Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 394 For the reward, buy fishing gear and go fishing with the old grandson!There are piers, n

Chapter 394 For the reward, buy fishing gear and go fishing with the old grandson!There are piers, no air force! 【Subscribe】

"I didn't expect the red leaves on the mountain to be so beautiful at this moment!"

When we came to the foot of the mountain, everyone saw the yellow and red leaves on the mountain, and our mood suddenly brightened.

As soon as the car was parked, Shen Guofu and Han Shuzhen also drove over.

Shen Guofu opened the trunk and asked everyone:
"Have you brought food and drink? Come pick out what you want to eat."

Although mountain climbing is not a picnic, you should also bring some food and drink, especially high-sugar and high-energy snacks, such as Snickers bars or something.

Prevent symptoms such as hypoglycemia and dehydration during mountain climbing.

Lin Xu walked over with a prepared backpack and looked at the snacks prepared by the father-in-law. There were quite a variety of them, such as dates with walnuts, milk dates, Snickers bars, honey three knives, chocolate bars, small twists, and stuffed hazelnuts Chocolate, etc., Lin Xu packed them into his backpack.

The others also packed some mineral water and snacks.

After everything was ready, Lin Xu took the traction rope and put it on Dundun's body.

In order to prevent it from getting lost, a pet locator was specially hung around its neck.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Before the sun came out, a group of people started to climb the mountain.

There are actually quite a few people climbing the mountain in the morning, especially the middle-aged and elderly people nearby. Everyone shakes their fists while climbing the mountain, trying to exercise their muscles as much as possible.

Lin Xu carried a backpack and held Dundun in his arms:
"You can come down later on the platform above. The mountain road is too narrow and there are too many people, so you won't be allowed to go down and run."


Shen Guofu asked:
"Xiao Xu, why don't I carry a backpack, you are both hugging and carrying a backpack, can you?"

"Don't worry Dad, it's okay."

After all, although the physical fitness card last time only slightly strengthened the body, the effect is still very significant. Climbing this kind of hill is no problem at all.

When they first began to climb up, Chen Yan and Zeng Xiaoqi kept taking pictures of the wild flowers and red leaves on both sides of the steps with their mobile phones, showing a peaceful posture.

But as they crawled, the two gradually fell behind.

Usually, I don't do much exercise, but if I do this kind of mountain climbing suddenly, my physical fitness can't keep up.

Shen Baobao, who felt that he was about to fall behind, walked side by side with Lin Xu all the time.

"The proprietress's physical fitness is amazing."

"Nonsense, Yue Yue has danced aerobics for several years, and mountain climbing is nothing to her... Director Zeng, can you do it? If you can't, forget it, don't force it, I won't laugh at you."

"Tch, our physical fitness is good."

Just as she was talking, Zeng Xiaoqi saw a stone bench for people to rest on the side of the mountain road, so she sat on it and took a few breaths:

"Phew... I'll be a dog if I eat again tonight! I feel so heavy, like carrying a bag of [-] catties of rice."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yan also sat down.

Zeng Xiaoqi took a sip of water:
"Are you tired from walking too?"

"No, I'm just waiting for you, lest you get lost..."

"You must have been a platypus in your previous life, and the mouth is still hard even after it has become a fossil."

Not far ahead, Lin Xu stood in a gentle place and looked back towards the direction of the city:

"How about son, do you like it here?"


Lin Xu doesn't know if he likes it or not, but he should enjoy seeing this cozy look. From picking it up to now, he has never played outdoors before.

Although the little guy experienced a different environment during the seven days in Yinzhou, he had to go to the ticket office during the day, and he had never experienced the feeling of climbing a mountain to look far away.

Lin Xu looked at the steps up the mountain:

"It's not too far away. Let's continue. When we get to the top of the mountain, I'll feed you water and eat dried fish."

Baby Shen booed from the side:

"Let's go and have a big meal at the top of the mountain!"

The two walked not far, and saw Shen Guofu who was sipping water on the side of the road.

"Xiao Xu, if you two want to drink water, don't gulp it down, drink a little at a time, don't drink too much, or your body won't be able to take it..."

Shen Baobao smiled and asked:

"Dad, you can't do it. Why did you get left behind by your mother again? Show the courage you had to chase her back then."

Shen Guofu said proudly:

"Your mother was the one who chased me back then. Although our family had no money at that time, my father and I were in charge of the appearance of the whole alley. Your mother couldn't walk the first time she saw me..."

Shen Baobao knew that his father was bragging again, so he didn't expose him, and said with a smile:

"Dad is amazing, let's go up first!"

"Go, I'll come as soon as I catch my breath."

Although mountain climbing is a physical activity, it is also quite addictive.

