Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 574 The pinnacle of Northeast dessert dishes—Snowy Bean Paste!Make jade carvings for Dundun!

Chapter 574 The pinnacle of Northeast dessert dishes—Snowy Bean Paste!Make jade carvings for Dundun! 【Subscribe】

“This scenic spot is really beautiful!”

Luo Shan stood on Longshou Peak and looked at the surrounding scenery. Although this hill is not high, the scenery is good and looks very delicate.

Especially after removing some obtrusive Internet celebrity projects, the whole scenic spot looks more refined.

Compared with the city full of high-rise buildings, people will feel relaxed and happy after entering the mountains.

She looked around, pointed to the mountain behind and asked:

"Is this also the scope of the scenic spot?"

"Yes, but the development is difficult, so it has not been developed."

"What about the mountains on the other side of the reservoir?"

Chen Meijuan said with a smile:

For those who will, there is no need to think about this step at all, and how to do it is very simple.

Roseanne smiled:
"If you pay, you will lose. Just use the money. I will come again when the spring blossoms. I hope that Mr. Shen, Mr. Yan, and Xiaoxu will all come over and make a systematic plan for the scenic spot."

Yuan Debiao put these pure white balls on a plate, took the powdered sugar, put it on the snow bean paste with a sieve, and sprinkled the powdered sugar into the sieve.

Although the steps of beating egg whites are also difficult, as long as you put in time and physical strength, you can basically do it. However, the steps of low-temperature frying, without certain experience and masters, are likely to overturn.

Yuan Debiao used a sieve to pass cornstarch powder through a sieve, and then took the same amount of all-purpose flour, and passed it through the sieve again to make the two kinds of flour more fine.

But when I really tasted it, I found that this delicacy is better than the boast, especially when I eat the sweet bean paste inside, the sweet and greasy red bean paste, with the creamy egg white paste, plus Small burnt crust on the outside.

Think about it before the fall of Northeast China, you could have this kind of dessert dish at any banquet, and even when you went to a restaurant, the owner of the shop would offer a lady’s dish as a gift when he saw a lady eating with him.

Chen Yuanyuan walked in and said:
"The promotion of Maisa Rui inspired me. I think their thinking is right. It doesn't matter whether you buy it or not, but you know me. When you want to buy it like this, you will first consider the promoted brand."

"It's the Snowy Bean Paste from the Northeast... Let's go up and taste it, so as not to be tempted by Yueyue again."

Put the ball on the oil surface, then carefully release the chopsticks, and pull it out slowly, so that the egg white can keep the shape of the ball.

Like other Northeast restaurants, Lin Xu will not add this dessert dish in the store. The reason is the same as those restaurants, the efficiency is too low, and the cost and profit are not directly proportional.

Lin Xu shook his head:

Building No. [-] of Diaoyutai.

Old Dai was a little surprised:

The fried snow sponge bean paste still maintains a white color, which looks like a snowball rolled by a child in a snowy day.

However, there are also requirements for frying. The first is oil. You cannot use any colored oil, such as rapeseed oil with the first color, and the first one must be excluded.

"Yuanyuan wants to place an advertisement for Ziqiang Shengjian in the company's program, and she is bargaining with me... Dessert snacks? Is it glutinous rice balls?"

Then he served the egg white batter and the starchy red bean paste filling, ready to fry.

After the powdered sugar was sprinkled, Lin Xu also learned the perfect snow soft bean paste.

"Yes, I will shoot in these two days."

"Snowy Bean Paste is a dessert that needs to be made as white as snow, so potato starch is used, which is cornstarch. This kind of powder is white and not easy to color."

This technique is the same as egg skin dumplings, using a spoon to shape the shape.

Upon hearing this, Roseanne immediately made a decision:
"It has to be contracted, otherwise someone on the opposite side will develop the scenic spot, wouldn't that be grabbing the business? How about this, I will inject another 1000 million, and you will cover the opposite mountain, so that the scenic spot will be connected... 1000 million can be contracted, right?"

Beat the egg whites well and set the whisk aside.

After all, egg whites are light and delicate, and it is really easy to bring out a sharp point when picking chopsticks.

Lin Xu didn't expect Qiu Zhenhua and Guo Weidong to cook this dish too.

But in the process of bombing, one carelessness will cause these three requirements to overturn, or even overturn at the same time.

Then start to prepare the flour and starch that need to be put in the egg white paste.

"Outsiders go to the Northeast to eat snowy bean paste, because they want to eat something new... But when people in the Northeast eat this dish, what they eat is memories."

