Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 397 Chen Yan's Precise Interception!Some people are fishermen on the surface, but behin

Chapter 397 Chen Yan's Precise Interception!Some people are fishermen on the surface, but behind their backs... 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Speaking of which, my aunt hasn't driven an X5 yet."

Chen Yan came to the embankment with Dundun in her arms. Seeing the black car in the sun, she felt that she should move to a different place, otherwise the car would be full of uncomfortable heat when she left later.

This is the problem with driving a black car, so Chen Yan has always preferred white cars.

Dundun in his arms was struggling at first, but when he came up, he became uncharacteristically obedient, and even fell on Chen Yan's shoulder.

Chen Yan, who originally thought that his cheap nephew could not be counted on, was suddenly relieved.

The bullying was not in vain... No, the pain was not in vain.

"If you are always so obedient, I will definitely not bully your little pundun. When I go back, my aunt will buy you toys, a bunch of pet toys."

While muttering, she took the car key and pressed it.

After unlocking, first put Dundun on the passenger seat, and then get into the car.

It's really hot inside, although it's not as exaggerated as being able to boil eggs after being exposed to the sun in summer, but wearing a coat and a thin sweater, it's somewhat stuffy.

Start the car, and put down the windows by the way.

Through the left rearview mirror, she saw a tall sycamore tree on the outside of the embankment not far behind. Although the leaves of the sycamore tree had turned yellow and started to fall, the sky was still covered by the tree.

If that's the case, put the car in reverse.

Just to feel the reversing image of X5 to see if it is so exaggerated in the publicity.

By turning the gear lever to put the reverse gear, she slowly released the clutch, and the car reversed smoothly at an angle.

While reversing, a leaf fell from the tree and just blocked the camera of the reversing image. Chen Yan sighed helplessly, no one is so lucky today.

Fishing caught a small white strip, and the camera was blocked by leaves when reversing the car.

With such bad luck, is it because even God is jealous of my beauty?

She was thinking vaguely, and just about to turn her face to look in the rearview mirror, Dundun in the passenger seat suddenly jumped into her arms.

Chen Yan screamed subconsciously in fright, stepped on the accelerator unconsciously, and the accelerator came to the bottom all of a sudden, and the X5 suddenly fell backwards like a bull.

She was completely panicked, and only remembered that the car was tilted at this moment, so she hurriedly turned the steering wheel to avoid hitting the tall sycamore tree.

Just turning around, the car seemed to hit a wall, the whole body shook violently, there was a loud noise from the rear of the car, and then the car turned off.

Chen Yan was so frightened that her whole body was limp, but she jumped up from her arms and meowed behind her.

The cry brought Chen Yan back to her senses, and she turned her face with difficulty, only to realize that a car behind had rolled into the embankment.

I go! ! !

Hit someone else's car, what's going on?
She pushed the car door tremblingly, for fear of knocking someone out of her life, when she got out of the car, her legs were weak, so she rushed into the ditch and shouted:

"Yueyue, brother-in-law, I... I seem to have hit someone else's car."

At this moment, without her saying anything, all the people who were fishing in the ditch noticed that the X5 suddenly accelerated and crashed into a modern car like a cannonball.

The moment it hit, the X5 slammed the steering wheel.

Relying on the huge impact force, it directly arched the skinny Hyundai into the ditch.

Although it was an accident, no matter how you look at it, the collision seemed to be designed.

Lin Xu had already thrown the fishing rod aside. He, Bao Bao Shen, Zeng Xiaoqi and the others climbed up the embankment first. Seeing the terrified Chen Yan, he asked:
"Aren't you hurt?"

"No... just weak legs, will it kill someone?"

"It didn't fall into the water, probably not. I'll go and have a look... Yueyue, stay with Sister Yan."

Lin Xu saw Dundun waving his paw at him in the carriage, and he seemed to be fine... No, this little guy has such a high luck value, how could he bump into someone else's car?

And just hit right?
He went down to the embankment where the Hyundai car had overturned. Just as he was about to get to the car, he checked the situation when he suddenly kicked something like a branch.

Looking down, it turned out to be a... submachine gun.

All kinds of firearms are often seen in film and television dramas, and there are also various firearms in shooting games, but Lin Xu has never seen such a thing in reality.

The exterior of the gun is scuffed and the paint is even peeling off in some places.

But no matter how damaged it is, it is still a gun and a murderous weapon.

