Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 207 The tent lived well, and I will never live in it again!The N+1 crossover! 【Ask monthly t

Chapter 207 The tent lived well, and I will never live in it again!The N+1 crossover! 【Ask monthly ticket】

The car came to the side of the reservoir.

The moonlight is reflected on the shimmering water, and there are all kinds of insects and birds singing all around. The breeze blows, and the fresh smell of various flowers, plants, mountains and forests is drilled into the nostrils.

"Wow! The wind is so comfortable."

Shen Baobao lowered the car window and leaned half out of the car, feeling closer to nature.

"Sit down, the mountain road here is a bit steep."

Lin Xu found that his baby was really like a child with ADHD. He couldn't sit still in the car. He either stretched his hands outside to reach the leaves of the bushes, or leaned out to enjoy the feeling of the breeze blowing on his face.

It seems it's time for her to catch up on the "Reaper" series of movies.

Such a good safety education film, children with ADHD like Shen Baobao have to watch it several times.

Go forward along the reservoir.

When the number of tourist facilities decreases and the peaks of Longshou Mountain gradually become farther away, the starry sky base full of tents will arrive.

This is a relatively high gentle slope with open surroundings.

It is an ideal place to observe the starry sky.

The street lamps here are very hidden, emitting dim yellow and soft lights in the grass on the roadside, and even the lights in the tents are very weak, minimizing the light source so that tourists can enjoy the beauty of the night sky.

When they came to the gate of the base, the two saw a few tourists living in the starry sky base, queuing up to use the astronomical telescope that can only be used by scanning the code to pay, looking at the stars in the sky.

"I want to see it later!"


After entering the door and finding the service office, one of Lin Xu's aunts hurried over to greet him:

"Here we come, Xiao Xu, your tent is on the top, I'll take you there."

After finishing speaking, she rode on an electric tricycle and drove forward.

Is it still far?

Lin Xu followed in his car.

Following the winding road ahead, we finally came to the highest point of the Starry Sky Camp, where the grass was dense, but there was an open space inside, with two tents, one large and one small, in the middle.

The tent is very high-grade, the top is transparent, and you can enjoy the beauty of the starry sky when lying in it.

"There are showers and toilets in the small tent, and there are bedding, fans, and a small refrigerator in the big tent. There are drinks in it. Special medicines to repel insects and snakes have been sprinkled around, and electric mosquito coils are turned on outside, so there will be no mosquitoes. Bites you."

Aunt Biao introduced it in detail, and Lin Xu was very satisfied.

Shen Baobao jumped out of the car immediately, opened the tent, kicked off his shoes, and then crawled in.

"Wow Kaka, the decoration here is so beautiful, it fulfills all my fantasies about sleeping in a tent, I want to send a message to thank my mother!"

As soon as she lay down in the tent, she took out her phone and chatted with Chen Meijuan.

After Lin Xu got off the car, Aunt Biao went on to say:

"After entering, the zipper of the tent must be locked, and there are anti-riot sticks and whistles hanging inside. No matter what happens, blow the whistle as soon as possible, and the security guards patrolling nearby will arrive in time."

Lin Xu asked curiously:
"We don't have wolves here, so is there any danger?"

"It's like this. Some time ago, some tourists got drunk and got into other people's tents. Then we strengthened the management in this regard."

It turned out to be the case.

The cousin explained some precautions, and then rode away.

Lin Xu dragged Baby Shen's suitcase out and took it to the tent, so that the girl could change and wash her clothes.

Then I went to the bathroom to have a look. There were towels, slippers and toiletries in it, which were more complete than hotels.

He went to the car to get his own change of clothes, and after talking to Baby Shen, he took a shower in the small tent behind him.

After a busy day, I was drenched in sweat.

Take a shower right now, not to mention quite comfortable.

After washing, I changed into a vest and shorts, pulled on my slippers, and felt refreshed by the mountain wind.

Lin Xu put the dirty clothes on the car first, then opened the tent, and just about to get in, he found that Baby Shen was rummaging around for something.

"What are you looking for? Are there any bugs?"

"Mom said there are safety supplies in the tent, I want to know what it is... Hey, what is this small bag? Instant noodle seasoning?"

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ?
Baby, didn't you really take the exam for you when you took the college entrance examination?
He was just about to remind, when Baby Shen realized what it was, threw the "seasoning packet" in his hand aside, and then buried his whole face on the pillow.


Lin Xu sat down. He originally wanted to lie down, but his hair was still wet, so he could only choose to lie on his stomach. He took out his phone and checked the messages on WeChat, and then nudged Shen Baobao with his elbow:

"Do you want to wash up?"

"Good... good boo!"

