Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 822 Eight-treasure pickles and lotus leaf porridge, the more you eat, the better!This is the

Chapter 822 Eight-treasure pickles and lotus leaf porridge, the more you eat, the better!This is the taste of home! 【Subscribe】

"What a beautiful lotus leaf!"

Seeing Lin Xu returning with several lotus leaves, Shen Jiayue came over unexpectedly, picked them up and smelled them, and asked curiously:
"It doesn't have much taste, is it really suitable for cooking porridge?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:
"Whether it's suitable or not, you'll know when you try it later. Didn't you drink lotus leaf porridge when you were young?"

"No, this is what people in the past used to drink like this. When I was a child, I always drank gnocchi soup. It is simple and easy to make, and it is easy to pair with small pickles."

After Shen Jiayue finished speaking, she hugged Dundun, who was about to jump on the service desk to sleep, and went to Aunt Sun's house for a visit.

Lin Xu put the eel he brought into the aquarium, and then went upstairs with the lotus leaf, preparing to make lotus leaf porridge.

This delicacy is quite simple to say, just boil the rice porridge and cover it with a washed lotus leaf, and then wait for it to cool, but in fact, cooking porridge is also particular.

Especially the lotus leaf porridge in the capital, it takes a certain amount of effort to make the porridge thick and lubricated, not sticky or smeared, and at the same time have the fragrance of rice.

Lin Xu took a large casserole that he usually used to cook porridge, put water in it, washed some Wuchang rice bought at a high price, poured it in, first boiled it on high heat, skimmed off the foam and boiled it for about ten minutes, and waited for the rice grains to boil Slightly bloom in the water, then cover the pot, adjust to a low heat and cook slowly.

Taking advantage of the porridge cooking time, he planned to make some side dishes to accompany the porridge.

Under normal circumstances, lotus leaf porridge is either paired with brown sugar to make brown sugar lotus leaf porridge, or with eight-treasure pickles. Using pickles to serve porridge is not only more appetizing, but also makes the porridge more fresh.

However, the eight-treasure pickles that are often eaten in Beijing generally need to be marinated for about a week, and it is a bit late to eat today.

Lin Xu plans to make some quick eight-treasure pickles so that he can eat them at dinner.

The so-called quick eight-treasure pickle actually saves the step of pickling, and mixes semi-finished pickles and other ingredients together, and it can be served after a little pickling.

Lin Xu went to the warehouse to search around and found the ingredients to be used.

One package of cooked kelp, one package of sea cabbage, one package of dried Xiaoshan radish, one cooked lump of sauce, one tablespoon of hand-peeled pine nuts, one tablespoon of cooked white sesame, half a small bowl of peanuts, half a small bowl of peas, and a package of platycodon, Half a small bowl of soybeans...

Although there is an eight in the name of eight-treasure pickles, it does not require eight kinds of ingredients. In fact, there are many versions of eight-treasure pickles, and there are no particularly strict requirements for ingredients. You only need to mix multiple ingredients together to make the sauce. up.

In the past, these were eaten by the poor and poor, and they didn't pay attention to them until later.

Lin Xu washed the cooked kelp, put it in hot water together with the sea cabbage, and scalded it to remove the fishy smell on the surface of the kelp, then submerged in cold water, and chopped the kelp and sea cabbage.

The cut kelp was set aside for later use, then Lin Xu put the soybeans into the pot, added salt, star anise, cinnamon leaves and other marinade, and began to cook.

By the way, set up another pot and put the green peas into the pot to cook.

However, the peas do not need to be overcooked, lest they become soft and rotten, and lose the unique taste of green beans.

After finishing these, Lin Xu put some five-spice powder and light soy sauce into the dried kelp and sea cabbage, and marinated them in advance so that they would not taste bad when eaten later.

Then wash the sauce lumps, cut into slices, then open the dried radish and platycodon, and put them all in the kelp.

After the green beans are broken, take them out, rinse them with cold water, wipe off the surface moisture with kitchen paper, put them into the seaweed together with fried peanuts, cooked white sesame seeds, and hand-peeled pine nuts, and add a few chopped millet peppers, Adds a little spiciness to pickles.

Wait until the soybeans are soft, take them out, control the water and pour them into a basin, then pour in some dark soy sauce, some light soy sauce, sprinkle a small spoonful of sugar, pour in pepper oil, mustard oil, and sesame oil.

Stir well, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator, and serve it out at dinner time, these pickles are ready to eat.

