Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 105 Sand sculptures are contagious!Make Pepper Oil! 【Ask monthly ticket】

Chapter 105 Sand sculptures are contagious!Make Pepper Oil! 【Ask monthly ticket】

"The host consumes an excellent-level cooking learning card and obtains an excellent-level general-purpose cooking technique—dry stir-frying. This technique can make all types of dry-stir-fried dishes. Congratulations to the host."

Originally, I just wanted to learn one dish, but I accidentally learned the whole cuisine.

You translate for me, what a surprise!

Lin Xu was very happy.

Because with this dry stir-frying technique, there are more dishes that can be cooked in the store.

In addition to stir-fried beans, there are also stir-fried fatty intestines, dried shredded pork, dried beef, dried chicken nuggets, dried pork trotters, dried squid, dried potatoes and other dishes that go with wine and rice.

Although compared with stir-frying, dry-stir-fried dishes rely too much on deep-frying.

But delicious.

Who can say no to all kinds of dry, spicy and spicy dishes?

Xie Baomin, who was stirring beans, looked at his junior with some curiosity:
"Why are you so excited all of a sudden, have you learned?"

Only then did Lin Xu come back to his senses, and said with a smile:

"I have almost figured it out, and I am going to try it when I have time to see how the dishes are made."

"You can learn it after reading it once. Junior brother, you really have nothing to say about your talent. If I had your talent when I was an apprentice, how many corporal punishments would I have avoided."

In fact, Xie Baomin's talent is not bad.

Otherwise, he would not be accepted as an apprentice by Mr. Gao, let alone become the executive chef in Building No. [-] of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse when he was in his forties.

in the chef industry.

This is already at the top of the pyramid.

It is the existence that countless chefs need to look up to.

But the junior brother's pretense is too dazzling, comparing Xie Baomin, who was originally a top student, to a scumbag.

Lin Xu waved his hand:

"I don't have any talent, I just watched a lot of similar cooking videos before, and I just watched you do it again, and I just figured out the essentials of dry stir-frying."

"What? You even mastered the essentials of dry stir-frying? Junior brother, your talent is too strong, right?"

Lin Xu: "..."

Why is it getting darker and darker?

When the dried chilies and dried peppercorns in the pot are fried without moisture.

Xie Baomin cooked some light soy sauce along the side of the pot.

This can add some sauce flavor to the beans and make it more delicious.

"If there is pepper oil, put it at this time, let the pepper oil cook the aroma of the soy sauce, and the water in the soy sauce evaporates, and the numbing flavor in the pepper oil can penetrate into the beans."

Got it. Got it.

It's a pity that there is no pepper oil in the store, so this step can only be skipped first.

Xie Baomin started seasoning directly.

Put two teaspoons of salt in the pot.

Add a teaspoon of white sugar to enhance freshness.

Continue to stir-fry to dissolve the sugar and salt.

Then put in a large handful of cooked white sesame seeds, and use a small flipping spoon to quickly flip for ten seconds, so that the sesame seeds are evenly wrapped on the beans, and at the same time, the cooked sesame seeds are heated to emit fragrance.

Turn off the heat and serve.

Put the beans wrapped in sesame seeds in a tray, and they can be sold at noon.

"Brother, taste it."

Lin Xu was not polite either, and picked up a string of beans exuding a strong spicy flavor with his chopsticks and tasted it.

The entrance is spicy and delicious, and the slightly browned beans taste dry and fragrant, but they have a thick and tender taste when chewed, as if you are not eating beans, but eating meat.

After eating, there is a slight return of sweetness in the mouth, and there is a feeling that there is still more to say.

good to eat!

The combination of spicy and dry aroma is so perfect that people can't help but want to open a bottle of beer and enjoy it.

"Thank you, brother, for adding another appetizer to my shop."

Xie Baomin smiled and said:

"My senior brother, why are you being polite, shouldn't you help me?"

Lin Xu took out his mobile phone, took a short video of this freshly made dry-stir-fried beans, and posted it under the topic of Lin Kee Food.

Now the hot topic is ranked sixteenth on the food list in Yanjing area.

