Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 549 Occasionally eat miscellaneous grains and wild vegetables Wotou, let alone, it tastes re

"Dundun is so powerful!"

Shen Guofu ran into the river, holding the light blue stone that was about the size of a basketball. The warm touch was indeed like a piece of jade.

It is not uncommon to find jade in mountainous rivers.

In many places, there are professional jade diggers who specialize in making a living in such stone-filled rivers.

But such a large jade, pure in texture, warm to the touch, without any impurities on the surface, is really rare. If it is sold, it is estimated to be worth a lot of money.

After all, such a large piece of jade can be carved into relatively complex large pieces of jade, which can be sold at a higher price than bracelets and jade pendants.

Shen Jiayue said with a smile:
"I dug it out. No matter how expensive it is, I won't sell it. I plan to ask someone to carve this piece of jade into a solid shape. Baby, how about Mommy's suggestion?"

Dundun strolled in the river on his own, not interested in these words.

Shen Guofu, on the other hand, thought it would be good to carve it into a pier.

He thought for a while and said:

"Then after I return to Beijing this time, I will find a master sculptor and ask him to carve it like Dundun... Not to mention, this piece of jade is really suitable for carving into Dundun."

The entire jade material is big at one end and small at the other end, which is more suitable for carving into the shape of a cat squatting.

This is also Dundun's signature move, and Shen Guofu even wanted to put it on his desk, but thinking that his daughter would definitely not agree, he had no choice but to give up.

On a gentle slope not far away, Lin Xu dug another basket of wild vegetables.

The types of these wild vegetables are a bit complicated, so I have to separate them later, especially the wild leeks and wild onions, which are picked out and scrambled eggs are so delicious that people can swallow their tongues.

Back home during the Ching Ming Festival last year, Lin Xu once ate dumplings made by his mother with wild leeks, which was called a fresh spirit.

Chen Meijuan also found the wild onion, she said to everyone:

"Dug out wild onions with their roots, and the roots are delicious. Don't take leeks with their roots, as they can be kept for next time."

She has already made plans to dig out the wild leeks in the valley with their roots when the spring is warm, and transplant them into the small vegetable garden opened outside the farm restaurant.

This will make it much easier to eat later.

While he was busy with work, his second uncle Chen Meiliang came from the valley in front, carrying a basket full of oval leaves.

He smiled and said:

"There is a wild pepper tree in front of it, and the leaves have already grown. I just picked the leaves, chopped them, mixed them with eggs and fried them. The taste will be super delicious."

This valley is really surprising, allowing everyone to have endless wild vegetables one month in advance.

After the several woven bags I brought are all full, I am ready to go back.

Shen Guofu didn't know much about wild vegetables, so he volunteered to pick up the stone that Dundun was looking for. Shen Jiayue held Dundun in his arms, while the others carried tools and wild vegetables.

When you come, walk all the way down, either down the steps, or down the gentle slope.

So everyone walked five or six kilometers along the valley unknowingly, but when they returned, it was not easy.

The uphill road was tiring and uncomfortable to walk on.

Moreover, the further we walked, the lower the temperature became, and we didn't dare to take off our coats when we got hot, so we could only sweat silently.

Chen Shaokang and his group of soy sauce cousins ​​picked a wild flower and two stones when they were digging wild vegetables, but now they threw away all the stones and wild flowers, and even grabbed the railing with their hands when they went up the steps. .

Lin Xu, on the other hand, was still at the front of the line, carrying a bag full of wild vegetables and carrying his and Shen Jiayue's basket and shovel.

In good health, you can really do whatever you want.

"Dundun, let's go back to lose weight, okay? It feels like your body is getting heavier... I'm really curious about how those people who raise blue cats to twenty catties usually hold cats."

Among the blue cats, the thirteen-pound Dundun is not too fat, and his body is relatively well-proportioned, but some big blue cats on the Internet that weigh twenty pounds are an exaggeration.

When everyone finally came out of the valley, beads of sweat hung on everyone's forehead.

Put all the wild vegetables and tools in the trunk, and everyone drove back.

These wild vegetables dug out of the ground cannot be eaten directly, they have to be picked clean, and choosing vegetables is also a relatively cumbersome thing.

Everyone, take a break, drink water, drink water, and eat snacks.

After resting for a while, I poured the wild vegetables out of the woven bag and began to choose vegetables. When choosing, I also had to classify the wild vegetables.

"Xu Bao, what are you eating today?"

