Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 295 Let people dip their souls in water as soon as they eat it!Geng Lele's school entra

Chapter 295 Let people dip their souls in water as soon as they eat it!Geng Lele's school entrance banquet! 【Subscribe】

Dipping in water, also called dipping juice, is the soul of dipping sauce dishes, and it can be found all over the country.

For example, ginger dipping sauce for white-cut chicken in Cantonese cuisine, oil dish dipping sauce and dry dish dipping sauce in Sichuan cuisine, sesame sauce dipping sauce for northern mutton, and sand tea sauce dipping sauce that is inseparable from Chaoshan beef hot pot, etc. They are famous.

But if you want to ask where the dipping water is the most, it has to be the Yunnan-Guizhou area.

There are thousands of dips to choose from, and new ones are created every day.

All kinds of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, numb, and fragrant dipping water not only increase people's appetite, but also enrich the taste of dishes.

When changing the steam pot chicken recipe, the relevant dipping water is attached.

But Lin Xu felt that it was too limited, and the price of Dian-style dipping water was quite cheap, so he exchanged it for an excellent-grade Dian-style dipping water collection.

The price of the dipping collection is less than [-] points, but it contains thousands of dipping recipes and routines and tricks for making dips.

The price of each dipping material is only tens of points.

It is more cost-effective than those 0.1% discount games on Steam.

Back in the kitchen, Lin Xu prepared the ingredients for the dipping sauce.

There are many ways to do Dian-style dipping, but they all remain the same, and they must be delicious.

In order to let the northerners get used to the taste of Dian-style dipping water, Lin Xu specially chose a hot and sour dipping water.

The main ingredients of this dipping water called Nanmi are tomato, wood tomato, purple eggplant, millet pepper, garlic and other ingredients.

The so-called wood tomato is a unique plant in southern Yunnan. It is also called tree tomato. It is rich in pectin and has a sweet and sour taste. It is the main raw material for making jam.

The reason why the wood tomato is added to this dip is not only to increase the sourness, but also to thicken it, making the taste of the dip more attractive.

After the ingredients are ready, put the wok on the stove and turn on the fire to dry.

After heating, put these ingredients in separately to burn the skin black.

Finally, grab a large handful of dried chilies and put them in the pot, and burn them until the skin turns slightly black and charred, then put them in a garlic mortar while they are hot, and mash them into fine powder.

This kind of chili pepper, which is burned to black but not black, is inconspicuous, but it has a strong fragrance. It is one of the few ingredients that cannot be separated from dipping water.

Scrape the paste peppers out of the garlic mortar, peel off the skins of several kinds of blackened main ingredients, put them into the garlic mortar, mash them into mud with a garlic pestle, and put them in a small basin.

Add coriander and celery in turn, then add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, minced garlic and the paste pepper just made.

Stir well, and a Dai-flavored Nanmi is ready.

Lin Xu tasted it, the hot and sour taste is very strong, but it is acceptable.

Originally, no white sugar was added. He was afraid that everyone would not be able to accept the strong hot and sour taste. It would be embarrassing for a group of people to see Mrs. Huang eating alone, so he put some soft white sugar to neutralize the various flavors.

Don't say it, it feels great.

The spicy, sour and slightly sweet taste gives this dip a different flavor.

Returning to the private room with the dipping water in hand, he took out a stack of small plates from the sideboard and filled a spoonful of this Dai-style dipping water for everyone.

"Come and taste it, the hot and sour taste is very strong, don't overeat."

The last sentence was addressed to a gluttonous girl.

Baby Shen stuck out his tongue.

Xu Bao is so gorgeous, why don't I lose face as the executive chef of Lin Kee Food?
But the murmurings are the same, she took the dipping material and put it in front of her at the first time, drank two bowls of chicken soup in a row, it was time to taste the chicken.

Shen Baobao, who has no appearance anxiety, doesn't think it's good to drink too much chicken soup, and just wants to eat meat with big mouthfuls.

Picked up a large piece of chicken thigh from the steamer and dipped it in the water, and she couldn't wait to put it in her mouth.

The chicken was a bit hot, but that didn't matter, what mattered was the rich hot and sour taste in the dipping water, like eating a green apple covered in chili.

While grinning sourly, it also makes people want to cry.

However, when you bite into the chicken, the savory and tender taste of the meat neutralizes the hot and sour taste a lot.

The hot and sour before seems to be less exciting and strong.

