Lingxian Zhenjun

Chapter 63 Ghost Servant

Chapter 63 Ghost Servant
The bonfire crackled and sparked.

The burning flame flickered on the face with closed eyes. At this time, Chen Yuan's eyes were rapidly turning under the closed eyelids, and the three techniques of paper piercing, attunement, and spiritual invocation surged and scattered in her mind. , Integrate, arrange, constantly try out new sentences, and twitch your lips quickly.

The royal paper is a chapter, and the sections are folded into cows and horses...

With one thought of life and death, the heaven and the earth suddenly turn around...

Order the gods and ghosts of the heaven and earth, burn incense and burn them, submit to the heavens, write books and talismans to drive all spirits...

One spirit enlightens all living beings, two fingers fall and wakes up suddenly, three prays to the heavenly king to accept my order, four manifests...


The ruined temple was quiet. The old cow lying prone at the gate of the temple yawned. He glanced at the crazy old man with his buttocks poking around and playing with fire, and his master sitting cross-legged next to him. The feeling of wanting to listen more and more.

Call ~
A gust of cold wind blew, and the forest on the opposite side of the road was rustling. The old cow shook his ears and turned his head. With his huge eyes, he saw a cloud of white mist suddenly floating from the end of the road in the moonlight.

In the white fog, an extremely tall figure swayed and stopped in front of the bullock cart. His gray eyes in the fog swept over the old cow who was looking at him curiously, and there was a deep sob in his mouth, overflowing with a trace of gray air.


……kite. "

The tall and thin figure floated to the temple gate swayingly, with slender palms pressed against the eaves, bent over, the long oval face looked down at the door, the big mouth opened slowly, almost to the back of the cheek, revealing the tip of the mouth tooth.

The broken temple without gods can no longer hinder him.

His figure was like a cloud of fog, passing straight through the eaves and earthen walls, and slowly drifting towards the figure sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, bowing his body.

The crazy old man playing with the bonfire over there looked up at him, tilted his head curiously, and made gestures with his hands a few times, probably wondering why his head looked like this.

"Apprentice, here comes a strange person, it seems to be looking for you."

While speaking, the strangely long figure had floated behind Chen Yuan, and the cracked tone startled the crazy old man, as if he had never seen such a strange person before, and he was more curious.

Even trying to hook his mouth with his fingers cracked to the size of the opponent.

However, Chen Yuan over there is still frantically arranging the formulas in his mind. As more and more formulas become more and more solidified word by word, the magic light is lit up, and a layer of faint light is gradually coated on his body. Light.

...... all kinds of changes.

... The five cleanses and all hearts invite God to come down.

...... The power of the Six Forgiveness Lingzhuan God is coming!


The moment he opened his mouth and sipped down, Chen Yuan's eyes swung open, a golden light flashed at the bottom of his pupils, black clouds suddenly rolled over the night sky, and there was a thunderclap.


The turbulent clouds blasted the bright yellow lightning to illuminate the outside of the temple gate, and the long shadow with its mouth wide open was instantly stunned by the sound of thunder, and crawled to the corner in a hug and shrank.

The flame fell, and the figure sitting cross-legged suddenly got up, walked out two steps, and swept away the one-sleeve with a 'wow'.

"Spiritual seal divine power, manifest the law—"

There was a loud thunder, and the clay statue in the temple, which had a broken neck, suddenly moved, and walked down the altar, the soles of the fallen feet gradually took on color, wrapped in heavenly clothes, wrapped in a shawl, and walked dully with bare feet. With the sound of footsteps, he picked up the head on the ground and pressed it to his neck.

Seemingly aware of the yin in the corner, he turned his head, opened his palm and pressed it.Falling in the long line of sight, the palm that was pressed was as big as the sky and the earth, filled with divine light.


The long shadow shrieked with yin energy all over his body, and it was about to fall on him. The feeling of dissipating the soul did not come, and he saw the hand of the god hovering over his head.

