Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 839 Extra Story 3: The Mystery of the Short-nosed Tiger's Disappearance!

Chapter 839 The mystery of the missing three short-nosed tigers!
"Short-nosed tiger, I'm going to set up a church in Meow Star."

In the evening, when Lin Xu went back to his bedroom to rest, Dundun was lying in the cat's nest, and he couldn't wait to contact the short-nosed tiger who was eating jumping frogs in the cat sanctuary.

The delicacy that the brothers were reluctant to eat in the past has become a delicacy that can be eaten at any time.

Hearing Dundun's words, the short-nosed tiger stopped eating bullfrogs, and asked curiously:

"Meow Star is always watched by the God of Creation and the God of Cats, can we succeed?"

All cats are double believers in the God of Creation and the God of Cats, and they are very devout. To develop believers and establish new churches in such a group is undoubtedly to draw chestnuts out of the fire.

Dundun already has doubts about God:
"If the God of Creation and the Cat God were really looking at Meow Star all the time, then I wouldn't be the guardian of the power. At that time, in the square, so close to the statue of the Cat God, it didn't respond at all. The cat god didn't respond either... Since it hasn't responded, why should I believe it?"

Although faith is the sustenance of the soul, you have to get things done anyway.

In the past, Dundun was a very devout believer. From childhood to adulthood, he had to pray earnestly before every meal, thanking the cat god and the creator god.

But after the farce at the graduation ceremony, its faith has collapsed.

"I have learned a saying on earth that it is better to ask for others than to ask for oneself. It is useless to count on these gods. Even if they know our misery, they will dismiss us because of their superiority. So let's set up a church to help those who have had the same difficulties as us. Cats and cats, through them to develop believers, and eventually dominate the cats."

The short-nosed tiger was very excited, but hesitant:

"But if you don't come back, these things are hard to do. I'm a big bastard, I don't understand anything..."

At this moment, the little guy became annoyed because he couldn't help his brother.

Dundun said:

"It's just that I can't go back to recruit believers. Other cats have become guardians of divine power, but I can contact you and even give a speech in the college. This is very important for the residents of Meow Star , This is a miracle, and I also have a trump card, which can guarantee a good life for the believers."

Regarding the adjustment of luck value, it didn't go into too much detail. It wasn't that it couldn't trust the short-nosed tiger, but that it couldn't trust the instrument and the elders of the sanctuary.

In order to prevent these elders from being unfavorable to the short-nosed tiger, Dundun deliberately took away two points of luck from each of them.

After these days of research, Dundun has a deeper understanding of the lucky value.

Everyone's lucky value is different, and the value that can be increased is not unlimited, but limited.

For example, Auntie, if you take away seven lucky points, you will bottom out, and if you return these seven lucky points, you can add three points at most.

Mommy Shen Jiayue is better, with eight points for the basics, and five points can be added.

The basic value of the frequent customers in the store is basically five or six points, and the most lucky value is the father Lin Xu's lucky value, which is based on ten points, and can be increased by another eight points at the same time.

And it and the short-nosed tiger have the highest upper limit of luck value. The two little guys are not satisfied with adding a few hundred points, as if they are not satisfied at all.

In addition, Dundun also found that the luck value will decrease. After encountering several good things in a row, the luck value will drop by one or two points, especially after filling up, the luck value will drop quickly.

The lucky points used in these experiments all come from Meow Star.

From childhood to adulthood, the brothers have been bullied too much, so let's weaken the lucky value of those cats and cats, and take a little revenge first.

Dundun is not a saint, and he can't smile at each other to wipe away his grievances, and he doesn't have the stupid idea of ​​"grateful to his opponent" or "grateful to his suffering". As long as he has bullied his cats, he will not let them go, and all of them will draw their lucky points .

Now Dundun has thousands of lucky points, so he first added [-] points to himself to prevent any accidents, and then added [-] points to the short-nosed tiger, so that even if the elders of the sanctuary poisoned or did something else With such a small trick, the short-nosed tiger can also rely on strong luck to escape.

As for the rest, it is reserved for believers to make them more motivated.

The short-nosed tiger developed believers very quickly. In less than half a day, there were two more devout believers. One was 0250, and the other was a staff member who was fined to clean the toilet for a year.

