Chapter 472
In the Taozhou military tent.

Little Prince Yu was leaning on the chair at this time, letting his little head knead his arms.

"Do you feel it?" Zhao Luoyang raised his head and asked.

Xiao Yu's body lay on the bed for more than ten days, and Shi Jiu in the system finally returned to his body, but after this toss, Xiao Yu was obviously not as good as before, as if he had suffered a serious illness, especially a few days ago. The injuries he suffered due to the war in the past have not healed yet, and Zhao Luoyang will help Xiao Yu move his muscles and bones every time after the doctor performs acupuncture.

Xiao Yu felt the two hands roaming on his shoulders and arms. At first, he was like a person who had been frozen for a long time, and his skin and flesh were very stiff. But as he moved around, he gradually regained consciousness. Xiao Hui Hui When his hand went down his shoulder...

Zhao Luoyang's hand stopped: "What? Did you rub it wrong today?"

Xiao Yu naturally couldn't tell his true feelings, he was much better than before, but just because he was much better, he would have other thoughts in his heart.

Xiao Yu said: "It will take a few more days to recover."

Zhao Luoyang rejoiced in his heart: "It seems that what the doctor said is useful, I will rub my legs again later."

Xiao Yu coughed, although he really wanted her to rub it, but due to certain circumstances, he had better forget it, so as not to make her angry, the gain outweighs the gain.

"No need," Xiao Yu said, "just walk with me."

Zhao Luoyang always felt that the little mute today was a little hesitant in speaking, so he couldn't help but look at him suspiciously. At a glance, he could see something strange.

The originally ordinary atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

Thinking about these days, for fear of being known about Xiao Yu's situation, except for Huaiguang, she was the one who took care of Xiao Yu. Sometimes she would even rest in the military tent when it was late.

What I thought was that Xiao Yu wouldn't wake up anyway... It rained a few days ago, and she covered him with the same blanket. He was so pitiful at that time, except for his eyes, he could barely move his hands and feet, and it was difficult for him to even speak. .

She was once worried that the little mute would never get better like this, so she spared no effort to take care of him, and she had long forgotten about the defense of men and women.

But now that he's healed, it's different.

Zhao Luoyang immediately let go of his hand, and was about to step back when Xiao Yu stretched out his hand to hold her back. His bright and clear eyes reflected her shadow, and there was a bit of pleading in his expression: "I was wrong."

She took so much effort just to make him feel more comfortable, so she didn't think he had the energy to think about other things, although she didn't know what the other things were, anyway, it wasn't a good thing.

His palms were hot, and he was so strong, obviously he had really improved a lot, and since that was the case, she was relieved, and she no longer had to huddle with him in the same military tent.

"I let Huaiguang come in..."

Seeing that he couldn't keep anyone, Xiao Yu could only dislike himself for being unable to hold his breath, but he also didn't want to lie to his little girl.

"Actually, I've been dreaming a lot recently," Xiao Yu said. "I dreamed about a lot of things that never happened."

Only then did Zhao Luoyang stop: "Are you talking about the Zhang family's ones?"

Xiao Yu shook his head: "I had some bad dreams. For example, in order to gain more military power, I brought wars to Taozhou."

Zhao Luoyang's heart sank, what Xiao Yu said coincided with what she had dreamed.

"I met you after a long time, and your throat was still not healed at that time. I took you to fight everywhere, and it seemed that it was getting harder and harder to stop during the killing, which made you angry."

That night, when he woke up from a dream, he saw Xiao Jiajia next to him, covered with the same blanket as him, and he was a little confused as to which ones were real and which ones were dreams.

Before Xiao Huan Hui woke up, he had been thinking and did not dare to make any sound. He was relieved until Xiao Huan Hui opened his mouth to talk to him.

Zhao Luoyang was in a daze, and was pulled back into his arms by Xiao Yu. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "When I woke up, I thought, no matter what happens, I will never let the situation in my dream happen again."

After saying this, Xiao Yu suddenly regretted: "But there is one thing that is better in the dream than now." Zhao Luoyang was about to ask.

Xiao Yu said: "We were already married in the dream, but now I haven't proposed marriage to my grandmother, father, and mother. When the six states are stable, we can exchange Geng Tie, okay?"

The hot breath brushed her ear, and Zhao Luoyang's face became hot: "Then who knows, maybe my grandma and my father and mother don't agree."

Xiao Yu smiled: "Then I will take Geng Tie and live in Fengxia Village. They chase me away, but I will not leave."

Zhao Luoyang wanted to scold him for being thick-skinned, but he wondered if the system would deduct his life points if he scolded him like this.

The two were talking, when Huaiguang's voice came from outside: "My lord, there is news from Jiezhou that Feng Fengzhi has led troops to attack Jiezhou."

"Our Tubo army in the north is also marching towards Taozhou."

Xiao Yu let go of his hand, and waited until Zhao Luoyang finished arranging his dress before letting Huai Guang in.

Huai Guang walked in quickly and took out the message sent by the scouts, and handed it to Xiao Yu to check.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but got up to look at the map. Since Huai Guang had already said it, he didn't have to see it with his own eyes.

It would not be such a coincidence that Tubo and Feng Fengzhi raised their troops together to attack the land of the six states. It seems that they have negotiated in private.

Xiao Yu said: "When did Jiezhou discover Feng Fengzhi's scouts?"

"Three days ago," Huai Guang said, "we were at war with Tubo troops."

Xiao Yu thought for a while: "There should be a big commotion in the capital."

Zhao Luoyang immediately thought of Princess Yu.

Xiao Yu said: "We are at war with Tubo. With Feng Fengzhi's temper, he should have watched from the sidelines, but he suddenly rushed to attack. It seems that he wants to quickly resolve the war in the northwest."

A leader will be affected by foreign affairs, so there is no need for scouts to inquire about some information. You can make a rough guess just by looking at the general's arrangements.

Until the critical moment, Feng Fengzhi would not make this decision. He wanted a strong man to sever his arms. Even if he was criticized in this battle, he had to win the battle.

Winning the six states solved at least one problem, and then dealt with the Beijing-China affairs in turn.

Xiao Yu was a little curious as to what Concubine Yu Wang did to deal with the Feng family.

Huai Guang said, "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Yu didn't hesitate: "Choose three thousand cavalry and join me to fight against the main army of Tubo. Let's go to find out how many soldiers and horses Tubo has come, and whose subordinates they belong to."

Huai Guang hurriedly turned around to make arrangements.

Zhao Luoyang looked at Xiao Yu: "Are you skeptical that Tubo isn't really attacking us?" Otherwise, he wouldn't try like this.

Xiao Yu said: "The food in the six prefectures is not cooked yet. What's the use of occupying the six prefectures now? The biggest wish of the new Tibetan Zanpu is to lead his troops around the capital of Daqi. Even if he can't, he should loot some and support him. The soldiers and horses under our command are not the fat sheep with enough food, weapons, and armor right now."

"Besides, it's useless to seriously injure the six states. The soldiers and horses brought by the Feng family can shake the cornerstone of Daqi. If there are too many losses, Daqi will not dare to raise troops easily in a few years."

"I think the Tubo people are deceiving Feng Fengzhi."

He has turned Feng Fengzhi's tricks around, and this time it will be a catastrophe for Da Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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