Chapter 75

"What happened?"

Xu Huaiyu wore armor and came out of the tent with a saber on his shoulders, and followed a personal guard of King Qing to the commander's tent. On the way, he asked the guard, who didn't know much about it.

"A strange thing happened tonight. King Qing suddenly yelled in the tent, and he just asked me to wait and please come over."

Strange thing?

Is it true that the coldness you said is true?Ever since he met an expert in Linjiang County, Xu Huaiyu Chongxin has been very concerned about such things. Every morning and evening, he enshrines a stick of incense and presents it to King Qing.The second is King Qing of the other party. If they can make friends, they may not be able to rise to the top in the future, and no matter how bad they are, they will be higher than the Duhou.

While thinking about it, he followed the guards to the commander's tent.

"The humble Xu Huaiyu pays homage to King Qing!"

After a while, a weary voice came from the hanging curtain: "Du Hou, come in quickly."

The guards outside the tent opened the curtain, Xu Huaiyu nodded towards them, then stepped into the big tent, and clasped his fists at the back facing the long case: "King Qing!"

Immediately, his eyes also saw the long table, the debris on the ground, and the Buddha statue with only a lotus platform and a broken foot left in the corner of the table.

"Duhou, do you know where the expert you mentioned is?" King Qing, who was looking at the long case in a daze, suddenly said, he turned around and looked at Xu Huaiyu who bowed his hands: "Can you invite the army?" Among them, I honor him as the honored guest."


Xu Huaiyu was a little confused. After parting in Linjiang County that day, he rushed to Qingzhou to follow the army north to Luodu. He didn't know where Chen Yuan had gone. Seeing Gongsun Li's eyes, he thought about it for a while. It's better to explain the whole story clearly.

"King Huiqing, I came here in a hurry after receiving the transfer order that day, and the expert also said goodbye to me at that time, probably going to travel the mountains and rivers, so I don't know where the expert has gone."

Gongsun Li sighed heavily, and waved his hand to make the duhou sit down, pointing to the fragments of Buddha statues on the table and on the ground, with lingering fear still remaining on his face.

"You don't know. If you hadn't given Gu this statue of Buddha last night, I'm afraid Gu would have been killed by a monster, so I asked you to come here to see if the expert was found. Gu guessed that the monster must have been sent by a barbarian priest. , Otherwise, why did you only attack me? The few royal brothers who were alone before also felt the cold air, and they must also be the target."

"Barbarians are detestable!" Xu Huaiyu scolded while clenching his fists, and immediately stood up and clasped his fists together: "Prince Qing, killing monsters may not be possible with a lowly job, but a lowly job like a nurse can do it."

"Oh, did Master Hou Degao teach you the magic method?"

"That's not true, it's a god-man drawn by an expert, with a low-ranking person stabbed in the back, and can drive away filthy things!"

"So magical? Let Gu see it!"

A portrait can drive away evil spirits. Gongsun Li was very surprised. He saw Xu Huaiyu take off his armor and clothes, revealing his back covered with green lines. Ran slightly closed his eyelids, at first glance, he had a murderous look.

"It's so majestic, no wonder it can drive away evil spirits."

Gongsun Li even stretched out his hand to touch it. In an instant, his fingertips seemed to be pricked by a needle, and he quickly retracted his hand. The pain was still there, and he couldn't help admiring. A salute.

At the end of the ceremony, the King Qing straightened his expression, showing dignity, and said in a voice: "Xu Huaiyu listens to the order!"

Over there, Xu Huaiyu pulled off his clothes and hurriedly cupped his hands.

"The end is here!"

"Xu Huaiyu fought the enemy bravely and was loyal to the country. He led the soldiers in the army to serve as the lieutenant of the Chinese army and the commander of the guard!"


Xu Huaiyu took a deep breath, the excitement on his face was unspeakable, he stepped out of the command tent, hurriedly recruited two thousand soldiers who came with him, packed their bags, and immediately went to the Chinese army to defend.

Walking outside the camp holding the handle of the knife, occasionally looking at the bright sky of the Milky Way, the person who was very grateful for the chanting, if he had to meet Chen Yuan, he might not have a chance to make his mark.

"Huaiyu, Huaiyu... There is an adventure in fate after all!" '

At this moment, he was even more grateful to his deceased father for giving him this name.


Leaden gray clouds floated gently, floating across the bright stars in the sky.