Its way of developing believers is very violent. First, they will be beaten on the head and face. After the beating, they will be warned not to join the Miaomiao Cult. They will be beaten once every time they meet.

In this way, Miaomiao Cult gained two more believers on Meow Star.

When the two cats secretly chanted the mantra taught by Miao Miao, Dundun, who was far away on the earth, could really sense it, but because the two cats were forced, their beliefs were not firm enough, and they did not have piety from the heart , so listening to Dundun's ears, the sound is intermittent, if there is nothing, it is like a mosquito humming.

"Brother, the MLM on the earth doesn't need to develop offline in this way. We will be civilized cats in the future. We must be civilized and don't beat people at every turn."

Dundun instructed the short-nosed tiger earnestly, and then added a little luck to 0250 and the staff member respectively.

Although it is not yet able to "sing my name, you will have eternal life", but it is okay to give some benefits.

After the luck value increased a little, the two unlucky guys who had everything going wrong suddenly felt that their lives were better, and there were no more accidents.

This is like falling straw, let the two cats hold on tightly.

Every day when I get up early and before going to bed, I secretly say a prayer, and then thank the Holy Lord for his mercy.

It is strictly forbidden for meow stars to praise evil gods, but when the main god does not care about things and justice cannot be done, some people will naturally praise evil gods with an attitude of giving it a try.

As the two hapless guys became more and more pious, the prayer heard by Dundun became more and more clear.

Finally, a week later, the voice became very clear, as if praying in front of my face.

After the prayer was over, Dundun keenly discovered that the lucky value of the hundreds of points used as a reserve had quietly increased by two points.

This... Faith still has this effect?
No wonder those true gods let believers pray all the time, they must have similar plans.

Dundun added the two newly added lucky points to the two unlucky guys respectively, and by the way passed a word through the prayer channel to let them secretly develop new believers.

Of course, the original words are not so straightforward, but let the two cats devote themselves to the cause of saving the poor cats, so that they can become followers of the Holy Lord.

In fact, the short-nosed tiger has developed a few more cats at this moment. It no longer threatens with its sharp claws, but seriously helps those kittens who are struggling.

Dundun also instructed it to develop its children as much as possible in the army or police department, living in poverty or suffering from diseases.

"Why develop these cats?"

The short-nosed tiger was puzzled.

"There is a great man on earth who said: Power grows out of the barrel of a gun. If you want to succeed, you have to hold these in your hands. As long as you have armed forces, you can let the committee step down and elect the one who can really lead the cats. The rising cat."

In the eyes of Lin Xu and everyone else, Dundun is a naughty little cat, but in fact, this little guy not only secretly learned characters, but also quietly read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge.

Fortunately, the books in Lin Xu's family are all normal books, and there is nothing fallacious or heresy, otherwise this little fat cat might be led astray.

The believers on Meow Star are developing rapidly.

Because there is no response to praying to the statue of the cat god and the creation god for a lifetime, but if you pray to the Holy Lord once, your fate will be slightly improved. In this case, who can refuse.

Anyway, for low-level cats, although belief is important, it is more important to have enough food.

If there is faith that allows them to change their poor lives and improve their miserable fate, it doesn't matter whether they are evil or not.

Even for these cats and cats, the gods who can't help them are fucking evil gods!

With the increase of believers, Dundun gained more and more lucky points, first broke through one thousand, and soon broke through ten thousand, and believers also began to expand outward from the slums of Maode College.

Inside the Maode Academy, there are also students who are curious and try to pray.

However, what caught Dundun's heart the most was the elders and chief elders of the sanctuary. These cats and cats had firm beliefs and would not change easily.

Even if their lucky points are taken away, these cats will be regarded as the test of cat gods.

Seeing that the elders were reticent, Dundun changed his mind.

My weakness is the short-nosed tiger, which is why the executive director forced me to submit. Since I have weaknesses, these elders should also have them.

So Dundun took away the lucky points of these elders' family members.

As for the Sanhua female cat who once served as the executive dean, at this time, 0250 has completed the work and became the first elder of the sanctuary to surrender.

And after surrendering, the Sanhua female cat took advantage of her position to provide Dundun with many suggestions on the church's organizational structure.

A strong church cannot just pray in a swarm, as it will have no cohesion and will only be a mass of scattered sand.