"Are you the errand from Qingshan County?"

Faint words came from the bonfire, and the long shadow turned his head to look. Chen Yuan was standing by the fire, looking at it with a smile. The long shadow hurriedly moved away from the range of the palm of the statue. Because of this, he could only bow his body, and immediately put away the hideous and terrifying ghost appearance.

Suddenly he knelt down towards the young man in front of him and fell to the ground.

"Wang Zhaoyuan, former Qingshan County messenger, pays homage to Mr."

Chen Yuan lowered her gaze, left the direction where he was praying, walked to the altar and sat down casually.

"Why do you worship me?"

"The little one is no longer a sinner." The ghost named Wang Zhaoyuan kept kneeling and turned to the altar, "Before the matter of Li Yuanshan, the county magistrate was punished by the master, and the city god knew the reason behind it, and it came to me. I got rid of my job as a small underworld messenger, and I was exiled outside, and I became a lonely ghost, and I will not be reincarnated until the punishment period is over."

Having said that, Wang Zhaoyuan kowtowed three times in a row.

"... Please take it in, sir."

"You accept bribes secretly, take life's soul, and you should be dismissed from your job. But why do you want me to take you in? Just now you were thinking about revenge."

"I do have the idea of ​​revenge." Yin Gui was also calm, he said: "The job of Yin Er is dismissed, and I have resentment in my heart, but I just want to scare Mr. Sir, I can only frighten and tease you, to relieve my grievances."

Chen Yuan smiled.

"Then how did you get here?"

"Following the talisman on Mr.'s body, when passing through Linjiang County, I also saw the ancestral hall built by the people in the city for Mr., and the four gods lined up on both sides. They are so majestic. I wanted to go in and have a look, but then I was caught The City God of Linjiang County sent the underworld messengers to run around chasing him, and it was hard to find Mr. here."


Chen Yuan nodded, he and this ghost were considered to be acquainted, if he was allowed to be a lonely ghost outside without restraint, he might still kill people.

"Let me take you in, what will you do?"

Wang Zhaoyuan showed joy, and his long body crawled twice on the ground: "The little one can serve tea and water, and sit on the saddle, and be willing to be Mr.'s ghost servant."

"Come out with me."

Chen Yuan walked outside the temple gate, looked at the old cow inside and crawled back quickly, and saw the owner walk to the side of the road and waved his sleeve.

The magic light flashed by.

A tree with the thickness of a human arm on the side of the road suddenly swayed, the soil cracked and swelled, and the hidden roots protruded out, like human feet walking. When they came to the temple, the dense branches and leaves fell to the ground, and the bare tree trunk It was cut off, forming a fist-sized jar outline, and then the tree body peeled off by itself, and rolled to Chen Yuan's feet.

With a touch of his fingertips, the connected altar cover was immediately separated and lifted, revealing the bottom of the altar.

Chen Yuan spread out the palm-sized jar: "I will live in it from now on, would you like to?"

"Yes, it's just...whether it's a little too small."

However, just as Chen Yuan closed the lid of the altar, the Yin Gui hurriedly turned into a cloud of Yin Qi and flew in.After a while, his voice came from the altar.

"Sir, if you have any orders, just call me by my first name."

After speaking, there was no more movement.

Chen Yuan put it in the corner of the carriage, knocked on the bull's head that was probing its head, walked back to the temple with a flick of sleeves, and put the stone statue back on the altar, which was regarded as a return gift for calling him to help when he cast a spell just now.

After dinner, Chen Yuan sat by the fire with a scroll and flipped through it, reading stories from the book and coaxing Master to fall asleep slowly.

The fire illuminated the statue, and Shi Zhuo's eyes quietly looked at the figure reading a book beside the fire. Outside the temple, night birds were singing in the forest, and under the gloomy night sky, the distant river was gurgling.

The Jianjian Tower standing on the top of the mountain is brightly lit.

