I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 87 He is destined to be remembered by the times!

Chapter 87 He is destined to be remembered by the times!
Everyone watched the disappearing figure without stopping.

At this time, the luck of Protestantism, and even a new racial luck, is already condensing.


The faces of several Buddhas were completely ugly.

They glanced at some monks from various sects of the immortal sect who were still watching, "Everyone, it is inconvenient for our sect to receive all benefactors today, please feel free."

Say it.

They closed the sect.

The square market outside the Zongmen, which was used for foreign exchanges, also rose from the ground, turned into a huge block of dirt, and disappeared at the gate of the Zongmen.

The other monks suddenly looked strange.


Even they felt too miserable.

If it were them, they couldn't bear it, and they would close the door immediately.

A mighty statue watched from the side, and said with deep emotion: "Hinayana, Hinayana. In the entire Kyushu, there has never been such a concept, and it will be released today."

A female cultivator brought her big disciple, and she was very charming: "Scholars are amazing, perhaps only ordinary people who have never practiced before can walk out of such a path without the restrictions of tradition."

"This kind of idea is so wonderful, it seems that it is not the thinking framework of us traditional monks. The brand-new civilization concept from another world was developed with an extremely unconstrained and unconstrained conception that jumped out of traditional thinking."

Next to it, a strong man smiled and said: "When I finished listening to Theravada Buddhism, I felt that this concept is not only the common answer of the old monk who has traveled the earth for 7000 years and the scholar who traveled around the world, but also what I have been pursuing all my life. The answer to saving lives."

"The Hinayana Buddhism, allowing all beings to self-cultivate and self-salvation, this concept must have caused a sensation in the entire Kyushu world and shook the entire era."

They know the ideas contained in it, how amazing.

In the past tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many human monks who really cared about the world, and who were truly compassionate, also changed the worship mode of this fairy gate and saved this suffering common people.

But there is no doubt that they all failed.

But what about this idea?

Breaking through the category!
It seems to fundamentally solve the suffering of Liming people!
Let the common people of Liming practice cultivation and solve the root cause of the problem.

The great vision of equality for all in this world moved even them.

"As the old monk who walked the earth for 7000 years said, this technique cannot be developed by immortals, Buddhas, demons, demons, these lofty beings."

"This technique is the technique of mortals. It can only be developed and perfected by mortals. It has nothing to do with us high-ranking monks."

"This scholar is the mortal who pioneered the era."

"Let me boldly say that the mortal scholar who cannot practice is a gift from heaven to the common people of Kyushu."

"He is a genius, roaming the earth, nine generations of sages, running around in this life, just like the Buddha in ancient mythology, and finally opened the way of practice with a mortal physique that cannot practice!"

"I don't know, can I survive?"

"I think it is almost impossible. He is too weak. Counting the past experience, generations who have set foot on this step have set foot on the way of heaven and walked at the end to achieve such an achievement. But what about this person?"

"If you can't keep him, the sect that hides your identity can't keep him. There is no time to rise up. This scholar will die, and even the soul will be obliterated. If you want to protect him, this sect may be destroyed."

"Even some famous sects, trying to gain fame, may stigmatize him, arrest him for trial, arrest him for punishment, or even parade him in the streets!"

"But he opened up an era, enough to go down in history."

They sigh.

They want to keep this person, just like keeping their passionate heart in their youth, not the compromising and tactful self they are today.

Like Xing Hanhan, they seemed to see the white moonlight after experiencing vicissitudes. When they were less passionate this year, they looked forward to it very much and had a strange feeling.

It's just that this matter can't be done and can't be interfered with.

They know that in today's fairy sect, there are so many sects of the human race, and it is beyond their ability to interfere.

How could you not do it?
Even besides the human race, what about the other 48 races in the world?

Sea people?

The big demon clan?
It is true that the emergence of this family, placed within the entire 100,000 years of history, can be called not too big, not too small.

After all, the previous 49 races also appeared one by one.

