Chapter 46

Sunshine filled the courtyard, swaying treetops, cicadas chirped one after another, and then stopped abruptly.

sigh -

Ma Ming long hissed, resounding throughout the courtyard.

At the same time as the floating knives, chisels and other tools were hanging down, a sculpture of a horse that was about to raise its hooves suddenly moved, and its front hooves slammed down. The lacquered red horse with a color like fiery coal kicked its hooves in front of Chen Yuan. He galloped around twice, with a lively look on his face.

The small wooden figure sitting on the stone hammer with a knife stood up in a daze, his dull wooden face unexpectedly filled with emotion, and he called out to the scarlet horse carving that was galloping.


Chen Yuan was stunned when she heard this, good guy, I finally know something that the second master doesn't know.

At this moment, the red horse sculpture running on the table stopped its hooves, looked at the wood carving Guan Yu over there, and was also stunned for a moment, and ran over in a moment of joy, bowing the horse's head like before. It caresses on the head.

After a while, the wooden carving of Guan Gong jumped up and rode on his horse.


The horse jumped straight to the ground, ran to the old cow at the end of the courtyard, turned around, passed Chen Yuan, and ran to the other side of the Crescent Gate. There was a hearty laughter coming from Guan Gong's wooden carving, echoing in the courtyard for a long time endlessly.

"Guan is so happy!"



Then, a ragged figure rushed into the Crescent Gate, seeming to follow the sound, and before Chen Yuan opened his mouth, he called out to him: "Master."

The crazy old man jumped forward and lay down in front of the wooden man and wooden horse, his eyes widened curiously.

"Teacher, why are they moving..."

After the words fell, he suddenly reached out and took Guan Gong and Chitu together, turned around and held them on top of his head, and ran to the back of the house.

"How courageous! Presumptuous! Put Guan down—"

In an instant, the shouting sound went far behind the house.Chen Yuan was not worried that Master would destroy the wood carvings, she was just curious, and she loved those wood carvings very much on weekdays.

But why didn't the second master appear holy?
He frowned, thoughtfully: "Could it be that the enlightenment technique just brought out a ray of soul from the Hall of Renjie, and the divine power of incense and fire is still in the statues in the hall..."

Thinking, the lips moved, and the moment he uttered the incantation, a gust of wind blew from the courtyard, and then, there was a bang sound behind the house, followed by the scream of the crazy old man, "Wow wow!" He ran out, jumped up and down and shouted: "Teacher, that thing has turned into a red-faced monster!"

The next moment, behind him, the sound of hooves sounded like thunder, the charcoal-red war horse neighed, and the swirling mud splattered and galloped out. Both dropped significantly.

Chen Yuan quickly withdrew his mana.

A flash of golden light flashed, and the majestic Guan Gong on horseback immediately retracted to the wooden carving. Dan Feng glared at the crazy old man and snorted coldly. Talking in a low voice from time to time, it can be seen what kind of emotion he has for the horse sculpture.

After all, after riding for so many years, the feelings must be deep...

While Chen Yuan was thinking, she packed up her tools and went back to the house, where the three wood carvings of Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, and Zhang Fei turned their heads and looked at him straight at some point.

Those empty pupils seem to say something: there are us!

Chen Yuan looked back at the one-foot man walking the horse in the courtyard, and she was right, one should not favor one over the other, after weighing whether the mana was enough, she recited the magic formula and tapped on the three wooden carving heads one by one.

A burst of magic light passed, and then...the three heroes ignored him, moved their hands and feet, and jumped off the table directly.

In the red glow.

Qin Qiong was observing the topography of the house with his hands behind his hands, and chatted with Yu Chigong in a low voice, pointing, as if wanting to occupy an important place.

The latter looked majestic, climbed onto the table not far away, and scolded a bunch of weird puppets, treating them as soldiers.

Zhang Fei, with leopard head and eyes around him, rolled up his cuffs angrily, holding a snake spear and yelling to take revenge on the person who scolded him last time.

"I have always scolded others, but to be called a moron makes me angry."

After yelling and cursing a few times, he jumped, and then grabbed the high threshold, kicked his feet outside a few times before barely turning outside.

"Who's threshold is so high?!"

He muttered a word, and when he got down to the ground, he saw his second brother riding a red rabbit majestically, passing in front of him with his hooves raised, and immediately stared at Chen Yuan with round tiger eyes.

"I want the same."

Chen Yuan spread her hands and said with a smile: "Third Master, there is no more wood. How about carving mounts for you tomorrow?"

After the words fell, Zhang Fei turned around angrily, dragged the snake spear and ran to the old cow crawling under the shade of the tree, looked up at the tall back, then climbed up, and slapped the snake spear.

"Get up, drive!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

The old cow shook his ears, glanced at the little wooden man riding on his neck and ignored it, yawned lazily, rubbed his mouth a few times and lowered his head to enjoy the annoying chirping of cicadas in the sunlight.

The crazy old man squatted on the ground, watching one person and one horse strolling.

Zhang Fei shouted hysterically;
Qin Qiong stood on tiptoes, waving a pair of small flags stuck behind his back, poured two glasses of wine from a wine bottle taller than him, touched his good brother, the water stains were poured on his face, and the two looked at each other. After one glance, he burst out laughing, and immediately practiced a bunch of puppets running around the room.

Looking at the noisy courtyard, Chen Yuan thought that this... is actually quite good.

So where did Sun Zhengde go?
He went back to the room and opened the door, and saw the fat Taoist sitting on the ground, ringing the bell, showing a smirk, seeing Chen Yuan standing at the door, and quickly hid behind him, unable to help being watched, he squeezed out a sound.

"...The main way is to comprehend the mystery of this copper bell."

Not long after, Xu Huaiyu came back from outside the city. As soon as he returned to the mansion, he came here to greet Chen Yuan. He was still shocked when he saw puppets running around in the room.

Immediately, I begged whether these pictures of gods and men could be posted in the army and county government.Chen Yuan would naturally like to see this matter, and it would be even better if the common people also posted it.

The two chatted in the courtyard for a while, and Chen Yuan happened to have something to ask for.

"In the counties near Linjiang County, besides Tongshan, how many other places are there? Please find out for me the surname of ordinary people, preferably old people who lived there 30 or [-] years ago."

The location, surname, and age are all shortened. It is not difficult to inquire about it, especially Xu Huaiyu has a lot of scouts, and it is convenient to contact the county government and check the household registration.

Xu Huaiyu immediately agreed, and after that, he asked the servants in the house to bring a lot of wood for the husband's use.

After all, when Chen Yuan first learned the technique of enlightenment, it was at the time when she was new to this technique. Under the watchful eyes of Qin Qiong, Zhang Fei, Yu Chigong and others, she carved out the appearance of three horses that they were talking about, and carved some weird woodcarvings. , such as the Buddha with one foot on the lotus platform and holding multiple weapons, there are also strange things.

It's a pity that some can be enlightened, but some are like dead objects, such as cars, airplanes, missiles... they are still wood, and the inside is also wood.

On the contrary, the Buddha is able to move, without the blessing of incense, it is just a moving decoration.

The night was quiet.

The master was lying on the bed snoring, and Chen Yuan sat looking at these useless things. Afterwards, she spread out the paper and tried to write down the formulas of the paper binding technique, the incantation, and the enlightenment technique to see if they could be arranged group together.

The lights were dim, and the focused figure was cut on the window lattice, which lasted until late at night.

(End of this chapter)

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