Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 247 Sesame Biscuit with Beef, 1 in 5 meal is not enough! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 247 Sesame Biscuits with Beef, Five in One Meal Is Not Enough! 【Subscribe】

After mastering the skill of making sesame seed cakes, Lin Xu prepared to make the pile of beef without hesitation.

Duo beef is also called duozi beef or beef pile. It is a bucket-shaped beef pile that uses boiled beef tendon to pile cooked beef in a container and squeeze it into a bucket.

In the past, hawkers who sold piles of beef often sold them with a wheelbarrow, so this kind of beef is also called trolley beef.

Cut the beef that has been pressed into porcelain into thin slices with a knife. It tastes fragrant and strong.

Sandwiched into the sesame seed cakes from the new kang, the heat of the cakes will re-baked the aroma of the beef, and it is so delicious to take a bite.

When he was in junior high school, Lin Xu's favorite thing to do was to buy beef biscuits with beef in front of the beef piling stall on the way home from school.

The hawker will take a special knife and show off the beef slices from the stack head, the meat slices are so thin that they can even be blown away by the wind.

The slices are almost done, put the beef slices on the scale and weigh them, then take a freshly baked sesame seed cake from the sesame seed stall next door, and put the beef slices in it.

A sesame seed cake, half a catty of beef, and walk home while eating like this.

When I got home, I was basically full, and I could happily play computer games under the banner of learning English.

It's a pity that since the streets began to clean up small businesses and hawkers and improve the appearance of the city, this kind of beef stacks has rarely been seen. Occasionally, the sesame seed stalls that used to be partners are gone.

Even if someone buys it, the hawker doesn't show off his skills as before.

Use a knife to slice a pile of beef in a hurry, and then quickly bag it and hand it to the customer after passing the scale, as if the customer regretted not buying it a few seconds later.

"Xu Bao, what are you thinking?"

Shen Jiayue, who was off work, saw Lin Xu hugging Dundun lost in thought, thinking something happened, so she hurriedly asked a question with concern.

When Dundun saw the big devil Yueyue, he immediately jumped onto the service desk, and then twisted his fat body to sneak into his hut, as if he was afraid of being caught if he was too slow to hide.

Lin Xu came back to his senses, smiled and said:

"It's okay, I just remembered a delicacy I liked to eat when I was in junior high school."

Upon hearing about the food, Baby Shen's eyes lit up immediately:
"Then can you make it for me?"

I ate the food that Xu Bao liked to eat when he was in junior high school. Does this mean that we have known each other since junior high school?
At that time, if my classmate was so good, I could bully Xu Bao openly, and if I missed him, I would find a corner where no one was around, press him against the wall and kiss him vigorously.

Hmph, if you dare to resist, you will be even closer!

Thinking of how he ravaged Lin Xu in junior high school in the way he ravaged Dundun, Shen Baobao couldn't help but show a domineering smile on his face.

"Yes, this delicacy has to be made a day in advance, so I'll make it now."

After he finished speaking, he returned upstairs, and ordered to Chezi:
"Call and ask Boss Hu to send fifty catties of beef tendon and twenty catties of beef tendon. I'm going to make a delicacy with beef."

When Che Zai heard this, he immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

beef?beef tendon?

Is this for spiced beef?
Shen Jiayue was a little curious, but didn't ask.

Because she doesn't care what kind of food it is, but she just heard that Xu Bao likes to eat it, so she subconsciously wants to try it.

Not long after, Che Zai hurried downstairs.

A few minutes later, he took the elevator up, and there was a simple trolley beside him, on which were the beef tendons and tendons that Lin Xu ordered.

"Boss, the beef is here."

As soon as Lin Xu heard this, he immediately poured the beef from the bag into the basin, and then added half of the basin of cold water to soak it.

Duo beef is different from ordinary stewed beef.

This delicacy is to boil the beef in white water first, then sprinkle special seasoning powder after cooking, and then put it in a container and press it to shape.

In order to prevent the cooked beef from becoming fishy, ​​it is necessary to soak the blood in the beef as much as possible before cooking.

Only in this way, the meat flavor will be strong.

When soaking the beef, use a kitchen knife to divide the large pieces of meat into small pieces.

This is not only convenient for soaking, but also better placed in the container when it is finally pressed.

After finishing these tasks, Lin Xu soaked the tendons again.

In the process of making beef, the tendon acts as a binder.

Soaking at this moment is naturally not to remove the blood in the tendons, but to let the tendons stretch out as much as possible, so that it is easier to cook through when pressured in a pressure cooker.

"What is brother-in-law doing in the kitchen?"

Chen Yan is wearing age-reduced overalls today, with a ponytail and white canvas shoes on her feet. At first glance, she looks like a college student who has just graduated.

"I want to make me the delicacy he ate when he was in junior high school. I don't know what it is."