Shen Jiayue felt that the pig's head she ate at noon had been completely digested, and even the fat accumulated in the past two days had been burned a lot. Walking several kilometers of mountain roads with steps and gentle slopes was too tiring.

Lin Xu said:

"Steam multigrain Wowo and wild vegetable Wowo, then heat up the leftovers at noon, make chicken noodle soup, just eat it for a simple meal."

Shen Guofu, who was busy washing wild vegetables in a large basin, thought of the half of the pig's head and other dishes left at noon, and felt that the son-in-law's simple meal was not easy at all.

But that's fine.

I didn't eat the pig's head that I didn't enjoy at noon, and I will come again at night, which is really double the happiness!

As for the chicken noodle soup, it’s okay. I haven’t eaten it for a long time. The son-in-law’s cooking skills are so strong, and it’s a hearty meal with both meat and vegetables.

After Dundun got off the car, he went to his own automatic heat preservation basin, squatted and drank a lot of water.

Then he jumped to the table in the yard, looked at the stone carefully for a while, then raised his tail, went to the cage next to the pigsty, and began to bully the duck inside.

Shen Jiayue said:
"Dundun is like a small village chief, he will reprimand you when you see a small animal in the yard."

Chen Yuanyuan grabbed a handful of wild onions, and asked while deftly choosing:
"I see that many people on the Internet are urging Dundun to start the live broadcast, why don't you let Dundun broadcast it?"

"We don't like Dundun living under the camera, and we don't like forcing it to do anything. One day it wants to live broadcast and will ask for it."

Since the first live broadcast, Dundun has only broadcast live three or four times.

Although every time the live broadcast, the advertisers kept calling, hoping to get Dundun to help deliver the goods or advertise, but Shen Jiayue didn't agree.

Lin Xu said:

"Mr. Hou contacted me a few years ago, and asked Dundun to put a car model of Masaru next to the live broadcast. I didn't agree at that time, but since they added money this time, let Sister Yan talk to them at that time. Implanted contract."

Although any advertisements are not accepted, those who endorse themselves must also promote the promotion.

Shen Jiayue has a good sense of Mai Sharui, and said with a smile:

"Yes, the brand of Maisha Rui, at least it will not insult our reputation... I checked on the official website of Maisa Rui yesterday. Not only are their cars expensive, but the surroundings of the cars are also super expensive. A child seat The chairs can be sold for six figures, and they will really cut the leeks of the rich."

In my impression, a child seat only costs a few hundred dollars, even if it is more expensive, it can cost thousands of dollars at most.

Maisa Rui sold 10,000+ when it came up, and even Lin Xu was curious about who the target customers of these seats are.

Shen Guofu said with a smile:

"This kind of positioning is generally not for selling, but to highlight the brand value. Use accessories, accessories, tools and other accessories to increase customer recognition and increase brand cohesion. It can be regarded as a strong maintenance."

High-end brands often have similar operations.

For example, in the past few years, those high-end mooncakes cost tens of thousands of boxes.

Knowing that the sales volume is not high, and no one even buys it, it will still be placed in a prominent position in the mall. The purpose is to increase the force and attract the public's attention with gimmicks.

While everyone was choosing dishes, Lin Xu came to the kitchen, took out the multigrain noodles in the kitchen, and started kneading the noodles.

The so-called miscellaneous grain noodles generally refer to sorghum noodles, corn flour and bean noodles. The three kinds of steamed buns mixed together are called miscellaneous grains.

In addition to these three kinds, millet noodles, pea noodles, mung bean noodles, black bean noodles and flour made from various coarse grains can also be added to the miscellaneous grains nest.

Miscellaneous grains is a general term, which generally refers to all coarse grains except rice noodles.

But in real life, the so-called coarse grains are actually not very coarse, because now it is advocated to make coarse grains carefully.

Eating whole grains in a limited amount is good for your health, but if you really want to follow the way of difficult times, it is not healthy, it is self-abuse.

Lin Xu soaked some corn grits in hot water.

The taste of corn grits is better than cornmeal, and the dietary fiber in corn also helps digestion.

Except for corn grits, sorghum noodles and soybean noodles are all shelled and finely processed, and he even went through a sieve when using them.

Soak the corn grits until soft, add sorghum noodles and soybean noodles, add a little baking powder, put a little salt, add some sugar, and knead the dough with hot water.

Finally, put the basin in warm water and start to hair.

Not long after, the wild vegetables outside had been packed, and the aunt's family and the second aunt's family were also preparing to drive back. They still had relatives to visit, and they agreed to come back on the sixth day.

