Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 514 Coercion

Chapter 514 Coercion
When a person is most surprised and frightened, he is unable to say anything.

Xiao Qi froze motionless. He was very familiar with this face, Xiao Yu.

Ever since he knew his life experience and heard what his father said about the grievances between Prince Yu's Mansion and the late Emperor, he would always dream about two people, one was the emperor and the other was Xiao Yu.

The emperor is high above, but he is just a vague figure that cannot be grasped, but Xiao Yu is different. He can appear anywhere around him.

When he was eating, he heard people around him mention Xiao Yu. When he was studying, he heard his husband say how smart Xiao Yu was.While practicing martial arts, I even saw a flash of disappointment in my husband’s eyes.

The prerequisite for him to get Prince Yu's Mansion is to defeat Xiao Yu first. He and Xiao Yu have never met, but they are life and death enemies, especially when the reputation of the Wuwei Army can be heard everywhere, he dreams about it every night All he saw was Xiao Yu standing in front of him with a knife.

If Xiao Yu discovers what he did in Mian County, he will only die.

He was even more afraid that Prince Yu's palace would abandon him all of a sudden because of what he didn't do well.This was not impossible. In his opinion, the things his father did were all for profit. If he couldn't bring them benefits, it would be better to let him disappear without a trace and let Xiao Yu support the entire Prince Yu's palace.

Even for the servants around him, he couldn't be negligent in the slightest, lest they go to find Xiao Yu in anger.

He enjoys all this with trepidation, and wants to be a person whose father and mother are satisfied and who makes everyone around him happy.He couldn't breathe for a day.

Because of this knot, he specifically begged his father and mother to let him meet Xiao Yu.

That aspect of him was firmly engraved in his mind.

No matter what happens, he will never admit his mistake.

Compared to Xiao Qi's daze, the generals from Prince Yu's palace who came to "recognize their master" felt more pressure.

They came to see the young master, but they did not expect to see the prince.

The knees that were originally kneeling were firmly pressed to the ground the moment they saw Xiao Yu, and the armor even made a crisp impact sound.

At this moment, the surrender and fear in the body were almost subconscious, and there was no time in the mind to react to anything else, let alone to think about why Prince Yu did not die?
Their minds were filled with the days when they fought with King Yu. Although they had left the armed guards, every time they saw King Yu, they would subconsciously resume their status as armed guards.

"Yang You, the general of the Wuwei Army under the command of King Yu, pays homage to Prince Yu."

"Li Dezong, the general of the armed guard under King Yu, pays homage to Prince Yu. I wish you good health."

"Zhang Ziying, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Wuwei Army under the command of King Yu, pays homage to Prince Yu."

"Xu Gui, the Marquis of Yu, the commander of the military guard under the command of King Yu, pays his respects to Prince Yu."

"The Military Guards under the command of King Yu..."


After these military generals left the Armed Guards, they were promoted by the imperial court and held the positions of deputy generals and generals for a long time. However, in front of Xiao Yu, they still applied for the titles they had in the Armed Guards.

Listening to the voices of these generals, officials from the Zhongshu Province and the Ministry of Rites and others on the side came to their senses and realized what had happened.

The Zhongshu Provincial official looked at Da Zongzheng, who also had a look of astonishment on his face, obviously not knowing beforehand.

The grand master's speculation really happened.

King Yu Xiao Yu is not dead, he is here.

Everything that happened in the northwest was inseparable from his handiwork, but before that, it was all hidden behind Princess Changle.

The Zhongshu Provincial official was relatively cold, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

It was Dazong Zheng who came to his senses first and stepped forward to salute: "Greetings to King Yu."

Then, under his leadership, the rest of the people followed suit, and no one even came to question it.

After they finished doing this, the generals on the campus, led by Huaiguang and others, knelt on one knee and saluted Xiao Yu: "General, I will wait to see the prince."

The flag bearer behind them began to wave the big flag with the word "Xiao" in their hands. All the soldiers on the school field took out their sharp weapons and let out earth-shaking shouts.Amid this shouting, Mrs. Zhou on the side could no longer stand, and fell to the ground with a pale face.Everything she wanted came to nothing at this moment.

She didn't even have the intention to fight anymore, because Xiao Yu was not dead. Unless this person died, there would be no way for them to gain a foothold.

This is why Princess Changle has always refused to acknowledge Brother Qi. This is why Princess Changle keeps calling Brother Qi: "Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Qi's surname is Xiao, but he may not be the nephew of the princess, nor will he be the eldest son of Prince Yu's palace, let alone become Prince of Yu.

This must be a nightmare.

Zhou's lips were pursed, but she didn't dare to make any sound because she was afraid that Xiao Yu standing there would notice her.

Xiao Yu took a step forward, and the shouts of the soldiers stopped immediately. Huaiguang and others also stood up, but the generals of Prince Yu's Palace were still kneeling there. Their foreheads were covered with sweat, and the armors they wore were in their hands. The sharp weapon was vulnerable at this moment, and the ambition that had been lingering in his heart had been shattered into powder.

Xiao Qi's idea was to bring people from Prince Yu's Palace to help Princess Changle.At present, Xingyuan Mansion has many soldiers and horses mixed together, and it is not easy to control tens of thousands of soldiers, but now he knows that his thoughts are useless.

Xiao Yu just stood here, no one dared to have second thoughts.

After struggling for so long, it turned out that he had never stepped out of Mian County and could only wait for Xiao Yu to come to settle matters.

Xiao Qi bent his knees and knelt in front of Xiao Yu: "Brother..." As soon as he said the word, he felt a strong wind coming, and then he was kicked out.

Xiao Qi felt pain everywhere in his body. He struggled to get up, but finally fell back to the ground. He had planned for so long and finally got this kick.

Who can recognize Him as Lord when he is so fragile and humble?
Until now, no one, whether it was Da Zongzheng or court officials, was willing to say a word for him, even scolding him: You deserve it.

That's fine too.

But no one wanted to take a second look at him.

My father was wrong. After the late emperor ascended the throne, he should have killed Xiao Yu.The mother was also wrong. After being with Xiao Yu for so long, she had many opportunities to kill him, but they left Xiao Yu to him. He was only a teenager. What could he do?
Xiao Yu walked up to Princess Changle and saluted her.

Then Zhao Luoyang saw the little mute looking directly at her without any cover.

At this time, in front of everyone, he stopped like this, his eyes moved slightly, became a little less sharp, and became extra soft, and then nodded gently to her.

Turning around again, Xiao Yu was King Yu who was about to lead his troops to fight against Tubo.

"The Tubo Muse are greedy and cruel, trying to invade our Daqi territory and kill my people. Will you agree?"



Xiao Yu continued: "The Musai Dynasty has gathered its troops a hundred miles away. Will you still have a bloody battle?"

The sound of military drums sounded at this time.

The soldiers were boiling.



"We have them all in the armed guards."


Xiao Yu pulled out his long sword and said: "Follow me to the expedition. If you don't defeat the Mucai army, you will never survive."

(End of this chapter)

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