"Then what do you know?"

"I know a widowed and lonely old man is pretending to be tender today... Oh, don't pinch... Yan Bao, this dress is so pretty, age-reducing and fashionable, you look two years younger than me."

The two sisters were having a fight when they saw Che Zai pulling several boxes of fruit charcoal to the kitchen with a trolley.

"Che Zai, what is this?"

"The boss asked for fruit charcoal. He said that he must use high-quality fruit charcoal to make roast suckling pig tomorrow."

Roast suckling pig?
Chen Yan immediately regained her spirits.

Unexpectedly, my brother-in-law did what he said, and actually made a roast suckling pig.

It is really worthy of the conscience of the whole family.

After Lin Xu finished his work, he washed his hands and walked out of the kitchen. Seeing that the big benefactor Chen Wanwan had left work, he said:
"You two can just tell the waiter what to eat. I just had dinner."

Chen Yan asked curiously:
"When will the beef you play with be ready, brother-in-law? Can we wait to eat?"

"Then you have to wait a little longer."

"It's okay, just tell me how long it will take to finish?"

"Tomorrow afternoon……"

Chen Yan:? ? ? ? ? ?

Brother-in-law, you are also getting naughty, right?

She stood up abruptly:
"You talk, I'll go to Tiantian to refund the card first."

Baby Shen quickly hugged her:
"Don't quit, don't quit, I'm kidding you, Yan Bao, don't forget to eat roast suckling pig tomorrow..."

Naturally, Chen Yan wouldn't really return the card, she just wanted to let the unscrupulous couple know that she was the big benefactor of Lin Kee, not the married cousin who was despised everywhere.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The store is full of customers.

Lin Xu took out the tendons that had been soaked a little swollen from the water, and poured them into a large pressure cooker.

Then add the water submerged in the ingredients to the pot.

Cover the pot and start pressing.

As the binder of the stacked beef, the tendon should be cooked thoroughly, even to the point of being slightly mushy, so as to fill the gaps between the beef pieces and make the beef more chewy and chewy.

After the tendon was pressed, Lin Xu changed the water for the beef and continued to soak it.

Taking advantage of this time, he brought a lot of spices and condiments such as dried chili, salt, and monosodium glutamate, and began to make seasoning powder for beef.

There are no seasonings and spices in the cooking process of the beef, and the seasoning powder is only sprinkled when it is cooked and put into the container.

It can be said that the taste of duo beef is directly related to the seasoning powder.

In the past, the formula of the powder was a secret that was not passed on from family to family. Even in your own family, it was passed on from male to female, and even only to the eldest son.

I'm afraid it will spread outside.

This directly led to the loss of many secret cooking seasoning recipes and traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, causing irreparable losses.

Lin Xu took a pot of fried dried products and put them on the stove, and put cinnamon bark, bay leaves, angelica dahurica, white cardamom, grass fruit, peppercorns, star anise, cloves, cumin and more than a dozen spices into the pot one by one, and then put In a pot, fry slowly over low heat.

Before the spices are ground, they need to be roasted on the stove to produce a fragrance, so that the powder that is ground has a stronger fragrance, and if it is sprinkled on the beef, the fragrance will penetrate into the beef more easily.

Not long after, the aroma of spices wafted out of the pot.

Lin Xu took the pot away from the flame and put it on the edge of the stove to fry slowly.

Don't rush this step, it must be fried slowly over low heat, so that the fragrance of the spices can be emitted from the inside out.

When the spices were almost fried, he took two dried chilies and put them in the pot.

Duo beef is usually five-flavored. Putting chili is not for spiciness, but for flavoring, so two dried chilies are enough, and more spiciness will come out.

After all the spices are fried, pour these spices into the cooking machine, then add salt and a little sugar for freshness, and grind them into powder.

"Wow, it smells so good, are you going to make thirteen incense?"

Wei Gan came over after frying two dishes, smelling the aroma of the powder Lin Xu ground, he couldn't help asking.

Lin Xu smiled:
"This is the powder used for making piles of beef. It cannot be used as thirteen incense."

"Stacked beef? Is it the stacked beef that was often seen on the streets of my hometown in the past? Are you going to make that stuff? Then I have to try it."

Wei Gan remembers that the Duozi beef he ate when he was a child was very fragrant, but the ones he bought in the past two years have no smell, especially the ones bought in the annual collection, all of which are minced meat, and even mixed with other animal meat. The one made of pure beef in the past is completely incomparable.

Seeing Lin Xu making this delicacy now, his glutton was hooked all of a sudden.

"This stuff is suitable for sandwiching biscuits. Since you made duozi beef, do you also make biscuits?"

"Do it, put the beef on the pile today, and make sesame seed cakes tomorrow."

"Hey! Then I'll just wait and eat."

After the powder is ready, the beef is almost soaked.

