Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 468 Arrested

Chapter 468 Arrested
Zhao Qikun turned around helplessly, but soon he came back to look at Liu Shi, who raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Qikun blushed, stretched out his hand and said, "No money."

When Mrs. Liu first got married to him, she always ordered an old servant to follow him. The old servant had a bag of money in his hand and never let him worry about it. But now that the old servant didn't come to serve him, Mrs. Liu didn't give him any money.

Liu Shi looked at Zhao Qikun coldly: "I just said, in the end it's not as good as those beggars on the street."

Zhao Qikun didn't dare to argue with Liu Shi, so he didn't understand, Liu Shi looked like a well-educated woman before, how could she become so vulgar now.

He had no choice but to swallow this cowardice. Xuewen took all the money brought by the father and son for profit. If he got it back now, he could only ask for capital, which would be a huge loss. How could Zhao Qikun be willing?
A real man can bend and stretch, and when he has a bright future, Liu Shi will be kicked away by him just like Yang Shi.

Zhao Qikun took the money and bought red bean cakes and came back, only to realize that Mrs. Liu couldn't wait to go back to the rented yard, so Zhao Qikun had no choice but to chase after him, and when he entered the door, he heard Mrs. Liu talking to someone.

Zhao Qikun hurriedly entered the door to salute.

That person is 27 or [-] years old, but he is not young in the Liu clan. The prosperity of the Liu clan in the past two years is all because of him.

Zhao Qikun entered the door and immediately poured a cup of tea to Liu Jia, and called respectfully: "Uncle."

Liu frame nodded with a smile.

Two years ago, Liu Zhuang was still a small city gate leader, but he only worked as an errand for the Feng family, and was promoted all the way, and was promoted to work in the Beijing camp.

The Liu family is like this, following the way of the Feng family following Liu Jia.The Liu clan began to try every means to seek wealth, and the children also used various methods. For example, the Liu clan married an older but talented scholar like Zhao Qikun. After Zhao Qikun passed the exam, the Liu clan had an imperial examination. The son-in-law who joined the officialdom.

According to the patriarch of the Liu clan, this is called borrowing chickens to lay eggs, and it is the easiest to subsidize an old scholar, not to mention that the old scholar brought a young scholar.

Seeing Zhao Qikun, Liu Jia frowned first, then sighed: "The article is well written, and I have read a lot of books. The county magistrate and I often praise you."

Zhao Qikun was about to bow down to thank him for the compliment, but Liu Jian sighed: "But why are you so unlucky? Every time I want to help you, something always goes wrong, and this time it's again... Before, others went to Feng's house to deliver incense and candles. Accepted, I just passed by, but was stopped."

Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "Could something happen to the Feng family?"

Liu frame said: "What else can happen? It must be related to the death of the eldest son. This time, the eldest son led the army to Taozhou and was secretly harmed. Uncle Guo was furious. This enemy Feng's family must be avenged."

Liu then asked: "Who dares to harm the eldest son of the Feng family?"

Liu Jia said: "Either they are those people from Taozhou, or..."

Liu frame didn't continue talking, but Liu Shi and Zhao Qikun both understood, or they were the grand master and the little emperor.

Zhao Qikun thought more about it. There was a war in Taozhou, and it was even more impossible for Zhao Xuejing to come to the capital. He might have really seen it wrong just now.

If that was really Zhao Xuejing, who dressed like that, went in and out of that kind of tea house, and came to the capital from Taozhou to walk casually... Zhao Qikun suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

Mrs. Liu asked in a low voice: "Is there no hope for going to Beijing Middle School to study?"

Liu frame said: "When I see the steward, I will try to mention it again."

Mrs. Liu was a little disappointed, and Zhao Qikun's heart sank. If he could come to Beijing to study, Zhao Qikun was sure he could pass the exam this time. After so many years, the only thing he missed was just a little bit.

Liu Jia really tried his best, he wanted to use this battle to gain a foothold with the Feng family, but who knew that Feng Chenghai went to the war to choose a few back and forth, but he was left behind.

Before, Liu Jia felt that he had lost his chance, but now he is glad that even the uncle was involved in this battle, and it is probably the same when he went.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

"I'll think of a way again," Liu Jia looked at Zhao Qikun, "Eat more meals on weekdays, and being fatter is a blessing."

Liu Shi pursed her lips, no matter how she looked at Zhao Qikun's old face, she felt unlucky, his cheeks were sunken and fleshless, his beard had turned white a lot, and his eyes were cloudy, why did she fall in love with him at that time?
Mrs. Liu ordered Zhao Qikun angrily: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and ask someone to buy some food and wine, so that uncle can eat at home."

Liu did not make things difficult for Zhao Qikun this time, and reached out to take out the money bag from his bosom and handed it over.

This meal of wine and vegetables was quite enjoyable, and Zhao Qikun also drank a lot of wine, and the two of them went to the house to rest in a daze.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, Zhao Qikun heard a noisy noise in the room, as if someone had entered the door, he was in a daze, he thought that Liu Shi had recruited her cousin again, and was about to open his eyes and curse, but he saw that there was no one in the room. When a group of soldiers stood up, Liu Jizheng was pushed to the ground by those people.

Zhao Qikun woke up from the wine all of a sudden, and the ringing in his ears became more and more clear.

Liu's shout came from outside the door: "What are you going to do? My uncle is a court official, how dare you do anything to him?"

Liu's voice came to an abrupt end here, probably because he was slapped.

Zhao Qikun was so terrified that he hardly dared to breathe. He heard the officer who led the troops ask Liu Jia: "Did you behead Li Yi, the traitor who guarded the border before?"

Liu Jia nodded. He heard that there was a traitor general when he was at the gate of the city, so he chased after Feng's family. It was a coincidence that Li Yi was seriously injured, and he succeeded in a sneak attack.

Not only did he kill Li Yi, he also chased down Li Yi's wife and children. Unfortunately, the woman fell off the cliff with her young son in her arms, otherwise his contribution would have been greater.

"Take it," the general leading the army waved his hand, "Go to his house and arrest people, and everyone in this yard will also be taken away."

The willow frame was immediately gagged and tied tightly.

Zhao Qikun subconsciously shrunk into the quilt, but the soldiers on the side stepped forward and grabbed him off the kang.

Zhao Qikun struggled subconsciously, but was kicked in the crotch by a soldier.

Zhao Qikun immediately curled up in pain, and before he could recover, he was tied tightly again.

"I'm not... I'm just... um..." Zhao Qikun felt something salty being stuffed into his mouth, and he couldn't say another word.

He is not from the Liu family, he is just a son-in-law, and he cannot be involved in any accident in the Liu family.

And he is a reader.

This is what he just wanted to say, but obviously no matter what he said, it couldn't change the situation in front of him.

In the confusion, Zhao Qikun glanced around again, and in the crowd, that familiar figure appeared again, it was his son Zhao Xuejing.

(End of this chapter)

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