It is necessary to secretly establish a whole set of organizations, such as a complete logistics support and promotion system, as well as various assistance measures, such as the establishment of welfare homes, nursing homes, and so on.

Dundun and Short-nosed Tiger grew up in the welfare institution. Thinking about it, it has been very ordinary since it was a child. At the same time, it has to help the welfare institution, such as going out to collect donations, or sticking paper boxes. It is basically exchanging labor for remuneration.

But at that time, it felt that it was a gift from the cat god and the creator god, and it was grateful for every meal.

Thinking about it now, it's ridiculously childish.

"We don't need to establish a welfare institution. It's enough to develop the staff in it into our own people. If Elder Sanhua is not busy, you can try it."

"That's my honor~~~~"

The Sanhua female cat entered the show very quickly, but there is actually no way around it. Her son has become the most loyal believer of Miaomiao Cult. Now he stays in the slums every day, helping poor cats, and he keeps making fun of himself as an illegitimate child.

Although it was a bit excessive to do so, he was much more cheerful and confident than before, and he also took the initiative to exercise with the short-nosed tiger, which made him more energetic than before.

In this case, Sanhua female cat can only choose to join Miaomiaojiao.

When the spread of Meow Meow Religion was in full swing, the Sanctuary suddenly received a notice that the Higher Sanctuary would send a task force to Meow Star to check the faith promotion work this year.

After hearing about this incident, Dundun was a little worried at first, for fear that Miaomiao Cult would be exposed.

But there was a response from above, and it made me realize the power of faith.

It must be that the higher-ups felt that they received less data similar to lucky values, so they came to Meow Star to have a look in the name of inspection.

Because of this incident, the chief elder who had been in seclusion for a long time also returned to the sanctuary from the swamp where he lived in seclusion, intending to greet the arrival of the task force with a high standard.

"What's the temperament of the chief elder? Can you join us?"

In line with the idea that if everyone becomes his own, they will not be discovered, Dundun really wants to pull the chief elder over.

Since the fall of the cat god, the main god has disappeared from the main holy temple, and the daily work has been replaced by the chief elder. Chief Elder interim.

So now that the chief elder is back, it represents the backbone of the Sanctuary.

Those elders who already knew the existence of Miaomiao Cult, all ready to let the Chief Elder uphold justice and eradicate the evil gods. Who can bear that the good sanctuary has become the private land of Miaomiao Cult?
But the chief elder didn't make any statement. Instead, when the task force was about to arrive, he dispatched those elders who were more disgusted with Miaomiao Cult.

Either go to guard the swamp, or go to the canyon in the extreme west, and there is also the bitter land in the north and the sea in the east pole.

Its behavior made the other elders instantly understand how to stand in line.

Dundun also directly added two points of luck to the chief elder to show his favor.

Everyone has done this, and as the mastermind behind Miaomiao Cult, if they don't say anything, it's unreasonable.

Soon, the task force came out from the altar, led by a creature with a sheep's head. It is said that its ancestors had served as mounts for the God of Creation, and their relationship with the God of Creation was closer, so relying on this relationship, baa Stars are famous horizontal lines around.

On the square of Maode College, a grand welcome ceremony is being held.

But the sheep-headed creature was unmoved at all, and yelled at the chief elder:

"Recently, the power of belief in cats has been declining day by day, and this seat needs an explanation."

The chief elder said neither humble nor overbearing:

"The cat god that Meow Xing believes in is not the sheep god. The power of our belief belongs to the cat god. If you have any questions, you can directly ask the cat god's image."

The sheep-headed creature snorted coldly:
"You stinky cat can quibble, let me ask a pile of broken stones, I warn you, if the power of faith is not restored within three days, the residents on Meow Star will be slaughtered!"

The power of faith should be constant. If it drops significantly, it means that one has encountered a major disaster or converted to another evil god.

The reason why the sheep-head creature came here today is to check what's wrong with the cat.

Seeing that there are no major disasters, the only explanation is that there are evil gods appearing on the meow star. In this case, at that time, the higher-ups will issue a killing order to slaughter all the followers of the evil gods.

The sheep-head creature has a high status in the high sanctuary and is the appointed successor, so it speaks arrogantly.