When the oil in the pot was [-]% hot, Yuan Debiao lowered the heat and started frying.

This is the "pass" in the production of egg white paste.

Not long after, when the egg white paste in the pot had solidified, Yuan Debiao pushed and turned it a few times with a spoon, and when he felt it was light, he took it out with a colander.

Of course, there is no problem with the method, but the efficiency is low, and the technique seems very amateurish. Under normal circumstances, chefs don’t choose very much, and those Internet celebrities who have no cooking skills have a lot of time to do it.

As soon as she heard about the food, Chen Yan immediately became interested:

When I didn't eat snowy bean paste, I always felt that this dessert was exaggerated.

Shen Jiayue took a bite and touched Chen Yan:
"This is much better than the one we ate last year. It felt like a wholesale semi-finished product last time."

"Many people have done a good job before, but at this step, they didn't draw the chopsticks well, which caused the finished ball to be brought out by the chopsticks, which affected the appearance of the ball."

Lin Xu opened the lunch box, pointed to the snowy bean paste inside and said:
"Try all of them. The famous lady's dish in Northeast China. I ate several of them just now. It's very enjoyable."

This is why Chinese food is more difficult than Western food. The cooking process needs to be adjusted flexibly instead of rigidly sticking to a value.

Lin Xu pushed the door and got out of the car with the insulated lunch box, greeted the two cousins, then patted the lunch box in his hand lightly, and said with a smile:

Upstairs, Shen Jiayue and Geng Lele were also there.

"It's fine if the chopsticks are not upside down. The egg whites at this stage are soft and delicious. If you continue to beat them, the fried egg whites will become hard and the taste will be almost tasteless."


Chen Yan said:

In this way, the newly opened stores will quickly have business, and the invested funds will be recovered as soon as possible.

Then gently place the balls into the pan.

It’s not just good physical strength and high energy. From the temperature control of burning oil, to the technique of hanging paste, as well as the force of putting into the pot and the technique of pulling chopsticks, etc., they are all very particular.

The recipes are almost the same, but because of the different soups, the final dishes are also different.

She doesn't know the scenic spot, and she doesn't know how the quotation is calculated.

Shen Jiayue looked at Geng Lele and Chen Yan with surprise on her face.

Lin Xu smiled and took out his mobile phone:
"This is the first time I have eaten snow bean paste, so I have to take a photo to commemorate it first."

He asked curiously:

Pass through a sieve, pour the starch and flour into the beaten egg whites, and stir in the same direction with chopsticks.

Lin Hongqi was shocked by this number:

However, it can be added to the table-packing dishes. Anyway, the table-packing is a buy-it-all price, and the profit is set at a higher level, so customers can still try something new.

After taking the photo, I picked up one with chopsticks, brought it to my mouth and took a bite.

This step is the most critical step in the production of snow sponge bean paste, and it is also the step that many people try to eventually overturn.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, they are the top three master chefs, and it's normal to know how to make snowy bean paste.

No wonder people in the Northeast eat a lady's dish even if there are no ladies. This kind of delicious and delicious dish is not only liked by ladies, but even men will be conquered.

"Try it, Brother Lin, and see how it tastes, whether it suits your taste."

Although the brand positioning and market value of Ziqiang Shengjian are completely different from Maisa Rui, this does not prevent Ziqiang Shengjian from following this promotion route.

(City-level local cuisine: refers to the local cuisine and snacks at the city level, the host should explore the specific situation by himself)
Tsk, the mission is triggered again.

But when the two of them saw the pure white ball inside covered with a thin layer of icing sugar, the perfect shape, by the way, felt like being cute.

The egg white batter is whipped in stages, such as the foamy state at the beginning, such as the half-beaten state where the top is foam and the bottom is liquid egg white, etc. Different stages are aimed at different dishes.

Yuan Debiao said to Lin Xu:

"By the way, let Tiantian come up, she is from the Northeast, she should like this dish."

"Is this too much? 1000 million is definitely enough, and we can even open another mountain gate there later, but what if we lose money?"

Yuan Debiao used an egg beater to beat the egg white into a fine foam, which looked similar to cream.

Chefs often use the word "appropriate amount" to replace this flexible measurement.

Shu Yun smiled:
"General chefs can't do this. It should be done by the chef, but it's hard to say whether it's Chef Xie, Chef Yuan, or Chef Qiu and Chef Guo. They are all good at this kind of cooking. vegetable."

