Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 810 Delicious and delicious hollow noodles!Do you know which 8 flavors are the 8 flavors? 【S

Chapter 810 Delicious and delicious hollow noodles!Do you know which eight kinds of eight flavors are? 【Subscribe】

"Xu Bao, what are you eating today?"

At 06:30 in the morning, Shen Jiayue came downstairs with sleepy eyes in her yellow duck pajamas. Seeing Lin Xu busy in the kitchen, she couldn't help asking.

"The hollow noodles I bought last time have arrived. I'll cook some noodles."

While talking, Lin Xu took out a pack of delicate hollow noodles from the cabinet.

Shen Jiayue bought this from the Internet. It is said that it tastes delicious when cooked and is not easy to boil, so she ordered some.

It doesn't matter if you can't make hand-rolled noodles well, we can use our money ability, this is Shen Jiayue's culinary motto.

But after the noodles arrived, it happened to catch up with the shooting of the state banquet, so it was delayed.

I have nothing to do today, so Lin Xu plans to try some. The last time I went back, I planned to make some handmade noodles in my hometown to feel the charm of traditional noodles.

But because I was too busy, I didn't take care of it all the time, so I had to give up.

Hand-made dried noodles are very particular. After the noodles are reconciled, let them relax for a period of time, then twist them into strips, continue to coil them up and relax them, and finally coil them on a cross-bar and hang them on the eaves or other places with better ventilation.

Put a wooden stick on the coiled noodles, pull them slowly until the thick noodles are thinned, and then continue to hang the noodles to dry. The noodles made in this way are called vermicelli.

During the production process, the noodles will be hollow in the middle due to fermentation. This kind of noodles is the hollow noodles that once shined in "Bite of Tongue".

There are many hand-made dried noodles in the country, such as northern Shaanxi, southern Yunnan, southern Anhui and many other places. When it is time to make dried noodles, every household is busy drying the noodles. A dyeing workshop in the old society.

Lin Xu doesn't have time to experience the fun of making hollow noodles, but he still has time to cook hollow noodles.

Cut the pork belly into small cubes, soak the sour bamboo shoots and squeeze out the water, cut them into small cubes, then cut some garlic sprouts, green bamboo shoots, and carrots.

After everything is ready, heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the pork fat first, then put some chopped peppers, stir-fry the sour bamboo shoots in the red oil, fry the sour and fragrant of the sour bamboo shoots, and finally put all the remaining ingredients into the pot Add some water and simmer for a while to make a noodle topping.

Prepare the toppings and put them in a small pot. After the noodles are cooked, add a spoonful, and then add some chopped peppers and capers, not to mention how delicious it is.

Shen Jiayue was shocked when she smelled the sour smell in the kitchen:
"No, I'm going to dance upstairs for a while, otherwise I won't be able to eat too much noodles. Isn't that a loss?"

Lin Xu smiled helplessly. It was just a matter of eating less, why did he feel like he had suffered a huge loss?
He washed some small rapeseed, and made some fried peanuts and fried soybeans as small ingredients.

Recently, I am used to eating southern food. Lin Xu also likes to add some peanuts and soybeans when eating noodles or noodles, which not only enriches the taste, but also makes the food more delicious.

After finishing everything, he set up the soup pot, added half of the pot of water, and put it on high heat, ready to cook the noodles.

When the water boiled, I steamed some chicken breast and a small piece of pumpkin for Dundun.

After steaming, grind the pumpkin into puree and mix it with diced chicken breast, so that it becomes cats' favorite diced pumpkin mixed with diced meat.

Although cats are carnivores, they occasionally need to add some crude fiber ingredients to moisten the intestines, and the first choice for this kind of ingredients is pumpkin.

This is not only because pumpkin contains a lot of dietary fiber and crude fiber, the most important thing is that cats like to eat pumpkin taste.

Yesterday, Dundun almost finished eating two servings of steamed bullfrogs with egg yolks, and the little fat belly was as full as Gong Biao, and the original mighty and domineering little handsome cat suddenly became a little greasy.

Since the little guy has symptoms of overeating, let's make him some pumpkin to cleanse his intestines today.

Lin Xu placed the steamed pumpkin puree mixed with diced meat on a small wooden table outside the kitchen, and a small gray-blue figure flashed out immediately.


The little guy was not too hungry today, so he rubbed against Lin Xu politely, then he squatted down slowly, and started to eat in a gentlemanly manner.

Lin Xu couldn't help laughing:

"Canglin knows etiquette well enough. The old ancestor's words are not only applicable to people, but also applicable to cats."

