I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 96 The Call of the High Mountain

Chapter 96 The Call of the High Mountain

The major factions in Jingzhou, all the big and small sects that were immediately dispatched to manage, began to look for a scholar.

Many middle and low-end sects didn't know what happened.

"Looking for a mortal Confucian scholar?"

"Doesn't explain the appearance, temperament, height, and body shape?"

"How do you find this??"

One by one, the lower sects received the summons from the superior sects, and many people felt it was baffled.

This is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's too vague, the cultivation base is probably from the Qi refining stage to the Foundation building stage? Does it have the temperament of a sage and a Confucian? Is it related to the mountain spirit?"

"Aged between 25 and 70 years old?"

"What secret does this person have?"

All the major sects in Jingzhou were shocked and in an uproar.

The monster clan of Yunwu Abyss attacked, and the various sects of their human race, the Immortal Sect, sent their disciples to the front line to fight against the vast evil disasters.
"Is it possible that this mortal Confucian has earth-shattering aptitude, and the major sects want to accept him as a disciple?"

"But it's ridiculous. No matter how qualified you are, you are still facing a great enemy. The evil disaster strikes, and the lives of the people are devastated. You can't change your combat power!"

"Unintelligible! Really incomprehensible!"

And all the heads of the Jingzhou sect, even in the face of the evil disaster, still issued this summons.

They are not stupid, but smart enough.

After all, it's pretty shocking, isn't it?A mortal scholar and great Confucianism can overthrow the existing spiritual root system and evolve a new practice system.

Even if this path of mortal practice is lacking, it is in its infancy, and it is impossible to popularize it to mortals. It is surprising enough that it is only at the low level of the Qi refining stage, especially if it can be used against mountain spirits.

They can already see the future.

Everyone wants to find that scholar, control him, and even want to seize the control of his mountain spirit and become the king of this clan. Perhaps by using this power, they are expected to unify the entire Jingzhou.

All of a sudden, the whole of Jingzhou began to take action, looking for a low-level Qi Refining Stage or even Foundation Establishment stage monk like never before.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night in Jingzhou.

"It's so cool in autumn."

Wu Lang sat on the mountain peak and drank tea calmly, "It's been a few months since we've been down the mountain, and the weather is starting to get cold."

After Xing Hanhan told himself that he could no longer block the news, after it reached Jingzhou, he had a premonition that in Jingzhou now, all the immortal sects and all the cities in every country should be covered with his arrest warrants!
The whole Jingzhou is looking for him.

The malicious Moxiu wants to imprison himself as a slave, empty himself, and then arrest him and parade him in the streets.

A virtuous Xianxiu may invest in himself, find himself to hide himself, help himself hide his growth, marry his daughter by the way, and give resources.
"They started to look for me. The evil disaster is coming. The enemy is still busy fighting among themselves. They want me to parade in the streets. They are indeed the ones."

"The greed for profit!"

"such a pity."

In the barren mountain cave, Wu Lang shook his head and said, "Opportunity, beauties, and wealth all came to me like a torrential rain, but unfortunately I escaped them all."


Can they find me?

Can you second me?
"I do not believe."

At this time, Wu Lang's temperament was completely different.

At this time, he showed the characteristics of a demon. On top of his handsome seven or eight-year-old face, he had two spiral horns, blood-red wings on his back, and clouds slowly lingering.

He had dark circles under his eyes and looked listless.

It's like a master who stays in an Internet cafe all night for three days and three nights.

He has already reached the Great Consummation of the qi refining period. He has let go of his hands and feet in the past few days and started to frantically study the three major fields of tattoos, formation diagrams, and acupuncture.

And working overtime like this has also increased his social life, and this final sprint has brought him very close to the true cohesion of the law.

"Master has changed his appearance, he is worthy of being Master."

Xu Xinying, who was practicing at the foot of the mountain, raised her head to look up, and began to brag about her master every day again, admiringly said:
"With such a disguise, who can find you?"

"Age? No match!"

"Race? No match!"

"The temperament is even more incompatible. There is still a faint devilish lingering all over his body. Who would have thought that it is the sage and great scholar who is a human being?"

These are two completely opposite people.

She felt that her master had disguised herself well, even if there were no outsiders, she began to hide her appearance.

Only Wu Lang knows that this "spiritual outlook" of decadent black-eyed working animals is the real self.

