Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 419 Addicted

Chapter 419 Addicted

Zhao Xueli looked at the thick smoke, and the faces of Shi Ping and others beside him were full of smiles, and it was done.They came with seven people to help support the manpower of Prince Yu's Mansion.

It was said that it was a response, but in fact they sent their homemade firearms. This was the first time they used firearms so happily, and the movement was really joyful.

Feng Laosan was a little unsatisfied: "The movement is not too big, I still have five here, or I will send them over while it is hot?"

Shi Ping followed suit and said, "It's not as hot as our charcoal kiln."

These two people talk to each other, as if they are about to put it into action immediately.

Zhao Xueli looked at Feng Laosan: "Be safe, it's still useful to keep firearms."

This is true.They also buried a lot of firearms not far away, and when the group of people came after them, they...

"I'm coming."

Meng Gao ran back to report that besides Shi Ping, Meng Gao had the fastest footsteps, but Shi Ping's arrow skills were the best, and he had to be used for the next thing.

Firearms were placed in the tea, and even the food and grass were burned. The garrison camp was in chaos. The firefighters sent a team to track down the person who set the fire.

Wang Zeng couldn't swallow this breath, and the people under him were even more so. They couldn't catch anyone, and their heads were in danger, so they carefully identified the traces left on the ground, and immediately urged their horses to give chase, but they didn't know that someone was staring at them. their side.

Shi Ping's heart was beating fast, because the firearms they ambushed on the road were more powerful than those used in the camp. They used double the amount of materials in them, and also put broken porcelain and iron pieces. Lasing all around, the lethality should be the strongest.

Yes, it should be, because this is just made, and I haven't had time to try it yet.

Even what was made was not perfect, and it did not meet Zhao Xueyi's expectations. When Zhao Xueyi made this firearm, he wanted the firearm to explode by itself after the horse stepped over it a few times.

It's a pity that the firearm has to be used before it's done, so Shi Ping needs to shoot an arrow to detonate it.

Niu Sheng took a shield made of wood, and after it detonated for a while, he needed to use this thing to block them in front of them, so as not to be hurt by the things he made. I'm getting more and more proficient, and I won't be too panicked by such a scene.

Seeing that the team is getting closer and closer, it should be led by two lieutenants.Shi Ping was a little disappointed, it wasn't Wang Zeng, but the two lieutenants were worth it, even if they didn't die, they would be injured, which would be beneficial to the battle later on.

In the dark night, he really couldn't see clearly, only vague shadows and the sound of horseshoes could guide him.Shi Ping held his breath, and finally said: "Light it up."

Immediately before the cavalry could react, he shot an arrow and went straight to the hidden firearm.

Without waiting for the result, the two turned around and ran forward, then lay down together on the ground, and Niu Sheng erected his shield.

"Boom." There was a louder explosion than before.

The cavalry who rushed into the firearm encirclement turned their backs on their backs, and Niu Sheng also took a glance. There were no casualties visible in the thick smoke, but it was foreseeable that there must be many casualties.

Taking advantage of this time, they got up and ran to the meeting place.

The hiding place of Zhao Xueli and others was not far from them, so they were picked up and ran all the way to Taozhou without delay.

"It's a pity," Niu Sheng said, "I can't see anything. When my fourth uncle asked me how I was doing, I couldn't tell."

"Don't look," Zhao Xueli said, "The ground is shaking, it must be the same."

Shi Ping nodded: "I saw that the smoke and dust is also very large. This is still useful. Let Fourth Uncle do more of this in the future. It's better to get something more powerful than this. Just leave it to me to detonate."

Zhao Xueli is helpless, is Shi Ping addicted to playing?

After a few people ran for a while, they heard another "boom" sound from behind.Niu Sheng was a little dazed: "Why is there still an echo? Fourth Uncle is so amazing."

Zhao Xueli thinks it's probably because they didn't blow up all of them before, but this is very good, and if they are caught off guard again, will they be able to take all those people together?
"I don't know what fourth uncle can create next time."

Niu Sheng's voice was full of anticipation.

Feng Laosan said: "Maybe it will take a while before it explodes. At that time, we can deliberately attract people...or we can light it and throw it to the camp. When the time comes, the firearm will go far away before it explodes."

"That's good," Niu Sheng said, "I don't know when the fourth uncle will be able to make it. Will it be possible this time when I go back?"

Zhao Xueli didn't know what to say, the fourth brother probably didn't know that these people had expected him to make new firearms, Zhao Xueli still had a hard time getting used to it, after all, the fourth brother used to fiddle with things at home, now...

"You said, can you make some firearms that explode when you throw them out? Then we can throw them away while running."

Zhao Xueli doesn't think about it anymore, just let nature take its course, do whatever you like, as long as you don't blow up your house.

Wang Zeng's subordinates were probably afraid of encountering an ambush going forward, but they didn't follow up. Zhao Xueli and others escaped smoothly.

After finding a place, everyone sat down to rest, Zhao Xueli thought of his daughter, and just ran away with King Yu, not knowing when he would come back.

well.Zhao Xueli sighed. When Taozhou was in peace, he wanted to think about building another room next to him. There were so many brothers in his family, so he never thought that he would do it himself first.

Marrying a daughter... doesn't sound good, isn't it better to marry a son-in-law?Even if that uncle is a prince?

"We have to go back quickly," Zhao Xueli said, "I don't know what's going on at home yet."

Although he couldn't hear the news, Zhao Xueli felt that it should be fine, because everything they did was as expected. Didn't Mr. Song say it?Don't be afraid of not doing well, just be afraid of not being able to think of it before.

If you have thought of it before, then it is almost the same.

I hope Taozhou will be stable sooner.


After Feng Chenghai was arrested, eyeliners everywhere spread the news. Now Daqi's eyes are all on Taozhou. As long as there is a disturbance in Taozhou, people will know it immediately.

When Miss Feng Er heard the news, she had just asked for a lottery from the temple, and when she returned to the mansion, she found that the atmosphere was very wrong. Her father recruited a group of people to discuss countermeasures in the study room, and her mother knelt in the Buddhist hall, talking all the time. Numbling, praying for the safety of his son.

Second Miss Feng was frightened by such a battle. Even if King Yu died in battle, Prince Yu's mansion did not become like this.She immediately called the steward to inquire, and only then did she know that her brother had been arrested by the Tibetans.

How long did it take to go to Taozhou?The accident happened almost as soon as the person arrived.

There is only this one heir in the uncle's mansion, if there is really a mistake in the elder brother, then I am afraid that people's hearts will fluctuate in the future.Because everyone values ​​inheritance very much, no one will only care about the immediate interests, but also depends on what will happen to the descendants of the Feng family.

"I went to see the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother asked who sent him to Taozhou?"

When Second Miss Feng heard her mother's hoarse voice, she couldn't help trembling in her heart. She was the one who persuaded her brother to go to Taozhou, but she was also for the sake of the Feng family. Can't she be blamed this time?
(End of this chapter)

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