Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 486 Go to Prison

Chapter 486 Go to Prison
Behind the Grand Master was a group of forbidden troops. Before the Grand Master could reach Xie Chen, the Imperial Guards had already stepped forward and surrounded Xie Chen.

Faced with such a battle, Xie Chen was not afraid but felt more relaxed than ever. The matter of Princess Changle was a worry for him.

He didn't have the courage to say it out loud, but he thought about it from the bottom of his heart. He would always suddenly think of the tragic death of the princess and the team that greeted the princess, and the fact that those people were still charged with crimes after their death and were unable to live in peace. He also thought of Jiang Wei who died, and became angry. The teeth are itching. The dead people will be tortured once and for all, but the living people will still have to suffer.

He didn't dare to speak, let alone die, but he felt that he was really greedy for life and afraid of death.

Thanks to a trip to Taozhou, thanks to meeting the girl from the Zhao family, and thanks to being scolded by the girl, he had the opportunity to kneel here.

Of course it was not to make up for his mistakes, but to repent to the princess and those who died innocently.

In the words of the Zhao girl, there is no way to atone for the sins of the past, and all that can be done now is not to continue to make mistakes.

The grand master walked up to Xie Chen, stretched out his hand and took away the certificate in Xie Chen's hand.

"Thank you Chen," the grand master said, "is it really Princess Changle who is in Taozhou?"

Xie Chen straightened his back and said calmly: "Yes."

The Grand Master's face was as dark as water, showing a bit of majesty: "Since you already knew the princess's identity, why didn't you report it to the court?"

Xie Chen said neither humble nor arrogantly: "A treacherous and sycophant controls the government, that is to say, a humble minister, what good results can there be? Jiang Yu's censor died and remonstrated, but it also failed to get the court to investigate the matter?"

When Xie Chen said this, the officials of Zhongshu Province couldn't help but said: "Master Xie, please don't say that. After the news of the princess came out in Taozhou, the Grand Master ordered people to go to the six states to inquire about the situation. Who would have known... the war in the northwest is urgent. , and Princess Yu’s wife sued the Feng family... Which one inside and outside here does not need the Grand Master’s decision? The Grand Master..."

The grand master stretched out his hand, but the official did not dare to continue.

But the important meanings have been mentioned, and the people around can hear them clearly.

Xie Chen is really unwilling to give Taishidang such an opportunity to clear himself at this time, but the Zhao family girl is right. You have to eat one meal at a time and do things step by step. The most important thing right now is to capture the Feng family.

The Grand Master looked at Xie Chen and said, "The eldest princess Changle married into Tibet for the sake of the stability of the Qi Dynasty. How can the princess be wronged again? If what is said on the paper is true, none of the people who harmed the princess back then will be able to escape."

After saying this, the Grand Master saluted to the palace: "The Holy One learned that the eldest princess may still be alive, and he also wants to welcome the eldest princess back immediately."

Xie Chen fell to the ground and said, "The Holy One is wise."

The Grand Master continued: "Before I find out everything, I will first put you in jail. You will tell everything clearly about what you have done. You can no longer hide anything."

Xie Chen responded: "Wei ministers are guilty, but the people of the six states are not guilty. After the war broke out in Taozhou, the people took out their own food to make armaments. The men in the village all boarded the city gates to defend against the enemy. They sacrificed their good deeds." If there are too many, please ask the Grand Master to protect them."

The Grand Master nodded: "They are all common people of Daqi, and they have done so many good deeds. The imperial court will reward them after verification."

Xie Chen relaxed and even had a smile on his face. Then he stood up and went to the government office with the imperial army.

After Xie Chen and others left, the grand master took the certificate and walked into the palace gate, all the way to the check-in room.Several officials from the Zhongshu Province were waiting in the duty room. When they saw the Grand Master, they immediately stood up and saluted. Only when the Grand Master sat on the main seat did someone say, "Grand Master, we have agreed that the one from Taozhou is the Changle Chief." Princess?"

Before, they had not said a word about the eldest princess, but they could not make up their minds whether to welcome the princess back to the court. Now that they accepted Xie Chen's letter, it was equivalent to acknowledging the princess's identity.

Rumors spread quickly among the people. Even if the grand master said that he would wait until everything is found out before welcoming the princess, in the mouths of the people, what Xie Chen said was true.

The eldest princess of Changle was framed and hid in the Taozhou stockade to avoid all kinds of troubles. Most of the people in the city knew about it before dawn.

The grand master picked up a cup of tea and drank: "I didn't expect that Feng Fengzhi would be defeated so quickly."

Feng Fengzhi was defeated and allowed Tubo to conquer Taozhou and invade eastward. There were soldiers and horses in each state capital, but it would be difficult to gather too many people in a short period of time. What's more, the Feng family wanted to suppress the Qi generals with military power. I couldn't find anyone who could stabilize the overall situation.

When the Ban people invaded, tens of thousands of Daqi's troops were destroyed. The morale of the army can be imagined. If you want to cheer up the soldiers again, one person needs to stand up.

The emperor is still young, and the grand master must stabilize the internal affairs and cannot go on an expedition. Only the Daqi clan can go. Rather than letting the old prime minister go, or looking for another "Feng Chenghai" from the "Xiao" family, it is better to borrow This wind raised up Princess Changle.

Everyone knew what the grand master meant, but some people still worried: "Is the eldest princess Changle willing to come forward to fight against the Tubo? What if she sees that the Tibetan soldiers are strong and the horses are strong and they have repeatedly won battles, so what should I do if she simply escapes with her people?"

The Grand Master's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were particularly bright: "It is not easy to return to court, otherwise Princess Changle would not have been hiding in the village for so many years."

"She wants to get back her identity as the eldest princess, and this battle is the only way to go. Otherwise, not only will she not be able to redress her grievances, but she will also lose the reputation she established in the past. If she hadn't figured this out, Xie Chen wouldn't be here. When the battle report comes to Beijing, take out that piece of paper."

Smart people don't need to speak too clearly.

Princess Changle made an exchange with him. If she stopped the Tubo people, the court would capture the Feng family members. This was the condition.After being frustrated for so many years, the last chance was there. Princess Changle would rather die in battle than escape. Therefore, in the heart of the Grand Master, the princess was the best candidate to lead the army.

Whether the princess can win or not, the grand master doesn't know. All he needs is time to breathe. Da Qi's troops are still there, but they need time to integrate.

After the Feng family was killed, the generals who served the Feng family were taken down, which stabilized Daqi's military power. At that time, the Grand Master would have nothing to fear, let alone think about what would happen in the future. He did not want Changle to grow long. The princess came to the capital alive.

The grand master raised his eyes, everything was ready, and he could take action against the Feng family.

"Feng Fengzhi murdered the King of Yu, brutalized Zhongliang, massacred Mian County officials, and fled without fighting against the Tibetans. His responsibilities were too numerous to describe. He ordered the imperial army to capture the Feng family and officials who had close contacts with the Feng family and send them to Dali. The temple will hear the trial.”

Several ministers responded.

Someone else raised his head and said, "What should the Queen Mother do?"

"The Holy Spirit has decreed that the Queen Mother should be taken back to Cining Palace to recuperate. If Feng tries to stop her, she will be punished as treason."

If the Queen Mother refuses to come back, then kill everyone around her.

(End of this chapter)

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