Lingxian Zhenjun

Chapter 2 The Haunted Royal Family

Chapter 2 The Haunted Royal Family

Funiu Town is not big, people's voices are noisy, and the dogs guarding the house from door to door are all barking.

Chen Yuan followed Old Man Zhao and a few seniors standing in the crowd, watching the three police officers and asking Lizheng and Lao Wang, and then separated the two into the courtyard, the people around were also talking about what they heard. of.

"You guys are late, I don't know how scary it is. The old Wang's father's spiritual seat suddenly cracked a few cracks, and blood flowed out, and the old Wang's worthless son and daughter-in-law were scared." Paralyzed."

"What else is there?"

"What's even more frightening is that somehow the candles in the house turned blue when they were bright and dark. Oops, there was also a wind blowing, and the tiles on the roof fell off."

"Tsk tsk. I'm afraid it's not the old Wang's trouble?"

"No, how long has he been dead, and such a strange thing happened on the seventh day of today."

"Could it be that you came back to seek revenge on them? No wonder the good-looking people can't think of hanging themselves."

The little bits and pieces of words were pieced together into a simple ins and outs. The old Wangtou should be the old Wang's father. He has been bedridden and in good spirits, but he passed away suddenly seven days ago. A person who struggles to get up, what should he do? To hanged?
Chen Yuan, who was listening, felt a little nervous, wondering if there was a real ghost?In the eyes, the two policemen who entered the yard also stepped into the middle hall at this time, holding the handle of the knife, carefully approached the altar in the middle, and a pool of blood on it was falling to the ground drop by drop along the edge of the table.

A yamen servant swallowed his saliva and slowed down.

"It's not really a ghost, is it?"

The catcher walking on the right, with the light of the lantern under the eaves outside, looked at the blood on the table and the cracked spirit cards, and his heart was bristling, and his elbow subconsciously reminded his companion next to him, "I see first." Light the candles."

The other person nodded in agreement, carefully took out the fire pocket from his arms, broke it, blew it and removed the wick, and the big flame slowly lit up.

The dim light shone in the room, making the two of them feel a little more at ease.

At this time, a gust of drafts blew past the two of them, and the candles that had just been lit were low, faintly light blue, and there was a dry sneer vaguely in their ears.

The two broke out in a cold sweat, instinctively looked towards the door and window of the back hall, and there was a faint figure standing there.A yamen servant lifted up a lantern, revealing half of his gloomy face, with a sneer sneered on his lips with his tongue exposed.

The lantern fell to the ground with a 'snap'.

The hairs of the two yamen servants who were pressing the handle of the knife stood up. They looked at each other and nodded tacitly. , I feel at ease in my heart.

There was a pair of gazes from outside the courtyard, and one of the yamen servants puffed up his chest and coughed dryly, and straightened his face.

"The two of us have found out. Well, it's best to invite a mage here."

"I'll go, I'll go! A Taoist priest just came to the town two days ago. He has some skills. I'll invite him here."

Lizheng heard the two yamen servants say that, his legs were weak, even if the ghost did not come out, but he heard that if he was too close to the haunted house, his health would be bad, and he wished to hide away.

Chen Yuan squeezed forward in the crowd, just in time to see the central hall facing the gate. This courtyard is square and square, no different from ordinary courtyards.

"Is there really a ghost?"

When he murmured a sentence, at the other end of his vision, the originally lit candles in the middle hall of the courtyard and the flickering flickering of the lanterns on the ground were all extinguished with a whimper, and the entire courtyard was instantly plunged into darkness.

Seeing this scene, many people outside the door exclaimed, and the timid Saya rushed out of the crowd and ran.The daughter-in-law of the Wang family sat down on the ground, crying louder, yelling to go back to her mother's house.Lao Wang and his son did not dare to say a word, and squatted on the ground leaning on the door leaf.

There was confusion for a while, and someone shouted: "Don't panic, don't panic, Li Zheng is going to invite the Taoist priest."

Not long after, a series of footsteps and people's voices came from the alleyway, attracting everyone's attention. Chen Yuan also looked over in the crowd, and a round belly with a gray and black Taoist robe appeared first at the corner, followed by It was only then that the whole body was exposed.

A chunky Taoist priest, wearing a Taoist crown on his head, holding a dust whisk in his hand, his mustache fluttered up and down as he chanted sutras, and the other hand jingled a rattle.

