I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 94 The Foundation Establishment Period

Chapter 94 The Foundation Establishment Period

In the afternoon, after Wu Lang got used to the original intention of the true method, he invited Xu Xinying who was practicing at the foot of the mountain.


Xu Xinying cupped her fists.

Master has just built a small Leiyin Temple for them on the seventh peak with the help of Senior Meng Po, and they can easily comprehend the true meaning in the blink of an eye.

This kind of miracle in the eyes of all monks is a "normal operation" in her eyes.

She doesn't think that Master is really as simple as Meng Po and others see.

She secretly said: "They just thought that only the exercises in the Qi refining period were developed by the master on the spot, but they didn't know that there was really a complete inheritance!"

"Master has given me the skills of the golden core stage. Master really came from a certain ancient era, and had exchanges with certain beings!"

"The story about the mountain spirit and demon king is also true."

She firmly believed that she and Liu Ping knew all kinds of details and clues about Master.

But also won't say!
How can it be exposed casually?
Just follow behind!

Master, it is an existence that wants to be an enemy of the world.

"Your skills and system have already been cultivated to the basics, but you still need to continue to fight and refine!"

And although Wu Lang didn't know what she was thinking, he still dared to reveal some details to them.

It is because the oath that Bianhua signed with herself, she is a member of her seventh peak, and of course she will not betray.

"I recruited you to speed up your practice."

At this time, Wu Lang said softly: "You have clearly realized the meaning of the law in your heart, and there is no resistance before the golden core."

"Currently you, breaking through the foundation building, what you lack is nothing but the accumulation of spiritual energy!"


After Wu Lang finished speaking, a dark luck blessed her.

In the next moment, Xu Xinying felt her whole body was wrapped in warm aura, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Master, this is?"

"You are already the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of Xiaoleiyin Temple, the second person under me, you should enjoy this luck."

Wu Lang said: "Go down and practice hard. You have already practiced Qi at the seventh level. Within a month, you will reach the Great Perfection of Qi training and break through the foundation building stage. Do you have confidence?"


Xu Xinying was full of fighting spirit, so she resigned excitedly.

It was the first time she had endured this kind of aura, and she felt extremely excited. Wouldn't it be a leap forward to practice body-building exercises in this environment?

And Wu Lang watched her leave, and began to think:

The remaining disasters in Yunming City cannot be handled by themselves.

Not to mention the Qi refining period, even ordinary foundation building monks are far from enough.

At the very least, it has to be a golden elixir, and it has to be a top-notch elixir, a monk who favors group attacks, thunder repair, and fire magic, in order to clean up this generation of area!
After all, it is possible for ordinary golden cores to be hollowed out after a few hundred hits, and then besieged to death.

But a certain God of War is different.
Her level in the foundation building period, sweeping the same level, there must be no problem.

I am good at group battles, if I go a few more times, I have a chance.

I will tattoo her a mighty dragon to save her life. Isn't this a proper way to fight monsters and upgrade?

Set a small goal first:

Send all the monsters and monsters in this area to Huangquan Road, and let them meet Lord Yan.

"Besides, it's a demonic calamity right now. Jingzhou is in chaos, and wars are ignited everywhere. It's a small remote town, and no one cares about it at all."

"Anyway, this place has already been attacked, and it's not a core area. It may be seven or eight years, no, even decades, and there may not be high-level monks coming to watch it."

"And even if it is, so what if you pass by?"

"There are no traces of mountain spirits, only the traces of battle left by Xu Xinying. At most, I thought that some righteous body repairer came to help the people of Liming here."

His thoughts are very direct.

Swipe the good person card on the spot, and gather your own Dharma first!

In the eyes of everyone, it was already a miracle for that mysterious scholar to develop a mountain spirit technique. If they were looking for Xiaoleiyin Temple, they must be looking for traces of the mountain spirit.

And he engages in another crazy combat technique.

It was absolutely unexpected that he changed his face.

Use a body repairer as a card to go out, as a cover for yourself.

I just don't show up, I hide in the deep mountains and old forests, just for fun, what can you do to me?
"Let's talk about Yunming City after we get it done."

He made up his mind, "Tarnish food widely and become king slowly."

A few days passed.

Xu Xinying wandered around, converted all the nearby mountain spirits, converted to my Buddha, and even asked the earliest mountain spirits in Thailand to be self-reliant and to teach their own people.

In the blink of an eye, the mountain spirits seemed to be infected with X disease. There was a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission, and the exponential expansion reached tens of thousands!

This is about to catch up with the plague!
No wonder they were paraded through the streets!

Although it is pickled in the primary election, a batch must be eliminated, but the increase in the number is the real bottom-level combat power.

However, Wu Lang noticed something:

"I practice alone, and I feel that it is enough, but with one more Xu Xinying sharing with me, it feels not enough."

There are tens of thousands of mountain spirits, which seems like a lot.

But they are all on the second and third floors of the Qi refining period, and they assist in the practice around them. The spiritual energy provided is relatively mixed, and there is not much after refining it by themselves.

This made him a little regretful and depressed.

"It's not just about quantity, it has to be about quality."

Blink is a month.

The small Leiyin Temple on the tenth peak has already built streets, shops, and various facilities and buildings, but it is a pity that they are all empty.

Mountain spirits don't have much wisdom at the moment, so it's okay to be slave labor, but at present, they are not expected to be able to buy, sell, and manage goods.

Lack of a group of serious human errands.


Wu Lang walked in the various streets of the tenth peak, feeling very emotional, "I really want a group of sand sculpture players in this empty commercial area, and the sect that cuts their leeks is ready!"

"Unfortunately, according to history, at least it will take nearly a thousand years."

"I remember that there was a first test, how long ago did it come? It must be after 800 years, right?" he muttered to himself,

Can't wait!
After 800 years, all the monkeys at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain have completed their journey to the west and immediately became Buddhas.

"However, according to the clues of the player's archaeology, it seems that there are several batches of closed beta before?"

Wu Lang seemed to have thought of something, and thought about it, "But it seems that the players in those few closed betas were not from our earth. How many batches of visitors from outside the region have there been?"

At that time, everyone just thought that the game was really real!
We players had a few closed betas before, just like the space of the infinite master god, other civilizations have come in, which batch of us earthlings are following behind?
But now that I think about it, I just feel that it is another frightening thing to think about.

There are too many secrets in this "Huangquan Ghost Escort".

What I saw in my previous life was the tip of the iceberg, just the Jedi warrior skills on the surface, but there are so many ways behind the scenes.

He thought about it, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it, since he was far away from him anyway.

In the past month, he has also stepped into the Ninth Level of Qi Cultivation Dzogchen, he is not in a hurry, and continues to study his own formations and tattoos.

A few days later, Xu Xinying, who had completed the ninth level of Qi training, had broken through to the foundation building stage and was consolidating her realm.

"Junior brother, I'm here again."

At this time, Xing Hanhan came to the mountain to go shopping again.

She looked at this small Leiyin Temple with great interest, "It feels very good, the architectural style is very good, as expected of a junior, I have also dabbled in this area."

As she walked around, she saw Xu Xinying halfway up the mountain, exercising to consolidate her foundation-building cultivation.

She was stunned on the spot: "So fast, this disciple is in the foundation building stage? She has only practiced for less than half a year, outrageous! This cultivation speed is comparable to me when I was a double-purple fate!"

Who are you?

The direct disciple of the ancient great sect, in any sect, is a candidate for the Holy Son, and this person's speed is comparable to his own.

"Junior brother, you are outrageous." Xing Hanhan scratched his head.

(End of this chapter)

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