When she was leaving, Chen Meijuan packed a lot of wild vegetables, and also took away a lot of bacon at home and soy sauce meat and soy sauce duck brought by Lin Xu from the capital.

There is still a large pot of wild vegetables left.

Lin Xu planned to scramble eggs with wild leeks. There were not enough wild leeks, so he just mixed them into the chicken noodle soup.

As for other wild vegetables, stir-fry some with dried chilies, then wrap them in dry powder and steam some, and make the rest into wild vegetables.

Wild vegetable nests are relatively simple. Cut wild vegetables and put them in a pot, add salt and miscellaneous grain noodles, knead them into dough, and then make them into individual nests.

Whether it is dipped in garlic or chili oil when eating, it tastes very good.

After eating big fish and meat for several days in a row, it's time to eat some fresh wild vegetables and scrape oil.

Lin Xu made wild vegetable nests and put them in a steaming plate lined with a silicone cloth, and the sourdough noodles were almost ready.

Put the dough on the chopping board and knead it, and then pull it into dough pieces.

Then knead them into circles separately, and when kneading, press your thumb in to make a sunken nest, which is the origin of the name of Wowotou.

In fact, there is a similar dim sum in Beijing called Xiaowowo.

Chestnut noodles are used, and the steamed ones are sweet. It is best eaten with honey, the taste is smoother, and the taste is more delicious.

It is said that it is Cixi's favorite, but it is not known whether it is true or not. After all, almost all the delicacies in the capital can be related to Qianlong and Cixi.

That is to say, people can't talk, otherwise they may have to sue with many people.

Both kinds of steamed buns are ready and put into the steamer for steaming.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu kneaded some noodles and prepared to make chicken soup noodle slices. When eating coarse grains, he should drink some soup, so as to moisten the stomach and promote digestion.

Because she was going to the capital tomorrow, Chen Yuanyuan was going to pack her things now.

Tomorrow, after breakfast, I will go to the high-speed rail station to take a bus, and try not to delay having lunch in the store.

The second aunt also went to help. Although she was happy for her daughter's promotion, she went to work on the third day of the Lunar New Year, which made her, a mother, inexplicably distressed.

Fortunately, Sister Yuanyuan is very professional:
"My brother handed over the stall to me. I can't be empty-handed and unprepared, right? The employees on the seventh day of the seventh day have to go to work, and the store on the eighth day will resume work. I have to make plans in advance."

She has already made up her mind to gain a firm foothold in the capital in the past two years, wait for Chen Shaokang to go to university, and try her best to apply for schools in the capital.

With family and relatives in this way, Chen Shaokang's college life will be much more comfortable.

"Xubao, when will you teach me how to make cakes?"

Shen Jiayue had nothing to do, she took a kiwi brought by her second aunt, peeled it, and slowly gnawed it in her hand.

I can't wait for dinner, so I can only stuff myself with fruit first.

Lin Xu brought out the chicken soup made in the morning. Originally, he wanted to explain that he would make it tomorrow, but thinking about the fact that sister Yuanyuan could take two yuan to eat on the way tomorrow when she took the high-speed train, she said:
"Tonight, I will teach you how to make it tonight. This is very simple. In addition to the cost of ingredients and sugar, the rest is the matching and arrangement of various ingredients."

Upon hearing this, Shen Jiayue said with a smile:

"That's great, I can't help but want Yan Bao to see it."

Lin Xu smiled wryly, are you planning to let her break the sister relationship with you in advance?

At this moment, the reconciled dough is still loose and cannot be rolled out.

He had nothing to do, so he prepared chili oil, garlic juice, watermelon bean sauce and other dipping sauces to go with the steamed bread, as well as side dishes such as pickled vegetables and peppers.

Then warm up the leftovers from the morning.

After the dough is relaxed, roll it into thin noodles, put it into the boiling chicken broth, season it, sprinkle with chopped wild leeks, and serve it in a heat preservation basin.

At this moment, the steamed buns have also been steamed.

Lin Xu opened the steaming cabinet, took out the steaming plate, and put the steamed miscellaneous grains and wild vegetables into bamboo baskets respectively. Today's dinner officially began.

The three old people liked Lin Xuzheng's steamed buns very much.

"In the past, the buns were very rough. I didn't expect Xiaoxu to make them so delicate."

"It tastes different, it's sweet, with a salty taste in the mouth, unlike the past, which hurts the throat."

"Not only does it hurt my throat, but I can't digest it after eating too much...Xiao Xu just made the buns into snacks."

