I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 92 Condensing the meaning of the law?I'm different from licking a dog

Chapter 92 Condensing French Intent?I'm not like a dog

Wu Lang felt the power in his body.

"Breakthrough is easy, this kind of cultivation speed"

It was as if he was in a sea of ​​spiritual liquid, his whole body was surrounded by endless pure spiritual energy.

Very cool!

I'm afraid it's the spiritual liquid pools of the top sects, but it's nothing more than that, right?
As long as there are mountain spirits cultivating around, I can collect a trace of spiritual energy from each of them for free and gather them on my body.

And that's just a few hundred or a thousand.

When there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of mountain spirits sitting cross-legged in the Little Leiyin Temple, how much spiritual energy will they absorb?

He sat cross-legged and felt extremely comfortable.

According to this speed, can't one practice Qi level every two or three days?
But when you think about it carefully, this is not too bizarre.

The world of cultivating immortals is full of wonders.

Even some ancient immortal medicines in the forbidden area, as long as they are not afraid of being exploded, not to mention ascending immediately, there are still some low-level realms that can be raised in one go.

Not to mention some evil methods, as well as some ancient sects' special high-cost methods, which can help disciples practice quickly.

Wu Lang whispered, thinking:
"I'm not the first one. For example, the Human Emperor, who established a dragon vein of luck for the human race in the imperial capital, and practiced in the dragon vein. Every heir of the royal family practiced so quickly in the early stage."

Although the Human Sovereign was emptied by various sects, it can only be used as a holy place of a top ancient sect, in name only, like a puppet emperor in Fan Kingdom evaded by various gentry.

But the speed of practice is still there.

Among the heirs of the royal family, there are many golden core monks in their teens!

But the infusion of aura makes the early practice speed faster, saves you the time to painstakingly accumulate aura, and it does not mean that your comprehension becomes higher, and you still have to get stuck in the realm that should be stuck.
Otherwise, the royal family would not have declined.

"But no matter what, I feel much better, and I don't have to think too much about the boring practice of accumulating spiritual energy."

He couldn't help smiling: "My Baixiao Divine Art was originally too labor-intensive."

"In the future, this means that I don't need to practice anymore. I only need to practice various sub-professions. This saves a lot of time!"

He was grinning like a happy kid.

As expected of Mrs. Meng, this gift is too timely.


He returned from the seventh peak of Huang Quanzong.

In reality, he walked out of the cave.

Seeing the green trees on the mountain and the whole disaster below the mountain, I just feel inexplicably refreshed.

"One diary, write a sect luck!"

"Swipe out such resources and opportunities, and tell them, who will believe it?"

"It's me, who has all kinds of future memory skills inheritance, that can make this kind of miracle." He felt that it was really outrageous.

I have only been here for half a year, right?
Huang Quanzong, the two peaks are his own.

The Lord of the Two Halls of Hades!

It would be even better if you don't get chased and paraded around the streets.

In the distance, Xu Xinying's passionate struggle was heard chanting slogans.

Soon, after a few more days, Wu Lang began to practice in secret, enjoying this unique cultivation environment, let's talk about it first.

In this barren mountain, I first set a small goal:

Practicing Qi for a month to complete the Dzogchen?
A year of foundation building and great completion?

Two-year golden pill?

Two years of quiet training is nothing more than a nap for the strong, so I can naturally afford to wait, if I can, I will naturally talk about it first.

But in fact, it is not calculated like this.

These mountain spirits of the third and fourth levels of qi training are now naturally advancing by leaps and bounds, but when their cultivation base is high, the speed of these mountain spirits' practice is not enough to provide the spiritual energy of the golden core stage.

Even if the aura is enough, the breakthrough of the big realm cannot be broken through with a mere aura. You have to have an epiphany and break your own cultivation barriers.

Just like now.

Wu Lang suddenly became serious, and whispered: "With this speed of practice, I will soon reach the Great Perfection of Qi training in more than a month, and then I will start to realize the 'original heart' of my exercises."

Liu Ping and Xu Xinying are already in the Qi refining period, and they have realized the true meaning of the exercises respectively.

I'm left alone!

As a master, he can't lag behind others.