On the contrary, there is an appetizing feeling.

"Wow, I didn't expect people in southern Yunnan to eat hot and sour food as much as those in Northwest China."

Mrs. Huang didn't dip the chicken directly to eat, but first picked up some dipped paste with chopsticks and put it into her mouth, a surprise expression appeared on her face:
"This dip is really delicious, but compared to chicken, this dip is more suitable for dipping roasted eggplant, roasted pork skin and cowhide, it will be more delicious."

Eating steam pot chicken is usually done with ginger and garlic juice.

However, considering Brother Lin is not from southern Yunnan, it is very good to be able to do this, and it is more appetizing to eat meat with some hot and sour sauce after drinking the delicious chicken soup.

When she came here, she was still a little apprehensive, for fear that the steam pot chicken cooked by Lin Xu, a northerner, was not authentic, or had the same fishy smell as her own.

After tasting it, I found out that this skill is comparable to those masters who make steam pot chicken in southern Yunnan.

Not only does it have no fishy smell, but the ham is used to make the soup taste very delicious. Drinking it warm makes you feel comfortable all over.

No wonder he became a consultant of Diaoyutai at a young age.

The workmanship is indeed very good.

The men present continued to drink after drinking a bowl of chicken soup, while the women generally drank more than two bowls of chicken soup, and occasionally tried to chew and swallow when they scooped Sanqi.

But in the end, I found that my teeth might not be able to match the hardness of Panax notoginseng, so I chose to give up.

Lin Xu sat down, picked up a piece of chicken, dipped it in the dipping water, and put the meat into his mouth.

The chicken has been completely soft and rotten off the bone. It is fragrant and chewy, and the taste is extremely oily.

When putting it in the pot, he put the yellow fat from the chicken belly into the steam pot, and added the fat from the ham, so that the soup not only did not feel bland, but instead had a rich taste and a rich aroma.


Not only is the chicken delicious, but the hot and sour dipping water also gives the dish a soul.

Before making this dipping water, Lin Xu was afraid that the strong hot and sour taste would cover the freshness of the chicken, but after eating it, he found that instead of covering it, it made the chicken even more delicious.

What a heady dip!
Zeng Xiaoqi has hosted travel programs in the past two years, and has been to many places in the mountains and seas.

Eating this hot and sour delicious dip, she asked curiously:
"I remember the last time I put Houttuynia cordata in the dipping water in southern Yunnan, why didn't I put it here?"

Madam Huang said with a smile:

"Nammi doesn't let go of the folded ears... We locals don't like the name Houttuynia cordata, because the name reveals a strong dislike, and the folded ears are so delicious that the ears can be folded."

Everyone: "!!!!!!!"

I also learned a trick to deal with people from the Southwest.

After eating steam pot chicken, everyone chatted about the recipe of this delicacy.

In fact, regardless of the ingredients, the method of steam pot chicken is really simple.

The chicken doesn't even need to be washed, just rub the impurities on the chicken skin with salt, and then you can cut it into pieces and put it in the pot, add the ingredients and ham, put it on the pressure cooker, and wait for it to eat.

How easy it is.

But there is one thing, this dish requires high ingredients.

Don't even think about the ordinary three-yellow chicken and white-feather chicken, it can't be made in this way at all.

The minimum must be free-range chickens or black-clawed chickens that do not eat feed.

After eating the delicious steam pot chicken, the culinary genes in Mr. Chen's bones became active again:
"Brother-in-law, what kind of chicken is best to use for steam pot chicken? Is this considered top-notch today?"

Lin Xu shook his head:

"Although this chicken is good, it's not top-notch. The top-notch hens should be free-range chickens in southern Yunnan. They are castrated before laying eggs, and let the hens grow for a year. From young hens to old hens, The belly is full of butter, no eggs have been laid, this kind of chicken is the best."

Think about the nutrition that a hen has accumulated for a year and stew it in a steam pot. The taste is really indescribable.

Madam Huang exclaimed:

"Brother Lin is very knowledgeable about southern Yunnan. It's a pity that this kind of chicken is hard to come by now, and if you are not careful, you will be tricked, because many people raise the eliminated layer hens for a month or two, and sell them after they are fattened up. Those who are not knowledgeable will never be able to buy a real capon."

Xie Baomin, who was drinking with Shen Guofu and Lao Huang, said:

"If you women eat it, it is more suitable to eat black-bone chicken. Using black-bone chicken to make steam pot chicken is better for your body."