Although it has risen a few places compared to the previous few days, there is still a huge gap from #凤京食品分享#, which ranked first.

So Lin Xu has been posting frequently in the past two days to increase the popularity of the topic.

This can also drive the enthusiasm of netizens to post.

"Boss Lin has more and more tricks. I'm talking about cooking."

"Wow... I want to try it."

"I also want to try..."

"Upstairs, you two make it clear, do you want to try Boss Lin or stir-fried beans?"

"What? Can Boss Lin taste it too?"

"One upstairs counts as one, copy them all away!"


No matter when, sand sculpture netizens are always online, and they are building buildings frantically under Lin Xu's news, which attracts many passers-by and netizens to watch.

After Lin Xu posted the news, he sent the short video he took to the group.

The reaction here is much more normal.

Shen Jiayue: Wow!Looks so tempting, think twice! ! !

Chen Yan: Brother-in-law, are you serving new dishes? @吴可欣, take the time to try it out.

Wu Kexin: @陈燕You forgive me Mr. Chen, yesterday’s egg yolk baked pumpkin was overturned and overturned to grandma’s house. The fans were as excited as New Year’s.

Geng Lele: The Queen of Rollovers is Saigao!

Yueliyue: The queen of overturning races high!

Hair Loss Strong: Rollover Queen... Geng Lele, can you stop changing my group business card?I've made up my mind, I'm going to get a bald head next week, and let you keep talking about my hair.

Geng Lele: A good bald head!
Yue Li Yue: A good bald head is strong!
Don't lose thirty catties without changing the business card of the group: A good bald head is strong!

Bald Qiang: Who are you upstairs... Who changed my name so quickly?
Unexpectedly, the group also became sand sculptures, and there was a phenomenon of person-to-person transmission... Lin Xu put away his mobile phone and continued to work.

After a busy morning.

Xie Baomin said:
"I finally have a free time right now, let me make you some pepper oil."

"Is it difficult?"

"It's not very difficult, but the steps are a bit cumbersome."

It's fine as long as it's not difficult.

Xie Baomin put the wok on the shelf, poured half a pot of oil into it, heated the oil first, then turned off the heat to let it dry.

While drying the oil, he took out a stainless steel basin, poured a large bowl of red peppercorns into it, and poured a third bowl of sesame peppers into it.

Then add half a pot of boiling water to the pot.

"Soaking in boiling water can remove the bitterness and medicinal taste in the peppercorns to the greatest extent, and at the same time wash off the dust on the surface. In addition, soaking for a while can also facilitate the fragrance of the peppercorns to be completely fried."

It's about the same time here.

The oil temperature in the pot has also dropped to about [-] to [-]%.

Xie Baomin put the prepared scallions, ginger slices, celery and coriander roots into the oil pan, and fried them using the residual heat in the pan to increase the aroma of the oil.

Twenty minutes later.

The peppercorns and peppercorns have been soaked and swelled up.

Use a slotted spoon to remove from the basin into the basket.

Control the water first, then put it next to the fan to blow it, and dry the moisture on the surface of the pepper as much as possible.

Then pour the peppercorns into a clean basin.

At this moment, the oil temperature in the pot has completely dropped, and the onion, ginger, celery, and coriander have been fried until the surface is slightly yellow.

Scoop these ingredients out with a slotted spoon.

Then pick up the oil pan and pour the oil in the pan into the pot containing peppercorns.

"Zi la..."

Although the oil temperature has dropped to less than [-]%.

But it still made a frying sound after touching the wet peppercorns.

Lin Xu on the side looked strange.

What is the operation of pouring oil into the basin, won't you fry it later?
If you don't fry it, can the aroma of the peppercorns come out?
While muttering, he saw Xie Baomin bring the plastic wrap used in the kitchen, and carefully sealed the pot containing the pepper and oil.

"Brother, what is this?"

Lin Xu once again came to the blind spot of knowledge.


Is there another step to make pepper oil?


The second one is here, please recommend the monthly ticket, brothers!Many places in the south are flooded, friends over there should pay attention to safety!

(End of this chapter)

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