Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 439 Loyalty

Chapter 439 Loyalty
Nie Shuang didn't speak clearly, but Nie Shen already understood.

Nie Shen was not idle during the next days of recuperating from his injuries. He had to continue to investigate the reality of those people. Princess Changle couldn't see them, but he saw people from Fengxia Village in Taozhou.

One of those people was the steward of the civilian husband camp. When the steward saw him, he was not at all embarrassed, and patted him on the shoulder with his big hand: "Master Wuwei, why didn't you say it earlier, it's a good thing it hurts." Heavy."

Nie Shen managed to hold back his grin, but Niu Daochang didn't let him go because of this. He asked all kinds of questions with concern, even his eighteenth generation ancestors.

Nie Shen responded cautiously, for fear that if he said something wrong, after Niu Daochang left, he would be so tired that he would lie down and have no strength to move around anymore.

There are quite a few people like Niu Daochang doing various tasks in the city.

It sounds like he is in charge, but in fact he used to be a farmer, who only plowed the land in the spring. He couldn't read a single big character, and couldn't read the roster in his hand.

There is also the military guard led by Nie Shuang. There are teenagers and half-children from the village. They carry a bow on their backs. Can be covered with three or four arrows, such a person could enter the Wuwei Army in the past?

The prince wouldn't even look at him.

From these few incidents, it can be seen that they are very short of manpower. Even if some men are selected from the farmers, they are just making up the number randomly. It is okay to deceive those Tubo people, but they cannot deceive him.

I don't know what these people are thinking in their hearts. Even so, they are full of confidence, especially when they look at him, their eyes are extraordinarily bright.

It seems to be saying, look, another member of the Wuwei Army is here.

Nie Shen knew that these people were not important, he had to find a way to talk to the girl from the Zhao family, luckily the girl would come to ask him how his injury was the next day.

He tried his best to tell the girl about the outside world.

Zhao Luoyang looked at Nie Shen: "A lot of people have changed in the palace?"

Nie Shen replied: "If nothing else, there will be less eyeliner sent from everywhere. If it weren't for the prince's accident, we still don't know that the old family in the former concierge was actually arranged by the Feng family. A mother in charge said she was resigning from her old age to return to her hometown, but in fact she took her family to the southwest, and the concubine asked to check, and they had contacts with the Grand Master's Mansion."

Zhao Luoyang said: "What happened afterwards?"

Nie Shen said: "The concubine couldn't swallow this, so she sent people to the southwest to force the grand master to hand over the mother's family in charge."

Zhao Luoyang said: "Did the Grand Master secretly block it?"

"I stopped it," Nie Shen said, "but the concubine went on a hunger strike in front of the prince. How did the prince die? If you really want to hold on to it, the Feng family will push it on the grand master. How will it end then? After that mother , Many people have been sent away from the mansion, and there are less than half of the manpower left, and the concubine transferred a lot of old family members from Zhuangzi."

"At that time, the mansion was full of chaos, and it was at that time that Second Miss Feng came to the mansion to help."

Nie Shen finally directed the conversation to Miss Feng Er: "What is Miss Feng Er? Let alone the marriage contract failed, even if there is a marriage contract, as long as the prince disagrees, she has no reason to go to the palace to help. The prince died is unknown. Bai, the Feng family has to intervene in the affairs of the future, we really can't swallow this breath."

As Nie Shen spoke, he went to look at the girl from the Zhao family, and the girl frowned as expected, with a bit of anger on her face.

Nie Shen strikes while the iron is hot: "The Yu Palace is supported by the prince's military exploits, without the prince, what is the Yu Palace?"

Zhao Luoyang nodded: "You are loyal to King Yu."

Nie Shen was overjoyed, he knew that this woman was easier to persuade than Nie Shuang.

Zhao Luoyang sighed: "However, just think about it, neither the Feng family nor the concubine can compete with us."

"That's not necessarily the case," Nie Shen said, "There are many people who have the same thoughts as me. As long as the girl gathers everyone together, the Feng family will not dare not bow their heads, especially the concubine. The concubine is old. Now, the palace has to be handed over to someone else, and the throne of Prince Yu’s palace has to be passed on.”

Zhao Luoyang stared at Nie Shen: "Do you have a solution?"

Nie Shen nodded: "I am willing to serve the girl."

"Not only is there a shortage of manpower," Zhao Luoyang said, "the six states are also short of food and grass, can you find it too?"

This is a test for him, and Nie Shen must of course agree.

Zhao Luoyang said: "The soldiers and horses in the city must prepare at least one month's food and grass."

Nie Shen straightened his back, "I'll look for it."

Zhao Luoyang stared at Nie Shen: "If you can really do it, we can discuss things later."

Nie Shen couldn't do it, but there was the whole Prince Yu's Mansion behind him, so what was this bait worth in order to set a long line to catch big fish?
Nie Shen said: "Don't worry, girl, no matter what method I use, I will bring the food and grass here."

Zhao Luoyang subconsciously wanted to call Shi Jiu in her mind. She asked Nie Shen to find food and grass. I don't know if it counts as her wealth?
Zhao Luoyang first opened the charm value area, and saw the charm value that had just been increased by eight points.

I'm used to earning charm points easily.

Before leaving, Zhao Luoyang looked at Nie Shen again: "Maybe with you here, we can win this battle."

Charisma +4
Charisma +4

The charm value in the system began to jump.

After Zhao Luoyang came out from Nie Shen's place, he went straight back to his residence. After drinking a cup of tea, a figure finally opened the curtain and walked in the door.

Xiao Yu was wearing armor, holding the official document that Huaiguang had just handed over in his hand. After he entered the room, Huaiguang immediately closed the door considerately and stood outside to guard.

It's been a while since I saw Xiao Yu. Although Xiao Yu has been busy in the army, he can think of his little girl when he has time, and it feels like a big piece is missing in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have returned to him at that time. Talk to Zhao Luoyang in the system.

On the way, he was even more worried when he learned that Yuwang Taifei sent someone to Jiezhou, and finally rushed into the city.

Zhao Luoyang got up to pick up the hairband that Xiao Yu was wearing, but unexpectedly his waist tightened and he was directly brought into his arms.He hung next to her ear and whispered: "Don't be disgusted, it's a bit embarrassing."

He also knew.

Zhao Luoyang blushed: "Then don't let go."

Xiao Yu just chuckled in Zhao Luoyang's ear, he couldn't save face at this time.In fact, what else is important if you can see his little girl, hug someone and talk?
After a while, Xiao Yu finally let go of the person reluctantly, mainly because the armor was too hard and the top was not too clean.But loose is loose, his hand is still on her soft waist.

Zhao Luoyang raised his head, just in time to see his somewhat thin chin with a green beard growing on it, at first glance it looked a bit more majestic than before.

She subconsciously reached out to touch his jaw, only feeling a little novel.

The soft fingers touched it, and before they could speak, they were held, and the next step he lowered his head and rubbed against her palm.

Prickly and itchy, annoying and funny.

After arguing for a while, Zhao Luoyang pushed Xiao Yu away out of breath: "I have something more important to tell you."

Xiao Yu said: "This is the most important thing."

Zhao Luoyang felt that this person's face was getting thicker and thicker, what would happen if he continued like this?In order to avoid him continuing to pester her, she quickly changed the subject: "I think the concubine may have already made arrangements for who will inherit the throne of Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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