But it forgot that this is a meow star, and it also forgot that the statue of the main god stood next to it.

As soon as it finished speaking, the statue of the cat god, whose eyes had been closed all the time, suddenly opened one eye, and a golden ray shot out from the eyes, hitting the sheep-headed creature steadily.

Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the body of the sheep-head creature was quickly carbonized like burning wood, and finally collapsed into a pile of ashes.

The cat god's eyes closed again, as if they had never been opened.

The ongoing welcome ceremony suddenly became noisy, and the person in charge of the work team didn't know what to do.

They just followed the future successors down to fight the autumn wind to receive gifts, and they never thought that they would encounter such a situation.

Only the chief elder was relatively calm, and he said slowly:

"Go back and tell your bosses that the power of belief in Meow Star will belong to the Cat God in the future. If Meow Star's idea is played again, then us unworthy descendants can only wake up the sleeping Cat God to uphold justice. I hope that the Higher Sanctuary will Can withstand the wrath of a lord god."

The vice-captain of the work team felt that being threatened would damage the majesty of the High Sanctuary. He suppressed the shock in his heart, looked at the chief elder and asked:
"Cat God... Didn't the Cat God... have become immortals many years ago?"

The chief elder smiled:

"The main god is immortal. If the cat god really dies, do you think the cat god can survive until now?"

The work team came and went quickly.

They swept the ashes from the ground and hurried into the altar.

Just when everyone thought that the people from the high sanctuary would kill them, they didn't expect the chief elder of the sanctuary to come to Meow Star in person, and brought the descendants and the staff of the sanctuary, seriously worshiped the statue of the cat god, and brought I apologize for the loss of countless wood, food, metal and other materials.

Baa Xing also came to represent, sincerely apologized, and also donated a lot of supplies.

After this incident passed, the chief elder came to the instrument in the sanctuary lobby, connected to Dundun, and told the story of what happened here:
"The news that the cat god is not dead should spread quickly, and more forces will come to investigate by then. What I can do is not to show any flaws within ten years. After ten depends on how your Meow Sect develops. gone."

Dundun didn't expect that he was under such a great pressure, and he opened his mouth:

"Then what if it doesn't work well?"

"No one is born to do this, just do it with heart. If the meow star disappears one day, then I don't blame you. I can only say that fate is like this... By the way, add a little luck to me. You brothers caught jumping frogs and drifting snakes, old man, I have had a lot of trouble, now it's up to you to make it up to me."

Dundun opened his mouth:

"I have caught jumping frogs a few times. They have already escaped, but they always jump back. Are you helping us?"

"Yes, the cat god said that you are the hope of mew stars, so I secretly protected you."

Hearing the name of the cat god, Dundun immediately became interested:

"Elder, is the cat god really alive?"

"I don't know either. There is a trace of its primordial spirit in the statue of the cat god. I know it through the guidance of the primordial spirit. Specifically, it depends on the two of you brothers to explore."

Dundun asked some more questions, then filled up the elder's luck value, ended the call, and began to digest the content.

Today was Cheng Jianshe's apprenticeship at the Yanjing Hotel, and it was relatively lively. Dundun was quite excited at first, which made the group of people who found fault make a big fool of themselves.

But after talking to the chief elder, it was worried and felt a lot of pressure on its shoulders.

This kind of expression fell into Lin Xu's eyes, and he mistakenly thought that the little guy hadn't eaten enough at noon, so he called Lao Huang with his mobile phone:

"Is there any rare meat now? It's better to have the kind that Dundun hasn't eaten before. The little guy didn't eat enough at noon, and he's losing his temper right now."

Dundun rubbed his head against Lin Xu's hand.

Ben Meow didn't throw a temper tantrum, but was digesting the elder's words.

But this feeling of being cared for is really great, it moved Kitty Maomao very much, and relieved a lot of anxiety in his heart.

The chief elder is right, no one is born to do this, just follow the inner guidance and go all out to do it, success or failure is left to fate.

Now that I have hundreds of thousands of lucky points, I shouldn't be so memorized, right?
In the afternoon, the little guy ate the bullfrog as he wished, so he quickly shared it with the short-nosed tiger:

"Brother, it turns out that there are frogs and frogs on the earth, but they can't jump. They look fat and the meat is so tender. If you want to stay here, I will treat you to eat every day."