The foothills at night are quiet, with the occasional sound of horseshoes, patrol horses galloping past with bows and knives on their backs.

In the night sky, which ordinary people cannot see with naked eyes, a black light streaked across the stars and moon, and fell straight into the darkness ahead. The bonfire with dots of stars was still swaying in the night wind.

In the camp that stretched for several miles, black light entered a two-foot-high leather felt tent. In the middle of it, there was a thin man wearing eagle feathers and a colorful feather coat on his shoulders. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the tent. A burning smell penetrated into his mouth and nose.

Under the mutton oil lamp lit in front of him, a monster with a sheep's head and a human body was curled into a ball, most of its body was completely scorched black, and there was a smell of incense in the breath.


The monster wailed in a low voice, struggling to get close to the priest on the opposite side. It had exhausted its last mana when it flew back, and it could still survive with the help of its master.

It's not easy to refine a beast spirit, but that's not the case for Priest Eagle Feather. Looking at the sheep spirit rubbing against his palm, the thin man suddenly grabbed its head, and the sheep-headed body seemed to be completely burned. It turned into ashes and fell to the ground, turning into the outline of an antelope.

Sensing the turbulent beast spirit breath, several people rushed in from outside, one of them lost a little finger on his right hand, it was Hu Duyan who bit his finger and fled by the river beach that day.

Seeing the sheep spirit turned into ashes, they were stunned for a moment, and then they bowed to the thin man sitting cross-legged in the middle to salute.

"Meet the High Priest."

Eagle Feather Priestesses are above Deer Head Priests in terms of status and strength, and there are only more than 20 of them in the whole Yuejie, which can be described as precious. On top of that, I heard that there are Canglang Priestesses who can communicate with the White Wolf God, which is a pity Unfortunately, they've never met.

"The [-] cavalry who attacked the Han capital have been wiped out, and the opportunity has been lost. The army can only fight against the opponent. I don't want to kill or injure too many people. I thought that the king's protection spirit of the Han people was weak, so I took the opportunity to kill them all. When the group of dragons had no leader, the iron cavalry drove straight in and killed the Han capital.

I didn't expect that there was a Buddha statue next to King Qing to protect me, which hurt my sheep spirit, but the Buddha statue also ran out of incense and was destroyed. Kill one of their kings and lower their morale, what do you think? "

The oil lamps were shaking, and the faces of the several people who came in were all painted with strange patterns. They walked to the oil lamps and sat cross-legged in silence, reciting mantras in a low voice, and they mixed together into a 'buzzing' sound and wandered in the tent. .

next moment.

A dark light gradually appeared on the seven people, rushed to the top of the tent and shot above the night sky, turned into a few meteors and flew towards the south, crossing mountains and rivers, flying over cities, villages, and the overthrown city gods, The land, in the direction of descending, is a barracks with bonfires stretching.

In the barracks three miles away, hearing the jingle of the demon bell shaking in the tent, the Taoist priest of Tianshi Mansion who had fallen asleep on the couch suddenly opened and sat up, took out the formula and wiped his eyes, and hurried out of the tent, Watching seven black lights streak across the sky in the distance.

My heart skipped a beat.

"not good!"

Hastily grabbing into the tent, several magic weapons flew back and forth on his Taoist robe, turned around and leaped into the air, rushing towards the direction of the black light.

almost simultaneously.

In the camp at the foot of the mountain, another Taoist priest ran to Lu Wangshuai's tent. He was worried that the other party would try to divert the tiger away from the mountain.



The vigil was exhausting, and the soldiers of Linjiang County, who had never served as a Chinese army guard, yawned unavoidably as they walked around.

Xu Huaiyu who was not far away was still full of energy, standing in front of the handsome tent, listening to King Qing's steady snoring in the tent, he couldn't help puffing out his chest, holding the knife head, and looked around vigilantly.

'King Qing should be able to sleep peacefully tonight. '



Suddenly there was a wind blowing, and the two braziers in front of the tent shook flickeringly. Xu Huaiyu suddenly felt a faint heat behind his back. He hurriedly looked around and saw that the air was slightly distorted, as if there were several smoke-like streams. The figure walked this way.

The surrounding soldiers didn't feel strange, but felt that the wind was strange, and even shivered suddenly as if they had been touched by something.

"Why is it suddenly cold?"

"It's July, it shouldn't be so cold even in the middle of the night."

"What happened to the captain?"