Li was at the side, with his arms akimbo and shouting at the chaotic crowd.

"All spread out, let the Taoist priest go in."

After saying that, Li Zheng hurried to a path, ran to the steps and stretched out his hand towards the courtyard: "Daozhang Sun, this is the house."

The old Wang and his son on the side seemed to see hope, got up with a swipe, clasped their hands and bowed, begging the Taoist priest to get rid of the sneakiness in the house and restore peace to the house.

"The two of you will wait at the door for now."

The fat Taoist priest raised his hand, then stepped across the threshold with a flick of dust, stopped in the courtyard, and sang a title, with his voice open.

"My teacher is the No. 30 second-generation disciple of Tianshi Rende. Passing by here, I heard that ghosts and monsters are rampant, so I came here to check—"

With a flick of the dust, he took out three sticks of sandalwood from the bamboo tube and lighted the candles, respected them for a circle, and when they were placed on the ground, the three sticks stood upright, which amazed the spectators outside the courtyard. Even Chen Yuan was a little surprised.

next moment.

The fat Taoist took the bell around his waist, jingled it, and muttered something in his mouth with strange steps. Several yellow talismans appeared in his hands like a magic trick, and they were thrown into the air with a "boom" and burned by him.

The Taoist turned his face slightly, glanced at the crowd standing outside, hooked the corner of his mouth proudly, and said the congratulatory speech again, and drew the peach wood sword from his back with his backhand, facing a certain direction, and slashing at the air.

It made the crowd behind Lizheng and a group of people watching the excitement clap their hands and applaud.

"An expert is an expert!"

"Ansheng is here!"

"Little ghosts, you dare to be presumptuous here, and you're still out of your wits!"

"Get me a mirror!"

The fat Taoist spread his hands, and Lizheng hurriedly handed over the bronze mirror that had been placed on him in advance, and then quickly retreated to the door, holding a yamen servant to look inside.

At this time, the peach wood sword dancing in the courtyard was put away, and the fat Taoist grabbed the bronze mirror, turned around, stepped out and moved back and forth, illuminating all around, reflected by the lantern in the hand of the yamen outside the door, as if there was a magic trick light shoots out.

After a while, he recovered his breath, hung down the bronze mirror with sweat profusely on his face, took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat stains, and nodded to everyone over there.

"Everyone, the evildoer has been taken down by this way, and is included in the magic mirror."

He patted the bronze mirror, and immediately pasted a yellow talisman in the center, put it in the yellow cloth bag, and flicked the whisk, looking like a fairy.At this time, everyone also reacted from the shock of the Taoist priest's fighting skills just now, and hurried forward to ask.

"Master Dao, have the ghosts been taken?"

Seeing the nodding fat Taoist gave a light 'hmm', everyone let out a breath, holding lanterns and applauding each other excitedly.

"The Taoist priest is really amazing. He is so good!"

"I just don't know what that sneaky thing looks like."

Only Chen Yuan in the crowd frowned, looking weirder the more she looked.

Hiss. How do you feel, the other party is a charlatan?
Over there, Li Zheng slapped his hands and raised his feet to congratulate him. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the lantern under the eaves creaked and creaked, as if he saw something. Withdrawing his foot, he pointed tremblingly behind the Taoist priest.

"Daoist, there is another one in the hall, ouch!" Li Zheng bumped into the arms of a yamen servant in fright, everyone looked around, and saw a thin figure standing there in front of the door of the middle hall, with his neck suddenly crooked.

The fat Taoist twitched in shock, and his Taoist hat instantly stood up.

There was a dead silence inside and outside the courtyard.

The old tree in the courtyard swayed its branches and leaves. The fat Taoist looked at the dark central hall and wing rooms, trembling slightly. He swallowed his saliva, and the sweat slid down his chubby face.

'Meet a real ghost'

He was originally a wandering quack warlock, wherever he went in a Taoist robe, he just opened his mouth and fiddled with it a few times to get food and drink, and occasionally he had money to take, so he thought he could make an order today, so he didn't expect to meet him Really.

"Going is the best policy, saving your life is the most important thing, you can't stay here!"

The fat Taoist swallowed his saliva, turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.Over there, Lizheng and the three yamen servants had already pulled the door shut with a 'bang', and shouted through the door: "Master, you can get rid of ghosts at ease! I will guard the door for you and never let the ghosts come out!"