But in this millennium, ten thousand years, and gradually stepping into the end of the Dharma era, this event can be said to be an unprecedented event!
What's more, the reason for the emergence of this family is completely different from the previous ones. It is a brand new method that enlightens the wisdom of this family.

This concept and practice are already at the forefront of the Kyushu era.

Miscellaneous spiritual roots, mortals cultivating immortals, this is destined to be a brand new blue ocean.

Whether it is in good faith or malicious, it is enough to make many monks in this era go on and on, wanting to control this incredible power.

At the same time, they also found that they could not count on each other's heels!



Kyushu is so huge, each continent is much larger than the earth's land area, vast and boundless, there are many dangerous places and ancient abysses, the danger is endless, if you can't use "fortune" to deduce the specific location of the other party, there is no doubt , is looking for a needle in a haystack.

The mysterious man in front of him obviously had such a plan.

Come to the gate of the largest Buddhist holy place in Kyushu, carve up the other party's eternal Buddhist luck, condense the luck of Xiaoleiyin Temple, and then run away again, developing secretly.

This person
Pretty shameless!
What she did was obviously to fight for a huge opportunity for that scholar, and to grab food from the tiger's mouth. At the same time, she did not let anyone know the real location of the scholar.

Continue to let him develop secretly!

Continue to grow his little Leiyin Temple!

This kind of behavior can be described as extremely meticulous, an astonishing calculation with a slanted sword!

Can it be useful?

They don't feel like they can hide forever.

All the great powers present continued to communicate, and all kinds of emotions were finally summed up in one sentence:
——The times are about to change!

But no matter what, they looked at the new stars of racial luck that appeared in the sky, and sent messages to the major ancient sects.

"Little Leiyin Temple."

The subpoena token in this name disappeared in the void in the next second, and countless famous ancient sects from all over Kyushu were summoned.

Fozong received the subpoena token!

Xianmen received the communication token!

Mozong received the subpoena token!

this moment.

The major sects in Kyushu fell into a kind of silence.

They were all browsing the information, and some supreme beings who had been severely injured and sleeping because of the encirclement and suppression of the leader of Huangquan also began to open their eyes to check, shocked by the ambition of this scholar, who is obviously a mortal, but has his heart on the world.
Most of the monks were a little shocked.

Just looking at the contents of the diary, talking to the old monk, development trajectory, and changes in mentality, put my heart in my throat.

While watching, my heart was ups and downs.

"Little Leiyin Temple!"

"He actually wanted to bring peace to the people of the world."

Things like this keep happening.

The birth of the Tianxia Clan and the fluctuations caused by it are only known to the top few ancient sects, and they have not been rumored, and they have been secretly covered up.

The outside world is generally a fairy gate, almost unknown.

And many ancient monks began to be shocked, and they were extremely emotional!
Regardless of the ending, whether he will soon die on the road of his dream, he has opened a new era.

This ninth sage scholar is destined to be remembered by the times!
He made this class world with clear distinctions in aptitude and births divided into grades, grades, grades, and grades. Countless people at the bottom who cannot practice see hope:

——May all people in the world be created equal!
"The strong wind starts at the end of Qingping, and the sages walk among the ranks." In an instant, they seemed to see a young sage who had traveled the world, mountains and rivers, and looked for answers from all over the world, communicating and discussing with ordinary people, free and easy and full of enthusiasm Great wish, finally stepped out of that road.

Above the seventh peak.

Wu Lang finished blowing today's diary, and was sitting on a rocking chair to enjoy the shade, sitting and watching the red flowers all over the mountains and plains on the seventh peak, feeling peaceful and leisurely.

"As soon as I write the diary, it seems that I can eat a few more mouthfuls of soft rice."

He suddenly felt that some kind of luck fell on him, and he had a wonderful feeling.

"What happened?" He was still fishing, but he suddenly heard the beep, and he was in a daze.

[You get the third fate]
[Third Fate: Saint Master of Xiaoleiyin Temple]
"???" Wu Lang was startled on the spot. I seem to have written an ordinary diary on the seventh peak.

(End of this chapter)

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