Chapter 504
The Grand Master's words caused the room on duty to fall into silence.

Everyone thinks it is impossible, but this is indeed an explanation.

The Grand Master said: "There have been rumors that King Yu is still alive."

After the war broke out in the northwest, spies continued to send news to the capital. One of them was that King Yu had "resurrected from the dead" and led Princess Changle to take control of the six states with his armed guards. The prince of Tubo was captured by King Yu.

The Dali Temple Qing said: "But that is false. The generals who follow the Feng family have already said that the Feng family found out that the eldest princess Changle borrowed the reputation of Xiao Yu, the king of Yu."

The Grand Master looked at the Minister of Dali Temple.

But no one can confirm whether the news obtained by the Feng family is true.

The Minister of Dali Temple said subconsciously: "As long as we don't tell anyone, everyone will think that the prince born to the late Emperor Zhang and Empress Zhang has passed away."

The Grand Master said: "When Xiao Yu returns to the court, how are you going to explain it?"

There are so many people who know King Yu Xiao Yu, and the imperial edict with the palm print has been unfolded in front of the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty, and nothing can be exchanged.

"Go ahead and tell me," the Grand Master said, "The Ji Dou pattern doesn't match."

The only way to think about it is to put the handle into the hands of Princess Changle.

"Isn't that..." said the Zhongshu Provincial official, "Everything we did before was to build momentum for Xiao Yu."

The grand master didn't say anything. On the surface, he was getting rid of the Feng family and Prince Yu's palace this time, but in fact, he was redressing Xiao Yu's injustice and revealing his life experience.

If this were a game of chess, this would be how it would play out.

Previously, they had thought of using reinforcements to control Princess Changle. If the general commanding the army became Xiao Yu, they might be the only ones who would be manipulated.

The Dali Temple Qing said: "Even if King Xiao Yu of Yu is still alive, he must still obey the arrangements of the emperor and the grand master, otherwise he will end up with the Feng family."

The grand master said calmly: "Xiao Yu is different from the Feng family. He already has prestige in the army. Now he is the biological prince of the late emperor and empress Xian Zhang. He is supported by the eldest princess. They gathered troops to protect the Daqi pass. , what reason do you have to suppress him?"

At this time, Xiao Yu was not dead, which would only make everyone in Daqi breathe a sigh of relief.

A Zhongshu Provincial official said: "Perhaps these are all speculations."

Their only hope is that the grand master thinks too much.

The Grand Master's eyes fell on the memorial on the document again. What he said was not a sudden inspiration, but the result he got after seeing the documents in his hand and thinking about it.

Feng Fengzhi was defeated, but the states and prefectures closest to the six states did not receive many fleeing soldiers.

Either all tens of thousands of people were captured or killed, or someone secretly reorganized the troops.

Judging from the information they received, the second scenario is the most likely.

In this way, how many soldiers and generals escape will depend on the ability of the people who command the troops in the six states.To swallow so many soldiers and horses silently, only someone who has been sharpening his blade all year round can do it, and this person can only be Xiao Yu.

The Grand Master dealt with Empress Dowager Feng because he was afraid of the monopoly power of his relatives. He was entrusted by the late emperor to assist the young emperor.But when facing another heir of the late emperor, how could he take action like he did against the Feng family?
Today is different from the past, and the situation in Daqi has quietly changed.


After Wang Zeng died, the six states became much more stable.

Xiao Qi finally came to Taozhou and met Princess Changle as he wished.The eldest princess of Changle left Xiao Qi to talk for a while, and then asked someone to arrange for him to rest. For the next seven or eight days, all Xiao Qi could do was greet his aunt every day.

Aunt Jiang couldn't help but worry. Logically speaking, they helped capture Wang Zeng and handed over the evidence of Princess Yu's evil deeds to the eldest princess Changle. The eldest princess should at least be less wary of the young master, but the result was not as good as Satisfactory.

Aunt Jiang was not having an easy time these days. She never thought that the young master was the Zhou family's child. The young master and the Zhou family had been in private contact for a long time, and they were all kept in the dark.

Thinking about it carefully, the young master really only has this way to survive, not to mention that it is the old prince who arranged this.Faced with the concubine and the biological mother, anyone would choose the biological mother.

Fortunately, the young master always defended her in front of Zhou and asked her to take care of things around him. How could she still feel any resentment?Furthermore, what the concubine did to Empress Zhang was known to the court, and the outcome could be imagined. Could she still follow the concubine to seek death?
Looking at Aunt Jiang's worried look, Xiao Qi said: "There's no need to worry, Auntie. In a few days, news will come out from the capital that all the soldiers and horses originally held by the concubine will come to join us. By then, we can I am the only one who can control these people."

This is his plan.Prince Yu's concubine was captured, and the manpower accumulated by Prince Yu's palace over the years had no choice but to come to him.

Aunt Jiang sighed: "The concubine is confused, she should have handed over Prince Yu's palace to the young master earlier."

"I'm just a chess piece in her hands," Xiao Qi said, "She's the one playing the chess pieces."

Aunt Jiang immediately said: "In the past, I didn't see through this, so the young master was wronged."

Xiao Qi shook his head: "Thanks to grandma's care, I am where I am today. Grandma, rest assured. No matter what happens in the future, you will be a trustworthy person by my side."

While the master and servant were talking, someone came to deliver a message.

"The eldest princess is going to Xingyuan Mansion and asked Young Master Xiao to accompany him."

Zhou also got the news and hurriedly came to see Xiao Qi.

Mother and son gathered together, and Mrs. Zhou said, "It seems that Princess Changle is preparing to fight against the Tibetan soldiers and horses."

Xiao Qi nodded.

Mrs. Zhou was delighted: "When we go to Xingyuan Mansion and the royal manpower arrives, my son will not be alone."

With the support of those lieutenants and military leaders, Xiao Qi will never be underestimated again. Even if there is no official document from the court, Xiao Qi is equivalent to inheriting Prince Yu's Mansion.

Zhou finally felt that all the hardships were over: "Yesterday, I saw the girl from the Zhao family packing things, so I knew we were definitely going to leave. The girl from the Zhao family knows a lot, but she really doesn't know how to lead an army. If you are self-aware, you will be busy with things like preparing military supplies and mobilizing manpower, food, grass, and horses."

At this point Zhou paused and said, "It may also be of some use to you in the future."

Although a lot of soldiers and horses were recruited from Liuzhou Village, these soldiers would not listen to a girl when they went to the battlefield. If Zhao Luoyang was going to let these people go to fight, they would definitely suffer a big loss, and the Zhou family was also happy. Watching Zhao Luoyang stumble.

Xiao Qi nodded when he heard this: "Don't worry, mother, I will pay more attention." He wanted to find ways to boost morale and lead troops to fight against the Tubo people. Although he had never been in the army, he was taught this by several gentlemen early in the morning.Privately, he also carefully studied the battles in which Xiao Yu won a great victory and benefited a lot from them.

Even if he doesn't have his own way of leading troops now, he can imitate Xiao Yu, not to mention being completely similar, but he can still learn a lot.

In short, when I arrive at Xingyuan Mansion this time, I will definitely find an opportunity to stretch my arms and legs.

Zhou said: "I see that the Zhao family girl is very happy. She must not know how terrible the war is. She can achieve things by just playing with her mind. When my son has made military exploits, she will join in."

Mrs. Zhou feels sorry for Zhao Luoyang. From the moment they met until now, Zhao Luoyang has not been polite to her at all.

Things are changing. Wait until that day to see how she handles Zhao Luoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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