When I was hungry, I would gobble it up and eat nothing, but now I am calm and elegant.

At this moment, the water in the pot had also boiled. He returned to the kitchen, opened the package of the hollow noodles, and looked at the cross-section. It was indeed hollow.

Put the noodles into the pot, shake them with chopsticks, wait for the water in the pot to boil, put the washed small rapeseed in, turn it over with a spoon, and turn the green vegetables to the bottom, the water in the pot immediately stops boiling.

Lin Xu brought two empty bowls, waited for the pot to boil again, poured a spoonful of cold water, and then used a large colander to fish out the noodles and vegetables into the bowls.

After serving it out, pour a spoonful of toppings into the two bowls, and then sprinkle a small spoonful of fried soybeans and peanuts.

While busy with work, Shen Jiayue bounced down from upstairs:

"Haha, I just said that we have a good understanding, I'm not wrong."

Lin Xu: "..."

I prefer to believe that you were hooked by gluttons.

He put two large bowls of noodles on the dining table, and a plate of small kimchi and a small plate of pickles.

"Come on, eat."

Shen Jia joyfully leaned over, held the bowl and smelled it, an intoxicated expression suddenly appeared on her face:
"Wow, this sour smell is so tempting!"

Stir the noodles with chopsticks, pick them up and blow them, and can't wait to put them into your mouth.

The noodles are very smooth, like eating rice noodles, and besides being smooth, they are also a bit more chewy than rice noodles. With the hot and sour taste of the toppings, it is really enjoyable.

After one sip, it feels super comfortable, and it feels like the pores of the whole body are opened.

"Wow, it's delicious. This noodle is beyond my understanding of pasta. It's so enjoyable!"

Shen Jiayue didn't care about the heat, so she started to eat in big mouthfuls.

Lin Xu also thinks this side is good, especially with the sour bamboo shoots in the topping, which makes people unable to stop.

No wonder some people would rather spend a lot of money to eat hollow noodles, which are indeed more delicious than machine-made noodles.

Especially the smooth and chewy taste, after taking a sip, the appetite is immediately aroused.

"How about we still eat dried noodles tomorrow?"

Today has just started, and Shen Jiayue is already thinking about tomorrow's breakfast.

Lin Xu naturally had no objection, he said with a smile:

"Okay, as long as you like to eat, you can do it every day."

Not long after, breakfast was over.

Shen Jiayue was a little full after eating, but she didn't feel satisfied, so she wanted to have some more.

Lin Xu said:

"Save some stomach, there is a lot of delicious food today, maybe you should regret eating too much in the morning at noon."

Shen Jiayue didn't take it seriously at first, what delicious food can compare to this delicious hollow noodles?
But thinking about his own Xu Bao never talking big, he asked curiously:
"Haven't I tasted more than half of those dishes, what else is delicious?"

Lin Xu smiled:
"Not to mention anything else, just the eight-flavored small dish is enough for you to taste."

It was only after he said this that Shen Jiayue realized:
"I wanted to ask you yesterday, what exactly is Bawei Xiaodie? I searched the Internet deliberately, but there was no useful information."

Lin Xu carefully educated her:

"Bawei Xiaodai refers to eight small servings of cold dishes, namely: crispy smoked fish, sauce-flavored beef, glutinous rice and lotus root, sweet-scented osmanthus yam, refreshing cucumber, sweet and sour radish, cold sting head, salted duck liver... Do you have any questions? Want something to eat?"

Shen Jiayue opened her mouth:
"Do you even need to ask? I want to try everything."

Since there was something delicious to eat at noon, she had no choice but to part with it, putting her dissatisfaction with noodles on her longing for lunch.

At this moment Dundun also finished eating the steamed meat, Lin Xu tidied up the kitchen, the family of three went downstairs and drove back to the shop.

Just as he was about to put Dundun in the shop, Uncle Sun drove over:
"Dundun, I'm going to go fishing. This time I'm going to another reservoir. It's said that it hasn't been cleared for more than ten years. Would you like to challenge the big fish with me?"

Lin Xu wanted to laugh, did he get the bonus of fishing with Dundun?
Dundun was very interested. It jumped out of Shen Jiayue's arms, and walked on the old Suntou's tank 300 with ease.

Seeing this, Lin Xu went to the store to pack some dried meat for Dundun, and also packed braised meat and a few sesame seed cakes for Lao Suntou, and then watched the fishing pair leave.

"Why does Uncle Sun like to bring Dundun with him every time?"