"There are definitely skills, such as using chopsticks with a smooth surface. The smoother the chopsticks, the easier it is to pull out. In addition, when pulling out, pull back along the direction of the chopsticks to minimize the contact surface."

Under such a background, many old Northeast people can’t help but have mixed feelings when eating snow bean paste, right?

And what he lacks most now is time.

Do not use force when placing it, otherwise the buoyancy on the surface of the grease will squeeze and deform the egg white.

"Add some starch and flour to the egg white batter so that it won't collapse when fried, but you can't add too much, or it will swell if you add too much. You have to grasp the degree between them."

"This is made by Chef Yuan in Building No. [-]. He also asked me to take a picture of the tutorial of this dish in the near future to help promote the high-end dishes in Northeast China."

Maisha Rui is now making efforts in China, and it has always been this route.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

Sprinkling powdered sugar in this way can make the powdered sugar more delicate and even, and it is easier to have the fluffy feeling of snowflakes.

The egg white batter is well stirred, and then it can be fried.

"I asked Shu Baobao to come up and taste it. She probably ate a lot in Diaoyutai. Let's see how she evaluates this dish."

But as a chef, traditional dishes should be promoted as well.

This is also the reason why Chinese food changes so much. It is obviously the same dish, but as long as the heat, seasoning and ingredients are slightly adjusted, it becomes two dishes.

"Don't keep it. The sweeter the taste, the bitterer you feel. Take it back and eat it. Brother Lin has many fans. I can make a tutorial later to let everyone know. Northeast cuisine is not stewed in an iron pot. There are also high-end dishes. .”

Chen Yan agreed as soon as she heard it:
"Okay, okay, let's go Yuanyuan, let's draw up a contract when we go back, isn't Ziqiang Shengjian's performance very good now? Why do we still need to advertise?"

At that time, we must invite professional designers to come over, instead of fumbling around with a hammer here and a stick here.

He grabbed the spoon, scooped up the hot oil in the pot and slowly poured it on the snowy bean paste, so that the egg white on the surface of the bean paste was evenly heated, and said while he was busy:
"I saw some people on the Internet use a spoon to make it. First, scoop a flat spoonful of egg white paste, put the filling in the middle, then put some egg white, and form a ball with the egg white in the spoon. It seems that it can be put into the oil pan one by one. "

When dipping, turn it in the basin a few times, so that the egg white on the surface of the red bean paste becomes a ball as much as possible.

It tastes a bit like cream, with a dense, fresh taste, and the sweet and greasy aroma of red bean paste after heating.

But that's good too. After the new year is over, we naturally have to get busy, so that we can continue to enjoy the happiness and joy of the new year at the end of the year, instead of sighing at the overdraft bill.

After the new year, it seems that the system is also working, and new tasks have been triggered one after another in the past two days.

Everyone does not make it, and when the next generation grows up, let alone having seen it, maybe they will never hear of snowy bean paste again. For the taste and texture, they can only rely on imagination.

Yuan Debiao has rich experience, and he quickly placed a pot of white balls.

As a restaurant owner, it is a dead rule that dishes with poor profits cannot be on the menu.

Lin Xu felt that if he did it rashly, there was a high probability that he would do the same.

You know, the money Yan Lin invested before has not been spent yet, and if he invests another 1000 million, then the whole scenic spot really needs to be well constructed.

A good snowy bean paste should be white in color, plump in shape and round in size.

After seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain, several people walked down the mountain trail at the back of the mountain, and took a look at the valley on the other side of the mountain.

Yuan Debiao used chopsticks to stir the starch and flour into the egg whites in the same direction until all the egg whites became fine and smooth without any lumps.

Yuan Debiao fried all the snowy bean paste, put them into two insulated boxes, sprinkled with powdered sugar, covered them, and handed one to Lin Xu and one to Dai Jianli.

Among vegetable oils, corn oil is better.

"It's too bright, isn't it? At least keep a few."

Yuan Debiao smiled:

Lin Hongqi originally thought it would be enough for the female boss to invest 1000 million yuan, but she didn't expect to invest in scenic spots again.

For example, if you add less soup to the liver tip, you will get fried liver tip, if you add more soup, you will get fried liver tip, and if you add more, you will get fried liver tip in soup, red stewed liver tip, etc.

Both Chen Yan and Shen Jiayue had eaten snowy bean paste, but when they heard the name alone, they didn't care much.

"Is this a Northeastern dish? I thought the snowy bean paste was a Beijing dish."

As soon as he got off the car, he saw Chen Yan and Chen Yuanyuan discussing something at the door.