He looked in the direction of the Hyundai car. At this time, Old Suntou and several fishermen were already surrounding the upside-down car, dragging the people inside.

Lin Xu picked up the gun on the ground, and shouted at Lao Suntou and the others:
"Be careful, this man has a gun!"

As soon as the words fell, the person who was dragged out stood up and was about to run, but the old grandson grabbed his hair and slammed him on the ground, and then he performed a standard big grabbing technique, pinning the person to the ground.

"Little brat, no matter where you made a mistake, don't even think about escaping from the palm of my big-headed grandson. For the two years before retirement, I'll give you a big party first... Don't be dazed, put His belt and shoelaces are untied!"

After the other anglers got over their initial surprise, they quickly followed suit.

Everyone tied him up like a pig in the New Year. Old Sun stood up and saw the gun in Lin Xu's hand, with a burst of joy on his face:
"Fortunately, it fell out of the car, otherwise it would be really dangerous. Give me the gun."

Lin Xu handed it over, and Old Sun took it, quickly unloaded it, and unloaded the magazine.

After finishing these tasks, sirens sounded on the embankment.

"Uncle Sun, you used to be..."

The old grandson weighed the submachine gun magazine in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Before I retired, I worked as a handyman in the police station..."

Have done odd jobs?
This sounded familiar. The last time I said that I was a handyman or a master.

Is this the idiomatic sentence pattern of your Yingchun Street gangsters?
Lin Xu asked:

"Can a handyman handle firearms so deftly? Are you a criminal policeman, Uncle Sun?"

The old grandson waved his hands and said modestly:

"I have worked as a criminal police officer and as a special police officer. In the years before I retired, I was also an instructor of the special police corps... This grandson can't run anywhere, so he has to go to our place, disturbing everyone's pleasure of fishing."

Tsk tsk tsk, awesome.

Yingchun Street is really a place where big bosses live.

On the embankment, Ren Jie pushed the door and got out of the car. He saw the X5 parked in the middle of the road, and then looked at the Hyundai car on the river beach. Just as he was about to get off, he saw Chen Yan standing beside the car.

"Xiaoyan? Why do you..."

When Chen Yan saw Ren Jie, she rushed over immediately, crying loudly:
"I seem to have bumped into someone, and even bumped him into the river beach. I don't know if I'm dead or alive. Will you arrest me? I'm going to a women's prison, can you bring me food..."

Seeing that several colleagues had already rushed into the ditch, Ren Jie patted Chen Yan on the back and said:

"The man you bumped into was a gunman with at least three lives on his back. Last night we caught their gang, but this guy was cunning and he escaped. We only found him on the Fifth Ring Road. Chase all the way here..."

Chen Yan: "!!!!!!!!!"

How could it be so clever?

She rejoiced for a while:
"That is to say, I don't have to go to jail?"

"What kind of prison are you in? You have done a good job, my dear. Don't cry. After a woman is over twenty, she can't be a crying fool."

"Who said twenty, I'm only eighteen!"

"Okay, okay, eighteen... Why is Dundun in the car? Let me carry it out."

"Don't hug it, it's just that it hurt me, it almost scared me to death... You haven't said whether you will go to the prison to bring me food."

Ren Jie gave a straight man's answer:
"Right now, the prison doesn't allow me to deliver meals... Hey, don't step on my feet!"

Not long after, two policemen brought up the murderer who was handcuffed behind his back, along with Lin Xu, Lao Suntou, and several other fishermen who helped arrest him.

"Ren Jie, this is Senior Sun. He used to be an instructor of the special police corps. Just now, he helped us catch someone. The gun was picked by Boss Lin. Senior Sun has already unloaded the bullet for us."

When Ren Jie heard this, he quickly stood up straight and saluted Old Sun:

"Salute to the old man!"

The old grandson returned the gift, and then said:

"Take him away. Say hello to your captain for me. I kicked his ass when I was training with me. Let him not hold grudges."

"Ha, it turns out that the captain's habit of kicking people's buttocks is learned from you, I promise to bring the words!"

It was impossible to catch fish now, and everyone talked about the process from crashing to catching.

According to Ren Jie's speculation, there will definitely be a gun battle before this person is caught. A pistol and several magazines were found in the car just now, and it might be a fierce battle.

Unexpectedly, it was cleaned up by a few fishermen.

Lin Xu didn't even expect that some people looked like old men who couldn't catch fish, but secretly they were instructors of the Yanjing City Special Police Corps.