The two walked out of the tent, Shen Baobao carried his change of clothes into the small tent, while Lin Xu sat on the front of the car, turned on the night scene mode with his mobile phone, and began to shoot the starry sky.

With the blessing of shooting skills, and the mobile phone photography function is not bad, he really took a good picture of the starry sky.

What's more, his current position is a bit high, so when shooting, the outline of the starry sky base and the dim lights on the road were also photographed, making it both dreamy and advanced.

Opening the topic of Lin Kee Food, he posted the photo:
"Longqishan Starry Sky Base takes pictures casually. Those who want to experience the fun of living in a tent can come and experience it. The base also has a small class of constellations, which will teach you how to identify constellations."

Not long after it was sent out.

Netizens responded:

"I'm going, so pretty!"

"Wow! I really like observing the starry sky and the constellations. Boss Lin is waiting for me and will arrive tomorrow morning."

"Upstairs you touched your conscience and said, didn't you really go to roast a whole lamb?"

"Absolutely. He said in another post just now that he would at least grab a leg of lamb."

"I didn't expect that Boss Lin's news of not posting delicious food is still attractive."

"Thank you, Boss Lin, I have something to dream about tonight!"

"Be careful not to have nightmares, this thing looks like a Chinese ghost story."

"I'll go! Wouldn't that be better?"

"Upstairs you?????"


Looking at the sand sculptures, the netizens were happy, and Baby Shen finished taking a bath.

She put on a T-shirt that reached her thighs, her hair was unwashed, and she smelled of shower gel. When she saw Lin Xu, the girl got into the tent a little shyly.

Lin Xu immediately felt that the comments of sand sculpture netizens became dull.

Jumping off the front of the car, he stooped into the tent, zipped the zipper up, and re-fixed the tent around it.

Seeing Baby Shen lying on the quilt in the form of an ostrich again, Lin Xu smiled lightly, and then saw a bottle of red wine, two red wine glasses and a corkscrew next to the refrigerator, and suggested:
"Would you like some red wine?"


Lin Xu quickly opened the wine bottle with a corkscrew and poured two glasses of wine into the glass. Seeing that there were ice cubes in the freezer, he put two more ice cubes into the glasses.

He sighed while shaking his glass.

Mom's arrangement is so perfect to the extreme, she even thought of ice cubes, what a real mother!
"Okay, you can drink."

Only then did Baby Shen sit up, took a sip from the wine glass, and then grinned:

"It's so bitter! Is this too bad to drink?"

Lin Xu thought the wine had gone bad.

I tasted what was in my glass, it tasted like red wine, quite mellow, this bottle of wine should not be cheap.

He looked at Baby Shen dumbfounded and asked:
"That's what red wine tastes like, haven't you ever drank it?"

"No... red wine is made from grapes, shouldn't it be sweet?"

Lin Xu reluctantly reopened the refrigerator and saw Sprite inside, so he opened a bottle and poured some into Shen Baobao's wine glass.

When the girl tasted it, she immediately fell in love with the taste:

"I think this is the correct way to open red wine. Wow, it's so sweet."

Lin Xu: "..."

Those red wine makers abroad took many generations to remove the sweetness in the wine, and only kept the mellow taste. In the end, you were lucky and went back to before liberation.

Drinking this delicious red wine drink, Shen Baobao also let go.

She drank the wine in the glass in two or three gulps, and then handed over the empty glass:
"Xiaoer, fill me up!"

Well, it's still exciting.

Lin Xu poured her another big glass, and then sipped the red wine in his own glass.

Fine wine, beauties, starry sky... the best things in life come together, does this count as the fulfillment of life?
But this is just the starting point. We must work hard to make our career stronger and bigger, so that we can enjoy a broader life and appreciate more magnificent scenery!
Most importantly, you must not let down those who support you and love you.

Well, my parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law, the elderly on both sides, as well as master and brother, and all relatives and friends are all looking forward to making some achievements.

As he was thinking, he heard a slight snore.

Turning his head to look, he found that Shen Baobao, who drank two glasses of red wine and Sprite, was lying sprawled on the quilt and fell into a deep sleep. The wine glass in his hand was also thrown aside, and it happened to roll onto the packets of "seasoning" .


what's the situation?
Lin Xu also couldn't care less about drinking.

Seeing that Baby Shen was really asleep, he took a blanket and put it on her body, then put the wine glass aside, turned off the light and lay down, looking at the starry sky above his head with a speechless expression.


Who would have thought that Shen Baobao, who would yell for beer and get drunk when he had nothing to do, had never touched alcohol.

If I had known that the last time I gnawed on the duck neck, I would have let this girl exercise a few times.

