After another night of galloping, the exhausted second prince finally saw the tribe under his command. What was different from usual was that the leader of the tribe did not come out to greet him, and there were several heads on the long pole in front of the tribe.

The second prince frowned, and his eyelids jumped a few times.

In the scene in front of him, he thought that after Luqu was defeated, he would treat Qi people like this, but he didn't expect that someone had the same idea as him, and attacked his tribe first.

It was like slapping him hard in the face.

The second prince wished he could lead people into the tribe immediately and kill all the Qi people inside, but this obviously didn't work.The Qi people dug a trench in front of the tribe, and it was impossible for the horses to rush into it all at once.

"The Qi people are moving very fast, and fortifications are also being built in the north." The lieutenant whispered to the second prince, and given them a few more days, the Qi people's soldiers and horses might be able to stay here.

Occupying the main road for a few days will have a great impact on the battle situation, because the Qi people will take the opportunity to send reinforcements.

The lieutenant general said: "Thanks to our timely return, we can still attack from the north."

The second prince nodded, and there was no further delay: "Take a rest and reorganize the troops, and follow me to attack the Qi people at dawn."

The deputy general promised.

The second prince didn't dare to rest, and there were some things he didn't disclose to the soldiers. Those who came out from the tribe to report said that they seemed to have seen King Yu.

The second prince took a deep breath, he was shocked, but he didn't believe it.No matter how bad a person's luck is, he can't fall over and over again.

The matter of Princess Changle has not been resolved yet, yet another King Yu is coming?
Either he was crazy, or he was dead, seeing so many "dead people" all at once.

Didn't he also see the banner of the Wuwei Army in Luqu?The people in the tribe should have seen it too, so they mistakenly thought that it was King Yu who brought the military guards.

He can't mention this matter again, it will cause panic for no reason, and some soldiers may think that the one waiting for them in the tribe is King Yu when they hear that Princess Changle is alive.

The best thing is to go all out and take back the tribe. Winning this battle will naturally revive the morale of the army.

All the subordinates were ready, the soldiers mounted their horses together, the second prince pointed his sword at the tribe, and his cavalry began to rush forward. They had checked the road, and there was no ambush set by the Qi people. Everyone can drive straight in... …

In order to cheer up the morale of the army, the second prince also rushed forward in person.

They expected that the Qi people took down the tribe by sneak attack, and the people who came to report said that they did not see too many soldiers and horses, which was similar to what they saw.

If you bypass the fortifications outside, the people inside are nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, the cavalry did not encounter any obstacles, the second prince was relieved, and he heard the panic from the tribe, it was the people of Qi who found out that they had been breached and fled in a panic.

Seeing this, the second prince urged the horse to move forward even more, and then he saw the Qi people who had thrown away their helmets and armor.

The second prince was full of excitement, and he was about to lead people to chase him with a wave of his long knife.

The horse's hooves leaped forward, but the second prince's jumping heart hadn't settled yet, when he suddenly felt a heat wave coming, and then there was a "boom" sound next to his ears, and the second prince flew out.

The second prince fell heavily to the ground, the sound of firearms exploding in his ears continued, mixed with the screams of soldiers, some people turned around and ran backwards, but within a few steps, they were sent to the sky by the firearms.

"There is an ambush."

"There is an ambush."

The lieutenant stepped forward to help the second prince, and there was thick smoke in front of his eyes. He didn't know how many firearms were buried.So the fortifications they built were not to defend them, but to allow them to enter the tribe only from the north.

The second prince wanted to speak, but his lips felt warm, and the porcelain fragments contained in the firearm opened his mouth, and there was blood on his face and body, which was not the case with the firearms used by Qi Ren in the past.

"Catch..." The second prince spat out the blood from his mouth and shouted.

The surrounding generals obeyed, but the horses were already frightened. The cavalry had no horses and could only go forward on foot to chase them, but they were afraid that there were still ambushes in front of them, so they all searched forward bit by bit timidly.

Just when everyone panicked, there was the sound of horseshoes not far away.

The second prince raised his head and looked over. A gust of wind blew by, and the man seemed to come out of the smoke.He was wearing a silver armor and was holding a spear in his hand. The red tassel on the tip of the gun seemed to be stained red with blood, and his face gradually became clear. A young man in his 20s had an imposing manner on his brows. Duan Ning, looked at the crowd indifferently.

But it was such a look that made people couldn't help but back away.

That is... King Yu.

King Yu is alive!The terrified expression of the messenger appeared in the second prince's mind.

No wonder the messenger was so horrified.

really live.The morale of the army, which had stabilized a little earlier, completely collapsed at this moment, and even the lieutenants around the second prince were stunned.

Xiao Yu lowered his eyes to look at the second prince, his eyes were clear, as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Take them down."

As soon as Xiao Yu finished speaking, a cavalry jumped out of the smoke behind him.

No one would believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

Even at this time, some people are still in a dream, and they don't realize it until they are either killed or splashed with blood by the people around them.

But this one-sided crush has only just begun.

The deputy generals protected the second prince and fled, but the entrance they entered from the north was blocked by Qi people, and they seemed to be trapped in a cage.

The lieutenants wanted to fight their way out, but there was chaos everywhere. The scene where Xiao Yu appeared just now was really terrifying. Even if everyone came back to their senses, they still couldn't tell whether King Yu was a man or a ghost.

The second prince hacked and killed a few people he brought with him with the machete at his waist, because those people had lost their minds and ran around like headless chickens.

If this continues, even without Xiao Yu's actions, they will be killed by their own people.

After a few knives, the second prince will not continue. There are too many people like this, and they can't be killed. The morale and morale of the army are not enough to say a few words.

Especially when they were able to ambush and encircle, the opponent's general was still the King Yu they feared.

The second prince didn't care about it, and lost all his soldiers and horses. As long as he can save his life, he can make a comeback.Doesn't he still have Feng Chenghai in his hand?When he came, he asked people to hide Feng Chenghai, and took Feng Chenghai back, and his father would spare his life.

The second prince wiped his face and ordered the generals beside him: "Send me out, send me out no matter what."

The lieutenant general was about to respond, but his eyes widened, and an arrow pierced his neck, blood splashed out and landed on the second prince's face.

"Where are you going?"

The second prince looked up, Xiao Yu slowly approached him, and the soldiers standing in front retreated step by step, no one had the courage to confront King Yu.

The second prince remembered when Feng Chenghai was captured, why is he not like this now?

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