Quick pickles can be made and eaten right away because they use pickled dried radishes and other ingredients, but strictly speaking, only pickles that have been marinated in miso soup for about seven days are the original eight-treasure pickles.

The rice porridge hadn't been cooked yet, so Lin Xu had nothing to do, so he cut up some hearty radishes, marinated them with sweet and sour sauce, and served them with the porridge later.

But it’s not enough to just eat this kind of pickles and pickles, as the nutrition may not be enough.

Lin Xu mixed some noodles again, made stuffing with lard residue, sea rice, vermicelli, leeks and other ingredients and steamed them into steamed buns, so that they can be eaten with porridge. .

After another half an hour, the rice porridge in the casserole became much thicker, and the rice grains also blossomed completely.

Turn off the fire, lift the lid of the pot, and put the washed lotus leaves on the porridge. In order to prevent the temperature of the porridge from dropping during dinner, Lin Xu deliberately brought the porridge into the cold storage.

The casserole cools down relatively slowly, so it is estimated that it will be just warm at dinner time.

It is neither cold nor hot, and it is the most comfortable to drink.

After the buns were steamed, Shen Jiayue also came back with Dundun. Dundun was wearing a small cowboy hat on his head. Aunt Sun bought it for her little grandson, but the little guy didn't seem to like it very much, and Aunt Sun didn't either. Reluctantly, when Dundun came to visit, he directly buckled it on the head.

In this way, the mighty little blue cat turned into a western cowboy cat.

Dundun was quite satisfied with the cowboy hat, and when he came back, he couldn't wait to come to the mirror and take a serious look at his handsome appearance in the hat.

Shu Yun also turned out his red triangle scarf and tied it around his neck.

Now, he is more like those western cowboys in movies and TV dramas who draw their guns when they disagree with each other and find someone to fight at every turn.

"My son is so handsome!"

Shu Yun scratched Dundun's chin and praised with a smile.

The little guy rubbed against Shu Yun's hand, and continued to return to the mirror, assuming he was so handsome.

Just as they were boasting, Chen Yan and Zeng Xiaoqi walked in, and when they saw Shu Yun, they began to show off the state banquet filmed today:
"That bombing Tokyo dish is so delicious, I can't even get enough of it."

"Me too, it's very enjoyable to eat, especially when paired with rice. It's sweet and sour with a salty taste, which made me eat an extra bowl of rice... By the way, what's for dinner in the store today? Let me look forward to it one time."

Chen Yan has completely let go of herself now, thinking about eating all day long to ensure the nutrition of the fetus.

Shu Yun said with a smile:

"Tonight I ate porridge and pickles."

When Chen Yan heard this, she wanted to go back:

"Really? Isn't Lin Ji's staff meals usually very good? Why did you suddenly stretch your hips?"

I thought I could eat food comparable to American banquets today, but I didn’t expect it to be porridge with side dishes. Isn’t the gap too big?
Zeng Xiaoqi was extra careful, she asked:

"What kind of porridge is porridge? What kind of pickles are pickles?"

I have to ask clearly, maybe I have cooked some rare dishes.

"Today, the boss went to the ginkgo garden to see the location of the school, and picked some lotus leaves by the way. What is being made upstairs at the moment is the lotus leaf porridge that Mr. Lishan mentioned last time, and the eight treasures that the boss mixed himself. The pickles should taste good."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yan, who was looking for a reason to go home and eat, immediately lost her mind:
"Since it's lotus leaf porridge, I'll stay and try it. I heard that eating lotus leaf can clear away heat and reduce internal heat. I just happen to be a little angry."

While chatting, Shen Jiayue held a cup of sour plum soup and asked while drinking:
"I heard some people yelling upstairs... What do you mean by bombing Tokyo?"

Shu Yun said with a smile:

"It's crispy crispy pork. Chef Xie once made it for the Japanese delegation. They ate it very enthusiastically, but they were still criticized by the leaders afterwards, saying that they could not serve such controversial dishes."

People from Diaoyutai are familiar with the former names of many dishes. After all, diplomacy is no small matter.

Shen Jiayue wasn't very curious about crispy rice, but she was quite interested in the name, and planned to ask Lin Xu to try it later, lest some people get their tails turned upside down.

Lin Xu came downstairs after finishing the work at hand, looked at Shu Yun and asked:

"Now that the company has a car purchase quota, can I provide you with a car? For such a big store manager, it's hard to justify not having a scooter."

Shu Yun is not interested in cars, and as far as the traffic in the capital is concerned, driving is really not as fast as taking the subway.

