Chapter 522
After Zhao Qikun finished speaking, he realized that he had lost his temper in his anxiety.He was afraid that Zhao Xueyi would notice him and looked over immediately. Fortunately, Zhao Xueyi was still immersed in his own thoughts and did not notice this.

Zhao Qikun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to the fact that he started with Zhao Xueyi. The fourth child was different from his brothers in that he was born stupid, so when he was a child, he never thought of letting the fourth child study.

"You have always benefited from your elder brother since you were a child," Zhao Qikun said. "If it were really two days too late, he might be gone. Besides, you can't leave this kind of thing to others..."

Zhao Qikun struggled as he spoke: "How about you give me some money and I will go find them myself."

He gestured to get up.

Normally, as long as he said this, the fourth child would lower his head and follow his instructions without saying a word.

But this time...


Zhao Xueyi responded simply, reached into his pocket and took out a money bag, which was exactly the one Zhao Qikun lost.

The difference is that now the bulging money bag contains at least a few taels of silver.

Then Zhao Xueyi handed the money bag to Zhao Qikun. Zhao Qikun was stunned and did not move. He handed it forward again.

"It's enough to hire a car," Zhao Xueyi said, "and you can also find a doctor to see a doctor."

So... Zhao Qikun felt a surge of anger in his chest: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Xueyi looked at Zhao Qikun naturally: "Didn't you mean..."

"Okay," Zhao Qikun was afraid that Zhao Xueyi would just run away, so he stretched out his hand to catch him, "Aren't you afraid that your father will be seriously injured and die on the way?"

Zhao Xueyi squirmed his lips: "Go to someone else."

"Who is going?" Zhao Qikun asked, "Where is the reliable person? What if I find that your eldest brother's family is seriously ill and they don't dare to come forward? It will only delay our efforts."

"No," Zhao Xueyi said firmly, "Let the people from the Yamen go. I can find people from the Yamen to help."

Zhao Qikun stared at Zhao Xueyi, with disbelief written all over his face: "Can the people in the Yamen listen to you? Why should they go? Not to mention the war now, on ordinary days, they can only have people drive you out."

Zhao Qikun heard what the mute grandson and Yang and others did from the Feng family. He didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart. He always felt that the Feng family had made a mistake.

Can someone like Lao Si still make firearms?If this was really the case, he and the boss would have been admitted to the imperial examinations long ago.

Zhao Xueyi said: "I said I can go if I can. If there are more, I dare not say. Just three or five people can report it to the government office. I have also mobilized people in Xingyuan Mansion."

Zhao Qikun felt more and more that what he was experiencing was a dream. The Feng family said so, and the fourth child also said so.

The fourth child seems to be able to enter and leave the government office at will, and does not take this matter seriously at all. Could it be that they have really made it happen now?
Zhao Xueyi took a long time to speak: "Dad, we are different from before. Now the court needs me, I can't just go with you... We are fighting now... If it were any other time... I would naturally have nothing to say."

Zhao Qikun's ears moved and he heard the connotation of the words. Isn't this what the Feng family wants?If he digs out the information from the mouth of the fourth child, maybe he can make a great contribution, maybe?
As a result, the Feng family really turned around, and it was a different situation. His suffering was not in vain, and he would still have a wealthy future in the future.

Blessing or disaster?

Who can know?

Zhao Qikun pretended to be confused and reached out to hold Zhao Xueyi: "Tell dad, what happened?"

Zhao Xueyi frowned and said after a long while: "Mom won't let us talk, and she doesn't want us to see dad. Hasn't dad already renewed his relationship? Why are you looking for us?"

Zhao Qikun lowered his head in embarrassment: "Dad was wrong. I brought your eldest brother back this time to apologize to your mother. Then... I also divorced the woman. I was really blinded by lard at that time and wanted to go out and take a look. After walking around, I realized that it is best at home. If your mother can understand, I will take back the divorce letter and our family will live a good life." Zhao Xueyi wanted to say something, but closed his mouth.

Zhao Qikun couldn't wait any longer: "Tell me, what have you encountered? Why is our family different from before?"

Zhao Xueyi obviously didn't want to say more: "This is a big deal. If dad wants to know, he should ask mom! I dare not say."

Zhao Qikun pretended to be angry: "I'll stop... and divorce your mother. I won't be your father anymore? Why should you avoid me? Is it possible that you want to cut off contact with me? Don't recognize you as my father?"

Zhao Qikun started wailing again as he spoke, and simply lay down: "It's useless. My son doesn't recognize me anymore. That's it. I won't live long... When I'm under the Nine Springs, I won't be able to tell my ancestors what happened to my descendants." …”

Zhao Qikun's voice was a little choked when he said it.

Zhao Xueyi stood aside for a while and hesitated before saying: "Dad, we can go to Taozhou because of Sister Luo, and Sister Luo is close to the princess, so we can do some work for the government office to some extent. .”

"I... am helping the government office make firearms."

Zhao Qikun took a breath. So many people told him that he refused to believe it. Now that Zhao Xueyi said it himself, then this matter is true.

"You...can also make firearms? How...can you?"

Zhao Xueyi shook his head and did not say in detail: "Anyway, the firearms I make are very powerful, and they are needed a lot recently, so I don't dare to neglect them."

Zhao Qikun understood: "Because there is a war ahead?"

"Yes, and no," Zhao Xueyi looked outside, then lowered his voice, "What I have done recently is for use here."

Zhao Qikun asked: "Which way? Did the Tubo soldiers and horses kill near here?"

Zhao Xueyi shook his head: "No, it's Sister Luo who wants to arrest Uncle Feng Guo."

Zhao Qikun's eyes shrank and his mouth opened unconsciously: "What did you say? You said you wanted to arrest...Feng...Feng..."

Zhao Xueyi said firmly: "Sister Luo."

At this point, let's just say it clearly. Zhao Xueyi said: "Sister Luo is different from before. Not only she has recovered from her illness, she is also extraordinarily smart. No one can match her. Prince Yu led the troops to fight against Tubo, and then he will Leave everything in Sister Luo's hands."

"In addition to transporting grain and grass, the biggest hidden danger in the rear is Feng Fengzhi and Sister Luo..."

Zhao Xueyi pursed his lips: "Sister Luo ordered people from the armed guards to find out where Feng Guojiu and others were staying, and prepare to besiege Feng Guojiu in three days. There are not many people in Xingyuan Mansion, so we have to use more firearms."

"So I really can't get away."

Now Zhao Qikun understood everything. What the Feng family said was true. No wonder they were interrogating him like this, trying to get information out of him.

He subconsciously wanted to tell the story about the Feng family, but he quickly shut his mouth.


Sister Luo is only a woman, no matter how powerful she is, what can she do?Can she fight against the Feng family?impossible.

So this is not wealth and glory, this is a disaster from heaven. If he wants to rely on Sister Luo, he is the biggest fool in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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