Several patrolling soldiers stopped, and Qi Qi looked at the figure standing in front of the commander's tent holding his knife. The latter's feet and hands became numb for some reason, making it difficult to move.

And the portrait of the god-man behind him became hotter and hotter.

The vague figures became clearer and clearer with the burning pain behind him. When he saw the face, Xu Huaiyu couldn't help but shuddered, as if a force was helping him to break free, and he took the knife from his waist. Shouted: "There is a monster—"

clang clang-

Amidst the sound of drawing their knives, the nearby and patrolling soldiers looked around in panic with their knives, but they didn't see anything.

Just the next moment.

In their line of sight, Xu Huaiyu struggled to tear off his armor and clothes, turned around in a hurry, and exposed his back towards the black shadows approaching. In the invisible air, there was a golden light blooming from the statue of Guan Gong, and the eyes that were originally slightly closed , at this moment anger opened.

A golden shadow turned into a human figure and leaped out, raising the sword and slapping the horse. The golden light knife covered the fuzzy black shadow that rushed first, and was directly torn in half.

Not far away, a soldier was suddenly pulled by the air, and his arm was pulled down. The blood spurted out was immediately gathered by a black shadow of a deer head, and it became thick and black. Xu Huaiyu's bare back covered up the tattoo of Guan Gong.

The golden figure with sword and leaping horse dissipated in mid-air in an instant.

Like something broke.

Under the same starry sky, in front of a hut in Hezhou thousands of miles away, a few old and young students were singing Chen Yuan's new opera to the crazy old man.

The green-robed wooden figure sitting on the railing and looking at the pages of the book suddenly stopped and looked to the north.Under the eaves not far away, Chen Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged under the eaves, regained her composure and slowly opened her eyes.

"It's disrespectful to destroy a certain portrait of Guan!" The Guan Gong wooden sculpture in the compartment jumped down with anger, as if understanding Chen Yuan's worry, the wooden knife suddenly called Chitu, and immediately turned up, closing his eyes and stroking his beard: "A mere thousand li, Guan can come and go freely, please order!"

The crazy old man sitting on the threshold raised his face to look over, and then continued to bury himself, listening to the impassioned singing of a few moving little people, and humming along.

"...The drums are beating, the strong men mount the general robes..."


Chen Yuan nodded, took out a blank piece of talisman paper, bit her fingertips, tapped on it, and began to write with her sleeves.


"...Holding a knife and galloping a horse for half a lifetime, the wind and rain cracked the Han tiles, a century-old hero is gone, and a hero will swear to the death..."


With her fingertips waving, at the moment when the word "Chi" was written in bright red, Chen Yuan floated it into the air, opened her wide sleeves, and pinched out her finger.

"Order the gods and ghosts of heaven and earth, write books and talismans, and subdue demons for thousands of miles!"

The talisman paper floating in mid-air burst into flames and scattered into the air.

Chen Yuan waved her sleeves.


The charcoal-red Trojan horse grew taller and bigger in an instant, and suddenly stood up, neighing excitedly. Qinglong Yanyue 'hum' scraped the air and hung down to the ground.


Under the eaves, the little man went round and round, waving his long sleeves, and the old voice continued.

"...the sword was stained with blood and died on the battlefield...the sound of golden drums and towers is unbearable...the heroic soul will also sweep away the evil spirits!"

The crazy old man clapped his hands excitedly.

"it is good!"

As the sound fell, the red rabbit screamed loudly and rolled its iron hooves. The moment it fell to the ground, it ran out, stepped on the fields and rivers, turned into a blue streamer, and disappeared at the end of the world in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yuan watched the light dissipate, and couldn't calm down for a long time. She simply asked her master to get into the car, threw all the puppets she carved during the day into the car, put the reins on the old cow, and left the hut to enter the official road. .

The carriage was shaking, and Lu Bu's wooden sculpture glanced at Zhang Fei, who was climbing up the grid, and kicked it. The wooden sculpture with a leopard's head and eyes around it stood on the edge of the fence, danced and fell outside. swing away.

"Three family slaves!"

"I took the opportunity to pay you back!"

Amidst the noise, the carriage stopped, and Chen Yuan put Zhang Fei at the rear of the carriage inside. Amidst the sound of fighting, the carriage drove to the nearest ferry, and the journey was very lively.

 The second one was delivered tonight, [-] words.

  Spring Breeze is still a little bit short of going to Sanjiang, so I hope you can help spread the word!Please everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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