Because I always feel that the scenery above is more beautiful. After reaching the top, I can sit on the top of the mountain and breathe the fresh air.

The more you go up, the fewer people on the mountain road.

Many people walked to the side of the mountain to rest in the open space, and some people were doing aerobics such as Baduanjin Taijiquan.

The higher up Dundun goes, the better his spirit will be.

Occasionally, I saw birds and squirrels jumping on the branches of the mountain forest, and they would make whining sounds and show their claws, like a little beast ready to hunt.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, winter is coming, and the children are busy storing food, don't scare them, just be a loving kitten."

If you read correctly, the few squirrels looming in the forest went to pick up pine nuts and chestnuts.

In winter, I didn't eat or drink, and I relied on these to survive.

Dundun looked at the direction in which the little squirrel was going away, half understanding, and the whining sound in his mouth became smaller.

I can let you go, but I can't lose my aura as a beast.

"Dundun, do you want to let Mommy hug you for a while?"

Shen Baobao was worried that Lin Xu's body would be overwhelmed by carrying ten catties of food and water on his back, and climbing the mountain with a twelve catties of pier.

Lin Xu said:


Baby Shen rubbed Dundun's head again:

"Dad is working very hard, let's make it easier for Dad, shall we?"

When Dundun heard this, he immediately got up and was about to jump into her arms, but he was caught.

The little guy may have been hugged for too long and was uncomfortable, so after jumping over, he didn't let him continue to be hugged, but jumped onto his shoulders, and then nestled his body into the hat of Baby Shen's coat.

Its two hind legs stretched into the hat, and its two front legs rested on Shen Baobao's shoulders, so that it could have a better view.

"Wow, my son is so smart, come and take a selfie with Mommy."

Director Shen took out his mobile phone, pointed the camera at himself first, and then slowly moved to the right, and Dundun with his head protruding from his right shoulder gradually appeared in the camera.

Seeing himself being captured by the camera, the little guy blinked slightly, and then rubbed his head against Baby Shen's neck, looking obedient and sensible.

"My son is so good, haha!"

The mother and son interacted actively, and then walked up, Lin Xu followed behind to prevent Dundun from falling.

When they were approaching the top of the mountain, they saw Han Shuzhen who was exercising in the open space next to her.

Upon seeing her, Baby Shen asked:

"Mom, just now my dad said that when you two met, you chased him, right? He also said that you couldn't walk when you saw him. "

Hee hee, Old Comrade Shen likes to brag too much, so as a daughter, I have to help him get rid of this bad habit.

However, just after finishing speaking, Han Shuzhen snorted coldly:
"What's more, on the first day we met, I was on my way to the medical school. He was riding a tricycle to set up a stall. He seemed blind and didn't look at the road. He hit me directly, and his ankle was swollen... "

Lin Xu couldn't help laughing:
"From this point of view, it is not wrong to say that there is no way to go."

"My dad is really... Then who is chasing who? Was it you who chased him?"

Han Shuzhen took a sip of water, with an expression of looking back:

"Your father beat me up when he knocked me down, saying that the tricycle was damaged, and he wouldn't let me pay for it because I was a student, and then he wanted to leave. My ankle was swollen, so I naturally refused. I chased him to ask for compensation." The medical bills cost half a street."

Got it... what my father-in-law is talking about is chasing after debts.

Sure enough, language is an art.

The same thing, described by different people has diametrically opposite facts.

"Hmm... Dad got into an accident and still wanted to escape, so did you pay for your medical expenses in the end?"

"He only had [-] cents for his whole body, and he saved it to buy sesame seed cakes when he bought the goods... I was soft-hearted, so I let him go. Who would have thought that when it was time for self-study at night, this stubborn man filled the medical school with a bottle of safflower oil Look for me... like the second idiot."

At that time, after catching up with the tricycle, Han Shuzhen was so angry that she asked for [-] yuan for medical expenses.

Hitting someone and running away, the quality is too bad, right?
As a result, the young Shen Guofu rummaged through his pockets for a long time, and found crumpled [-] cents, one of which was missing a corner.

Looking at the crumpled banknotes and that embarrassed face, Han Shuzhen's anger turned into regret.

The medicine for bruises in the medical school doesn't cost money, you can just wipe it on when you go there, why do you have to make trouble with a poor man who is riding a tricycle.

She didn't ask for the [-] cents, but bought two beef roasts from a nearby stall and handed them to Shen Guofu, then limped back to the medical school.

I thought it was over like this.

Unexpectedly, during the evening self-study, the classmates in the class were spreading the word that there were people all over the school looking for a female student who was limping, saying that they had sold the goods to collect enough medical expenses.

Han Shuzhen came out to join in the fun, and saw Shen Guofu who was drenched in sweat.