She smiled and said:

"I'll forget it. I haven't touched a car since I took the driver's license test in my sophomore year. If you drive rashly, if you encounter a scratch, it will affect your mood. Moreover, the neighborhood where I live is arguing all day long because of parking spaces. People who park in it can't get out. Those who want to park inside have no space, and there is no day without noise..."

Lin Xu didn't feel compelled to hear it, and asked Dou Wenjing to give Shu Yun a bonus of tens of thousands of yuan, and an extra 1000 yuan in transportation subsidies every month, which was regarded as compensation for not having a car.

But the car should be bought or bought, after all, the index will not wait until the expiration date.

He thought for a while, and felt that Zhen Wensheng was about to become the principal, and it would be inappropriate not to have a scooter, and the principal's car should not be too ostentatious, it is better to keep a low profile, so let's choose an Audi A6 or a Lexus, and see which one Zhen Wensheng likes to drive.

In addition, at Ziqiang Shengjian, sister Yuanyuan cannot be allowed to rent a car all the time. After all, the business is getting bigger and bigger, with more than 20 branches, and the price of renting a car will drop.

Lin Xu planned to match her with a high-end Mercedes-Benz E-class car.

The car level that was allocated to Dou Wenjing before was too low, so the cars of other people can only be allocated according to this level for the time being.

But next year, when there are more car purchase indicators, we can upgrade everyone.

At that time, the Chaoyang branch is expected to officially start operation, and the two store managers will be equipped with cars, and Dou Wenjing's car will be allocated to more than one million. pull up.

Although the roads in the capital city are already congested enough, the company's top executives don't even have a personal car, which is somewhat unreasonable.

People work not only to make money, but also to show off their cars and show off the company's treatment, so as to retain talents.

Chen Yan said:

"When the school is really open, it is estimated that there will be several cars, not only personal cars, but also commercial vehicles and minibuses for picking up students, and even a driver team. Maybe the quota is not enough."

The problem of indicators should not be a big problem, because starting next year, not only Fat Dundun Company will be able to win the lottery, but also Ziqiang Shengjian will be eligible. As long as they are qualified, they will be able to win 100%. Don't be afraid.

While talking, Chen Yuanyuan came.

She took the teapot and poured a cup of tea and drank it down, and then said:

"The urban area is really congested. The Qianmen branch has a good business today, and the material is used up. I reported it to the factory at two o'clock, but just after it was delivered, the delivery truck was stuck on the road for more than two hours... I haven't called for an errand yet. Woolen cloth."

But having said that, it can't really be called running errands. After all, stuffing and drinks are more important, and they can't be transported by other people's hands, so there may be consequences.

Lin Xu said:

"In the future, send more in the morning, even if it's a waste, it's okay, at worst, send it to the ginkgo garden to feed the fish and ducks."

Chen Yuanyuan put down her teacup:
"I originally planned to have a few older scooters to deliver goods, so walking on the sidewalk might be faster, but I found out that next year the urban area will ban older scooters... I'll forget about buying a few long-range motorcycles, and go to the front door during the day Send stuffing, ride the electric bike directly."

After talking about this, it was almost dinner time.

It happened that Dou Wenjing was off work too, so everyone went upstairs to eat together.

When he came to the cold storage, Lin Xu brought out the large casserole and put it on the table. The lotus leaves were still buckled inside, but compared with before, it had become softer.

Lin Xu pinched the petiole and gently lifted it up, revealing the rice porridge underneath.

When putting the lotus leaves, I remembered that the rice porridge inside was white, but now there is a touch of emerald green, like some matcha powder sprinkled on it, which makes people feel a little cool at first sight.

"Hey, it's indeed the rice porridge used to cool off the summer heat in the capital. Looking at this color, I feel a chill in my heart."

"It doesn't smell much, and I don't know how it tastes like when I drink it."

Shu Yun took a spoon and started serving the rice, while Lin Xu returned to the kitchen and brought out the pickled eight-treasure pickles and sweet and sour Xinxinmei radishes. To make it easier for everyone to drink the porridge, he also prepared white sugar and brown sugar and sprinkled it into the porridge It immediately became sweet and comfortable.

Che Zai brought out the steamed stuffed buns, and added staple foods such as steamed silver rolls and meat dragons on top. Wei Gan also made dishes such as roasted bean curd stick eggplant and other dishes. A sumptuous dinner was about to begin.

Shen Jiayue originally wanted to eat crispy rice, but seeing that Lin Xu was so busy, she didn't mention it.

