Chapter 407

When Jiang Yong's voice sounded, the soldiers in the yard had already reacted. Unfortunately, they just put down all the sharp weapons and put down all the sharp weapons. Now they can only look around in a panic.

Several Shi Ping on the wall took turns shooting arrows, and they cooperated very tacitly. The soldiers couldn't organize to fight back for a while, but Jiang Yong...

Shi Ping frowned and put down the bow in his hand. Jiang Yong dragged the girl forward all the way, hiding behind the girl's thin body. Shi Ping tried several times, but couldn't take it down without hurting the girl. Jiang Yong.

Jiang Yong pushed and shoved into the yard, suddenly picked up the girl and threw it to the wall, then he kicked his feet and jumped up, punching Shi Ping majestically, Shi Ping on the wall immediately stretched out his hand to pull the girl. Girl, how can I deal with Jiang Yong? Seeing that Jiang Yong's fist is about to land on him, a long spear suddenly stabs out and goes straight to Jiang Yong's heart.

Jiang Yong was startled immediately, he didn't expect that there were people ambush outside the wall, so he had to dodge with his fists, Shi Ping seized the opportunity and rolled the girl off the wall with him.

The walls of Orion's courtyard were not high, Shi Ping held the girl in his arms, and the two of them fell into the grass, and Niu Daochang quickly lifted them up.

The girl was still in shock, and Shi Ping couldn't care less about taking care of her, so he urged: "Go out and go south, someone will meet you."

The girl was clever, needless to say Shi Ping, she lifted her skirt and limped out.

After saving the person, Shi Ping breathed a sigh of relief, and he did not delay holding the bow and arrow in his hand again, but this time he did not go up the wall, but hid in the darkness.

Jiang Yong hid behind the stone mill in embarrassment, bows and arrows could not fall endlessly, as long as they found a hiding place, they could counterattack from behind.

All the soldiers gathered, and the army leader asked, "Is it the bandits around?"

This is the biggest possibility, and only bandits dare to do it.

Jiang Yong took off the waist badge and handed it to the army leader. The army leader understood and raised the waist badge and said: "Bold, this is the imperial court..."

Before he could finish speaking, an arrow was shot, Juntou paled in shock, and immediately withdrew his hand, but the arrow seemed to have eyes, and the tip of the arrow pierced his wrist, Juntou let out a miserable cry.

Jiang Yong frowned. After this group of people knew their identities, they didn't back down at all.

"It's just a group of mobs, rush out and take them down immediately."

After Jiang Yong gave such an order, the soldiers did not dare to cower here, and in the chaos just now, most people had already got their sabers, and now they drew out their blades to resist the arrows.

Those people are all on the top of the wall, as long as they get close and drag them down, one knife can kill them.

Just as everyone was thinking, the arrow stopped suddenly, and there was a rustling sound outside, and then the sound of leaving footsteps.


The soldiers were overjoyed. It wasn't that they were not afraid, but they dared not stop immediately. They accidentally plotted against the court soldiers and horses. If they really bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, it would be a dead end. It would be better to bluff and take the opportunity to escape.

Jiang Yong immediately ordered: "Catch them." If those people are not caught, they will lose all face tonight. If people know that such a thing happened, he will never even think about raising his head again in this life.

There is also the Orion family, who are all going to die, and only the dead will not speak.

The army leader ordered them to be suddenly attacked by bandits, otherwise how could they be in such a mess?Now that those people are running away in a hurry, it is a good time to pursue them.

Juntou immediately rushed out of the yard with his people, and there were indeed footsteps running southward. It sounded like there were about six or seven people, those who were lying in ambush and shooting cold arrows. Without any hesitation, Juntou waved his hand and followed along. The voice catches up.

Someone was indeed running, and it was Niu Sheng and Niu Xing who were leading a few half-children. Shi Ping didn't follow, so he had to stay behind to help.

"Shi Ping saved someone."

"That pawn was also shot by him."

Niu Xing whispered to Niu Sheng.

The limelight was all over for Shi Ping, but unfortunately he only shot one of the soldiers in the leg.

"Brother, you can do it too, you shot a general's hand." Niu Xing said.

Niu Sheng shook his head: "That's at most a military leader." Don't look at the badge in his hand, but when he went to Zhao's house, he heard Mr. Wang's family talk about the army, and judging by the number of those people, the leader was at most one of them. It is impossible for Marquis Yu, Du Yuhou himself to take out his badge to take risks. It is likely to be his subordinates, most likely the army leader.

So in the end it is not as good as Shi Ping, that is how he dealt with bandits before, he has practiced hard for so long, and he is still worse than Shi Ping, but there is no rush, there is someone in front who can chase, and he also has the head.

Niu Sheng said: "Go back and practice hard."

The brothers could only say so much, because they heard the movement behind them.

Niu Xing and Niu Sheng were very happy, those soldiers were fooled again.

"It's really stupid," Niu Xing said, "It's far worse than those people who know how to fight."

It's really far away, that prince has never been on the battlefield, he is still a sick child, he can talk about a lot of wars casually, and the people in it are much smarter than these people, even if the prince said that those are all It sounds like a script, but they think it is true, and it is worth learning.

The two brothers quickly saw Zhao Xuejing who came to meet him, and before they could speak, there was a scream from behind them, and it was Niu Daochang and the others who made the move.

Niu Daochang, who was lying in ambush on the road, suddenly appeared from the grass when the army chiefs and the others were chasing Niu Sheng and others wholeheartedly. With the spears in their hands, they stabbed the army leaders and soldiers mercilessly.

An inch is long and an inch is strong, which is the case at this time, especially when such a stab is caught off guard, before the soldiers can react, the tip of the gun penetrates deeply into the flesh.

The army chief couldn't believe it, they were ambushed again.

This is the second time tonight, those people didn't run away, but waited for them here.

Several hands were lost in the yard, and now three more fell down suddenly, and the army chief was also stabbed between the stomachs.After coming down these two times, Juntou's heart began to tremble. These people are not ordinary, not like ordinary bandits.

They weren't reckless, they didn't have gangster spirit, and they didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but they did all these things cleanly and successfully led them into the trap.

These methods of luring the enemy into deep are very skillful.The more the military leader thought about it, the more he felt that this group of people was terrifying. Could it be that the "bandits" in these guesses were coming for them?
The military leader wanted to turn around and go back, and a few people left here on horseback first, but when he turned his head, he saw several men holding spears to meet them.

After Jiang Yong heard the screams, he realized that something was wrong. Instead of chasing him out to check, he went straight to the stable and pulled his horse out.

I don't know what the background of those people is, it's better to leave here first.This is Jiang Yong's experience in surviving wars several times, and he must leave a way out for himself anytime and anywhere.

Jiang Yong got on his horse, chose the opposite direction from the movement, and ran north.

The horse let go of its hooves and ran away from the hunter's house. Jiang Yong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. What happened tonight was really strange.

It stands to reason that this place is very remote, and they chose a place temporarily, so how could someone chase after them?Unless you keep staring at them and know their whereabouts.

Jiang Yong couldn't help swallowing, who could it be?A few vague answers just appeared in my mind, and before I could identify them one by one, suddenly the horse under the crotch became unbalanced, the horse's front hoof was tripped, the whole horse fell forward, and he was also thrown off the horse. Jiang Yong wanted to control his figure, but failed. He fell into a big pit on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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