In fact, there were miscellaneous corn buns in the store, which were really sold as snacks, so this snack was not difficult for Lin Xu at all.

Take a steamed bun and turn it upside down, put a little chili oil or watermelon bean paste in it, and take a bite like this, and feel your appetite instantly open up.

Shen Jiayue ate it happily, and thought it was even more delicious than white flour steamed buns.

After eating the miscellaneous grains, she imitated Lin Xu, dipped a wild vegetable nest into the chili oil, and took a bite. The freshness of the wild vegetable and the spicyness of the chili oil mixed together, making people feel straight The comfort of Tianling Gai.

It's like eating light food for a month, and suddenly sitting in a hot pot restaurant and eating the spicy butter hot pot that I have been wanting for a long time, it is very enjoyable.

"This is delicious. I like to eat wild vegetables...Xu Bao, what should we do if we can't eat wild vegetables when we go to the capital?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Other vegetables can also be made into Wowotou, such as celery leaves, spinach, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, etc., and many wild vegetables are now artificially cultivated, such as shepherd's purse, which are basically easy to buy."

With the improvement of living standards, many ingredients in rural areas can also be bought in cities.

As for seasonal ingredients such as Sophora elm and elm money, they can basically be seen in the vegetable market every time it is on the market.

Shen Guofu was holding a small bun. He didn't put chili oil or watermelon bean paste in it, but put a piece of pork head in it.

Such a delicious bite, the pork inside is full of oil, while the miscellaneous grains outside are delicate and delicious.

The combination of the two flavors and textures is simply a supreme enjoyment for meat lovers.

Chen Meijuan took a spoon and served chicken soup noodles for everyone, then picked up a bowl and tasted it, and was very surprised by Lin Xu's craftsmanship:
"Oh, this is even better than what I made."

Han Shuzhen smiled:

"You still teach well, like our family, my mother can't cook, and I don't know how to cook, let alone Yueyue..."

Just when she was about to say that Xiaobai in her kitchen is in the same line, Shen Jiayue said:

"Ahem, I advise someone not to bring me along. How delicious I can cook now. I am going to learn how to make cakes tonight. It's not that I don't know how to cook."

Hmph, you and grandma can say that you can't cook without shame.

But as Xu Bao's wife, how could I not know how to cook?
Han Shuzhen glared at her daughter:
"You're fooling around again, don't waste ingredients."

"No, make the cut cake tonight, and sister Yuanyuan can take it on the road tomorrow... If you want to eat it, I can force you to try it."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan bumped Shen Jiayue's shoulder:

"Thank you, brother and sister."

"You don't need to be so polite, sister Yuanyuan."

Han Shuzhen glared at her daughter.

Smelly girl, she's not too big or too young at her in-law's house.

Who eats sliced ​​cakes in the middle of the night? They are full of nuts and sugar, and they are so high in calories. It is estimated that one bite will make you gain several catties.

She ignored her daughter, but continued to eat. By the way, she planned to go digging wild vegetables in the valley tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This can not only exercise her body, but also taste ingredients that cannot be eaten outside, which is the best of both worlds.

Old Shen is not very interested in wild vegetables, but he wants to go to the river to pick the stones in it.

He had nothing to do before, and he always watched some videos of digging jade materials. Now that he has this opportunity, he naturally wants to experience it. If he can dig some rare jade materials, it will be quite commemorative.

But you can't say this, so as not to be disgusted by your wife for not doing a proper job.

Soon, the dinner was over, Chen Meijuan and the first aunt helped clean up the dining table, and the second aunt took Chen Yuanyuan and explained the precautions on the way to the capital.

"Mom, don't worry, there are not many people in the business class I'm flying in, and Sister Yan will pick me up at the station, so I won't get lost."

The second aunt is not worried, she just doesn't want her daughter to leave so soon.

In the kitchen, while Lin Xu was washing the dishes, Chen Meijuan whispered:
"Why don't you tell sister Yuanyuan to leave in two days, your second aunt will cry."

Lin Xu said:

"She chose it herself. Besides, Sister Jing is still in the capital. While she's not at work, the two of them can make a good plan for the future of self-improvement..."

Parting will always be uncomfortable, this is human nature.

But for the sake of living, I can only temporarily suppress my emotions and pursue my career.

After the kitchen was cleaned up, Shen Jiayue came to the kitchen with a whole box of various nuts, and said with a smile:
"Xubao, I'm ready, shall we start now?"

Lin Xu wiped his hands, nodded and said:

"it is good!"


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