He is not in a hurry to improve his cultivation base, and he intends to get stuck in a wave of levels first. Before building a foundation, condensing Dharma will is the necessary way to become a strong person—the perfect Dao foundation.

At that time, once the Qi practice is broken, wouldn't it be a wave of accumulated accumulation?
As for self-preservation ability?

My own clay puppet avatar is enough to protect me in the golden core stage, not to mention there is a half-step condensed mountain king castration tiger outside, and a group of her monster brothers.

"So, I should start to think formally, what is the true meaning of my practice?"

"I came to this world, where is my path of practice?"


Sitting on the cliff with the strong wind blowing, Wu Lang watched the tiger fighting with Xu Xinying below, thinking for a while.

Know your fate and practice your fate.

And what did you cultivate yourself?
"The first destiny is to work overtime. As long as you keep working overtime and practicing hard in various fields, your destiny will improve, and it will happen naturally."

"The second fate is a good person card. Do you want to cultivate this fate? Naturally, girls keep giving good person cards! The second fate can naturally be improved!"

And when these two are combined, the true meaning of the practice to be condensed is obvious:

A Baixiao sage who is proficient in hundreds of fields and is constantly being sent a good person card "You are a good person" by girls!

Put it another way:
Ever since I evolved overtime social animals into a hundred kinds of working emperors, my destiny has become: Bai Xiaosheng, a female friend who specializes in attracting girls' favors!

But without comparison there is no harm.

Compared with the crooked mouth practice method of the dog-licking green hat Dragon King next door, the practice method of this technique of mine can only be said to be so beautiful that it effervesces.

Although if you think about it more carefully, it seems that they are all to please the opposite sex, to gain favor?
Maybe it's like what my apprentice said when he first met me on Huangquan Road: "We are all hard-working people! We are all humble to please girls. Without love, we can only be good people!"

But Wu Lang didn't agree with this.

fart!Can I be the same as you lick a dog?

You are humble and ingratiating!Get down on your knees, those who wear cuckolds, those who are crazily abused, and those who buy gifts of all kinds.

I am soft food hard food!Standing up, very hard-headed, the girls want to send me gifts and a tough guy with resources and wealth.

Don't you see Granny Meng, she is very stubborn and hates her, so she got close to 80 favors, and she also gave herself various resources and gifts.

This good person card, these days, I don't know how many cards have been issued by her!

Wu Lang had an epiphany in his heart and found his true self: "I just need to be like before, find a girl, and increase my favorability!"

This is my destiny in life!

So, knowing my fate and cultivating my fate, my cultivation of fate, this is a fucking love game, right?

But it doesn't seem right.

I am so insane, I became a blue-faced confidant, they have no feelings for the opposite sex, and I am a good person in their eyes.

But after thinking through all this, Wu Lang only felt that his thoughts were clear!

Facing the wind on the cliff.

"I'm different from licking a dog. Everyone has a different situation." As soon as Wu Lang finished speaking, it seemed as if some kind of imprisonment had been opened, and the breath was slowly conceiving and forming on his body.

A kind of momentum lingers on the body, blowing the surrounding flowers and trees, forming water waves and ripples, slowly sweeping round and round.

All distracting thoughts dissipated.

Thinking gradually clear.

Wu Lang felt a sense of wonder for the first time.

As a person in modern society, a working genius who is proficient in logical and dialectical thinking, after sorting out his thoughts and self-diagnosis, it is like enlightenment.

Gradually understand the self.

With a clear mind.

Thorough self.

Knowing fate and cultivating fate.

"Right is power!"

Xu Xinying, who was exercising below, shouted slogans, raised her head suddenly, and felt a breath conceived, "Is that... Master?"

As for the other Yanzhihu who were practicing as a partner, their eyes were stared straight, and they were all dumbfounded.

The wind blows.

Vaguely saw the vision.

Behind the master who was sitting on the cliff, a phantom appeared faintly. It was a deserted scholar in white who read a hundred volumes, surrounded by a group of girls.


She raised her head, showing longing and admiration, and she was a little crazy, "As expected of Master! It is indeed an ancient mysterious existence. Even after rebuilding, he just sat on the mountain casually and realized it. The true meaning of my practice!"

Before Jindan, there is no resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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