After turning off the lights, the dots of starlight above the head appeared, and the sound of insects sounded around, and occasionally a bird or two passed by, chirping and chirping.

The mountain wind blows.

The green grass swayed with the wind, making a pleasant friction sound.

The air mixed with the aroma of green grass and wildflowers was immediately passed in through the ventilation mesh around the tent.

If you want to get close to nature, living in a tent is really the best choice.

Lin Xu turned over and lightly pecked the sweet sleeping Shen Baobao on the mouth:
"Good night baby."

After speaking, he put the blanket over his body and fell asleep listening to the chirping of insects and birds outside.

early morning.

Lin Xu was awakened by the pressure.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Baby Shen was clinging to him like an octopus, with his white and slender thighs straddling his waist, his arms on his chest, and half of his body pressed against him.

"Is this cold?"

He covered the girl with a blanket.

Looking at the time, it was almost seven o'clock, so I got up, went to the small tent next to me to find the disposable toothbrush, poured some water into the cup, and then began to brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I was busy, my mother sent a message on the phone:
"Are you awake? Remember to come to the restaurant of the Cliff Hotel for breakfast. Your uncle didn't eat anything in the morning."

"I'm brushing my teeth, I'll go later."

"Are you awake? How does it feel to live in a tent?"

Looking at this message, Lin Xu replied speechlessly:
"The tent lived very well, and I will never live in a tent again."

Chen Meijuan:? ? ? ? ? ?
While the mother and son were chatting, a scream came from the big tent next to them:
"Ah, ah, where is this? Xu Bao! I'm so scared!"

Lin Xu: "..."

It's the first time I saw that drinking red wine with Sprite can also be broken.

He walked over with a mouth full of toothpaste, opened the curtain of the tent, and said vaguely:
"Don't be afraid, I'm sprouting..."

Baby Shen rubbed his eyes, then patted his head again, and only then did he recall sleeping in the tent last night.

"I remember I drank red wine with you, why can't I remember the rest?"

Because you were drunk and fell asleep... Lin Xu complained in his heart, and then gestured to Baby Shen.

When Baby Shen crawled out of the tent, he realized that the beauty in front of him was surprisingly beautiful.

The surroundings are covered with blanket-like green grass, with dew hanging on the blades of grass, and the air is also mixed with the unique moistness and freshness of dew.

At the end of the green grassland is a mountain range.

It echoes with Longqi Mountain behind it.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Baby Shen took a photo with his mobile phone, and suddenly remembered that he was half asleep, so he pulled on his slippers and came to Lin Xu who was washing his face.

"I'm sorry Xu Bao, last night I..."

Ahhhhhh I actually fell asleep the first night we were together, Xu Bao must be very unhappy, right?

While annoyed by herself, she was also a little moved.

Because Lin Xu didn't do anything while he was asleep, and his clothes were still in good condition...

As expected of Xu Bao, whom I have guarded for four years, she is so gentle and considerate.

Lin Xu washed off the foam on his face, then dried his face with a towel, and then said:

"Hurry up and wash up, and go to the cliff hotel restaurant to have breakfast later."

"Oh, yes..."

Baby Shen agreed, and was about to enter the small tent to wash up, when he suddenly hugged Lin Xu tightly from behind, and whispered in his ear:

"I'm sorry Xu Bao, tonight I...I won't drink anymore."

Lin Xu turned around and hugged the girl, and pecked lightly on her lips:
"If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night? Don't think too much about it. In fact, it's quite unforgettable."

Listening to Xu Bao's insincere words, Shen Jiayue smiled lightly:
"Then take the bottle of red wine with you when you leave, okay?"

"not good!!!!!"

Haha, stinky Xubao, have you revealed your secrets?

Baby Shen whispered in Lin Xu's ear:

"You were wronged last night, tonight I am all you..."

After speaking, he kissed Lin Xu's earlobe lightly, then turned around and walked into the tent to wash up.

Feel the warmth coming from the earlobe.

There is only one thought in Lin Xu's mind:
Oh my god, why isn't it six o'clock in the afternoon?
While Baby Shen was washing up, he changed into trousers and a T-shirt, put the changed clothes into a bag, and prepared to go to the place where his parents lived to wash them in the washing machine.

While he was busy, Baby Shen finished washing.

In the tent, she changed into a round-neck T-shirt of the same style as Lin Xu's and slim-fit jeans with holes, and put on the pair of white shoes that were stamped with black paw prints yesterday.

Packed up the suitcase and took it out and put it in the car, and packed the inside of the tent before getting in the car and leaving.

When he came to the service office of the Starry Sky Base, Lin Xu explained to his aunt, then drove along the reservoir back to the foot of Longqi Mountain, and circled upward along the cement road up the mountain.