This sweet dish is not only a symbol of the sweet life of Northeast people, but also their remembrance and nostalgia for those years.

From disorder to order?
Lin Xu understood, and planned to make other egg white dishes in the future, and try the same.

I went to the racecourse to have a look, and then decided to invest 1000 million in the Pegasus Group. By the way, I chatted with Shen Guofu and Yan Lin in the WeChat group.

"Is there any specific technique for this?"

"It's so cold outside, why can't we talk inside?"

It's just that with the decline of the Northeast, it also disappeared from people's sight.

Think about it, many people in the Northeast are still receiving the wages in 1995, and even more people can't even get the wages, so they can only leave their hometowns and go south to seek a living.

Three different tastes come together in the mouth, it feels really wonderful.

This is the magic of Chinese food cooking, and it is also what Chinese food chefs are constantly pursuing.

"That's not the case. It's within the scope of the next-door town. In the past, we didn't expect the scenic spot to be developed, and we didn't dare to contract it. We talked about it once a year ago. They set the price on the ground, so they didn't cover it."

She originally wanted to hold an investor meeting now to readjust the planning of the scenic spot.

Lin Xu asked curiously:
"Chef Yuan, how do you judge the degree of dismissal?"

Just as I was thinking, a system prompt sounded in my mind:
"The host is determined to promote the high-end dishes in the Northeast region, and triggers the side mission [Northeast High-end Cuisine]: The host is asked to shoot ten high-end Northeast dishes within one month, and reward city-level local cuisines with a lucky draw after completion."

Yuan Debiao put half a pot of lard into the pot, turned on the stove, and turned on the fire.

Many people mention that Northeast cuisine is all kinds of random stews, or dipping everything in miso, but in fact, when the Northeast was rich in food, there were a large number of high-end dishes.

The so-called appropriate amount is to add according to your own needs. If the taste is heavy, add more salt. If you like light, use less oil. If you don’t like spicy food, replace the hot pepper with vegetable pepper...

After Yuan Debiao finished his work, he continued to fry the next pot.

"Get rid of the feeling, it's a semi-finished product. I doubted it before, but now I'm more sure... Shu Baobao, you are familiar with Diaoyutai, what do you think of this snowy bean paste?"

Yuan Debiao said while frying snow cotton bean paste:

After bidding farewell to Yuan Debiao, Lin Xu drove Dai Jianli to the No.18 floor, and then drove back to Lin Kee Food.

"It's so delicious, it's even more delicious than imagined. No wonder so many people go to Dongbei Restaurant to ask the master to cook this dish. It's really wonderful."

"I brought you some desserts and snacks from Diaoyutai, do you want to try them?"

Cooked lard is white in color and will not have any coloring effect at low oil temperature.

But at the moment Yan Lin is abroad, Lao Shen is also on a business trip to Yangcheng, Luo Shan and Uncle Gao are also planning to fly to Spring City in the afternoon, and they can't make up all the pieces for the time being.

Advertise first, expand later.

The so-called beating refers to beating the egg white into a milky white foam.

Several people chatted in whispers, and waited for Shu Yun and Song Tiantian to come up, and then each of them took one and tasted it.

Lin Xu felt that it was necessary to help promote the high-end cuisine of the Northeast to the eyes of the world, and let everyone remember the glory of the Northeast.

Dai Jianli on the side watched this scene and said to Lin Xu:
"When using egg white paste, no matter whether you add seasoning or not, you should actually stir it in this way, so that the fine air bubbles in the egg white paste change from disorder to order. Only when the egg white paste is in this state will there be flavor in the mouth. That silky texture."

Lin Xu thought about it, and he should use the cooking learning cards to learn it. If you practice alone, although you can figure it out, it is too time-consuming.

He took a pair of longer chopsticks, picked up a red bean paste filling, dipped it in the egg white paste for a few times, and let the white egg white paste evenly hang on the surface of the red bean paste.

But corn oil also has a slight coloring effect, and the best choice is still lard.

They came to Yinzhou yesterday and stayed in the scenic spot for one night.

The powdered sugar on the surface is delicate and sweet. Once you take a bite, there is a thin layer of white burnt shell on the outside, and the inside of the burnt shell is delicate and smooth egg white.

Take a tutorial?
Isn't that the same as doing it again?

At that time, there will be snow bean paste to eat again!

After Shen Jiayue was happy, she remembered a serious matter:
"By the way, Xu Bao, the jade carving master that my dad invited finally has time. He promised to make jade carvings for Dundun, but there is a small request..."


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(End of this chapter)

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