"Eat it brother, I'm tired of eating jumping frogs now... By the way, the chief elder went fishing again, let me manage the Sanctuary, what should I do?"

"Listen more, ask more, think more, anyway you think about it."

The two brothers occasionally chatted and urged each other to make progress.

The believers of Miaomiao Sect are developing rapidly, and the customers of Linji Gourmet, under the leadership of Geng Lele, pay homage to the Holy Lord whenever they have something to do, which makes the luck value increase rapidly.

By the time of the Lunar New Year on earth, Dundun's lucky value has exceeded 100 million.

At this time, almost all the meow stars are believers of the Meow Sect, and even the space fleet that confronts Wang Xing has deliberately hung up the icon of the pier.

The cow cat who helped Dundun talk at the graduation ceremony was also exceptionally promoted to captain because of his outstanding achievements.

And the reason for its extraordinary achievements is also due to the fact that Dundun gave him a lot of lucky points.

"Brother, today is the New Year on Earth. Every family has to reunite. I followed my parents to the mountains of my hometown to celebrate the New Year. There were fireworks last night. It was super beautiful."

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Dundun chatted with the short-nosed tiger when he went up the mountain hiding in the cat bag on Lin Xu's back.

"Brother, happy new year, you have to eat delicious food."

"Yes, I will give a gift today, and I will give you a big gift too."

After Dundun finished speaking, he added 100 million lucky points to the short-nosed tiger.

It wants to try the limit of the short-nosed tiger, and by the way, provide insurance for the younger brother's life.

The higher the lucky value, the less likely it is to die. Now that the power around Meow is surging, it is necessary to increase the possibility of the short-nosed tiger's survival as much as possible.

"Thank you brother, I will give you a gift when you come back."

In front of the short-nosed tiger is a hand-made ornament. Although it is very rough, it can be vaguely seen that it is a blue kitten licking a tiger-striped kitten with its head down. This is the warmest memory of the short-nosed tiger. scene.

After the New Year, everything on Earth is back on track.

As for the distant cats, the statues in the sanctuary have been replaced with pier statues, and every cat that passes by pays homage seriously.

Major changes have also taken place in the management of Meow Star. The aristocratic nobles in the past became civilians overnight, huge wealth flowed into the people, the committee known as the rich man's game was officially abolished, and the Sanctuary took over everything.

Meow Star has changed from the separation of church and state to the unity of church and state. This can not only coordinate human resources, but also better exert the combat effectiveness of Meow Star.

And at this juncture, the short-nosed tiger suddenly disappeared.

Elder Sanhua squatted in front of the instrument, tremblingly reporting to Dundunhui:
"Last night, it suddenly came down from the upstairs of the sanctuary, saying that it was guided by God, and it wanted to go to God's side... I asked it to discuss with you, but it disagreed, saying that God's position is uncertain, and it can't go there anymore. , will be missed forever. Then walk into the altar and disappear.”

"It entered the altar without entering the command code?"

"No, I checked after it left. There is no usage record for the altar. I also informed the Higher Sanctuary to check it together. I also found no usage record."

Strange, where will the short-nosed tiger go?
Dundun thought that he gave the short-nosed tiger a lucky value of 100 million during the Spring Festival. He originally planned to save its life, but unexpectedly caused it to leave the cat.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that the short-nosed tiger is not dead, because Dundun can still add luck to it.

And the dead can't be added at all.

Dundun asked Elder Sanhua to invite the chief elder who was busy in the swamp to come back, and asked about it seriously.

"This is the fate of your brothers. Just now I used cat god divination to give you a divination. The divination shows that your brothers will meet one day..."

Dundun naturally didn't believe in these illusory things.

it asked:
"How can we determine the location of the short-nosed tiger?"

"This... can't be determined at all. The only possibility is to enter the Lord's Temple and search through the Myriad Realms Tracker of the Temple. As long as it is still alive, no matter which universe it is in, no matter how far it is, it can be found. "

As soon as he heard that there was such a baby, Dundun immediately became interested:
"Then send someone to borrow it. Is this thing bad?"