Shen Jiayue was a little puzzled.

Lin Xu smiled and said:
"If you can catch fish with Dundun, you will become superstitious. Fishermen especially believe in metaphysics."

Now that Dundun has gone out to play, the young couple no longer have to worry about whether Dundun should stay in the store or go to Yanjing Hotel.

After walking around the store and confirming that there was nothing wrong, he drove to Yanjing Hotel.

As soon as he parked the car, he bumped into Ye Lixin who was coming to work.

"Good morning Director Lin, are you going to be filming the state banquet today?"

"Yes, I'm on camera. After filming the banquet of Nixon's visit to China, it's Qiubo's responsibility. I'll stop for a while with my master and brother."

There will be a series of state banquets to follow, such as Kakuei Tanaka’s visit to China, the state banquet for the [-]th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the celebration banquet for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

These state banquets have already had a clear division of labor, and everyone just needs to shoot step by step.

Ye Lixin said:
"I heard that Diaoyutai is also planning to promote you from supervisor to director. In name, you are at the same level as Lao Liao. When the administrative meeting is held, if you see him unhappy, you will go back. Don't be polite to him."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
I didn't intend to seize power, so why did I have to pinch Director Liao like this?
After thinking about it, he realized that this was the position given to the director by Yanjing Hotel at that time, and now Diaoyutai is following up, which made Mr. Ye a little unhappy.

After thinking about this, he said with a smile:

"I'm not very interested in these things, and Director Liao managed to subdue the eighteen Yan Luos, so I'm too lazy to get involved."

The executive chefs of Diaoyutai are not fuel-efficient lamps, so they can't mess around in muddy water.

Ye Lixin laughed:
"That's right, that's right, I forgot about the eighteen Kings of Hades, let Lao Liao have a headache in the future, don't meddle in it."

After chatting for a while, Ye Lixin hurried upstairs for the morning meeting, while Lin Xu and Shen Jiayue went to the shooting scene.

"Xu Bao, why did Mr. Ye tell you this?"

"I must have heard some rumors. Tell me in advance, it seems that I and Yanjing Hotel are our own people, and also test my attitude towards this matter."

"Well... this job only pays that little salary, so why worry about it?"

But the title of director sounds good, and maybe he can be mixed with the title of a famous Chinese chef like his master and senior brother in the future.

It's a pity that there are no major events now, and Lin Xu can't qualify for the state banquet.

Otherwise, based on his relationship, it would not be difficult to get a position as the head chef at the state banquet. With this qualification, after a few more years, he would be able to easily get the title of a famous chef in China.

"Xu Bao, you are going to become a famous Chinese chef in the future, will you not make me breakfast?"

"How can I, I have to do it more carefully, otherwise you will secretly expose on the Internet that I can't even make breakfast, and the persona will collapse after a while."

Shen Jiayue: "!!!!!!!!!!!!"

That's right... I have countermeasures in hand.

Humph, smelly Xubao, let's see if you dare not cook for me in the future!
Lin Xu held her hand and said:
"Don't talk about this life, even in the next life, or even the next life, I will cook for you."

"Thank you Xubao, Mua~~~~"

Shen Jiayue put her arms around Lin Xu's face and kissed her, and Chen Yan's voice came from not far away:

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's like this in the morning, can't you two pay attention to the influence?"

The two turned their faces and saw that Chen Yan was eating pancakes and fruits, and Zeng Xiaoqi next to her was holding a meal bag of Ziqiang Shengjian, eating raw pancakes in small bites, and holding a soy milk cup in her hand.

Shen Jiayue asked curiously:

"Why don't you two go to the store for breakfast?"

Zeng Xiaoqi put the remaining fried rice into her mouth:

"Sister Yan couldn't sleep in the morning. Before six o'clock, she called me up to go to the company to talk about future development. After the chat, she found out that it was past eight o'clock, so she bought some food and came here to prepare for the filming."

What two workaholics... Shen Jiayue muttered something in her heart, and then talked about the hollow noodles that she ate in the morning.

After hearing this, Chen Yan glanced at the pancake in her hand:

"I didn't think it was very delicious at first, but now you say it like this, I can't eat it anymore... No, no, I have to move there quickly, and I feel like I miss a lot of delicious food one day later."

She is not interested in dried noodles, but what Lin Xu makes is different.

Yesterday's vegetarian hot pot is still vivid in my memory, today's noodles should be more delicious, but it's a pity... But it's okay, if I can't sleep tomorrow morning, I will drive to my cousin's house to have a meal.