He set up a stall and didn't sell much at night, so he simply exchanged the goods to others, and found a friend to pool [-] yuan, and hurried to the school to send the money.

Shen Baobao burst into tears when he heard it. Dad must have suffered a lot at that time, right?

"Did you ask for Dad's fifty dollars later?"


"Ah? My dad is suffering so much. Why do you want his money? You have never been short of money since you were a child."

Han Shuzhen straightened the hair hanging by her ears, and said with a smile:

"Because that fifty yuan is my gift for marrying your father!"

Looking at the happy expression on his mother-in-law's face, Lin Xu couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, everything about young people is left over by middle-aged people.

Regardless of the vigorous love when they were young, or the way they spread dog food, young people cannot compare with the middle-aged people of the previous generation.

"The relationship between mom and dad is too good to cry, Xu Bao, can we be like this in the future?"

Before Lin Xu could speak, Han Shuzhen smiled and said:

"You can't do this. On the first day we got together with your dad, he said that we should do our best to earn money, and we must not let the children suffer from having no money... He did it, so your life is average. An'an is fine, we have tasted the hardships and sufferings for the two of you."

"Thank you, Mom... I will never be angry with you again."

The mother and daughter cuddled together, and Shen Jiayue rubbed her head against her grandma with Dundun on Shen Jiayue's shoulder.

When Shen Guofu also came up, the family sat in the gazebo on the top of the mountain, each of them ate two pieces of chocolate, and drank some water along the way. Dundun also ate small dried fish, licked and drank some mineral water.

After eating and drinking enough, the little guy strolled in the gazebo for a while.

After about half an hour, Zeng Xiaoqi and Chen Yan went up the mountain one after the other.

The two were out of breath, and when they came up, they sat on the steps regardless of their appearance, as if they were so tired that they fell apart.

Lin Xu took the chocolate and tore it open, and handed a piece to each of them.

After eating some sweets, a certain pair of good-for-nothings got up from the ground.

Chen Yan began to aspire again:

"When I go down the mountain, I will sign up for a high-end fitness class to exercise my body. I am so tired after climbing a small hill. I am going to climb Huangshan Mountain with Ren Jie. Is this going to make Ren Jie die of laughter?"

Zeng Xiaoqi also said:

"From today onwards, eat less and exercise more, don't invite me to eat late at night, quit, go back and tell Yuanyuan that she will go back to her room if she eats again, and she can't tempt me with food."

The timeliness of the determination of the two is very short.

For example, now, after hearing what the two said, Baby Shen immediately said to Lin Xu:

"Shall we eat roasted lamb's back tonight? I really like the crispy roasted lamb's back."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Yan and Zeng Xiaoqi agreed one after the other:
"Okay, I also like to eat roast lamb back."

"Roast more, brother-in-law, I think the essence of roasted whole lamb is roasted lamb's back."


It's only less than a minute, can't you two hold back for a while?
After resting enough, we all went down the mountain together.

At the foot of the mountain, Shen Guofu said:
"Old Tan invited me to play golf, what are your arrangements?"

Chen Yan said weakly:
"I plan to go to the racecourse with Xiaoqi to feed the horses... Yueyue, are you going?"

"No, I want to spend the weekend with Xu Bao, Xu Bao, where shall we go later?"

Lin Xu thought for a while, according to the previous system prompt, don't even think about entering the fifth ring road, but in the suburbs, just find a scenic spot to visit?
But Dundun doesn't seem to like scenic spots very much.

What are some good things to pass the time in the suburbs?

After thinking about it, the figure of the old grandson suddenly popped up in his mind.

Oh yes, fishing!
Compared with other projects, fishing can pass the time too much, and it can also let Dundun experience the joy of hunting.

Thinking of this, he said:

"I'm going to go fishing with Uncle Sun. Just now, Dundun was on the mountain trying to hunt little squirrels, but I stopped him. Why don't you just catch a few crucian carp and let him play."

"Okay, I have fished many times and haven't caught any fish yet. What do we need to prepare?"

Seeing that the young couple was no longer going back to the city, Chen Yan and Zeng Xiaoqi got into Shen Guofu's car and went back.

After Bentley left, Lin Xu called Lao Suntou with his mobile phone:
"Uncle Sun, have you been out fishing today... Oh, I have been fishing for two hours now? Can you send me a location, I plan to go to you to learn how to fish and get two small fish for Dundun to play with Son."

When the old grandson heard that Lin Xu wanted to learn fishing, he said immediately:

"All right, come on. I'm on the edge of a small river. You can just follow the navigation. It's very easy to find. Do you have all kinds of fishing guys? Fishing floats, fishing lines, fishing rods, hooks, lead pendants, braces Rods, dip nets, fish guards..."

