Chapter 450

"How is the young master?" After leaving Zhuangzi for several days, Jiang Nanny was worried about the young master.

The steward smiled and said: "It's all good, all is good, I got up early to practice boxing and kicking, and the food was delicious. I was late after finishing reading, so I went to remind him. The young master also said that he had to learn more, and he would see the concubine soon." Now, if the concubine asks about homework, he can also say more, so as to make the concubine happy."

Mother Jiang gave her a look, and the steward immediately knew that she was wrong and changed her words: "It's my wife, I made a mistake."

Only then did Mother Jiang say: "Madam, why would she care about these things, Madam only wants the young master to be healthy."

The steward responded accordingly.

Mother Jiang sighed for a long time: "When will I be able to see my wife and young master reunited, I will feel at ease. Any mother knows how it feels when her children leave her side, not to mention it's been so many years since they were separated. A mother can bear it, and the clouds finally see the moon."

The steward said: "Everyone is looking forward to this day. My wife is struggling every step of the way. It's really not easy."

Speaking of this, the steward paused: "Is it going well this time?"

Mother Jiang sighed: "There is some good news, but you have to be careful."

They inquired about the news that the so-called King Yu was a fake, and King Yu was indeed dead.This made Mother Jiang heave a sigh of relief. What they were all afraid of was that King Yu was still alive like Princess Changle, so what would the young master do?How long do we have to wait?
Now that the worst outcome has been avoided, the rest is easy to accept.

There was no news of Nie Shen and Luo Zhen. The people sent out found traces of their fighting with the Feng family. The two of them should have been killed by the Feng family.

Nanny Jiang stayed outside Jiezhou for several days, she let out a lot of eyes and ears, and she didn't find anyone watching around, so she was a little relieved, otherwise she wouldn't dare to come back.

Mother Jiang walked straight to the inner courtyard, and before she had passed the Moon Gate, she saw a figure hurrying over.

The young man was not very old, but he was already as tall as Madam Jiang. When he saw Madam Jiang, he immediately smiled and stepped forward to salute Madam Jiang.

"Young master, get up quickly," Jiang Nanny smiled, "How can this servant bear this, quickly let this servant take a look at you."

No need for Madam Jiang to speak anymore, Xiao Qi turned around on the spot to show that he was fine with everything.

Mother Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Qi looked at Nanny Jiang with an expectant look on his face, but he didn't ask, as if he was afraid of causing trouble to Nanny Jiang.

Nanny Jiang couldn't help but her nose was sore, the young master was still young but he knew how to think about others, the concubine's thoughts all these years were not in vain.

Mother Jiang and Xiao Qi entered the room, the maid brought tea, Mother Jiang moistened her throat, and when there was no one else in the room, she whispered to Xiao Qi: "Young master, you are not far away from going home. , after this matter is over, many people will support you and send you back to the palace."

Xiao Qi had a surprised expression on his face: "Is what Mammy said true? I'm going to see my mother soon?"

Mother Jiang didn't know what to say. If the concubine heard what the young master said, she might turn her eyes red. The young master didn't ask for anything else, but just wanted to go back and reunite with his mother. No wonder the concubine's heart could be reunited with his mother. miss.

On the other hand, let's look at the eldest son... It's worth not mentioning this person.

Mother Jiang nodded: "You are about to reunite with the concubine."

Xiao Qi couldn't restrain the smile on his face: "Grandma Jiang, when I get back to my mother, I will read to her every day, and I will make lotus seed soup for her to eat. By the way, doesn't my mother like playing chess? I will stay with my mother from now on."

Mother Jiang's heart was so soft that it was a mess.

Xiao Qi went on to say: "Grandma Jiang has to follow us all the time, but after you go back, someone will help you do things together, so you don't have to work so hard."

"As well as Ah Fu and the others, we all need to go back together."

The little boy thought of a way out for everyone.

Mother Jiang continued: "Young master, there is one more thing you have to remember."

Xiao Qi looked taught.

Mother Jiang said: "After you go back, you have to make preparations for succeeding the prince. In the future, you will be responsible for Prince Yu's mansion. The old King Yu has left behind so many generals, and they will all obey your orders."

Xiao Qi's eyes were full of solemn expressions: "Mr. told me that when my father came to visit me when I was a child, he also mentioned this to me. After my father left, I would repeatedly read the letterhead left by my father every day. It said I dare not slack off for a day."

Mother Jiang nodded in satisfaction.

Xiao Qi's eyes flickered slightly: "Mommy, but I'm still a little scared."

Mother Jiang comforted softly: "Don't worry, young master, we are all following you."

Xiao Qi said: "I've heard a lot about big brother, I'm afraid that I won't be as good as big brother at that time, the generals won't recognize me as a general, if big brother is still here, maybe..."

Mother Jiang frowned immediately: "Young master must not have such a kind heart. Although you are brothers, after the eldest son was lost, he has always harbored resentment towards his family. The blood on his hands all these years is even worse. Become crazy, if he knew you were there in advance, he would definitely try to get rid of you. He would not be filial to his wife, and he might secretly attack her. Fortunately, this time, the servant is sure that the eldest son is dead."

Xiao Qi stared at Nanny Jiang: "Didn't elder brother... die in battle long ago?"

"Yes," Jiang Nanny said, "Right now, there are a few people pretending to be the eldest son who is still alive, and they are recruiting the soldiers of the military guards. Our people went deep into it and found out the exact news. That's why I want to go out for a walk."

Originally, she shouldn't have told the young master these things in advance, and she had to tell the young master after the concubine gave orders, but the young master had benevolence and righteousness towards the eldest son, so she had to remind the young master.

"Those people will use any means for profit."

Xiao Qi frowned: "What about the mother? What would the mother think if she found out?"

"The generals raised by our palace can't fall into the hands of others," Jiang Nanny looked at Xiao Qi, "The concubine will find a way to get them back under the young master's command. As for those who cause trouble, they have to be eradicated."

Now Xiao Qi stopped talking, and was still thinking with his head down.

Mother Jiang sighed, the young master had to know all these things, and he had to walk over, no one could help him.

Mother Jiang left, Xiao Qi didn't fall asleep but looked through the book of war on the table, and Gao Qiong who was guarding outside walked in.

"My lord," Gao Qiong said, "You should rest."

Xiao Qi looked at Gao Qiong: "Nurse Jiang has brought back news, maybe we have to go out this time."

Gao Qiong nodded.

Xiao Qi continued: "It's a pity that I'm too young, and I may not be able to convince the crowd. They have all been on the battlefield with the eldest brother, have seen a lot, and experienced a lot. If they knew that I have been hiding here these years, they would definitely I look down on it, but I still want to be the general, what the mother said is right, there must be someone to support the mother and the palace."

"Young Master, don't worry," Gao Qiong said with a firm face, kneeling on the ground on one knee, "I will die for Young Master, let them know that even though Young Master is still young, he still has the true inheritance of the prince, and will definitely be far better than Eldest Young Master in the future."

Xiao Qi got up and walked to Gao Qiong's side, and stretched out his hand to help Gao Qiong up, with a complicated expression on his face: "Don't do this, these years away, only you are with me, in my heart, you are my elder brothers."

Hearing Xiao Qi's words, Gao Qiong made up his mind even more, this time he will send the young master to the position of general, not to mention a trouble, even if the eldest prince really comes back to life, he will not even think about competing with the young prince.

(End of this chapter)

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