Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 564 A match made in heaven

Princess Changle sat in the carriage and opened the curtain to look outside. Although this situation was not as good as when she married into Tubo, the number of people was still quite large.

Princess Changle nodded with satisfaction. Even if she intervened, she might not be able to think so carefully.

"Tell the outsiders," Princess Changle ordered Bai Yuying outside, "Let those military attachés put on airs. We are going to Nacai. We pass through several villages. Don't treat the old, young and old in the villages. They were all scared.”

Bai Yuying responded, turned around and told Nie Shuang what the eldest princess meant.

Nie Shuang rushed to deliver the message.

Half of Da Qi's generals who have been fighting all year round are here. In addition to the nobles, civil servants, and clan members, most of the officials from the sixteen states are also here. If the government office does not need people to handle official duties, this time it should be Everyone will be here.

Originally the battle was not that big, but seeing more and more people coming to celebrate, naturally everyone couldn't sit still. The important thing is that the prince is very happy that so many people come.

Everyone knows that when doing things, you have to do what you want, and now you have an excuse to come to celebrate, and it is also an opportunity to meet Prince Yu.

Nie Shuang straightened his blue robe, with a look of pride on his face. Those who were close to the prince and the Wuwei army were all wearing this robe, but no one else had it. When he was walking through the ranks, he saw many envious people. look.

In the team, there was also a Taoist priest dressed as a Celestial Master, who looked particularly impressive in his Celestial Master robe. Was this Celestial Master chosen to send the "Dragon and Phoenix Tie" because of his high Taoism and seniority?

Although this was indeed the case, Nie Shuang and others knew that, more importantly, Master Gao Tianshi said that the young master and the girl from the Zhao family had compatible fates for a high-class marriage, and the auspicious time for their marriage was the earliest.

According to Nie Shuang, Master Gao Tianshi is not here to get married, but to figure out the prince's wishes.

"Come and eat some candy."

Huaiqing watched as his men distributed food to the children who came to watch the fun.

The children who didn't dare to come forward all rushed over to grab this batch of candy.

"Don't grab it," Huaiqing said, "Everyone has it."

The children received the candy and began to sing a song: "Girl, I have a dream. I dream that my husband comes to make a decision, offering brocade, silver ingots, a red skirt and a golden phoenix..."

The children held the candy in their mouths and sang loudly. They reluctantly followed the team forward after taking the candy.

The child who was running at the front suddenly turned his head and saw the person and horse leading the way, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

The maroon horse is taller than ordinary horses. The person sitting on it is wearing a green robe. The breeze lifts the corners of his robe, revealing the red brocade shirt underneath. There is a red belt around the waist and black boots. Look. He looks extraordinarily tall and heroic.

The child had the courage to look at the man and saw that his eyes were particularly bright and his lips were slightly raised with a smile, but his majesty was not reduced at all. Seeing this, the child's feet weakened and he almost sat on the ground. Thanks to Nie Shuang, he walked over and stretched out his hand to support him.

Nie Shuang patted the child on the shoulder: "Be careful."

The child smiled and looked at Prince Yu again. Prince Yu's appearance seemed to be engraved in his mind. He seemed to know what he was going to do in the future. He was going to join the Armed Guards and fight under Prince Yu.

All the way to Fengxia Village, Xiao Yu got off his horse and turned around to meet Princess Changle. The accompanying officials also came forward, especially Da Zongzheng who came from Beijing. After receiving the news, he did not dare to delay for a moment and went straight to the village. Taozhou, until now he felt that he had not been able to take a breath. Zhao Xueli led people forward to greet him.

Just when Da Zong was about to speak, Xiao Yu stepped forward, bowed politely, and then called out: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law."

The expression on Da Zong's face changed, and the officials from the Ministry of Rites next to him also opened their eyes wide. Only then did he accept the decision, but he could not change his words yet. Yesterday, he repeatedly told the prince, but who would have thought that the prince would say something wrong as soon as they met. Could it be that Prince Yu also has the same problem? When you feel flustered?
The officials of the Ministry of Rites asked Da Zongzheng for help. Da Zongzheng seemed not to notice, and took Zhao Xueli's arm with a smile on his face, and walked towards the village with Zhao Xueli in his arms.

The official of the Ministry of Rites looked at everyone. Everyone pretended not to hear, so he should pretend not to hear. Anyway, on a good day, anyone who comes forward to remind the prince that he is "wrong" will be a complete fool.

Zhao Xueli was stunned when he was shouted at. Just when he didn't know how to respond, he was pulled into conversation by the elders of the Xiao family.

Luo Zhenniang paid homage to Princess Changle. The two had met many times and were already familiar with each other. Now with this happy event, they felt much closer.

Princess Changle said: "Unknowingly, more people have arrived and caused trouble for you. I didn't want them to come together, but then I thought about it. This is a happy event for two children. If there are more people to congratulate, there can be more people." auspicious."

Luo Zhenniang nodded repeatedly: "That's what the princess said."

Princess Changle looked at Xiao Yu who was not far away: "If you feel something is inappropriate, just tell me and we will do better again. If brother Yu doesn't do well, just teach him a lesson. From now on, he can They are members of your family."

Princess Changle's joke shocked all the officials following her, but everyone still had smiles on their faces but trembled in their hearts.

Isn't that right?
How can there be any truth in saying this, let alone being a member of the royal family.

"This is unacceptable," Luo Zhenniang said, "How can we..."

"What I'm telling you is all the truth," Princess Changle smiled, "He left his mother when he was a child, and was tricked by others without realizing it. From now on, he wants you to love him more. He is also somewhat lucky, and he met Sister Luo, if we get married in the future, we will have everything with Sister Luo, so I said, he is a member of your family, do you think so or not?"

Luo Zhenniang understood what Princess Changle meant. The princess said that Xiao Yu had no family before, and only after marrying Sister Luo could he have a family.

The princess couldn't think too deeply about what she said. She felt her nose was sore after thinking too much. Luo Zhenniang looked at Xiao Yu with a smile on her face. The child was wearing a bright red shirt under his robe. There was no need to wear such a bright red shirt. , I'm afraid others don't know that he is going to have a happy event.

How happy does this have to be? Thinking about her daughter again, she looked aggrieved because she had to have a few more stitches, and Luo Zhenniang couldn't help but feel even more sorry for her uncle.

Entering Zhao's house, Xiao Yu first went to meet Mrs. Yang, and then Master Gao Tian took out the "Dragon and Phoenix Sticker" and said some auspicious words, proving that this was a match made in heaven.

Zhao Luoyang was sitting in the room and couldn't hear clearly what the Heavenly Master was saying, but soon Bai Yuying ran in to announce the good news: "Did you hear that? It's a perfect match made in heaven."

Zhao Luoyang had already guessed that the Heavenly Master invited by the little mute could only have one result.

Bai Yuwei looked at Bai Yuying: "Of course it's good. We've known each other since childhood, and now that we meet again, there can't be a better marriage than this. Otherwise, the prince wouldn't be so anxious, don't you think so?"

"Yes," Bai Yuying said, "I heard from my mother before that if it is according to the prince's wishes, he should not accept the offer today, but should marry him."

The two people laughed while talking, and Zhao Luoyang's cheeks suddenly became hot.

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