enemy of "Him", they will instinctively be horrified, afraid and repelled.

When all men see her, they will think of the beauty of the first love in their hearts, and be confused by her demon.
Just like the enchanting scriptures of those witches from the Demon Sect, this kind of illusion of mind attack is enough to make people extremely terrifying.

"I can't control the high-level soul slime doll, and even I will be affected by this mind-like monster. The main body stays in the seventh peak to guard the sect, but I bring a soul slime clone excreted by the monks in the foundation period, that's so powerful. "

He pondered for a moment.

No wonder this avatar is going to be paraded through the streets!

He has practiced the charm technique for who knows how many years, but he can do it all at once, and even surpass it in some aspects.

After all, no matter how much you practice, you are still a three-dimensional monk, eating, drinking, drinking, and grains, unless you reach the extremely high level of truly swallowing spiritual energy.

And what about others?

The real two-dimensional beautiful girl, the doll fairy, even if it is pulled, it is a cheese rice bowl, and when it is thin, it is also a strawberry sundae.

Can't compare.

Even in front of him, there is no need to take the initiative to make moves, this passive mental aura has already made the opponent immersed in the illusion of charm, and lost his mind.

A well-deserved evil monster.

Wu Lang thought for a while, then withdrew from the control of the puppet and let her control herself.

"You torture him." Wu Lang said: "As my natal reincarnation magic weapon, I will exercise my ability."


The voice of the Tomie puppet is mechanical and cold.

She is a simulated life, the essence is the spirit of this clay puppet magic weapon.

Soon, her appearance slowly changed, and she returned to the most beautiful girl in the world. She was so shockingly beautiful, and her voice was sweet and lovely: "Do you love me?"

"How could I love you!"

Xu Youming, however, felt inexplicably that his mind was out of control, and suddenly fell into a depression: "I am the one who loves you the most, and I am willing to even die for you."

In the next second, Xu Youming was terrified and said in shock, "What did you do to me?"

"You say you don't love, but you're very honest in your heart!" Fu Jiang smiled sweetly, circling around him, stroking his collar with his fingertips, "Can you tell me why you are here, you have to do something what?"

"Impossible!" Xu Youming resisted tenaciously, and suddenly felt that he was not the same as himself, his eyes were gentle, as if he saw the white moonlight in his heart, "Of course, the evil disaster is coming here, and there is already chaos. Our family took the opportunity to kill and practice magic here Gong, no one will care."

After a short period of struggle and mental resistance, he seemed to be completely trapped, and all the details were revealed.

"I am in the Qi training period, and I have seven brothers and sisters."

"But my father is a sixth-level magician monk in the foundation establishment period, and he is very strong."

"My grandfather is a Dzogchen monk in the Foundation Establishment period. He is a fake golden elixir. He is secretly a famous bandit of the nearby generation. He is retreating. My dear, you'd better not do anything to me, or there will be problems."

"There is chaos in the city, and I can't contact my father and the others. They are the ones who have been contacting me recently, so they are very cautious."

"If you insist on killing me, I will go back and commit suicide. You will not be suspected, as long as you are alive." He said affectionately, as if Liu Ping had appeared in front of him in a trance.

Wu Lang felt a headache after hearing this background.

Cultivating immortals is indeed a matter of sophistication, so if you kill the young one, you will come to the old one?
"However, this guy in front of me can't be killed." Wu Lang sighed.

"It's only your fault that you, the Demon Cultivator Clan, met me and provoked me. Who would have thought that I was handsome, so you would pass by and hack me to death, just to make a small fortune?"

"Then, the family must be neat and orderly, so that there will be no future troubles." His face was gloomy.

I am low-key.

But if you don't let yourself keep a low profile, you will kill all the insiders, so that there will be no insiders!

Fortunately, it's all the foundation period.

This is a soul clay doll in the foundation building period. [Soul clay] is a special treasure of the Netherworld Sect. How can these wild cultivators who have no heritage inheritance be able to resist it in the same realm?
Wu Lang thought about this, and said to the demon cultivator: "Is there a subpoena token? Subpoena your father, saying that you were threatened, chased, and abused. How miserable is it? Let your father hate me. The hate that wants to kill me."

He was stunned.

But do it anyway.

After the arraignment passed, a while passed.

Xu Jing favorability -30
Warning: The target has a strong killing intent towards you.

Wu Lang squinted his eyes, opened the friend relationship bar, and sure enough, he saw the famous people in the city.

"Send a message to your grandfather again."

Xu Youshan Favorability -30
Wu Lang confirmed it and felt the person's famous position.

"Send a message to your brother, brother, sister, sister."

The red spots are completely lit up, and the family list has been assembled.

"Your name is Xu Youming, right? You really shouldn't provoke me. I really don't want to kill people, but this world doesn't allow me not to kill people. As the first person I killed on my way of cultivation, didn't you ask me who I am? I will answer your wish."

Wu Lang suddenly looked up at the blue and distant sky, and introduced himself to himself: "My name is Wu Lang, I am 27 years old. I live in the barren hills in the northeast of Yunming City. I am single. Work related to the Guiyou Tribe."

"I am a typical office worker. I have to work overtime and practice until 8 o'clock in the evening before going to bed. I need to sleep for 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, I must drink a glass of warm water, go to the seventh peak of Huangquan to have a look, and then go to bed. Immediately fell asleep on the bed, woke up until dawn, and never left fatigue and stress until the next day. Everyone said I was normal."

"you you!!"

Xu Youming opened his mouth, showing unbelievable fear, and said loudly: "What are you talking about? Do you think you are normal?"

Wu Lang shook his head, turned to leave, and described lightly: "I just want to say that I have no extravagance as a person, I just hope that I can continue to practice with a peaceful mind. Winning or losing, winning or losing, is what I don't like to care about with others."

"Because, that will only bring trouble and enemies for myself. I am such a contented person, and this is also my outlook on life. If there is a trouble that prevents me from sleeping and working overtime, I will definitely eradicate all future troubles."

"Me?? Me!! You can't kill" In the next second, Xu Youming exploded on the spot, and his soul was scattered. He didn't even leave his soul, and he didn't even have a chance to go to Huangquan Road.

Half a day later, a piece of news spread throughout Yunming City.

This news completely shocked all the monk families with backgrounds in the Foundation Establishment period:
"The philanthropic Xu family in the southwest was wiped out, and all four families were wiped out. Even the hornet's nest in the courtyard of the house was filled with insecticide."

A ray of sunlight fell.


Xu Xinying waited at the gate of the city, her face full of joy, it seemed that she had gained a lot, she got a lot of medicinal materials, and was going to educate the mountain spirit tribe.

"Let's go back." A modest and cold teenager walked out slowly, and they left the city together. Looking at the sunset in the sky, I felt relaxed, and I could go back to sleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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