Chapter 474
Nie Shuang wanted to say something, but was stunned by what Zhao Xueli and others were wearing.

When Zhao Xueli and the others came up, they were wearing bright green clothes and a bright green armor on the outside. There were two large bags sewn on the outside of the armor, and I didn't know what was inside the bulging bags.

Not only were the clothes weird, but he was also wearing boots that protected his ankles, his pants were tucked into the boots, and the turban on his head was also green, which was different from what they had seen before.

In short, the style of the clothes was also very strange, something Nie Shuang had never seen before.

Zhao Xueli and others didn't say anything. More than a dozen people went straight to the city wall and threw the firearms in their hands before the attackers could react.

Several "boom" sounds blew up several people on the ladder.

The people who rushed up to the city tower probably didn't expect that there were suddenly more people dressed like this on the city wall, so they were all stunned. With this magical skill, the defenders took the opportunity to repel them in one go. This offensive.

Niu Daochang beside Zhao Xueli supported his head and smiled and said, "It's cool, I haven't stretched my muscles yet, hey, all these things will go down."

It sounds easy, but in fact it is not that easy. The firearms brought by several people were thrown away a lot. The two and a half young men were inexperienced after all, and they were hit by sharp weapons. Fortunately, they were blocked by the armor outside, and they were just a light blow. hurt.

Zhao Xueli said: "You can't throw things away like this. The ones made by my fourth brother are not enough."

Zhao Xueyi and the others made a lot of firearms, but they would be consumed quickly if used. During the fight just now, Zhao Xueli looked down and saw the huge army below. How many of them had they solved?
Besides, their sudden appearance here is more or less like a surprise attack. When the people below know the news, they will definitely take some defensive measures. Next time, it will definitely not be so easy.

Nie Shuang finally found time to talk to Zhao Xueli: "Uncle, why are you here? Didn't we ask everyone to send the eldest princess and the old lady away from Jiezhou?"

This was how everyone arranged it, and Zhao Xueli really wanted to lead the people in the city to evacuate north, but was stopped by Mrs. Yang and Mrs. Song.

"The eldest princess won't leave," Zhao Xueli said. "The princess said that if Jiezhou cannot hold it, she will retreat with the Chinese army."

Zhao Xueli wanted to persuade her at that time, but Mrs. Bai said, "You are using my banner, so there is no reason for me to leave. Just wait, another Xiao family member will come, so I won't care."

"Among the old, young, women and children in the city are my mother and Mr. Song."

Each of these people had their own ideas, and Zhao Xueli couldn't persuade them.My mother and Mr. Song are right. They had already done this when they were in Taozhou, and they can do it well this time. They can also be free to come here to help.

Nie Shuang is still a little worried. Uncle Zhao is the father of the girl from the Zhao family and the father-in-law of their young master. If something goes wrong, what will happen?

Nie Shuang still wanted to persuade, but Zhao Xueli said: "Even if we send people away, we will come back to help. You don't need to persuade them. If someone really breaks the city, how far can they run even if they run away?"

"What will happen when I stay in Jiezhou, I have already thought about it in advance."

Zhao Xueli said as he reached out and tugged on the clothes on his body: "Sister Luo also knows that the clothes we are wearing were left by Sister Luo."

"Yes, yes, yes," Niu Daochang followed, "After practicing for so long, it's not for turning around and fleeing for his life, otherwise Xueyi's firearms would not have been in vain."

Niu Daochang is very satisfied with his clothes. The clothes are very novel everywhere. He still hasn't figured out what kind of cloth it is made of, how the stitches are so good, and this cat. He has been blacksmithing for so many years. I've never seen such craftsmanship before.Wearing such a good thing, he has to go into battle and kill a few enemies, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable wearing it.

Shi Ping was also touching the bag on his clothes. He wanted to keep such good clothes forever.Not only is the fabric used good, but the color is hidden in the grass and cannot be seen unless you look carefully. Using the firearm made by Uncle Zhao, you can unexpectedly injure the enemy.

Shi Ping didn't throw away the firearm just now. He had to keep it and use it with this clothes at the critical moment.

While several people were talking, the siege began again.

Huai Zheng said: "Here we go again."

Niu Daochang cheered up: "Just right, I haven't hit enough yet."

With the addition of Zhao Xueli and others, the defense of the city was much easier, but Feng Fengzhi had obviously made up his mind this time. No matter how many lives he lost, he had to open the city gate of Jiezhou. He even launched an attack at night. Two sneak attacks.After persisting for two more days, the defenders on the city tower were exhausted. Feng Fengzhi's army did not even bother to collect the corpses under the city, and blindly prevented the men from rushing to kill them.

"This city cannot be defended today." Nie Shuang panted and looked at Zhao Xueli.

Several people on the city wall were all injured. If this continued, they would be able to hold on until night at most, and they would not be able to deal with a sneak attack at night.

Zhao Xueli said: "Then withdraw!"

This is also the meaning of Princess Changle.

The old, young, women and children in the city have long since left, and if they leave now, they will leave the Feng family with an empty city, but... no one knows whether they can escape.

Zhao Xueli and others didn't care. Anyway, they had a good time and tried their best.

"When it gets dark, let's leave," Zhao Xueli said, "to Minzhou."

Huai Zheng and others nodded.

It's a pity that I can't hold on anymore.Zhao Xueli looked at the situation on the tower. After all, there were still not enough manpower, but they were content to be able to hold on until this point.Originally he knew how to read some books, but after what he went through, he could actually help defend the city, which was something he never dared to think about before.

They did not expect reinforcements. Taozhou also had to deal with Tibet, and Xiao Yu was unable to cope with the situation.

"Uncle," Shi Ping walked to Zhao Xueli, "Do you still have firearms?"

Zhao Xueli said: "What are you going to do?"

Shi Ping pursed his dry lips: "Dig a trap and bury a few of them. Even if we leave, we can't let them enter the city easily."

Zhao Xueli knew that Shi Ping had always had an idea, so he reached out and handed over the hidden firearm: "Go!"

Shi Ping picked up the firearm, turned around and got off the tower.

At night, the city could no longer be defended. Taking advantage of the break between the Feng family's troops and horses, Zhao Xueli, Nie Shuang and others went down the city tower, protected Mrs. Bai, and headed north with the remaining people in the city.

The crowd hadn't walked long before they heard a noise behind them, indicating that Jiezhou City had been breached.


"Master, Jiezhou City has been taken."

After Feng Fengzhi heard Feng Liu's report, he finally took a deep breath, and his irritability for many days was finally relieved.

Feng Liu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and after taking so many lives, he finally opened the city gate of Jiezhou.

"Enter the city," Feng Fengzhi ordered, "capture all the rebels in the city. Anyone who resists will be killed."

Feng Liu responded, he knew those people had escaped, but they couldn't escape too far, because no wounded soldiers were found on the tower, how fast can they leave with the wounded soldiers?

Feng Fengzhi got on his horse and followed the army into the city. No matter how much he paid, he won the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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