After the initial excitement, Chen Yan noticed Ren Jie's bandaged left arm:
"What's the matter?"

"Scratches. My gun went off, and my arm moved, and the other side also shot, and the bullet flew past my arm. If it didn't go off, he would hit my left arm... Another penetrating wound, this arm probably will be ruined."

Chen Yan caressed distressedly:

"Be careful in the future..."

"Of order! By the way, you guys are here to fish, how are your catches?"

Chen Yan: "..."

You are so good at chatting, who did you learn from?
Ren Jie was pinched twice by Chen Yan on the waist, and hurried to get busy with business.

He came over with a fingerprint collector and said to Lin Xu:

"Brother-in-law, let's take a fingerprint. You just touched the gun, and all ten fingers were picked. This way, we can screen out the unfamiliar fingerprints on the gun, and maybe we can dig out the source of the gun."

After it was collected by Lin Xu, he went to the river ditch to collect fingerprints for the old grandson who continued to fish.

It didn't take long for the SWAT team and people from the nearby police station to arrive.

The car in the river beach was taken out, and a record was made by the way. The insurance company also came to assess the damage of Lin Xu's car and prepare to settle the claim.

After finishing all this work, everyone lost their minds about fishing. After collecting their catches, they drove back.

Since Chen Yan had just experienced great joy and sorrow, Shen Baobao drove her Panamera. Zeng Xiaoqi sat in the passenger seat with Dundun in her arms, and asked Chen Yan to calm down in the back row.

Lin Xu, on the other hand, drove the X5 with a slightly damaged buttocks, and took Qiang Yue Liyue and Lao Suntou back to Yingchun Street.

Originally, I wanted to brush the time until it was dark, and see what rewards Dundun can reward.

But I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Forget it, let's take Dundun out to play when there is nothing to do in the future. It is already very good to enjoy most of the fishing time today.

After the car entered the Fifth Ring Road, Lin Xu heard a system prompt in his mind:

"The host brings his pet to play outdoors for more than nine hours, and he can redeem nine rewards, or it can be redeemed accumulatively. Please ask the host to choose the redemption method."

nine hours?
But the calculations are about the same. When I arrived outside the Fifth Ring Road in the morning, it was almost early six o'clock, and now it was almost four o'clock, so it was indeed more than nine hours.

A small reward is definitely better than nothing, so it's better to stud it directly.

Lin Xu said silently in his heart:
"Cumulative exchange."

Soon, the system's prompt sounded again in my mind:
"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the perfect Cantonese cooking sauce——bao juice."

Abalone sauce?

I rely on rely on rely on, this reward is really awesome!
With abalone juice, the high-end dishes in Cantonese cuisine are at your fingertips.

The so-called abalone juice is not abalone juice, but the cooking juice of abalone. The food material of abalone, like sea cucumber, has no taste in itself, and it is all simmered by the sauce.

Abalone juice is a sauce specially made for abalone, especially dried abalone.

But this kind of sauce can not only make abalone, but also goose palm, pig’s knuckle, chicken feet, fish maw, shark’s fin, bird’s nest, tofu and other ingredients.

You can even make bear paws, but now that black bears are protected animals, the dish of bear paws in abalone sauce will naturally disappear from the dining table.

You can't eat bear paws, but you can taste goose paws.

Lin Xu planned to make some abalone juice during the weekend, and first made the goose palm with abalone juice to see if it was as delicious as the legend said.

Back on Yingchun Street, Shen Guofu, Chen Yuejin, and Ren Chongmo all arrived.

Before coming here, Shen Baobao told her family about the arrest of the murderer, and also described the scene of Yan Bao's precise interception. She spoke very enthusiastically, but the elders were very worried.

With such a fast car, what if something happens?
After stopping the car, Lao Suntou saw the person standing at the door and said with a smile:

"Xiao Lin, I'll give you that fish. I'll go back first... I went out in the morning and only came back now. It's time for your aunt to hit me with a rolling pin again."

You were so quick to deal with that murderer by the river just now, is this your status at home?
Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Wait a moment, wait a moment..."

He opened the door and got out of the car, and shouted to Xu Xinhua in the lo-mei window:

"Master Xu, pack two roast chickens, and pack some other lo mei."

A person like Old Suntou who has dedicated his whole life to the safety of the people must show enough respect and not let the hero bleed outside and be punished when he returns home.

