Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 416 is different

Chapter 416 is different

The general left behind by the second prince was named Mo Gan, a young general who became more and more famous among the young generals in Tubo. However, some people said that why this happened was because Mo Gan did not meet Xiao Yu.

Almost all the young warriors in Tubo had fought against the Wuwei army, but Mogan had passed by the king of Yu several times. The closest battle to the king of Yu was two years ago. Ming Jin withdrew his troops, and Mo Gan finally took a look at King Yu from a distance.

But at this glance, Mo Gan would wake up in his dreams from time to time. The battle in the dream did not stop, and he was the one who was sent out to fight against King Yu.

When he arrived at the front of the battle, he found that he could not lift the long knife in his hand no matter what... This dream continued until the news of King Yu's death came.

On the night when he heard the news, Mo Gan dreamed again, but this time he swung his saber and cut through King Yu's armor.

After waking up, Mo Gan put his arms around his wife and laughed loudly. After this knot was untied, he no longer had an opponent on the battlefield.

He came to Taozhou with the second prince, and was left behind to arrest the people from the village. He didn't try his best to encircle them, but used the people from the village to train soldiers.

There is nothing wrong with left and right, why bother to spend so much energy?

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed, and soldiers and horses appeared from nowhere and approached them. The most frightening thing was that they were flying the "Xiao" flag.

"Xiao" is the surname of Da Qi, and the person who came may be any relative of the emperor, but Mo Gan only thinks about King Yu.

"General, general..."

When the voice of the lieutenant general came, Mo Gan came back to his senses.

"There are reinforcements, the Qi people's reinforcements have arrived."

Of course Mo Gan knew that the reinforcements should have been nearby, otherwise it would not have been so coincidental that the Second Prince would have sent half of the troops away.

Mo Gan didn't delay any longer, he clenched the long knife in his hand, and ordered: "Fight with this general."

Immediately there was a shout, and Tubo's soldiers began to rush towards them. Compared with them, Daqi's soldiers and horses were much quieter, they just stood there without moving a step.

When the Tubo war horses approached, the front army formed a formation without haste. It seemed that it had been planned long ago. At the moment when the soldiers and horses arrived, the spears shot out together.

The war horse screamed, blood spattered, and the man on the horse fell to the ground. The Tubo soldiers and horses, which were like sharp knives, were rushed away by the army.

Before the men and horses could be reunited, Daqi's cavalry rode out behind the army formation, surrounded the scattered soldiers and horses, and completely cut the Tubo soldiers and horses apart.

Mo Gan waved the long knife in his hand, and watched helplessly that the soldiers and horses he brought were defeated by the Qi people respectively. He didn't expect that it was just the first charge, and the winner would be decided.

And that's not all, the people from the village behind them also rushed over.They are caught in the middle.

"Back back." Morgan shouted, but under such circumstances, even if the lieutenant heard his words, they couldn't get together.

Morgan's eyes turned red. He didn't even see the commander of the support army, and he ended up with such a result. The cavalry, which should be proud, seemed to be trapped in a swamp, unable to change the situation that would be swallowed up. ending.

Mo Gan gritted his molars fiercely, and was about to go up and break up the Daqi army formation in front of him, so that perhaps more people would survive.

Furthermore, he also wanted to see the true face of this army and see who was the one who easily defeated him.

Mo Gan thought this way, but before he took any action, the Daqi army in front of him dispersed by itself, and the shield soldiers lined up on both sides. They knew that the Tubo soldiers and horses could no longer make another attack.

The infantry with spears also retreated, and the Daqi cavalry waiting behind slowly stepped forward.

This team is only a few hundred people, but in Mo Gan's eyes, it has the aura of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

After Da Qi's cavalry got out of the way, one man and one rider were revealed in the middle.

Mo Gan's eyes fell on the man's face, and then he was stunned. After a while, he began to tremble, and the long knife in his hand fell down.

The war horse under the crotch seemed to feel the fear of its master, and even moved back with a move of the horse's hooves.

Mo Gan tightened the reins, he turned his horse's head in a panic and fled backwards, he didn't care about anything, he didn't want anything, and there was only one thought in his mind: King Yu is here.

King Yu is here.

Xiao Yu is still alive.

This... sounds impossible, but it is true.

The face that appeared countless times in the dream, he couldn't possibly admit it wrong, and there wouldn't be another face in this world born like this.

What he encountered just now was really Wu Weijun, Xiao Yu's Wu Weijun.

Morgan charged forward until he felt his head drop suddenly, and then he saw himself fall to the ground.

Blood spattered on his face, and sitting on a horse in the distance and fleeing to the distance was his headless body.

After Zha Shuo arrived, what he saw was the scene where Xiao Yu chopped off the head of the Tubo general with a knife. He should have applauded Xiao Yu. To be honest, when his mother mentioned his cousin, he didn't feel much.He didn't pay much attention to those rumors about King Yu.

Now after seeing it with my own eyes, I realize just how powerful this King Yu is. Wearing that suit of armor on him, one can feel the overwhelming power, especially after Xiao Yu killed someone. He also glanced at him, his eyes were cold, and even made Zha Shuo feel that he and Xiao Yu had some deep hatred, this glance was quite warning.

They should be fighting against each other, not killing chickens to scare monkeys!

After thinking about it, Zha Shuo rode his horse forward and saluted Xiao Yu. At such a time, no one had the right to control soldiers and horses like Xiao Yu, and they all had to obey Xiao Yu's orders.

Xiao Yu said: "Count the manpower, we have to go west all the way, pass the Tubo city, and then we can gather the troops of the Tubo tribe."

Zha Shuo nodded.

Xiao Yu went on to say: "Only if you break into the checkpoint of Tubo, the leaders of those tribes will be willing to follow you." What about Princess Daqi's legitimate son?

If you want people to recognize you, you have to show your abilities.

Xiao Yu just wanted to send Zha Shuo to Tubo smoothly.

Cha Shuo understood: "All are under the arrangement of the prince."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he looked behind Zha Shuo. At this moment, his eyes softened a lot, even with a bit of grievance and sadness in them. Although the eyes disappeared in a flash, they were still seen by Zhao Luoyang.

It's been so long, but Xiao Jia is still following Zha Shuo instead of coming to him.

Zhao Luoyang urged the horse forward, passed Cha Shuo, and came to Xiao Yu's side. In fact, she was just looking at the little mute just now, and the little mute in armor was very different.

Accidentally saw God.

(End of this chapter)

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