Lin Xu fished the meat out of the basin, drained the water and put it into the soup bucket, then added as much water as possible.

White buffalo beef does not need to be blanched, but it needs to be boiled to skim off the foam, so add more water so that you will not be afraid when skimming the foam.

Not long after, the water in the pot boiled.

Skim off the froth with a spoon, then turn to medium-low heat and start cooking.

After about [-] minutes of cooking, the aroma of the beef has come out completely, and the meat can be easily pierced with chopsticks, which means that the beef is fully cooked.

To make duo beef, the meat does not need to be overcooked, as long as it is fully cooked.

The beef pressed out in this way is more porcelain and firmer, and the taste is stronger.

While scooping up the meat, Zhuang Yizhou came over to help when he had nothing to do. He put the scooped up meat in a large iron basin, and Lin Xu sprinkled a layer of powder on the surface of the meat while it was still hot.

After spreading it evenly, put it in a basin, and Zhuang Yizhou started to scoop out a piece.

Because of the soaking before cooking, the meat does not look ruddy enough.

But Lin Xu knew that tomorrow when the pile of beef is pressed and sliced ​​with a knife, the ruddy color inside the meat will be revealed, and that will also be the moment when the pile of beef will make a stunning appearance.

Take out all the meat pieces, bring over the pressure cooker that has been deflated, and then bring a small tank, and start pressing the meat.

First scoop a spoonful of boiled tendons into the bottom of the cleaned tank, and place a layer of meat cubes covered in powder.

Then pour a spoonful of tendons, and press the meat inside by the way, let the tendons fill the gap, and then put in new meat.

Such a layer of meat and a layer of tendons are put in.

After putting it in place, cover the surface with a wooden lid that is a circle smaller than the mouth of the tank, and then press a bucket of water, and the broth inside is instantly squeezed out.

Lin Xu took a small spoon and refilled the squeezed broth into the pressure cooker.

It's a pity to throw away these soups. It's better to put them together with the remaining tendons and put them in containers to make tendons jelly.

This collagen-rich and low-calorie delicacy is a favorite of the ladies and should not be wasted.

After doing this, carefully send the water tank to the cold storage, and then seal the tank mouth to prevent dust from entering.

For those tendons, stir them with powder, pour them into a slightly deeper tray, and put them in the cold storage for cooling and solidification.

"Boss, what to do with the beef soup?"

Che Zai asked curiously.

It would be a pity if it was spilled, but I don't know what to do with it if I keep it.

Lin Xu said:

"Save it for making beef soup tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll tell tomorrow's morning shift master later."

the next morning.

Lin Xu got up at six as usual.

After secretly kissing the good baby in his sleep, he came to the store and went to the cold storage first.

The tendon jelly has been prepared, and it is translucent after being poured out. It looks a bit like jelly, and the tendon inside is so vaguely visible that it is hard to see clearly.

But when sliced, it should show up clearly.

Then he opened the white cloth that sealed the mouth of the tank, took out the bucket that had been in it overnight, and pulled out the wooden cover that had been completely solidified in the skin jelly inside the tank.

The pile of beef inside is already clearly visible.

He and the morning shift master turned the small water tank upside down on a tray, and then carefully moved it away, and a beautiful stack of beef appeared in front of us.

"Ouch, this is so beautiful."

"Boss, your craftsmanship is amazing!"

The morning shift master and a few helpers couldn't help but boast.

Lin Xu smiled and took a slicing knife, and slowly cut a knife on the surface of the pile of beef.

A piece of meat with tendons floated down.

The ruddy color at the incision of the meat makes the value of the pile of beef even higher.

He used a kitchen knife to cut all the top of the pile of beef, and only then did the appearance of the pile of beef really show.

The ruddy pieces of meat are stacked together, and the gaps are filled with translucent tendons, which looks very beautiful.

Squeeze a piece into your mouth.

Only then did the aroma that was completely contained in the meat slowly dissipate, whetting one's appetite.

Chewing, the meat is dense, the taste is strong, the meat is rich, and the aftertaste can taste a light stewed aroma, which not only does not suppress the meat flavor, but makes the meat flavor even more wonderful.

good to eat!

It is indeed a famous snack in North China.

This taste, this taste... is just short of sesame biscuits.

Thinking of this, Lin Xu immediately took the basin and started kneading the noodles, planning to use the oven in the store to make some sesame biscuits for fun, and let the employees try this snack by the way.

Pour half a basin of all-purpose flour into the basin, dissolve the yeast powder and sugar with warm water, then use this bowl of water to stir the flour in the basin into flour flocs, and then knead it into a dough with moderate hardness.

The baking powder is twice as much as the usual steamed buns, so that the biscuits will expand rapidly when baked.

After the dough is kneaded, close the lid and start to rise.