Black-bone chicken?

Everyone's eyes brightened immediately.

That's right, you can't buy the top hens, but you can buy black-bone chickens with higher nutritional value.

In those farms in the suburbs of Beijing, it is still easy to buy free-range black-bone chickens.

Buy it back and get it processed in the store. It is not appropriate to have another meal of black chicken soup for beauty and beauty.

"Old Huang, I will buy some black-bone chickens and send them here, and I will trouble Brother Lin to make steam pot chicken again. We have so many good medicinal materials in our family, so I will send some more."

Giving money directly is too outlandish, and it's only a fool who turns this kind of human relationship into a business.

Sending some precious medicinal materials accumulated at home will not only make the cooperation closer, but also break into Lin Xu's relationship network.

This is of great benefit to future business expansion.

Lao Huang also understood this.

So when he heard his wife's order, he hurriedly agreed:
"Okay, okay, no problem, I'll ask which place has the best quality black-bone chicken when I get back. If we eat it ourselves, we must eat the best one."

When everyone is eating, the service desk on the first floor.

Holding the bowl, Shu Yun slowly tasted the golden oily chicken soup with a spoon.

"It's really delicious. No wonder it takes hours to prepare. The dishes that take a lot of time are really not easy."

She drank it while admiring the deliciousness of the chicken soup.

Song Tiantian next to him took a sip, then asked:

"Boss Shu, can this thing really replenish Qi and blood?"

"Yes, put so much panax notoginseng and astragalus, one for blood and one for qi, it's very good for your body, drink it quickly, you might get tired when it gets cold later."

Song Tiantian clenched her fist and bulged her biceps.

The white shirt, which was originally a bit loose, was suddenly stretched by the muscles, as if it was about to open:
"I don't think I need to replenish my qi and blood, but Wei Gan needs to replenish it when he is always sweating, or I should send it upstairs for him to drink, so as not to catch up with me when riding a bicycle at night."

Shu Yun:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You completely regard Wei Gan as your wife, right?
But this huge bicep is really enviable. I wish I had such muscles. When the boss doesn't pay wages, I beat him up... Wait, why do I want to beat up the boss?
This idea is a bit dangerous, but it is not necessary.

She looked at Song Tiantian's size again, wondering how much liquor Tiantian's former boss drank before he dared to molest this strong woman.

While drinking, Geng Lele came to the shop.

Seeing Shu Yun, the girl walked over in a jerk:

"Sister Yunyun, I have some sad news for you..."

Shu Yun was taken aback by her tone:
"What unfortunate news? Have you been punished for secretly signing a false note?"

"No, it's because I will never be able to pretend to be the class teacher to sign, and I am also not eligible to take the college entrance examination... I, I, I... I was forcibly admitted by Zhiban."

If you are admitted, you will be admitted, so why force it?
They can't go home to catch you.

Shu Yun said with a smile:

"This is a good thing. When we took the college entrance examination back then, we spent all day and night reading. After the college entrance examination, we were in a daze. How many people dream of being able to go to Tsinghua University without taking the college entrance examination, and it is also a smart class that is as famous as the Yao class. It's a great thing."


Geng Lele thought it was pretty good at first.

But in the past few days, whenever she showed a little hesitation, no matter the school teachers or relatives and elders at home, it was the kind of good luck that someone admitted you because your ancestral grave was smoking.

You are not grateful to Dade for putting on airs, you are so ignorant!

It was the first time that the young Geng Lele felt troubled beyond knowledge, so he was unhappy.

Shu Yun put down the bowl and said with a smile:

"Just say what people say, and you don't have to listen. Didn't Professor Cui say last time that he handles these matters and doesn't let you get involved in too many things other than study, just because you are afraid that you will be affected."

According to her knowledge of relatives and elders over the years, some people really care about the younger generation, but some people are secretly jealous.

I am mediocre, and my children are mediocre.

It's okay if everyone is mediocre, but one of the relatives has a very good person.

In order to find a psychological balance, they deliberately rely on the old to sell the old lessons, and the better the young people are, the harder they teach them.

Dealing with this kind of person is actually very simple, just find someone who can hold him down.

Shu Yun looked at Geng Lele and asked:
"Was your grandfather not there when they said that?"

"Yeah, they always wait until my grandpa isn't there to say that."