Then, there was a crashing sound.

"What kind of mountain monster, I only know that the disciple of the North Academy was killed, and that person has a lot to do with it, so we can't just expose it!"

The shattered cup rolled, and the sword head of the North Court slapped the table, "Even if the celestial master of the celestial master's mansion comes, this matter will not be amicable!"

"Junior Brother Qing, don't be so angry." The sword head of the East Court has never been involved in these matters, but now that the eldest disciple of the younger generation in the North Court has died, it is impossible not to speak, after all, it is related to the face of the entire mountain gate. , especially to the young disciples in the sect, it is not a small blow, if it is not handled well, the prestige will be greatly lost.

"Senior nephew Jingshu explained the cause and effect very clearly. Shouyan, I have seen it since I was a child, and I am talented, but I am too reckless. How can I scream and kill when I meet you? Look at you, and then look at Ruyue in the West Courtyard. Junior sister, how did she teach her disciples? What happened to Shouyan, you, the master, cannot escape responsibility!"

On the west seat, the beautiful woman frowned slightly: "It's a good discussion, what's the matter with me in the west courtyard? Brother Duan's disciple died, so we should talk about how to deal with this matter."

"Junior Brother Xu, what do you think should be done?" Duan Jiqing sat down on the chair, looking at Xu Qingfeng who was stroking his long beard in the South Courtyard with anger in his eyes: "Before you advocated kindness, this is what happened today."

"Senior brother, I still think the East Court is right. Qin Shouyan's death has a lot to do with your temper."

Xu Qingfeng closed his eyes, and laughed softly: "Put the blame on others, thinking that you can put it aside? Why can't you see through when you are the head brother? What can't be seen by other brothers and sisters? Before Qin Shouyan and Fei Xuanze You're lying, in order to take care of the brother's face, the younger brother didn't point it out directly, but went down the mountain in person to drive that person named Chen Yuan out of the Canglan River. Now that he has left himself clean, it's all someone else's Wrong, to put it bluntly, with your apprentice's temperament, if you don't die in Chen Yuan's hands today, you will die in someone else's hands!"


Duan Jiqing slapped the table and got up, and at the same time as he squeezed out every word, there was also a voice from the first seat, interrupting his words: "Sit down!"

Wang Xuanyi opened his eyes and yelled, Duan Jiqing of the North Court sat down angrily, but turned his face away.

"Whatever senior brother in charge wants to say, just say it."

"Since you can't come up with anything, let me, the leader, say it." Wang Xuanyi stood up and took the lead, "There are disciples from the Tianshi Mansion involved in this matter, and we need to prove to the other party whether it is true. The one named Chen Yuan must also let him come to the Canglan Sword Sect. If the disciples in the sect die, we can’t just settle it so easily. If it spreads, you will think that all the cultivators in our sect are stupid!"

Upon hearing these words, Duan Jiqing stood up and cupped his fists: "Senior brother, I'll go then!"

"You can't go, because you are angry, you have lost your sense of proportion, and you want to fight and kill. A Jindan realm, when can this temper be changed!"

Wang Xuanyi scolded without saving face, and finally he turned his attention to Xu Qingfeng.

"Junior Brother Xu, you have had contact with that Chen Yuan, I'd like to trouble you to go over this matter, talk to Zhang Tianshi in the Tianshi Mansion, and then take Chen Yuan back to the Canglan River!"

Over there, Xu Qingfeng stood up and clasped his fists.

"Follow the order of the master brother."

They said some more things, and not long after, everyone came out of the Jianjian Tower. Duan Jiqing looked at Xu Qingfeng who walked out, his cheeks bulged, and he turned and left with a cold snort.

In the night, Xu Qingfeng's figure stopped in the corner illuminated by the light of the stone lamp. After a while, Zhu Jingshu came over and stood behind him.

"Uncle Master."

"Well, you come with me."

The two then walked into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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