The fat Taoist dragged his body fat and rushed over to slam the courtyard door a few times, stamped his feet anxiously, looked back, and saw the thin figure standing in the middle of the courtyard in the dark, staring straight at him, who was hanging himself The head of the dead old king floated towards him in a hanging posture.

The fat Taoist slumped down on the ground, and in his field of vision, behind the floating figure, there seemed to be a slightly normal figure, also an old man.

However, there was no time for the Taoist to think about it, the old man Wang's face was pale, and he quickly drew closer to the bottom of his eyes with his long tongue sticking out. He was so frightened that he raised his hand to cover his round face, and screamed out in horror.

"Don't come here, wow."

The hysterical screams could be heard clearly through the courtyard wall. Three yamen servants, Li, were guarding the door, pressing against the courtyard door, looking at each other with expressions of respect on their faces.

"Listen, the Taoist priest is really going all out, and is doing his best to eliminate ghosts, you are innocent"

next moment.

There was a muffled bang, the courtyard door collapsed suddenly, and a chubby figure flew out from inside, hitting the four of them and rolling to the street together.A thin figure in tattered robes jumped to the courtyard wall, "It's fun, fun! Go and take revenge." The excited sleeves stirred, and the mist rose with the wind and filled the air.

The street was in chaos, the crowd of spectators was in a mess in the fog, pushing and shoving in horror, some people were pushed down and stepped on, and several people cried out in pain.

"Run, the ghost in Wang's courtyard has rushed out." Someone shouted in the confusion.

The street was full of people's shadows running around in the white fog. Chen Yuan was bumped a few times, so she had to stick to the wall to hide. Among the people, he shouted: "Master!"


Not far away, in the vast expanse of whiteness, the shadow standing on the courtyard wall froze in the mist, and suddenly looked at the shouting young man.

Chen Yuan squeezed away a few people and wanted to meet with leader Zhao. After walking a few steps, her shoulders suddenly felt cold, and she turned her head instinctively. A gray figure swooped down from the courtyard wall, and saw a wrinkled hand. Grabbed on Chen Yuan's shoulder.

"Disciple, I have found you as a teacher."

It was the voice of an old man.Immediately, he turned his head abruptly, and towards the open courtyard door, roared ferociously: "Scatter!" The mist shook out a circular outline in an instant.

Seeing the head of the old king with a crooked neck in front of the door, the Yin Qi scattered in all directions and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Chen Yuan's ears were buzzing, and before he could see who it was, he heard the old man say, "Let's go!"

His field of vision instantly raised.

In a moment, the row upon row of houses became dizzy in his eyes. He quickly closed his eyes, and the chaotic voices quickly blurred, leaving only the whistling of the wind in his ears.

Consciousness gradually becomes blurred.

On the long street, there was still chaos.Zhao Bantou rushed to the street outside with his apprentices, only then remembered that another person was missing, and hurriedly asked the first and second apprentices to go in to find him.

Among the mountains not far from Funiu Town, on a grassy slope, the person they were looking for was waking up drowsily.


The hoarse and vicissitudes of life faintly echoed in his ears, and his body was light and floating, as if he was heaving and falling in the water.

Hearing the voices, Chen Yuan felt dizzy, and opened her eyes in a daze, the night sky dotted with stars and moons, and the face of an old man with white beard and beard, and that expression was full of affection ' Like lying on top of him and looking down.

"There's still one thing I haven't finished, I'll let my teacher take a good look at it for you."

As he said that, the old man in dusty robes had already bent over his lower abdomen. Chen Yuan still had a dull pain in her head, and her thoughts were a little confused, but when she saw the old man's movements, she bent her legs in fright, and waved her away with a jerk.

The moment he touched the other party, he was grabbed by the old man, and the old man suddenly let go of him helplessly. Between the gray beard, his lips pouted as if he had been wronged.

"Disciple, you're fine, you're fine, hey, your cultivation base. Why is your cultivation base gone?!"

The old man's aggrieved expression suddenly disappeared, and his eyes stared fiercely: "Tell me, who did it. I slaughtered him all over the house!"

After saying that, he rolled up his tattered cuffs, turned around and left.

After taking two steps, he stopped and turned around, brushed his messy hair coolly, and looked at Chen Yuan solemnly.

"Disciple. As a teacher, I don't know how to walk. As a teacher, I don't know the way."

It turned out to be a crazy old man.

(End of this chapter)

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