"Next time whoever says that again, you can just call your grandfather directly, and ask the elegant and easy-going Mr. Lishan to thank him for his earnest teaching and earnest hope."

Geng Lele froze for a moment.

So easy to solve the problem?
This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, she was troubled by these things.

It was difficult to solve it at first, but I didn't expect that it could be done by just moving out the old man. It was so simple!

"Thank you, Sister Yunyun. By the way, I may have a school entrance banquet in two days, so you can eat with me too."

"Okay, when the time comes, sister will wrap you a big red envelope!"

After speaking, Shu Yun pointed upstairs:
"They all eat steam pot chicken on it, so hurry up and try it. By the way, tell everyone about being admitted to Tsinghua University. Before eating, Auntie Han said that she hasn't seen you for a few days."

As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, the little Mushroom head immediately became energetic:
"I'll go right away, and invite Uncle Shen and Aunt Han to my entrance banquet..."

She stumbled upstairs.

Song Tiantian looked at Geng Lele's back enviously and said:

"I really envy these people who are as easy as drinking cold water to enter university. After being admitted to Tsinghua University, Lele's parents should be very happy, right?"

Happy for sure.

But to say that I am very happy... Considering that Geng Lele's parents both work in the research institute and are highly intelligent, their attitude towards this kind of thing should be quite calm.

Because they should take it for granted.

And in terms of happiness, it should be the second place in Haidian Middle School who has been suppressed by Geng Lele.

Now that I heard that Geng Lele is leaving, I guess I will be sincerely happy for this alumnus.

The next morning.

When preparations for the kitchen were in full swing, Lin Xu received a call from Geng Lishan.

"Lin Xiaoyou, have you heard about Lele's going to Tsinghua University? I'm going to hold a banquet at your place, about eighty or ninety people, can we sit there?"

"Yes, I just built a banquet hall before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I can fully seat you."

Hearing that there was a banquet hall, Geng Lishan felt relieved.

This time, he was very attentive to his granddaughter's school entrance banquet. He not only invited all relatives in the family, but also invited teachers and students from Haidian Middle School, Cui Qingyuan and others.

In addition, the members of the TV station's "Eating World" column group also received the invitation, after all, they are also colleagues.

After confirming the number of people and the dishes on the date, the store began to prepare.

The roast suckling pig in the store last time left a deep impression on Geng Lishan, so this time there is one roast suckling pig per table, and another whole roast whole lamb.

As for other dishes, let Lin Xu figure it out.

He only has one request, that is, not to be too fancy, and to reflect the original taste of the dishes as much as possible.

For the school entrance banquet, the guests are all from our own people, so there is no need to have those dishes that are empty-headed and not enough to eat.

But what Lin Xu heard was:

"Don't be too fancy? Original taste? What kind of approach can meet such requirements?"

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Wei Gan and asked:

"What kind of dish is not fancy and restores the original taste?"

"Stew it, isn't it the original flavor?"

This is a direction, but we can't have a messy stew for their good school entrance banquet, right?Going to eat farmhouse music is not so neat.

Zhu Yong said:

"The steam pot chicken you made yesterday is considered original. It looks good and tastes good. It's suitable for Lele's school entrance banquet."

This is a good suggestion. That day, Lao Huang will cook a few more chickens, and put a steam pot chicken on the table for everyone to try.

Zhuang Yizhou also gave his own opinion:

"Steam it, it's simple, fresh but not light, it should meet the requirements of Mr. Lishan's original flavor."

On this original topic, everyone started a discussion.

While chatting, Qin Wei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"Salt...salt baked,"

When he said that, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes, salt baked.

If you want to talk about the original taste, there is no dish that meets the requirements more than salt baked, right?
I really didn't expect that Mr. Lishan would actually play the game at such an advanced age. If Qin Wei hadn't guessed this, the banquet for entering a higher school might not be perfect.

Just as he was thinking, a system notification sounded in Lin Xu's mind:

"The host searched up and down, triggering a side task [Technical Exploration]: The host is asked to make three salt-baked dishes of at least an excellent level within 4 hours based on his understanding of cooking. After completion, he will get an excellent general-purpose cooking technique— — Baked in salt.”

Four hours, three courses.

And they must all be excellent.

System, you don't have to think highly of me. Really, I'm just a newcomer in the culinary world. It's hard for me to do three dishes.

Lin Xu sighed, and began to think about the salt-baked dishes...


This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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