After finishing speaking, he rushed to the old grandson and said:
"Bring two roasted chickens back, and the aunt won't blame you. Besides, you can push me, and say that you only delayed until now to teach me how to fish."

Just as he was talking, Xu Xinhua sent out the packaged lo mei.

The old grandson couldn't refuse, so he had to accept it:

He said to Lin Xu with his fishing bag:
"Xiao Lin, next time we want to fish, let's go fishing together."


After the old grandson left, the elders had already surrounded Chen Yan. Ren Chongmo and his wife were full of concern for their daughter-in-law, and comforted her not to be afraid, while Chen Yuejin and his wife were more concerned about their daughter, and they were more concerned about their daughter. ,too dangerous.

Seeing that his sister and brother-in-law were talking more and more seriously, Shen Guofu interrupted and asked:

"Where's the fish you caught? Come and show me the catch."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan was even more speechless.

Can you forget about the catch?
The most hateful thing is that Yueyue actually brought back the little white strips she caught, clearly wanting shrimp and pig hearts!

"Come, come, everyone, look at our catches. This big carp belongs to my fishing grandma, and the small silver carp belongs to No. [-] fishing grandma Zeng's director. As for Yan Bao...hahahaha..."

Under Mr. Chen's murderous eyes, she said:
"Yan Bao didn't catch anything, but he caught a murderer, which is the biggest gain."

That's more or less.

Chen Yan's expression softened a lot.

Everyone came to the store with fishing gear and catches.

"Xu Bao, let me make this big carp of my size, and let Yan Bao be overwhelmed. I have made great achievements today, and I should eat fish to celebrate."

"And my five-pound silver carp, let Mr. Chen be shocked."

Li Qiang and Yue Liyue also contributed the fish they caught.

That being the case, Lin Xu said:
"Then let's have a whole fish feast today. Sister Yan, please contact your brother-in-law to see if he can come back for dinner. If so, let's celebrate together today."

Chen Yan shook her head and said:

"No, he told me when he came here that he will have to interrogate when he goes back. There are more than a dozen people in that gang, and they have to sort out the files overnight. It is estimated that they will not be able to return until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

If you can't come, forget it.

Let's cook delicious food alone when he comes back.

Lin Xu put the fish into the aquarium and began to arrange the dishes for tonight.

Snake fish is made into sauerkraut fish, and its mouth is turned upside down to dry-fry, catfish is made into grilled fish, grass carp is made into boiled fish, and silver carp is made into steamed fish head in black bean sauce and dry-fried fish fillets.

As for the big carp that Baobao Shen caught.

Lin Xu thought for a while, and planned to combine the ramen techniques he learned two days ago to make a famous traditional dish in the Central Plains—baked carp noodles.

The full name of carp baked noodles is Sweet and Sour Ruanliu Carp Baked Noodles.

Baking noodles are fried thin noodles. The fried noodles are covered with carp in sweet and sour sauce, as if covered with a quilt, which is beautiful and delicious.

The sweet and sour soft fish in the Central Plains is very similar to the sweet and sour carp in Shandong cuisine, but there are also differences.

The sweet and sour carp uses a peony flower knife, with four knives on each side of the fish body. The knife edge is cut into the fish at an angle.

The sweet and sour soft fish is a corrugated knife flower, which cuts directly into the fish meat in an oblique arc. Knife.

After arranging the big fish properly, Lin Xu looked at the big and small crucian carp swimming in the water, and called Xie Baomin with his mobile phone:

"Brother, do you have any plans for tonight?"

"No arrangement, I'm not shooting a video today, I'm watching a movie with your sister-in-law and Yufei Yuhang, do you have any arrangements?"

Lin Xu said:

"I caught a lot of fish today, and I want to turn crucian carp into a bad fish, can you teach me?"

Xie Baomin on the other end of the phone said immediately after hearing this:
"No problem, no problem. By the way, where did you catch the fish? Remember to share the location with me. I have gone out fishing several times but I can't find a good fishing spot. Every time the air force."

These words made Lin Xu grin.

The position is useless, it is better to have a pier than to choose a position.

He smiled and said:

"Next time, let's go together and have a good time fishing. By the way, Yueyue also caught a carp that weighs eight pounds. I'm going to make carp noodles."

When Xie Baomin heard it, there was excitement in his voice:

"Carp baked noodles? It seems that you have learned how to ramen? If so, it's time to show off our master's noodles in clear soup!"


This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month, brothers, today is the third watch!

(End of this chapter)

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