When everyone sat down, Lin Xu took a sip of the rice porridge. The temperature of the porridge was just right. The rice porridge has a silky and smooth taste, and the dryness caused by the high temperature immediately disappears.

"Oh, this porridge tastes so delicious."

"I thought the lotus leaf was tasteless, but I didn't expect it to be so fragrant and enjoyable."

"I've been busy all afternoon and my throat is almost smoking. Now that I have porridge, my throat is much more comfortable."

Shen Jiayue tasted the porridge, and immediately said excitedly:
"I declare that lotus leaf porridge will be my natal porridge from now on. This summer, I will only drink lotus leaf porridge, and I won't touch any other porridge!"

Lin Xu tasted the porridge and said:
"I think when it's hotter, you can put some mint leaves or mints in it, which will make you drink cooler. You can also try winter melon leaves, pumpkin leaves, etc. Maybe there will be new surprises."

Shen Jiayue squinted her eyes, good Xu Bao, just after I finished talking about lotus leaf porridge this summer, you said that other porridges deliberately tempted me, what about the tacit agreement?What about keeping pace?

Lin Xu didn't have so many inner dramas. He picked up the eight-treasure pickle and tasted it. Not to mention, the sauce is quite fragrant, and the texture and taste of various ingredients are also perfect.

This kind of mixed pickles is a surprise every time you pick it up, it's hard not to like it.

Eating a mouthful of pickled vegetables and drinking a mouthful of lotus-leaf porridge full of lotus fragrance makes people feel like being in the old alleys of the capital.

Back then, those old Yanjing people most likely ate like this every summer.

After taking a few mouthfuls of porridge, Lin Xu took the bun and handed it to Shen Jiayue:

"Try it, your favorite lard stuffing."

Shen Jiayue, who was deciding to have a cold war for three hours, suddenly felt warm, and didn't care about the lack of time for the cold war, so she took a big bite out of the bun:

"Wow, this steamed stuffed bun is also delicious, and there's dried shrimp in it, which goes well with lard residue."

Well, just take the initiative to bring me buns for you to eat, I forgive your lack of understanding!
Lin Xu picked up a bun again and took a bite. It tasted really good, especially when paired with side dishes and lotus leaf porridge on the table.

Although many restaurants focus on home-cooked dishes, you can feel like a monk.

But compared with the food at home, the feeling of the restaurant is still too strong. Only this kind of rice porridge and steamed buns make people feel like eating at home.

It doesn't matter whether the eating style is elegant or not, and it doesn't matter whether the collocation is reasonable or not, just eat a lot.

This sense of relaxation is the essence of home flavor.

Chen Yan drank a bowl of rice porridge, and filled another bowl. This time, she sprinkled some brown sugar. After stirring, the brown sugar melted, and the rice porridge became a little more rosy.

Take a sip with a spoon, the sweet taste is paired with the fragrance of lotus leaves, and the unique sucrose taste of brown sugar, it feels wonderful.

One bite, super enjoyable.

"I didn't expect brown sugar to be so delicious, sweet and super comfortable."

After Chen Yan finished speaking, she took a bite of the meat dragon. The rice porridge and pickled vegetable meat dragon was the delicacy she remembered from her childhood.

When I was a child, I didn’t like to eat minced meat. Every time I secretly threw it away, I still thought it was not delicious. Now I ate this delicious food again, only to realize that I was really stupid at that time. What I threw away was the essence.

After a meal, everyone was a little full.

Shen Jiayue rubbed her stomach, and planned to go back and do static yoga for half an hour to promote gastrointestinal motility, and then go upstairs to dance for a while to lose fat as much as possible.

Chen Yan, Zeng Xiaoqi, Dou Wenjing and others also plan to go back to exercise. If they eat like this, everyone will turn into meatballs in the end. They even cheer each other up in the group. Even Xiao Qing, who is far away in Shanghai, also wants to check in for fitness.

Lin Xu got up and steamed an eel for Dundun, and the little guy ate happily.

When he was leaving get off work, he fished two more from the aquarium and used them as supper for Dundun at night and breakfast for tomorrow.

For the next few days, he stayed guarded in the store, and Zhen Wensheng had been given full responsibility for the school affairs, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Soon, Sunday came, Xie Baomin came to the store early in the morning, saw Lin Xu and asked:
"Didn't Master ask me to teach you peacock shark fin? Do you have time today? If so, I will teach you."

Lin Xu immediately became interested:

"Okay, I'm just trying to learn!"


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