Chief Elder said:
"It's a divine tool, so it won't break if you use it naturally, but before the fall of the cat god, the tracker was specially restricted. You must use the power of the main god to activate it, so if you want to use it, you must become the main god."

Dundun: "..."

I see you are embarrassing me fat tiger.

But in order to find the short-nosed tiger, it held back its dissatisfaction, and then asked:

"Then how can I become the Lord God?"

"Obtain the faith of a planet, you can become the bishop of the lower sanctuary, gain the faith of a galaxy, you can become the cardinal of the high sanctuary, and gain the faith of a star field, you can become the main god and enter the main temple... now Your faith in Meow Star is enough, you can break the rules first and become the bishop."

Is it so troublesome?
Dundun asked:

"Can I be a bishop even if I'm not in Meow Star?"

"Yes, you can see that I have been fishing in the swamp for decades, and the position of chief is not very stable. Compared with me, you just changed to a farther place to fish."

Good guy, I really should introduce you to Grandpa Sun.

It is enough for Dundun to serve as a bishop, but he still needs to go through a series of cumbersome ceremonies. He can't help with this matter, and he has given full authority to the chief elder.

The May Day holiday is coming, Dundun, Shen Jiayue and Lin Xu did not travel.

At night, Dundun was lying on the piano thinking about looking for the short-nosed tiger. Seeing this, Shen Jiayue asked curiously:
"Do you want to listen to piano music, baby? Can Mommy play it for you?"

Dundun agreed, and Shen Jiayue sat in front of the piano.

She opened the piano cover, tested the sound, and then played the lively tune "Summer".

Dundun had always been thinking about the short-nosed tiger, but when he heard this kind of childlike music, he couldn't hold back anymore, his eyes were full of worry for his brother.

Just stay in the sanctuary, why are you running around!

At the end of the song, Shen Jiayue was excitedly talking about interesting things about her childhood, Dundun walked to the balcony silently, looked up at the moonlight, and felt like a short-nosed tiger in her heart.

In late May, Dundun watched "Garfield and His Friends" at home. The more he watched, the more he felt that Garfield in the cartoon looked a lot like a short-nosed tiger, but he was no longer like his short-nosed brother.

While watching, it received a notification from the chief elder:

"All the procedures have been completed, and today I can crown you remotely. You can make time there, and you can do it anytime here."

At ten o'clock in the evening, Dundun went to the balcony, lay down on the boat, and pretended to sleep.

When Lin Xu and Shen Jiayue went upstairs, the little guy ordered:
"let's start."

According to the ceremony, it called out to the moon in the sky, and its voice was full of longing for the short-nosed tiger.

As soon as the voice fell, the moon in the sky seemed to suddenly become brighter, and a ray of golden light shone through the glass and shone on Dundun.

The cat fur on the little guy's body became smoother and shiny, and it even seemed to have a layer of divine brilliance.

After becoming a bishop, it can legitimately control the entire sanctuary, and it also has some divine power, and can even use some small spells.

But on Earth, it wouldn't use those, lest it frighten Papa and Mammy.

Here, it will always be that naughty and cute little cat, and only in the distant cat star will it become the decisive Lord Lord.

After becoming a bishop, although it is one step closer to becoming the main god, it is still far away. The next step is to urge the cat to continue to develop believers and strive to become the main god as soon as possible.

In the following days, Dundun's life fell into peace.

He even took a trip to the beach with his dad and mommy to experience the joy of peeing in a huge litter box.

On the night when the tour ended, Dundun just fell asleep when Elder Sanhua woke him up:

"My lord, something is wrong!"

"what happened?"

Dundun responded and got up from the cat's nest.

"Our cat may have a traitor..."

"What do you mean?"

"According to the insider report we planted in Wang Xing, Wang Xing is about to send a dog to the earth where you are, and it is likely to be harmful to you. You should pay attention to safety, keep a low profile, and don't be discovered by it."

Wang Xing?

This is not a dog.

Dundun asked nonchalantly:
"Is this dog very powerful?"

"Extremely cruel! According to insiders, it is a dog cursed by knowledge. It is super powerful. Lord, you should hide and avoid accidents."

Dundun glanced at his lucky value of 200 million and some divine power, and smiled calmly:

"No hurry, play with it first!"


The extra episode is officially over, and the next step is to finish this testimonial and plan for the next book, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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