Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 489 Staring at her

Chapter 489 Staring at her

Queen Mother Feng's eyes were like bottomless black holes, as if she wanted to suck Princess Yu into them.

"What is the Queen Mother talking about?" Princess Yu said, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Empress Dowager Feng said with a smile: "Then check the court records and see who accompanied Taizu when the eminent monks from Qingzheng Temple entered the palace."

Princess Yu naturally knew that it was the old Prince Yu.

One night, the old King Yu came back from the palace with a gloomy expression on his face. He looked at her bulging belly with a lot of worry in his eyes. Then she heard what the eminent monk said, and from that day on, Whether the child in her belly can survive also involves the entire Prince Yu's palace.

The old King Yu secretly placed a woman of the same age as her, thinking that things would be safe and that even if something happened to her child, the woman would be able to give birth immediately.

Unfortunately, when the woman was giving birth that day, she encountered dystocia. When she took out the child regardless of the woman's life, the child had already suffocated to death.

Not only did she lose her child, but the palace was also implicated. She thought a disaster was about to happen, but she didn't expect God to give her a chance.Empress Zhang gave birth that night. The late Emperor, who was still Prince Duan at the time, was not in the capital. There happened to be the old prince's spy in Prince Duan's palace. Everything went so smoothly that she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But when she saw the baby she brought back from Zhang, she felt deep disgust in her heart. Why was other people's babies so healthy, but her baby died tragically?She didn't even have time to hug her own flesh and blood.

And this was obviously not her child, but she wanted to support him wholeheartedly for the rest of her life and let him enjoy everything in Prince Yu's palace.

Especially as Xiao Yu grew up and showed his innate intelligence, she missed her child even more. The cause and effect and injustice mentioned by the eminent monk was definitely not her child, but Xiao Yu's. Perhaps it was because of Xiao Yu's birth that she took her away. Only if she had lost the blessing of all children, her child would have died.

She obviously disliked Xiao Yu's child, but when the child found an opportunity, he ran to her side, raised his head and opened his hands, wanting her to hug him. Such behavior aroused her endless disgust, and she couldn't bear it. He stretched out his hand and pushed Xiao Yu to the ground.Later, the child would always look at her secretly, hiding in the dark like a ghost, as if he would kill her if she didn't pay attention.

How could she like such a child?She hated this child, and his biological mother Zhang. Both mother and son were burdened with her son's life.

On the way to escape, she finally got an opportunity to get rid of Zhang's mother and son. How could she miss it?So it was arranged for Xiao Yu to kill his biological mother Zhang and his brothers with his own hands. Only in this way could he relieve the hatred in her heart.

Who would have thought that Xiao Yu was not dead but was found by people from the Da Zong Palace.If the Xiao clan hadn't known about this, she would never have let Xiao Yu return to Prince Yu's palace.

After experiencing all this, the mother and son could not even maintain the superficial filial piety of mother and son. Xiao Yu's wings gradually became fuller, and she lived tremblingly under his eyes. In the dead of night, she regretted that she might as well not have exchanged this child. What they bring is temporary peace and endless torture later.
Once again, she waited for the opportunity to attack Xiao Yu. This time, Xiao Yu was finally dead. The moment she saw Xiao Yu's body with her own eyes, she thought everything was finally over, but...

Princess Yu looked at Queen Mother Feng, why was Xiao Yu still lingering even though he was already dead?Now she still has to deal with this matter.After she had put in so much effort, this was the result.

"The Queen Mother," Da Zongzheng, who was beside the Prime Minister, stood up and said, "Is there any evidence for what you said?"

Empress Dowager Feng smiled slightly: "I hid the person who told this matter in Cining Palace."

The Prime Minister did not expect that the man actually became a eunuch and was taken by the Queen Mother. This was indeed the safest way.

Da Zongzheng continued: "What happened many years ago, the late Emperor, Queen Zhang, and King Yu are no longer here. Based on one person's words... I'm afraid..."

Empress Dowager Feng nodded. At present, Princess Yu can stand here with support, but there is no clear evidence.She used to think this way, until today, someone stuffed a letter into the palace. The letter only contained one piece of news: King Yu Xiao Yu was still alive.

In the past few days, the female relatives of the Feng family have been hiding in the palace one after another. I don't know who took advantage of the chaos and sneaked in and delivered this letter.

If she had been given a few more days, she might have been able to find out the clues, but unfortunately the grand master attacked her and she lost the chance.

Thinking about it now, the person who sent the letter was most likely a member of King Yu's party, perhaps those of Xie Chen.Of course, this is just a guess, and she can't possibly use it to blackmail the Grand Master.But she could watch Prince Yu's concubine and Grand Master Dang being buried together.If this is true, she may be able to leave a good fate for herself. This good fate is not enough to save the entire Feng family. Letting her die in Cining Palace should be enough.

That's why she told Feng Er the secret and spread it through Feng Er's mouth.

Empress Dowager Feng retracted her thoughts and her smile deepened: "You have to believe that someone will always be able to get the evidence." Even Princess Changle can survive. Nothing in this world is absolute.

Everything that happened in Taozhou was unexpected by them. How difficult could it be if there was another unexpected thing?
Princess Yu's body was soaked with sweat.

Empress Dowager Feng lowered the curtain of the carriage: "The Ai family is in poor health, and may have to stay in Cining Palace for the rest of their lives. Please take care of yourself."

Her road has come to an end. She has suffered everything she has to experience and suffer. But what will happen to people like the concubine of Prince Yu and the grand master?The end may not be better than hers.

Queen Mother Feng's carriage left, and Da Zongzheng turned to look at Princess Yu. Princess Yu pretended to be calm, but she still showed some flaws, and Da Zong couldn't help but frown.

What Empress Dowager Feng said is [-]% true. If confirmed, this may be the biggest case in the Daqi royal family.

"Dazong Zheng," Princess Yu said, "I really don't know what the Queen Mother said. Maybe it was because I sued the Feng family that the Queen Mother would..."

Princess Yu was about to wipe her tears with a handkerchief when she heard Da Zongzheng's voice: "I hope not, otherwise you know what the result will be."

Even if the old King Yu dies, he will still be deprived of his clan identity and title. No one from King Yu's concubine or her mother's family will be spared.

He was the legitimate son of the late emperor. If he were alive, it would be someone else's turn to inherit the throne.

Da Zongzheng said calmly: "Until the matter is investigated, you should stay in Zongzheng Mansion."

Today was the day when Princess Yu returned to Prince Yu's Mansion. She didn't even step into the palace gate, so she was taken back to Zongzheng's Mansion.Princess Yu wanted to plead with Da Zongzheng, but she saw Da Zongzheng's cold eyes.

"Taifei, let's go back!" The female family members stepped forward to help Princess Yu.

The moment she was lifted into the carriage and the curtain was lowered, Princess Yu seemed to see a figure flashing past in the crowd.

She shuddered and looked behind her in convulsion. At this moment, she felt that a pair of eyes had been staring at her.

(End of this chapter)

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