Well, I'm coming back to look at my house, that makes sense, right?

It's reasonable to drop by your house after watching it, right?
When I met you cooking dried noodles while visiting, it is reasonable for me to serve two big bowls lightly, right?

Chen Yan was like a planner, eating pancakes and craving noodles.

Not long after, the staff arrived one after another.

Lin Xu also saw the main ingredient for making flower basket cold dishes - a large yellow croaker weighing six catties.

"Damn, such a big yellow croaker? Isn't it cheap?"

Old Dai heard that today's flower basket hors d'oeuvres, so he came here specially to join in the fun. When he saw Lao Huang took out a big golden yellow croaker, he couldn't help but join him.

Qiu Zhenhua said:
"I can't help it. The state banquet used big yellow croakers back then, but now I can only keep up with it. I guess the seniors didn't expect that the yellow croaker, which was not very valuable in the past, has become a sky-high price now."

Lao Huang checked the quantity of ingredients with the staff and said:
"This big yellow flower is farmed, not wild, and it is relatively cheap."

Chen Yan didn't understand these things, and asked curiously:

"Can it taste the same?"

Xie Baomin weighed the big yellow croaker:
"It's exactly the same. This is something that has been hyped up. It's really incomprehensible that the price is so much higher than that of grouper."

Even if the big yellow flowers are farmed, they are actually farmed in sea cages. The fish grown in this kind of farming environment are naturally no different from wild fish.

Not long after, the ingredients were checked, and the staff finished debugging the equipment and started recording.

After the filming started, Lin Xu took a piece of herring body and started to make smoked fish, Xie Baomin started to make sauced beef, and Uncle Gao took a chunky glutinous lotus root and started to make glutinous rice lotus root.

The first dish to start today is the eight-flavored small dish. This kind of dish is easier to put, and it is no problem to prepare it in advance.

As for other dishes, it has to be adjusted according to the time.

Uncle Gao cut the lotus root open, washed it with water first, and after confirming that there was no sludge, he began to pour soaked glutinous rice into it.

While he was busy, he told Xie Baomin:
"After the beef sauce is served, marinate the whole chicken first, and soak a few lotus leaves by the way."

"Good master."

Beggar's chicken needs to be marinated for more than two hours in advance, otherwise it will not be easy to taste, so it should be done in advance, so that the chicken is not ready when it is served in the afternoon.

After the glutinous rice and lotus root were cooked, Uncle Gao took the yam and put it in the steamer.

Osmanthus yam is the simplest dish. The steamed yam is peeled, cut into small pieces and placed on a plate, and then sprinkled with osmanthus honey.

It is so simple that Shen Jiayue can easily make it.

As for the refreshing cucumber, sweet and sour radish, cold sting head, salted duck liver, it is actually not difficult, but it will take time to process.

For example, cucumbers should be cut into cucumber segments with a coir raincoat knife, which is not only convenient for pickling, but also better placed in shape when serving.

The radish also needs to be cut into thick slices, that is, first cut the radish into strips, then pick up the kitchen knife, and cut it every millimeter, close the knife when it is about to cut, and then start to cut.

After four or five knives, cut the radish.

This kind of radish is more delicious, and it tastes more crisp and layered. This kind of sweet and sour radish is often used as a refreshing side dish at high-end banquets.

Shen Jiayue sat on the side, seeing that it would take some time to make the delicious food, she played with her phone bored.

Like the comments of netizens, reply to some interesting comments, and use stalks and jokes to interact with familiar netizens by the way.

While busy with work, Chen Yan suddenly sat over, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and pointed to the shooting scene.

Shen Jiayue blinked:
"what happened?"

"Master Gao has started to clean up that big yellow croaker."

Shen Jiayue, who was immersed in network interaction, didn't react for a while:
"What happened to the big yellow croaker? Don't all the fish need to be cleaned?"

Chen Yan hated iron for being weak and said:

"I'm starting to make flower basket cold dishes, aren't you curious about this dish?"

Only then did Shen Jiayue understand, and she opened her mouth immediately:

"Wow Kaka, Xu Bao said that this dish is more beautiful than flowers... No, I have to learn it up close."

Chen Yan opened her mouth:

"Yueyue, I'm not trying to hurt you. Even if you squat down on the chopping board and observe closely, you won't be able to learn such high-level dishes, right?"

Shen Jiayue whispered:
"It doesn't matter if you can't learn it, as long as you understand the steps and the production process, then I can brag about this dish to netizens later on."

Chen Yan: "..."

You have a good idea, but I don't think you can even read it.


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