Come to the door of the Cliff Hotel.

My mother is hugging Dundun and looking at the wild flowers on the roadside.

Seeing Lin Xu and Shen Jiayue, the little guy immediately turned his head aside.

It is clear.

Throwing this little guy to Chen Meijuan last night made him angry.

"Are you angry? How about some mutton for you today?"

Dundun: "..."

Don't tempt me with meat!

"Hey, mutton doesn't attract you anymore? How about we kill that fat goose?"

Dundun immediately threw himself into Lin Xu's arms.

"After you left last night, Dundun wanted to clean up the goose again, but was almost bitten by the goose, so he jumped and ran away in fright."

Oh, no wonder I forgave myself when I heard about killing that goose.

"Go in and eat, I've eaten with Dundun, I'll take it to play for a while, it's interested in everything here."

Come to the restaurant.

Dad was eating with Liu Zhengyu, Zeng Xiaoqi and others, and there were a few sleepy-eyed tourists sitting in the corner, who obviously lived here and came downstairs to eat free breakfast.

Today's breakfast has more local characteristics.

There are pimple soup made with vegetables, porridge made with corn grits, and porridge made with wild vegetables and tofu.

As for the side dishes, there are farmhouse pickles, watermelon bean paste, sweet and sour lotus root, cold wild chives and other refreshing dishes.

There is also a bread machine next to it, as well as fried eggs, bacon, sausage, milk, etc., both Chinese and Western styles, which can meet the needs of tourists to the greatest extent.

Lin Xu served two bowls of corn grits for himself and Baobao Shen, and was just about to put some pickles on the plate when Chen Yuanyuan walked in yawning.

"Don't eat that, eat mushroom sauce, our mushroom sauce is almost becoming a signature here."

Mushroom sauce?
Chen Yuanyuan served Lin Xu some dark sauce with a spoon:

"This is a sauce stuffed with mountain mushrooms. It tastes super good. I can eat two big steamed buns every time."

After serving the porridge, Lin Xu took two more meat rolls, two steamed buns and some scallion pancakes, and came to the table where his father and the others had dinner.

As soon as she sat down, Zeng Xiaoqi who was next to her greeted Lin Xu in a hoarse voice.

"Morning, Boss Lin."

The voice was as hoarse as sandpaper.

Lin Xu asked curiously:
"What's wrong with your throat?"

The camera guy next to him said:
"Eat crayfish, it's so spicy, and I kept eating it. I drank two bottles of ice water while cutting the film, and then it was like this this morning."

Zeng Xiaoqi took a sip of the honeysuckle brewed by Chen Meijuan, and said to the camera brother:

"Don't forget to copy the material you took in the morning to my computer. I'll edit it later, and then find someone to dub the sound and pass it on. Maybe I can catch up with the daily scenic spot recommendation at noon."

Listening to her voice like sandpaper, Lin Xu really wanted to remind her.

Sister, as the host, you have to protect your voice. If you can’t, you can type first and stop talking, lest your hoarseness get worse.

At this moment.

The editor in charge of copywriting looked at the message on the phone and said:

"Sister Xiaoqi, no one is dubbing for us. The hosts responsible for dubbing on other channels said they were too busy, even if they gave out red envelopes... After we won the ratings champion in the last live broadcast, they started to hate us. gone."

Originally, the Travel Channel was the bottom of the dozen or so channels in Taiwan.

Now Xianyu suddenly turned around and surpassed the ace programs of other channels.

This makes the Travel Channel a thorn in the side of the whole station, because the cake of TV advertising is so big, the rise of the Travel Channel is bound to affect the advertising revenue of other channels.

Now is an opportunity to trip the Travel Channel, and those channels will certainly not miss it.

When Zeng Xiaoqi heard this, she immediately hammered the table angrily.

In the past, she never refused other channels to ask her to dub. Sometimes she rushed from where she lived to help in the station in the middle of the night, but she didn't expect to come here when she needed dubbing.

"When my voice is healed, I will definitely scold them to death!"

Lin Xu felt that the beauty host's voice seemed to be getting worse after she got angry, so she took the initiative to say:
"Sister Xiaoqi, how about I dub for you."

Zeng Xiaoqi and several of her colleagues were taken aback at the same time:

Shen Baobao and Chen Yuanyuan also looked over curiously. Seeing that Lin Xu didn't want to make a joke, they asked curiously:
"What do you really know?"

"No, don't force it, brother, many people on the Internet are waiting to see you roll over."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Don't you always call me the king of crossovers? Then let's go to the dubbing circle to play!"


It's the last two days of this month, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!This chapter is 5600 words, the normal amount, the next chapter is roasted whole lamb.

(End of this chapter)

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