Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 520 The Father and Son Meet

Chapter 520 The Father and Son Meet
There is a large courtyard near Dongcheng in Xingyuan Mansion, which is temporarily used as a workshop for supervising the production of military supplies.

Zhao Xueyi was busy in the workshop. Now it was different from when he was in Taozhou. Instead of just relying on him and Niu Daochang and his son to make firearms, the imperial court transferred many craftsmen from nearby to help, and the daily progress was much faster.

Not only that, Zhao Xueyi also really opened his eyes, watching the craftsmen in action, he really learned a lot.In the past, he used all his energy in the fields and only made small things in his free time. But now he is doing well. He can look at these every day, working from morning to night every day, and he feels full in his heart.

With the help of craftsmen, the firearm went through several improvements and became more powerful. Zhao Xueyi felt happy when he saw the big crater that exploded.

When they first came to the workshop, the craftsmen were quite critical of Zhao Xueyi, thinking that he, a farmer like him, didn't know much. Later, when they saw the firearms Zhao Xueyi made, they discovered that Zhao Xueyi did have some skills, and they were willing to take the initiative to teach him something. As soon as Zhao Xueyi gradually established the firearms workshop, he led a group of men to get up early and come home late every day. When they were tired, they would lie down and sleep. However, everyone was happy in their hearts. If they made one more firearm, they would have a better chance of winning. If the Tubo people are driven away earlier, they can return to their hometown to reunite with their relatives.

After a busy day, the men were lying on the kang. They did not fall asleep immediately tonight, but whispered the news they heard from outside.

"I met the adults in the armed guards today and heard that the battle report came back from the front."

"How was it? Did you win the battle?"

"Of course. I heard that when our prince showed up, he scared the Tibetan people into abandoning their armor. The Tibetan people also imitated us in building fortifications, making some kind of fort... Guess what? They were breached on the third day after the war started. .”

"We captured thousands of them alive, and there was no general among the prisoners..."

"Who is a general? We have captured their second prince a long time ago."

Everyone was laughing and joking, these words gave them a glimmer of hope.

Zhao Xueyi was about to close his eyes and rest when he suddenly saw Wang Tai beside him holding a money bag and putting it into his sleeve.

When Zhao Xueyi saw a small "Zhao" embroidered on the money bag, his eyes suddenly froze and he reached out to hold Wang Tai.

"Where did you get this money bag?"

Speaking of the money bag, Wang Tai showed a smile on his face: "When I went to Fengcheng to escort something, I happened to encounter a man from a gambling shop in the city chasing someone on the street. This money bag fell from that person, so I picked it up. When he wanted to pay it back, the man was escorted away by the gambling gang."

"Later I inquired and found out that the man borrowed money from a gambling house and tried to run away before he could pay, but was caught." Wang Tai shook his head, "Look, how long has it been and he is still thinking about gambling. This money bag is empty, even if I take it to a gambling house, people won't want it. It would be a pity to lose it, so I'll keep it."

Zhao Xueyi looked at the money bag again: "Show it to me."

Wang Tai handed over the money bag nonchalantly: "Fourth brother likes it, so I'll give you this money bag."

Zhao Xueyi held the money bag against the oil lamp and looked at it carefully, and slowly frowned. This was Zhao Qikun's money bag. Yes, it had "Zhao" embroidered on the outside and "Kun" inside. Zhao Qikun had told Yang The old lady does this.

Zhao Qikun also had a gambling problem. Many times, Zhao Xueyi secretly took money to the gambling house to redeem him.

But why did Zhao Qikun come to Fengcheng?

Zhao Xueyi couldn't think of a reason. He got up and wanted to look for Sister Luo. As soon as he put on his shoes, Wang Tai stopped him: "Fourth brother, where are you going? It's already dark. What else can we talk about tomorrow? Bar!"

Zhao Xueyi hesitated for a moment and then returned.

"Go to bed early," Wang Tai said. "I have to go to Fengcheng early tomorrow morning. There are still some things that have not been shipped over there, so I have to keep an eye on them."

Wang Tai's voice became smaller and smaller.

That night Zhao Xueyi slept restlessly, turning back and forth on the kang.

Finally made it to daybreak.

Wang Tai opened his eyes and saw Zhao Xueyi sitting there cross-legged, with darkness under his eye sockets, obviously not sleeping well.Wang Tai was startled: "Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Xueyi cleared his throat: "What do you think the man caught by the gambling house looked like?"

Wang Tai said: "He is an old man in his 40s. He looks like a scholar, but his life is not good at first glance."

Zhao Xueyi asked: "How to say?"

Wang Tai recalled carefully: "He was very thin, and the robe on his body was already old. When he was arrested, I heard him shouting that he was in trouble when he came to look for his relatives. His son and his family all fell ill on the road. He came to the gambling house to think about it. To make some money, he can go to Taozhou to find his family members and save his son."

"He also asked the gambling house to send him a letter, saying that if he found his family, he would have money."

Zhao Xueyi said: "The gambling shop is willing to deliver the letter?"

"How is it possible," Wang Tai said, "It was fine before there was a war. Fengcheng is so far away from Taozhou. Who can make a trip just for this matter?"

Zhao Xueyi said: "What then?"

"I don't know anymore," Wang Tai shook his head, "I just watched the excitement for a while and listened to everyone's comments. Why did the fourth brother ask this? The war is in chaos and there are a lot of troubles. I think he deserves it. Who asked him to gamble. "

Zhao Xueyi frowned and said after a while: "There are still children." His eldest brother also has a child named Yuan Chang, who is only two years older than Yuan Rang.

"What?" Wang Tai didn't understand.

Zhao Xueyi waved his hand.

Wang Tai ate his meal and hurried out. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xueyi was waiting at the door.

Wang Tai said: "What's wrong with fourth brother?"

Zhao Xueyi said: "I will go to Fengcheng with you." As if he was afraid that Wang Tai would ask him why, he raised his feet and walked forward.

Wang Tai looked at Zhao Xueyi's back, and then carefully looked around. When he found that no one was following him, his eyes flashed with joy, and he breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

He was halfway done, at least he deceived Zhao Xueyi into leaving Xingyuan Mansion.

Zhao Xueyi followed Wang Tai and others all the way to Fengcheng. At the government office, he counted the grain and grass to be transported back to Xingyuan Mansion. Zhao Xueyi followed Wang Tai's instructions and went to find the gambling house.

After waiting outside the gambling house for two hours, Zhao Xueyi squatted down to the clerk in the gambling house, gave the clerk some money, and asked about Zhao Qikun.

"That man owes five taels of silver. He is too old to be dragged to work. He will be detained for a few days, beaten and thrown out."

Zhao Xueyi hurriedly asked: "Where were they thrown?"

The waiter refused to say anything at first, so Zhao Xueyi had to use money again, and then the waiter said: "Outside Beicheng."

Zhao Xueyi went searching all the way. When it was getting dark, he found a figure huddled under a tree beside Guan Road. Zhao Xueyi walked over and stretched out his hand to pull the man over to take a look.

The man's face was sallow, with dried blood on the corners of his mouth, and his beard trembled. Who could it be if it wasn't Zhao Qikun?

Zhao Qikun slowly opened his eyes and saw Zhao Xueyi. He was startled, and then cried: "My son, fourth child, dad finally sees you."

(End of this chapter)

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