Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 484 Determination

Chapter 484 Determination
Zhao Luoyang signaled the spy to continue.

The spy opened his mouth, fearing that he had made a mistake, so he checked again: "Young lady...does she know Wang Zeng?"

Zhao Luoyang nodded.

The spy's eyes flickered.

Zhao Luoyang continued: "There is no one from Wang Zeng here."

The spy was relieved: "I didn't go to that village to do bad things. I found out the identity of the person who attacked the village."

Seeing that there was no change in Zhao Luoyang's expression, the spy knew that the girl in front of him did not believe what he said, so he swallowed and said: "Young lady only needs to go to Masan's house in the village to inquire, and she will know that what I said is true. He paid two taels of silver to ask Masan about the identity of the attacker, and also asked Masan to send a letter to the Taozhou Yamen Office."

Zhao Luoyang looked at Wynn, who nodded and ordered people to find Masan.

The spy continued: "The person who attacked the village was not the Tubo people, nor the soldiers brought by the Feng family, but Wang Zeng."

Zhao Luoyang finally seemed to be interested: "You said that Wang Zeng's troops in the Iron Castle were disguised as bandits?"

The spy shook his head: "Instead of the soldiers and horses in the Iron Castle, Wang Zeng had troops stationed in at least one place outside. This man is very cunning. While pretending to fight against Tibet, he secretly collected property for future food and fodder."

Zhao Luoyang looked at the spy: "How do you know these things? Could it be that you serve under Wang Zeng?"

The spy denied: "I'm not, I...actually come from Mian County."

The spies stopped talking before the words were spoken clearly.

It was quiet all around.

Zhao Luoyang paused for a moment before saying, "Where is Mian County?"

The spy stopped talking this time and shook his head: "If you don't believe me, girl, just go and investigate, but be more careful with Wang Zeng to prevent any more innocent people from being harmed."

Zhao Luoyang walked out of the house, and about two moments later, Wynn found Masan. Masan was just like the spy, and he hadn't had time to send the letter in his hand to the government office.

Zhao Jingyun was still in charge of the Taozhou Yamen Office. The content of this letter seemed to be a warning, telling Zhao Jingyun to be careful about Wang Zeng, and pointed out the approximate location of Wang Zeng's troops.

Zhao Luoyang returned to the house, and the spy raised his head again.

Zhao Luoyang said: "You said you came from Mian County, the same Mian County where Feng Fengzhi led his troops to suppress it?"

The spy pursed his lips and nodded.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Who ordered you to do this? Where is he?"

The spy looked hesitant again.

"I don't know anything, why should I believe you?" Zhao Luoyang said, "In my opinion, all this may be a trap set by Wang Zeng."

The spy shook his head: "My master said...the only trustworthy people in Taozhou are Mr. Zhao and the Zhao family girl from Fengxia Village, otherwise Mr. Xie would not stay in Taozhou."

Zhao Luoyang was a little surprised: "Your master knows a lot."

"Because the master also wants to leave Mian County."

When Zhao Luoyang heard this, his face darkened: "I know that your master wants to leave Mian County and return to Prince Yu's Mansion to inherit the throne."

This time the spy shook his head subconsciously: "No, my master just doesn't want to be someone else's pawn, let alone end up like King Yu." "When you say that, I want to meet your master."

The spy's expression changed, and he wanted to say something, but he knew that he could not make a decision for his master.

Zhao Luoyang thought for a moment: "I can let you go. You go back and bring a letter to your master. If he wants to deal with Wang Zeng, he can't just talk and send a letter. He has to show greater sincerity." .”

"For example, getting evidence of Wang Zeng's dealings with Tibet, or finding out where Wang Zeng hoarded troops and grain. At times like this, no one will believe anyone easily."

After Zhao Luoyang finished speaking, Wynn immediately stepped forward and cut off the rope binding the spies.

Seeing the spies leaving, Qin Gao also walked out: "Xiao Qi wants to persuade us to help?"

When they learned that Xiao Qi and Wang Zeng were together, what the spy said would not surprise them.

Xiao Qi and Wang Zeng were just using each other. The young master of the Xiao family was obviously deeper in the city and wanted to use their help to get rid of Wang Zeng.

By doing this, you can gain their trust.

From this point of view, Xiao Qi is not a fool, at least he is better than Feng Chenghai.

Zhao Luoyang originally thought that Xiao Qi was irrelevant, but after hearing the spies today, she became more interested. It seems that Xiao Qi may still have a useful chess piece in his hand, or he may have a secret in his hand.

Since Xiao Qi wants to fish for her, she can also fish for Xiao Qi in turn and get more secrets of Prince Yu's palace from Xiao Qi's mouth. Even if these are not of much help to the little mute, the little mute still has the right to know the truth. .


It was already a day later when the spy sent the news back to Xiao Qi. It was not that he was delaying on purpose, but to prevent Zhao Luoyang and others from following the clues, and to avoid Aunt Jiang.

This spy's name is Qian Song, and he is one of the few people Xiao Qi cultivated through the eyes of Aunt Jiang and Prince Yu's Mansion.Xiao Qi's private dealings with Zhao Luoyang are related to his future and must not be known to Aunt Jiang.

Qian Song said: "Even if I said those words and wrote the letter, the girl still doesn't believe it." Even though it was his first meeting with the Zhao girl, he could already feel the girl's shrewdness.

If the Zhao girl was not a smart person, why would Xiao Qi go to such trouble.

Xiao Qi took a deep breath: "Then do as she said. The envoy between Tubo and Daqi is still in Minzhou. Capture that person and send him to Zhao Luoyang."

Qian Song hesitated slightly: "I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble."

"Tell Madam, this is what I mean," Xiao Qi stared at Qian Song, "This may be our only opportunity, we must not miss it again."

Qian Song nodded when he heard this: "I'll go back soon." He knew that his wife would definitely agree. After waiting for so long, the young master finally came out of Mian County and out of the control of Princess Yu, and the madam would try every means to help the young master get out of trouble.

Aunt Jiang may come to serve the young master at any time, and Qian Song cannot stay too long.

Xiao Qi continued: "The people Wang Zeng sent out got the news. When Feng Fengzhi was fighting against Princess Changle, Tubo took the opportunity to attack Jiezhou. The Tubo soldiers and horses went all the way east to the west of Beijing. Feng Fengzhi wanted to stop him. But they are no match for Tibet, and now the tens of thousands of troops it led have been dispersed."

Qian Song looked surprised. They thought that Feng Fengzhi might lose to Tubo or Princess Changle, but no one expected it to happen so soon.

Xiao Qi said: "If we don't find a way to survive, we will be trapped and die here."

It was impossible for them to join forces with Feng Fengzhi, and the same was true for Wang Zeng. The only one who could seek refuge was Princess Changle.

Qian Song did not dare to delay and quickly left Xiao Qi's yard. Xiao Qi looked at Qian Song's back. Maybe one day, he would be thankful that his twists and turns in life could find a way for him to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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