Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 465 Don't Let Me Know

Chapter 465 Don't Let Me Know

The Feng family's big drama was over, not only punishing Princess Yu, but also beating the officials who came to the banquet.

Uncle Feng's family is dead, but Feng's family is still there, anyone who wants to attack Feng's family, first think about today.

The female relatives got up to say goodbye to Mrs. Sun, but Mrs. Sun did not get up but ordered the steward to take the guests out. These female relatives did not dare to leave immediately, but went to the mourning hall to express their condolences.

There was no one else in the room, Second Miss Feng stepped forward and knelt down in front of Mrs. Sun.

Second Miss Feng's eyes were red: "Princess Yu Wang Taifei made up those words in order to escape."

Mrs. Sun's grandfather used to be a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Sun family had a good family. Although Mrs. Sun's father did not have any high-ranking positions, and now he is taking a casual job with the help of the Feng family, the vision of the Sun family is still there.

In the past, she didn't want to take care of it either. Both her son and daughter are her own flesh and blood, so it's okay to pamper her. Cheng Hai is really not good enough, and she needs her daughter to help her with family affairs, but she didn't expect her daughter to plan on her brother. .

Mrs. Sun stood up and walked slowly to her daughter: "Have you really never thought about it, is your brother useless?"

Second Miss Feng's heart trembled.

Mrs. Sun continued: "You want to marry Xiao Yu, is it really because you like him?"

Back then when my daughter saw King Yu leading the army back to the capital in a carriage, she put all her thoughts on Xiao Yu, and tried every means to beg her to enter the palace and ask the Queen Mother to help complete the marriage.

At that time, she really thought it was her little daughter's mind. Of course, as the Feng family, she would inevitably make some plans for the future, but those things were different.

"When you persuaded your elder brother to go to Jiezhou to fight, did you also secretly think that it would be fine if your elder brother didn't come back?"

Second Miss Feng opened her mouth to refute, but Mrs. Sun stretched out her hand to stop her: "Even if you think about it this way, don't reveal it again in this life, and don't let me know."

One sentence blocked all of Miss Feng's way.

Mrs. Sun raised her head: "No matter how bad your brother is, he still treats you wholeheartedly. In the final analysis, we spoiled you. If you are like an ordinary woman, you will be kept in the inner house, doing needlework, painting flowers and plants, and maybe you will be fine." Then I won't dream of being like your aunt."

Mrs. Sun suddenly remembered Princess Changle, maybe this is retribution.

Before Princess Changle married to Tubo, she met the princess in the palace. She liked the raccoon cat painted by the princess, so she looked at it a few more times, and the princess simply gave the painting to her.

She framed the painting and went to look at it every day. She only thought that the eldest princess was very powerful, the kind that even her grandfather could not match.

Afterwards, Princess Changle got married, and she also knew that Jiji would marry into the Feng family in the future, but one day when her grandfather came home, she suddenly wanted to give up the marriage with the Feng family. The family played tricks on Princess Changle.

At that time, the daughter of the Feng family entered the palace, but she was only a concubine. The Feng family was eager to make contributions in front of the Taizu, not only to have a rich future, but also to elevate the status of their daughter in the palace.

Just when Wu Songqi passed away, Princess Changle wanted to return to Daqi. The Taizu was worried about the turmoil in Tubo, so the master came up with an idea to keep Princess Changle in Tubo and marry Wu Songjie.Grandfather felt that the methods of the Feng family were too despicable. As an official of the imperial court, he didn't want to use the right way to solve the problem, but instead plotted against a woman. Such a family tradition must have a bad heart.

The Feng family played dangerous chess, and was almost taken over by the mother of the empress at the time, Princess Changle.Fortunately, Taizu reached out to save them, and then began to promote them frequently.

She shouldn't have married into the Feng family. If she hadn't met the master on the boat a few years later and was rescued by the master halfway, she might have chosen another husband according to the wishes of the elders in the family.She belonged to Master Huanxi, and the Feng family was regarded as an important minister in the court at that time. Her grandfather was seriously ill and away from the court, and her father could hardly shoulder the important family responsibilities. , Later, he repeatedly looked at people's faces and listened to people's gossip.

By marrying into the Feng family, not only could she be with someone she was happy with, but she could also stabilize her position in the Sun family. This was killing two birds with one stone.So I put some thought into it and got the elders in the family to make this marriage happen.

She still remembered her grandfather's disappointed expression. Not only did she not feel that she had regained the stability of the Sun family, but she said that the Sun family was exhausted, and her grandfather passed away the day after she got married.In fact, she didn't quite understand her grandfather. After a lifetime in the world, why bother to pursue such illusory things all his life? People have to grow up, so when they were young, they still had a heart of sincerity. It can only be old-fashioned and pedantic.

Even though she thought so, when the master plotted against Princess Changle again later, she still took out the painting for a long time to look at. Princess Changle failed to return to Daqi in the end, and several of her children also lost their lives in the war. Fortunately, Princess Changle has left a reputation in Daqi.

Just like his grandfather, he has been clean and honest all his life, isn't that what he wants?
On the one hand, she felt uneasy, and on the other hand, she comforted herself that it was the best result. She looked calm on the surface, but after all, she couldn't deceive her heart. Whenever she faced her daughter, she would be a little more indulgent. She is also a Mother, she watched the master do these things without persuasion, and it was also for the sake of this family and to protect her two children.

The causal cycle is still here.

Her pampering of her daughter led to today's results.

Mrs. Sun took a deep breath, and once again set her gaze on her daughter's head: "Do you remember?"

Miss Feng Er nodded under her mother's gaze.

"When this matter is over, I will find you a marriage. Don't think about it any more. I am your mother and your brother's mother."

Mrs. Sun didn't say anything else, she turned around and walked out until her figure disappeared in front of Miss Feng Er. Miss Feng Er felt that all the strength in her body was taken away at once, and her whole body froze there.

Mother is scary, especially just now.

Second Miss Feng tightly pursed her lips, her mother would not mention this matter again, but she also had no hope, and her mother would never indulge her again.

They are all concubines of Prince Yu.

Miss Feng Er swore that she would investigate Prince Yu's Mansion thoroughly. She must know what the secret was.


Princess Yu was lying on the bed, and it took her a long time to wake up.

The first thing I felt was a burst of dizziness in front of my eyes, a surge of nausea in my chest, and then a splitting headache.There are servants around, and a doctor to check, but she can't speak for a long time.

It took a long time before she could make a sound.

"Taifei, you are finally feeling better." The housekeeper's voice sounded like she was crying.

(End of this chapter)

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