Taking advantage of this time, he set up the frying pan, put a handful of salt and a small handful of peppercorns in the pot, turned on a low heat to roast the peppercorns, and then crushed the salt and peppercorns with a rolling pin.

The pepper and salt added to the sesame seed cake core is ready.

Shaobing must have a core, and it must be salty, so that it is more delicious to eat.

After the pepper and salt are ready, take out the dough in the basin and knead it again.

This step does not need to wait for the noodles to be opened, because the amount of baking powder is relatively large, after the biscuit is made, it will be fermented, so that the biscuits will expand more properly and taste softer and more delicious.

After kneading once, knead the dough into long strips. First, squeeze the dough into walnut-sized dough pieces, leaving a small piece of dough.

Then start making the biscuits.

Squeeze the noodles with your hands first, then grab a piece of dough the size of a thumb from the dough, dip it in vegetable oil, and then dip it in pepper and salt.

Then put it on the flattened noodle, and use the noodle to completely wrap the small dough that is dipped in oil and pepper and salt. After wrapping, close the mouth and re-round it.

After wrapping the dough one by one, bring half a bowl of water and half a bowl of white sesame seeds, and prepare the baking pan for the oven.

Pick up two noodles, dip them in water, and then dip them in sesame seeds.

Paste the sides of the two noodles with sesame seeds together, squeeze gently, and re-extrude the spherical dough into the shape of a dough cake.

After squeezing, the sesame seeds will stick more firmly, and the biscuit is ready.

Put the biscuits on the baking tray at intervals, put the baking tray into the closed oven after filling it, and seal it tightly.

Well, the temperature in the kitchen is too high, and the biscuit is easy to lose water when it is directly exposed to the air, causing the surface to crack, so put it in the oven, which can keep the moisture of the biscuit to the maximum.

Forty minutes later, the dough had nearly doubled in size.

The biscuits that were originally far apart were almost close together at this time.

Lin Xu took the biscuit out of the oven and preheated the oven.

After preheating, put the baking tray in and start baking.

"The temperature has been set, and it will automatically shut off in fifteen minutes. If I don't come back, remember to pull the baking tray out of it."

"Okay boss, I remember."

Lin Xu washed his hands and returned home. At this moment, Baby Shen was still sleeping soundly, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Baby, get up and eat."

"I don't...I want to sleep...don't disturb me..."

"I made sesame biscuits, but they will be gone when I get up late."

The obedient baby on the bed who was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open suddenly sat up:

"Seed biscuits? Where are the sesame seed cakes?"

This greedy appearance is comparable to Dundun's smell of meat.

Lin Xu leaned on the bed and said while looking for clothes for this girl:
"It's roasting in the oven. The beef from last night can also be eaten. I will sandwich the beef with hot pancakes later. It was my favorite delicacy when I was in junior high school."

Baby Shen woke up completely, and said while getting dressed:
"Hurry up and squeeze the toothpaste for me. I'm going to the store to eat sesame seed cakes with meat, and wake up Yan Bao to tempt her. You woke me up. I always feel unbalanced if I don't wake up a person."

Lin Xu: "..."

What did my aunt do in her previous life?

I was tortured repeatedly by you.

But it’s okay to call her over, I was craving beef yesterday, and I just had a good time with sesame seed cakes this morning.

After washing up, he and Baby Shen returned to the store.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, it was time for the oven.

Putting on heat-resistant gloves, as soon as the oven was turned on, a strong noodle fragrance wafted out of it.

These biscuits are not big in size, which is just right for sandwiching meat.

After pouring the biscuits into the tray, start baking the next tray.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

After smelling the aroma of sesame seed cakes, Shen Baobao really woke up.

Seeing the golden biscuits and the big pile of beef, the girl immediately came over and started taking pictures with her mobile phone.

After the photo was taken, it was sent to Chen Yan, and then she took a beef biscuit from Lin Xu, and took a bite happily:
"Wow, doesn't this taste great?"

Thin slices of beef are sandwiched between crispy and soft biscuits, and the sleepiness of getting up early is swept away in one bite.

"Xubao, I want to eat want to eat eight!"

"Okay, I'll make you as many as you eat."

Lin Xu also picked one up for himself, and after tasting it, he thought it was really good.

Although this is not the domineering big sesame seed cake on the street, it tastes good, especially the beef slices inside are bulging, and it is really enjoyable to take a big bite!
Baby Shen quickly ate up a small biscuit.

She took out her mobile phone and said vaguely:
"This is too delicious, no, I have to withdraw the picture, I'll tell Yan Bao when I'm full, lest she rob me..."


Just after noon, there was a power outage, and the one-hour coding time I saved so hard was lost by the load... Hurry up to get over the high temperature, the power outage like this is really hurting!After finishing this chapter, the book has 90 words. After it was put on the shelves, it updated an average of 1.2 words a day. Is this worth a full subscription reward, brothers?
(End of this chapter)

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