It was rare for Wu Lang to lie on the chair. "Even in a sense, I would like to thank those people for wanting me and letting me pretend to be my original self."

At the same time, he was also speechless: Did he finally embark on the path of being paraded through the streets?
at this time.

With crazy self-expansion, Wu Lang was sitting in the cave, watching his own reincarnation, and received various reminders and feedbacks for governing these underworlds.

[Your mountain spirit population has exceeded 170,000, and has expanded to a radius of three hundred miles. 】

[Three hundred of your mountain elves died, and were attacked by the disaster squad under the mountain. Both sides suffered damage and gained several green fates. 】

[Your mountain elf team encountered a monster in the foundation building period, and the entire army was wiped out. 】

[Your mountain spirit team, in the process of preaching, discovered a mutated mountain spirit with strong aptitude and unlimited potential. It has successfully opened its wisdom and broke through to the fifth level of Qi training the moment it succeeded in cultivation. It has extremely high wisdom. This legendary saint teacher is curious. 】

[An old mountain elf, Elder Kaihui, suddenly burst into tears, kneeling and worshiping the mountain you are in with great respect, anthropomorphic movements, like a yellow-skinned elf! 】

Looking at the system prompts for expanding the map one by one, Wu Lang felt that he was playing the construction flow and the farming flow. He was worthy of being the peak master of the seventh peak of Huangquanzong. In the blink of an eye, there are so many disciples up?

But with this speed, Wu Lang always felt like he was playing games like "StarCraft" and "Red Alert".

After all, the explosive speed is too fast.

If it continues like this, it will definitely be an uncontrollable exponential explosion.

"It's only been a month, and the number has reached more than [-], covering dozens of mountains. It's time to sort out the groups, and tell the rules for the rising new mountain spirits and monsters." Wu Lang whispered.

"In the future, if the mountain spirit clan wants to develop, I will definitely not be able to come forward. I will only be responsible for imparting the skills, and they will develop by themselves. In Jingzhou, they will fight underground wars and avoid the encirclement and suppression of various sects."

"Blooming everywhere in the dark, turning into stars all over the sky, in the end, they will be recognized by other races with a sweeping momentum, becoming a brand new monster race, occupying an area to establish a race, and being recognized by all races!"

Wu Lang thought about it.

The development of the mountain spirit clan did not intend to interfere too much.

I have helped them to open up their wisdom, so they can't be self-reliant?

If you have brains, you are already a mature subordinate, so you have to find a way to make your race rise!
I am a newbie myself, and I am busy breaking through the foundation building period, how can I have time to manage so many of you?
Let me pass on the skills of the big brother to you, and think about it yourself!


Must be stocked!

"I can't control this amount, let them manage it themselves." Wu Lang thought for a few seconds and established a policy.

"Then, let's hold a meeting with some of the mountain spirits who have already been enlightened, and let them decide their own future."


"It's time to tell them to know their fate and cultivate their fate, and to change their own destiny." Wu Lang said, this is definitely not because he is lazy and fishes, and doesn't want to care about them.

He asked several mountain spirits in Thailand to serve as messengers to send messages in all directions.

[Yunyou has been here for some time, and he has taught the Dharma for the spirit of the mountain. Before leaving, I should open an altar on the mountain and preach for the last time to enlighten the animal nature and clear up the spirituality. 】

Wu Lang took a few glances and passed on the message.

So, after one day, many of the mountain elves' tribe heard the message.


Most of the mountain spirits didn't know why and couldn't understand, but a small number of mountain spirits with outstanding aptitude and extremely high wisdom trembled all over their bodies.

"Holy Mountain?"

"My king is calling us!"

The leaders of some mountain spirit tribes in the major mountain ranges looked up at the barren mountain where Wu Lang lived, as if they saw the figure of the savior.

They were muddled before, and they were famous mountain beasts. The compatriots who came to their side in front of them, held them down and cut them forcibly, and practiced strange methods, and suddenly they became wise and even clear.

These days, I suddenly understood a lot of things.

With such a wonderful development, it is natural to know that there is a mysterious existence helping them.

"The sage who passed down our cultivation method must be our own family, otherwise, it is impossible to master our structure and produce this method."

"What kind of immortals live in that mountain? It's amazing!"

"Go! Go!"

Many mountain spirits, carrying poles and luggage, started to head for that mountain peak.

(End of this chapter)

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