He said a lot in eloquence, Lin Xu's head was dizzy, and he said simply:
"It's all done, just wait, we'll be here soon!"

He searched for a nearby fishing tackle shop, drove there, and bought a whole set of fishing gear according to the recommendation of the shop owner, even buying everything from sun umbrellas to seats.

Although it is possible to just be a fisherman today, the equipment must be complete.

After today, we are also glorious fishermen.

Lin Xu doesn't know anything about fishing, but a qualified fisherman is proficient in all skills except fishing. Lin Xu is good at cooking, which meets the most basic requirements of a fisherman.

Well, regardless of not doing business properly, we fishers are professionals!
After buying, the shop owner also enthusiastically taught Lin Xu how to open bait, hang bait, change thread, etc., and gave Lin Xu a box of live earthworms.

For Lin Xu, other things are quite difficult, but it is no problem to open the bait. Isn't this just mixing several kinds of bait together to form a sticky dough.

Professional counterparts belong to yes.

"Xubao, what if we can't catch any fish? Shall we buy two?"

Lin Xu was delighted when he heard it.

Unexpectedly, the good boy is also a hidden fishing master, and he has mastered the skill that only experienced fishermen have mastered-buy fish if you can't catch fish.

Lin Xu pointed to Dundun who was looking out through the car window on the rear seat and said:
"With Dundun, there is no fish that cannot be caught."

As long as Dundun is lucky enough, let alone fishing, it is no problem to go fishing for blue whales in the sea.

Following the navigation all the way, I finally found the small river ditch where Lao Suntou often fished.

There is a village not far from Xiaohegou, which is the terminus of a rural bus line. When Lao Suntou comes to fish every day, he always takes the earliest bus to come here.

When he got to the river, Lin Xu drove along the embankment for a while, and saw the old grandson who was waving at him by the side of the road.

He pulled over, pushed the door and got out of the car.

"How about Uncle Sun, how much did you catch?"

"No, the fish won't be active until noon after it's cold. I just made a new nest. I'm going to go fishing with double rods at noon. I'm going to catch big fish with long rods and small fish with short rods. The sun is quite bright today, and the water surface The wind is about level [-], the oxygen capacity is good, the air pressure is okay, and the water temperature is more than ten degrees, maybe it will be a double harvest.”

Lin Xu was stunned by these words.

Have fishermen started to study professional data such as air pressure, water temperature and oxygen capacity?
The old grandson asked:
"Where's your fishing tackle? Let me see how it looks."

Lin Xu opened the trunk and took out the fishing bag that was bigger than the guitar bag.

The old grandson looked at them one by one:
"This brand is not good, and the quality is poor. It's all about the sailors. The hook is not very good, and there is also a thread set...don't buy this kind of set. If the tie is not strong, the thread will be cut easily. Only hand-tying is firm."

Lin Xu seemed like a primary school student who walked into a high school classroom, feeling that everything was in a daze.

And Baby Shen was even more confused, isn't fishing a leisure activity?

Why is it more rigorous than Lele and the others in their experiments?
Lin Xu smiled and said:

"We just came here to play with Dundun. He stays in the store all the time, and he is almost suffering from pet jade disease."

He unloaded all the fishing tackle, locked the car, and followed Lao Suntou to the river ditch.

The water surface of the ditch is about four or five meters wide, and there are a few fishermen on each side of the bank, but they are far away from each other.

Finding a place that does not interfere with other fishermen, Lin Xu went around to fix the equipment. Just about to put the fish guard in the water, the old grandson said:
"Xiao Lin, don't you know? You can't get out of the fish guard when you're not fishing, and you can't pretend to copy the net, otherwise you won't be able to catch the fish. Fishing is very particular."

Lin Xu said while he was busy:

"It's okay, we're just having fun, if we can't catch any fish, we can't catch any fish, just treat it as feeding the fish."

He finished all the copying of the net, while Shen Baobao put the tripod in the car beside him, and started to shoot the VLOG. Now that he came out, he wanted to make the most of today.

After Lin Xu set the bait, he put the bait on the fishing rod and threw it down without even making a nest.

When some acquaintances came to fish, Lao Sun stopped guarding his fishing rod, lit a cigarette and whispered to Lin Xu the fishing skills beside him.

Just as he was talking, he saw Lin Xu's fish float and then sink.


This is the hook?
"Hurry up Xiaolin, the fish is ready, set up the fishing rod quickly..."

He picked up the copying net and waited beside him, his face full of puzzlement.

It's unscientific to fish right after you go down!


Recently, I have been watching the videos of Angler Yenong and Bump, and I deliberately added some similar content to enjoy the addiction of cloud fishing.This chapter is 5400 words, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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